Spinal traction for hernia: what is it and how is it done?

What is spinal traction?

The essence of the technique is to stretch the spine under load , which is created by its own weight or additional loads. The purpose of traction is to eliminate muscle spasms and restore the normal position of displaced vertebrae.

The principle of such treatment has been known for a long time and has undergone many changes that have reduced the negative consequences. Problems may arise when using the method, since intense stretching sometimes causes muscle tears, severe divergence of the vertebrae and an increase in the hernia. But modern hardware technologies make it possible to strictly control loads, which significantly reduces the risk of negative consequences.

What is the effect of this technique? The load directed along the spine increases the gap between the vertebrae, and this leads to the elimination of pinched nerve roots. As a result, pain is relieved, blood circulation and metabolic processes are restored. The compressed disc is gradually released and returns to its normal position. This will not happen if the deformation has already become irreversible.

Stretching the spine involves creating a reverse load, which helps open the vertebrae

An important condition for the successful result of the hood is the gradual increase in exposure . The process itself consists of several procedures carried out with a slow increase in load. The set of measures includes various manipulations that are performed when stretching a certain part of the spine. Naturally, the hoods of different zones differ significantly.

Home stretching

At home, you can use a regular horizontal bar/bar for traction. Just stretching classes are also suitable. The most important thing is that all exercises must be recommended by a doctor. Otherwise, you can cause considerable harm to your health. The doctor must also select the intensity of the exercises and an individual training schedule. Only if these conditions are met will the expected effect of stretching be achieved.

Stretch on the board

Attention! Before making any appointments, it is important to undergo a thorough examination and make sure the diagnosis is correct. For example, a doctor must refer a patient to instrumental research methods. The best, but also the most expensive option is an MRI.

Basic rules for performing exercises:

  • exercises should be performed without sudden jerks, carefully and carefully;
  • when using the horizontal bar as a training device, it is forbidden to jump off it abruptly;
  • muscles must be warmed up before training;
  • training should be regular.

Indications and contraindications for use

In case of intervertebral hernia, spinal traction is recommended if:

  • The pain syndrome is moderate.
  • A herniated disc compresses blood vessels.
  • X-ray shows curvature of the spine.
  • There are no spasmodic areas, the muscle corset is very weak.

Self-therapy with this method is extremely dangerous; it can provoke a number of irreparable consequences. Even in a medical facility, under the supervision of doctors, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of this procedure. Therefore, having decided to pull out, you need to carefully analyze all the circumstances .

You need to know that there are contraindications to spinal traction . These include:

  • There is severe pain in the spine.
  • Exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  • Malignant tumor in the spinal cord.
  • Heart problems.
  • In the presence of liver and kidney diseases.
  • Spinal injuries.

In addition, the procedure is not recommended for elderly patients or those who are overweight. Stretching of the spine in this case leads to increased deformation of the vertebrae and an increase in the hernia.


Typical signs of intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral region are:

  • pain of varying degrees of intensity, decreasing when taking a supine position;
  • increased pain during physical activity, walking, prolonged sitting;
  • irradiation of pain to the buttocks, thighs, calves and feet of one or both legs;
  • lumbago;
  • limited mobility of the lumbosacral region;
  • Sensitivity disorders of the skin of the legs and perineum;
  • changes in the condition of the skin in the sacrum and lumbar region (redness, swelling);
  • dysfunctions of the pelvic organs;
  • weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • pallor of the skin of the leg on the affected side;
  • changes in gait, posture;
  • smoothness of the gluteal fold.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is no clear opinion about the effectiveness of treating the spine using the traction method, despite positive reviews from patients.

Some doctors believe that this method allows:Other health workers prove that the technique is completely ineffective, since:
  • Avoid medication and surgery.
  • Achieve elimination of painful sensations.
  • Reduce muscle tension.
  • Reduce internal stress in disks.
  • Remove swelling and decompression of nerve endings.
  • There is a high risk of relapse.
  • Sometimes there are microtraumas in nearby areas.
  • Swelling increases.
  • Inflammatory processes intensify.

But if the procedure is carried out by an experienced instructor, then the risk is minimal.

Video: “Proper traction of the spine during hernia”


Diagnosis of intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine is the task of a neurologist or vertebrologist. It is these specialists who should be contacted if symptoms of the disease occur.

First of all, the doctor will conduct a face-to-face examination and interview the patient. These data will help in making a preliminary diagnosis, which is then confirmed by instrumental research methods. Patients suspected of having a hernia of the lumbosacral spine are prescribed:

  • MRI;
  • X-ray;
  • CT;
  • myelography.

Magnetic resonance imaging provides the maximum information. In the absence of claustrophobia, it is recommended to carry out it in closed-type devices in which the magnetic field power is 1.5–3 Tesla. In the resulting images, it is not difficult for an experienced doctor to see the slightest protrusion and, especially, intervertebral hernia. They allow you to accurately determine the size of the pathological protrusion, their type and assess the risk of sequestration. Therefore, MRI is the main study, based on the results of which further treatment tactics are selected.

