Horizontal bar for spinal hernia: how to pull yourself up correctly at each stage of the disease

Benefits for the spine

Exercise is always recommended by doctors during the recovery period after treatment or surgery. For diseases of the spine, exercises on the horizontal bar are effective.

This sports equipment is often used during rehabilitation:

  • An ordinary hang on a bar for spinal pathology quickly normalizes the condition of blood vessels and bones. This is explained by the fact that the spine first extends and then contracts. Repeating such cycles strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation.
  • Pull-ups on the bar for a hernia improve the flexibility of all parts of the spine.
  • Improving blood flow helps bones and tissues recover from a hernia.
  • In addition, exercises on the horizontal bar accelerate the removal of salts from the joints and bone structure.

What happens when hanging on a horizontal bar? The spine begins to stretch as far as the ligaments allow. The elongation is about 3 mm. By the way, the same effect is observed after sleep, when the spine relaxes.

When hanging on the horizontal bar, an effect comparable to sleep occurs - traction of the thoracic and lumbar spine

The thoracic and lumbar regions are stretched linearly, but in the cervical region the pressure increases. Therefore, some doctors believe that if you have a cervical hernia, it is better not to exercise on the horizontal bar. But other therapists refute this opinion.

After diagnosis

After the final diagnosis of intervertebral hernia, the doctor decides whether any things can be done depending on the stage of the pathology and the general condition of the patient. Absolutely forbidden:

  • carry heavy things;
  • tilt;
  • lift something with outstretched arms;
  • stand bent over for a long time;
  • jump;
  • abruptly change body position;
  • sit still for a long time.

If a patient diagnosed with a herniated disc asks a doctor whether or not to run, he will receive a negative answer. For people in the acute phase and immediately after detection of a defect, physical activity is contraindicated until the condition is fully clarified and alleviated. This will not only reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations, but also stop the progression of the pathology.

Exercises for hernia

The horizontal bar is indicated if the disease is moderate : the hernia is small and the nerve nodes are not compressed by it. But if there are many hernias and they are large, then it is better not to risk it. You can’t even just hang from a bar without a doctor’s permission.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are contraindicated for patients whose pathology is clearly expressed and has been going on for more than one year.

The main contraindications can be identified:

  • The presence of severe pain, which indicates an advanced stage of the disease.
  • Inflammatory processes are observed in the spine. Loads will cause them to increase, so this condition is eliminated first.
  • Sequestration, that is, the last stage of intervertebral hernia. In this case, any physical activity is prohibited.
  • Exercises on the crossbar are prohibited during the period of exacerbation of the hernia, which lasts about 4 days.

Exercising on the horizontal bar is contraindicated for large and sequestered hernias

It is difficult to assess the advisability of training on the horizontal bar on your own; consultation with a doctor is necessary.

There are also prohibited exercises for spinal hernia:

  • Axial or rotational loads should not be allowed, that is, twisting on the horizontal bar should be avoided.
  • Under no circumstances should you perform complex elements (different “exits” or “sun”). They are generally unacceptable to do in case of spinal disease, not only in case of protrusion or hernia.
  • Any fast exercises with sudden movements are prohibited.

A hernia is usually a complication of osteochondrosis, and with this pathology you need to stretch it very carefully. Having decided to exercise on the horizontal bar yourself, you should strictly control the load, otherwise problems will arise.

The following nuances must be taken into account:

  • If you have a thoracic hernia, it is better not to train on your own; you need medical supervision.
  • With a cervical hernia, dizziness and frequent headaches may occur.
  • In people with a lumbar hernia, self-training can increase the stimulation of hernia formation by almost 1.5 times.

This should not be forgotten if training takes place without the supervision of a specialist.

Video: “Benefits and harms of spinal traction”

During the acute period

At the stage of pronounced symptoms in a person diagnosed with a herniated disc, whether or not it is possible to run is not a question. During this period, the patient suffers from pain and stiffness of movement. This condition occurs in response to inflammation and irritation of nerve endings. Therefore, during an attack, absolute rest is needed. The patient must follow several rules:

  • make a minimum of movements;
  • eat right so as not to gain excess weight due to physical inactivity;
  • stop using warming ointments to avoid progression of inflammation;
  • eliminate drafts and hypothermia;
  • do not use folk and home recipes to alleviate the condition.

