When is vertical spinal traction prescribed?

What are training sessions on simulators? Rule

The manufacturer claims that the spine trainer has ancient origins. Similar designs were used in Slavic life of the 1st millennium AD. Trainers claim that the device gently stretches tendons, ligaments and joints and helps straighten the spine. Thanks to this action, the body becomes healthier.

For the spine, the Rule is used in the following cases.

  1. If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, including arthrosis, kyphosis, arthritis, osteoporosis (this is not necessary), osteochondrosis, scoliosis and even radiculitis;
  2. The method is successful in the prevention and treatment of hernias and protrusions;
  3. Regular exercises restore the body after a stroke or coronary heart disease;
  4. The simulator is useful for pinched nerve roots, as well as for strengthening muscles;
  5. Helps athletes speed up recovery and strengthen muscles, and is also useful in rehabilitation after injuries;
  6. Stretching on the Rule after pregnancy will speed up the body's recovery after childbirth;
  7. on the Rule are useful for office workers and people who spend a long day in a sitting position.

Exercises on the Rule simulator
The benefits of the Rule are confirmed by scientific research and reviews from healed users. Doctors also indicate that it can relieve depression, normalize the neuropsychic state and restore love for life. This is an opportunity to achieve relaxation of the body and peace of mind in a short time.

Try exercises on the simulator Rule

“Rule” – from Hippocrates to modern times

It is known that back in the 5th century.
BC. Hippocrates found a new technique for restoring the spine and preventing its diseases by stretching the body. In the future, this method became known as the “Hippocratic pose,” but it is surprising that it was practiced by the ancient Hindus, the Chinese, and even the ancient Slavs. Today, the “Rule” simulator works using the same method, focusing on stretching a person by the arms and legs. Experts assure that the stretching regimen is, of course, extreme, but it does not cause any harm to the body, and the body of even an elderly man can easily withstand such a load. In addition to physical stretching, the Rule exercise machine also helps relieve stress. Moreover, recently, experts conducted studies that showed that thanks to such exercises, the cardiovascular system of men returns to normal.

By the way, more than 80% of people in the modern world suffer from autonomic disorders of the nervous system, which are not felt in normal life. Classes at the “Rule” allowed us to conclude that the psychosomatic state of the male body is changing in a positive direction, which indicates stabilization of the nervous system.

Athletes and doctors actively began to research the exercise machines that our ancestors used, and came to the conclusion that it was the “Rule” that would help achieve the best results possible.

Interesting fact
The ancient Slavs practiced stretching warriors on this simulator 3 days before the battle. What did this give them? It was believed that this particular technique would help a warrior survive on the battlefield easier, go longer without food and water, and also hold his sword all day without much effort.

Simulator Rule reviews from doctors

The reality is that, like any healing tool, the Rule can either help or hurt. Therefore, only those who do not have relevant contraindications can engage in physical exercises on a simulator.

Experts working in the healthcare sector claim that the positive effect of working on the machine is very noticeable. Positive qualities of the accommodation include:

  1. Straightening and strengthening – the musculoskeletal system, tendon tissue, bones and ligaments. The rule allows you to normalize joint mobility and improve the myofascial body frame.
  2. Displaced internal organs can return to their place.
  3. Lymphatic drainage is normalized.
  4. Blood circulation and vascular flow improves.
  5. The physical condition is normalized, positive changes in psychological terms are possible.
  6. The rule strengthens the body due to the specificity of training.
  7. It is believed that training improves the vestibular system and synchronizes the cerebral hemispheres.
  8. Isometric exercise strengthens the muscle corset, which improves the degree of physical fitness.
  9. The work involves those muscle groups that are not involved in everyday life.

Before starting work, you need to study training videos and select a trusted instructor who will draw up a training program for several months. It is important to discuss your physical health status with a specialist and also follow a number of points:

  1. Find out what the contraindications are.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the safety rules for working on the machine.
  3. Get instructions.
  4. Talk about chronic diseases and recent acute illnesses.


Contraindications and warnings

You cannot exercise on the simulator in the following cases:

  1. Pressure surges, migraine at the moment.
  2. History of hypertension.
  3. During pregnancy.
  4. During poisoning with alcohol or drugs.
  5. If you are obese or weigh over 130 kg. (Excess weight is not a contraindication)
  6. In the presence of tumors in the spinal canal.
  7. During the period of exacerbation of pain in the spine.
  8. When an acute inflammatory process occurs in the back.
  9. In the presence of a compression fracture of the spine.
  10. The presence of metal inserts in the back or limbs.
  11. After recent limb injuries, tendon and ligament ruptures.
  12. Acute back pain, regardless of the spine.
  13. ARVI period, fever, runny nose.
  14. Serious infections in the body.
  15. The presence of varicose veins, including hemorrhoids.
  16. History of epilepsy.
  17. Presence of a pacemaker in the heart.