If it is impossible to conduct an MRI due to fear of closed spaces or other reasons, as well as if it is necessary to assess the condition of the vertebral bodies and their position in the spinal column, an x-ray of the lumbosacral region in two projections and a CT scan are prescribed. If the patient complains of weakness, numbness, and fatigue of the muscles of the lower extremities, he is recommended to undergo myelography. This method allows you to determine the quality of nerve impulses and the strength of the muscle response.

Types of traction

There are various ways to stretch the spine. The type of traction is selected individually.

Basically, clinics only have equipment for dry spinal traction . There are special simulators with attachments for the procedure. Straps and cables are attached to the patient, smoothly stretching the body in different directions.

The tension is weak, but still helps to reduce muscle tension and increase the distance between the vertebrae . The necessary load, which is attached to the tension cables, has its own specific mass. Before the procedure, the simulator used is adjusted, taking into account the diagnosis and doctor’s indications.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 1 hour . The patient sometimes experiences discomfort, but without pain.

Dry traction of the spine is performed by qualified specialists, having previously studied the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics. This method, in combination with other treatment methods, will be most effective, even if there is severe loss of vertebral mobility. By the way, the method is used only in a hospital .


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Horizontal stretching is performed on an inclined plane of 25 degrees

With this type of traction, the procedure is performed on an inclined plane . One method involves treatment on a board or couch, elevated 25 degrees on the side where the head is located. The patient is fixed with soft rings that are threaded into the armpits. The session lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour. The general course of treatment lasts 20 sessions.

Another method of traction is performed in a horizontal position. The patient lies on his stomach, and the table is raised in the leg area. The loops are attached to the ankle joints. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. There are 15 sessions .

This method is usually used for lumbar hernia, but is prohibited for heart disease. This traction is recommended for young people.


There are several methods. The method of Yumashev and Popelyansky , used for cervical hernia, is especially popular. The procedure is done on a special chair using a Glisson loop.

The vertical method is used to stretch the cervical spine

A vertical stand about 190 cm long is fixed to the chair, on which another bar in the form of a rocker arm (length about 50 cm) is fixed. At the ends of this bar there are blocks with a cable thrown over them, which is connected to a loop and a load. Slight flexion of the neck causes tension.

To prevent the neck from straightening, instead of a Glisson loop, a special clamp made of dense fabric is used for the back of the head and a loop for the jaw. The weight of the load increases gradually.


This type of traction is a new technique for the treatment and prevention of spinal pathologies . But thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness, it has gained great popularity.

The success of water traction lies in the fact that warm water and light load relax the muscles, accelerate blood flow and increase the area between the vertebrae . Most often, such traction is used to treat a hernia. It will not be possible to completely eliminate this muscle block without the use of mechanical methods. Medicines are powerless, and underwater extract copes with this task perfectly.

With the help of water, you can better relax your back muscles, which improves the effectiveness of traction

There is another mechanism for the healing effects of traction. When the vertebrae are stretched, a vacuum effect occurs in the disc area, and according to physical laws, this causes the hernial protrusion to be pulled back into the disc . After a course of stretching, the intervertebral hernia is significantly reduced.

Water traction is done using two methods : vertically and horizontally.

With vertical traction, the procedure is performed in a pool about 2.5 meters deep. The patient is secured with straps to a special vertical stand and lowered up to his neck into water. If necessary, additional weights are suspended from the legs.

Horizontal traction is carried out in special baths on a shield, which is placed in the water at an angle (the larger it is, the more intense the load). The patient's head is attached to the top of the shield, while the legs are free.

There are two modes for underwater traction:

  1. Continuous. Traction occurs throughout the entire session.
  2. Variable. Extension alternates with relaxation according to a given program.

Scheme of the procedure

The water temperature is not higher than 35 degrees . First, the patient simply stands in the water for about 5 minutes to calm down and relax the muscles. Then the patient is secured on a frame or shield. The first procedures are carried out without additional loads. The session lasts about 6 minutes.

Over time, with each new procedure, the load is increased by 2 kg , and the stay in water is increased by 1 minute. For men, the maximum load is increased to 18 kg, and for women to 10 kg. In the middle of the course, the load begins to be reduced, following the reverse order. The full course is 12 sessions.

After the procedure, you still need to stay in the water for 5 minutes . Then a gradual rise from the water is carried out. After stretching, you need to lie down on a hard surface for about 1 hour and then you can get up. Please note that it is imperative to secure the spine with a corset or elastic bandage.

Pay attention to what types of physical activity have the effect of spinal traction:

  • Indications and contraindications for the use of underwater spinal traction
  • You can learn how to properly exercise on the horizontal bar with a herniated disc here
  • About the rules for doing water aerobics for a herniated disc on the page

How do hernias form?

Each intervertebral disc is an anatomically and histologically complex formation. It is formed by a gel-like cartilage formation (nucleus pulposus) and a fibrous connective tissue ring called the fibrous membrane. This structure of the intervertebral disc has developed during evolution and is the optimal option for ensuring the functions assigned to these cartilage layers located between the vertebrae.