All medications that a person takes must be prescribed by a doctor or agreed with him. This is due to the negative impact of certain medications on the speed of recovery.

General rules for practicing for hernia

When exercising on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to observe certain safety precautions, which should not be neglected, otherwise unpleasant consequences may occur..

  1. All movements should be made smoothly. This also applies to pull-ups.
  2. If there is the slightest discomfort, you need to take a break from training, and then reduce the load.
  3. It is advisable to exercise systematically, or preferably twice a day.
  4. Naturally, it is better to train outside. It can also be done indoors, but with good ventilation.
  5. The duration of the first lessons should not exceed one minute. Increase loads only after the doctor’s permission.
  6. The horizontal bar should not be very high (slightly taller than a person’s height). You should reach the crossbar using a bench, and not by jumping.
  7. It is also dangerous to jump off the horizontal bar, since at the moment of landing there is strong compression, in which the spinal column is compressed. If there is a hernia, nerves may be pinched, and the protrusion may become a hernia.

You can start exercises on the horizontal bar after a thorough examination of the spine, since any problem (not just a hernia) can result in serious consequences.

You can find out how sports affects the spine during hernias in the following articles:

  • List of abdominal exercises and techniques for performing them for lumbar hernia on the page
  • You will find the benefits of water aerobics, as well as recommendations for its implementation in case of spinal hernia, in the following article
  • Is it possible to play sports with a herniated disc?
  • What exercise machines are prohibited for a spinal hernia?

General rules

After relief of pain, aseptic inflammation, and elimination of pinched spinal roots, the patient is referred to a physical therapy doctor. He will engage in further rehabilitation of the patient with the help of physical education or gymnastics. And with a quick recovery, the exercise therapy doctor will decide on the possibility of returning to classes.

People who have previously been actively involved in sports have already formed a strong muscle corset. Therefore, the goal of the classes is to improve blood circulation and microcirculation. But at the same time, serious stress on the area of ​​the hernial protrusion should be avoided. Exercise therapy doctors recommend following the following rules during training:

  • begin training upon reaching the stage of stable remission under the guidance of an instructor who will control the distribution of loads;
  • During cardio training, walking rather than running is beneficial. An exception to this rule is hernial protrusion at the initial stage;
  • Before training, do warm-up and stretching exercises;
  • If any discomfort occurs, stop training and take a break for a couple of hours;
  • exclude any exercise with axial load, such as lunges or squats;
  • perform several approaches for 5-10 minutes with breaks, and do not train non-stop;
  • perform exercises slowly, without jerking, avoid strong muscle tension.

It is necessary to use orthopedic devices - soft bandages or elastic corsets with rigid inserts made of plastic or metal. They prevent the displacement of discs and vertebrae, and contribute to the correct redistribution of loads on the parts of the spine.

Orthopedic corset for the back.

Exercises and technique

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Next fact

Pay attention to which muscle groups are involved when exercising on the horizontal bar. Many believe that more exercises will speed up recovery. But this point of view is erroneous , since there is a high probability of even greater displacement of the discs during intense exercise. In this case, the hernia can be pinched, which will sharply worsen the patient’s health.

Exercises must be performed according to the schedule and with the number of approaches assigned by the instructors. The horizontal bar is used to perform the following types of exercises :

  • Feet do not touch the floor.
  • Half-hang, that is, the legs do not come off the floor.
  • Slow pull-up, which allows you to develop your back muscles and relieve spasms.

Any stress during a hernia should not cause pain or its intensification. You need to start doing exercises on the horizontal bar very carefully, constantly listening to the body’s reaction. Over time, training should become a habit. It is better to study at the same time and for no more than 20 minutes.

Many patients got rid of a hernia with simple exercises on the horizontal bar. Even an ordinary hang on a bar can eliminate various pathologies of the spine.

Mandatory complex for people suffering from intervertebral hernia:

  • While hanging with a wide grip, make slow movements with your legs in different directions 5-7 times. Then lower yourself to the floor without jumping off, but with the help of a stand. Rest for 5 minutes while lying on the floor.
  • Hanging on the bar, bend your knees. Make movements carefully and with minimal amplitude. Then lower yourself and rest.
  • While hanging, tilt your head back with your body arched.
  • Connecting your legs together, make turns with your torso. At the same time, pull out your socks.
  • While hanging, make circles with your legs.
  • Pull your legs towards your stomach.