You need to exercise as carefully as possible on the simulator, excluding sudden movements and traumatic moments. Therefore, it is important to remember the following nuances:

  1. Any illnesses or complications associated especially with the back must be reported to the instructor.
  2. Before starting work, a thorough warm-up is carried out. Warm up the body with preliminary exercises for 15–20 minutes.
  3. You cannot make sudden movements. All exercises are performed at a slow and planned pace. Sudden jerking is unacceptable, as it increases the risk of injury.
  4. We need to monitor our own well-being. If you experience severe weakness, dizziness or an attack of nausea, exercise should be stopped immediately. If discomfort and pain appear in the back or limbs, you must tell the instructor. There is a risk that the injury will worsen.
  5. The load increases smoothly and gradually. It is forbidden to force the progression of loads, otherwise this will also lead to injury.
  6. You should not allow pain to occur when stretching. This is fraught with complications. If such sensations appear, you should immediately tell the instructor.
  7. After the end of the session, it is necessary to cool down. It further relaxes the body and improves the patient’s well-being.
  8. It is better to lie down after work for 10–15 minutes on a mat for complete relaxation.
  9. For the rest of the day, it is better to avoid heavy exercise. Avoid heavy lifting or heavy physical labor.
  10. The day before class, you need to stop drinking alcohol and any substances that affect reaction speed and consciousness.
  11. If the user of the simulator does not feel well, it is better to reschedule the workout.

Main contraindications to classes

When is it worth giving up training on the “Rule”, and in what cases should you postpone it? Experts have selected several main contraindications to exercise, which you should definitely remember or inform your trainer about immediately before training.

Main contraindications:

  • gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea or constipation;
  • in the case of infectious diseases, it is worth holding off on classes on the “Rule” until complete recovery;
  • in the presence of low-quality tumors, since exercise can provoke their growth;
  • in the case of hypertension, because stretching can lead to sudden surges in pressure or its sharp increase;
  • with angina or respiratory failure;
  • in cases where pronounced changes in blood vessels are noticed due to atherosclerosis;
  • if you have any mental illness, or if you feel fear during classes, you should stop practicing “Rule”;
  • with general malaise;
  • if there are any open wounds on the body or fractures, you should wait for complete recovery and healing of the wounds;
  • if you have any skin or venereal diseases.

This training method deserves the attention of those men who are constantly concerned about improving their quality of life and also maintaining their physical shape. In addition to all the listed advantages of these exercises, with regular training you can also achieve elastic and smooth skin. In addition, the “Rule” affects the formation of an easy gait and also has a positive effect on brain function.

Today, training on this simulator is recommended by orthopedists and even osteopathic doctors. It allows you to use those muscles that remain inactive during normal training, and also improves a person’s overall well-being. The main thing during classes is not to ignore your own feelings and remember that individual intolerance to body traction is also one of the contraindications to classes.

How the Rule works

To be healthier, it is important to pay attention to correct posture and learn new exercises on the machine with the help of an experienced instructor. Before going to a rehabilitation center (we are not a medical institution, but a studio), it is important to study reviews about the institution and watch training videos. There are many training centers in Moscow, one of the most famous is the Pravilo Moscow health studio.

The simulator helps in the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The device symmetrically stretches the body - muscles, ligaments and tendons. Thanks to stretching, tight muscles and triggers relax, back pain goes away, because the displaced organs and the musculoskeletal system fall into place. Some experts believe that the simulator releases energy resources due to complete relaxation of the body. In reality, this effect has not been proven, and the concept of bioenergy is semi-mythical.

Lesson with an instructor on the simulator Rule

With regular exercise, muscle tone increases, joint mobility is normalized, and excess pain is eliminated. With regular stretching, the body is relaxed, which means stress disappears, mood improves, and a person begins to think positively. During the sessions, breathing techniques are practiced; trainers in Moscow sports centers teach diaphragmatic breathing, which better saturates the body with oxygen, relaxes the body, saturates it with energy and prevents vascular disorders.

Get rid of back pain with the Rule exercise machine

Proper breathing has a proven medical effect - with a full supply of oxygen to the body, the brain gives a signal to relax, which has a positive effect on well-being, strengthens the nervous system and fights depressive disorders. A person who breathes correctly rarely suffers from hypoxia, has a good mood and excellent resistance to stress.

An interesting fact is that most men use diaphragmatic breathing, while women use chest (intermediate) breathing. The most “harmful” type of breathing is clavicular, when one breathes shallowly, not deeply. If breathing problems are detected, you can contact an instructor who will teach you how to properly consume oxygen during stretching classes.

Some experts in Moscow believe that the device has a good effect on the health of the spine. During stretching, the intervertebral distance increases, which prevents the appearance of osteochondrosis (natural subsidence of the spine under the influence of gravity as a result of upright walking, which occurs over time in all people). The rule straightens pinched nerve roots, which eliminates neuralgia. With the help of the simulator, muscle spasticity is eliminated and deep muscle fibers that are not used in everyday life are strengthened. Regular exercise prevents injuries and complications.

The work of the device is aimed at improving the sensations of signals from your own body. During the first session, the instructor guides the student and tells him what movements to perform. Over time, the practitioner himself will learn to feel the body so well that he will be able to correct back or limb problems according to his own sensations. Constant monitoring of the vertebrae, ligaments and tendons will have a positive effect in the prevention of many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

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