Thanks to the presence of intervertebral discs, the spine, which reliably protects the vulnerable spinal cord from mechanical damage, gains flexibility. This allows a person to bend in any plane. Intervertebral discs also play the role of unique shock absorbers that absorb longitudinal, central-axial, and shock loads on the spine.

These cartilaginous formations are located between the bodies of all the vertebrae of the human spine and differ significantly in size. Thus, in the cervical region the intervertebral discs are the smallest, and the disc of the lumbosacral spine is the largest. It is on this that the center of gravity of a person falls, and therefore the heaviest load. Therefore, in more than 50% of patients with intervertebral hernias, they are localized in the lumbosacral spine.

Pathogenesis of intervertebral hernia formation

Over the years, discs begin to wear out. The main reason for this is walking upright, since when the body is in an upright position, a large load is placed on the intervertebral discs, and the quality of their nutrition deteriorates over the years, they gradually lose moisture. The consequence of this is the systematic destruction of the fibers that form it, their ruptures, a decrease in the elasticity of cartilage tissue and the ability to absorb shock.

Therefore, the discs become thinner, the load on them increases in direct proportion, which leads to an increase in the pressure that the nucleus pulposus exerts on the annulus fibrosus. Its fibers, already weakened by natural age-related changes, begin to collapse, the density of the ring decreases and it protrudes beyond the vertebral body into the spinal canal. In this way, a protrusion is formed.

Already at this stage, a person may experience various symptoms indicating a degenerative-dystrophic process in the disc, since even a slight protrusion can create compression of the anatomical structures passing through the spinal canal.

If the pathological process is not intervened at this stage, it continues to progress. An increasing number of fibers of the fibrous membrane are destroyed and, as a result, a lumen is formed in it. A sharp decrease in pressure inside the disc allows part of the nucleus pulposus to leak out, i.e., to form a true hernia.

This condition can no longer be asymptomatic, although the intensity of the manifestations of the disease in different cases varies quite widely, which depends mainly on the type of intervertebral hernia.

The last stage of hernia development is sequestration. This medical term refers to a condition in which the part of the nucleus pulposus that has leaked beyond the fibrous ring is finally separated from the main mass and is able to move freely in the spinal canal. This poses a particular danger not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient.

Some of the complications of a hernia of the lumbosacral spine are:

  • paresthesia of the posterior thighs and perineal area;
  • leg muscle atrophy;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • paralysis of the lower limbs.

This is due to the fact that at the level of the lumbosacral spine there is a large plexus of nerves, called the cauda equina because of its characteristic appearance.

Reasons for formation

Thus, the main cause of the formation of intervertebral hernia in the lumbosacral spine is osteochondrosis. This disease can be considered as a natural process of aging of the body. But this does not mean that it should be perceived as the norm, since such an attitude leads to the development of protrusions, and then intervertebral hernias.

Factors that increase the load on the disc increase the risk of pathological protrusion of the lumbosacral disc:

  • obesity;
  • scoliotic deformity of the spine;
  • injuries;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • passive lifestyle.

Self-traction at home

If you have a lumbar hernia, you can stretch the spine at home. But before starting self-therapy, you need to consult a specialist to determine the state of the body and develop a set of exercises.

You can hang a horizontal bar in your apartment and hang on it for 5 minutes several times a day.

A special gymnastic complex will help stretch the ligaments of the spinal column and move the vertebrae apart.:

  1. Position: lying on the floor, arms along the body. You should pull your knees up to your chin one by one. Make 10 movements with each leg.
  2. Lie down on the floor. Pull your feet towards your buttocks. Wrap your hands around your knees and tilt your head towards them. Fix the pose. At least 3 repetitions are done.
  3. Standing position. Raise your arms up and pull each one in turn to its maximum height. Do 10 repetitions.

Pain is not allowed during gymnastics . The number of repetitions should not be exceeded.

It is advisable to exercise daily. The effect will be noticeable after 3 weeks of training.

Video: “Underwater spinal traction”

Exercises using equipment

You can install the simplest horizontal bar at home and use it to stretch your back. It is best to install it low enough so that you can reach it only by stretching out your arms. To improve the condition of your back, it is enough to perform a regular hang on the horizontal bar. You just need to grab the bar with both hands and hang on it for 10-30 seconds.

Back stretch on the horizontal bar

You can also do the “corner” exercise - to do this you need to hang on the bar and carefully raise your legs to a level of 90 degrees. By the way, your legs can be bent at the knees to simplify the exercise. And at the same time it will help pump up your abs.

Another exercise is pull-ups. At the beginning of the training period, it is recommended to perform it from a stool so as not to immediately put a strong load on the back and to have support.

You can also train at home using a board. But in this case the load on the back will be less. A sports board is sold in stores, but you can make it yourself. The board is installed at an angle of 30-35 degrees; you need to lie on it with your back and grab the loops or edge of the board. In this position, the spine extends independently under the weight of the body. You need to start with 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes every day. You can increase the impact on your back by bending your legs and performing crunches, performing a “bicycle”. The main thing is to do everything at a slow pace.

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