The complex will not take much time, but the effect will definitely come. These exercises will bring noticeable relief, and together with other types of therapy they can completely get rid of the hernia.

Horizontal bar for cervical hernia

A hernia in this section is manifested by acute or nagging pain in the back of the head and weakness in the upper extremities. To relieve symptoms and improve the nutritional process of muscle tissue, it is recommended to develop the damaged area of ​​the spine with physical activity.

The technique is elementary and can be done at home yourself. The neck muscles are connected to the spinal muscles, so any exercises that place stress on the spine have a positive effect on the nutrition of the brain vessels.

If difficulties arise when pulling up, you can use auxiliary devices. One of the useful exercise machines for cervical hernia is a regular horizontal bar. There are many ways to use it, since not everyone can pull themselves up or hang on it without additional support.

For older patients or those who are overweight, the horizontal bar can be adapted for other exercises. Rubber bandages or special expanders are attached to the crossbar. In a sitting position, the devices are pulled to the chest or behind the head. First perform 5 times, and then the number of approaches can be increased.

If you have a cervical hernia, you should hang on the horizontal bar or pull yourself up carefully . Such exercises do not have a therapeutic effect, but stiffness and pain are quickly relieved.

The neck muscles are well developed by pull-ups on the horizontal bar. It's better to start with 3 exercises. Kinesiotherapists have developed a specific technique for treating a cervical hernia.

It includes the following exercises:

  • You need to grab the bar with a direct grip, and the distance between your hands is no more than shoulder width.
  • You should pull up smoothly, avoiding swaying and sudden jerks.
  • The lift is done while inhaling, the shoulder blades are brought together, and the chest touches the bar.
  • You need to lower while exhaling, your arms are fully straightened.
  • It is necessary to pull yourself up and down, combining the same periods of time.

With this hernia, any circular rotations and various turns of the head are prohibited.

Hernia in the thoracic region and horizontal bar

Treatment of a thoracic hernia with exercises on the crossbar is complicated by the static nature of this section . You should train with extreme caution, as you can damage internal organs, not just the spinal column. Simple hangs on the horizontal bar sometimes restore the physiological balance of the damaged segment. The main thing is to maintain a moderate pace so as not to cause worsening of symptoms.

Video: “How to hang on the horizontal bar correctly when you have a herniated disc”

Exercises on the horizontal bar for lumbar hernia

This part of the spine is very vulnerable , as it bears a large number of loads. Basically, the hernia occurs in the 4th and 5th vertebrae, as well as in the border sacral region.

For a hernia in the lumbar region, half-hangs are usually used. For a lumbar hernia, sweeping movements are prohibited; even the warm-up before exercises on the horizontal bar should be done slowly and smoothly. It is only necessary to warm up the muscles. After warming up, it is advisable to lie on the floor and relax.

In case of a lumbar hernia, full hanging is not done , since when the discs are deformed, high pressure occurs and it can be pinched with serious consequences.

Half-vis is usually used . The person remains in this position for up to one minute. You need to do 4 approaches. If pain does not appear, then you can slowly rock your body or rotate your legs, but with a small amplitude.

The patient is obliged to monitor his feelings. If discomfort occurs even when hanging motionless, then the activity should be stopped and the doctor should be informed about the pain.

Osteochondrosis - how to avoid

Alas! But humanity will not be able to get rid of this group of diseases completely soon. Disorders in various parts of the spine are a kind of payment that nature takes from us for the opportunity to move vertically.

The evolutionary skeletal structure of man, and even more so of his pulpous intervertebral complex, is only in the most general terms similar to analogues in the animal world.

Mechanically, this is a completely different structure, adapted to new tasks and functionally different from all similar structures in nature. Perhaps, gradually adapting better and better, the spine itself will get rid of osteochondrosis, but for now this is our reality, which we must live and cope with.

Individual cases

If conservative therapy was not effective, then surgery is performed to reduce compression and replace the damaged disc with an implant. About a month after the rehabilitation process, the physical therapy doctor decides on the possibility of further sports training. Typically, patients are allowed swimming, yoga, water aerobics, and Nordic walking.

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