Underwater traction in the treatment of vertebrogenic lumbosacral radicular lesions

Underwater spinal traction is an effective and popular method of prevention, as well as complex treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This therapeutic procedure allows you to carefully stretch the spinal column, increase the intervertebral distance, as a result, symptoms that have caused discomfort for a long time are weakened or disappeared. Underwater traction is considered more effective and gentle than dry traction. However, before using this technique, you should study all contraindications and consult a doctor. This rule should not be neglected, because there is a risk of worsening the patient’s condition.

The essence of the technique

Underwater spinal traction is a therapeutic procedure during which plain or mineral water and a weight are applied to a person’s back. It helps improve blood flow, nourish the cartilage pads between the vertebrae, relax the muscles, and also increase the space between the vertebrae. These effects are necessary in the treatment of protrusion, disc herniation, etc.

Quite a lot of spinal traction in an aquatic environment is used to prevent or treat disc herniation. The pathology occurs due to the fact that the tension of the connective tissue fibers of the disc capsule increases, this is due to its excessive compression by the vertebrae. When a hernia occurs, the bone bodies of the spine become excessively mobile, the muscles contract to fix them, then the pressure on the intervertebral disc increases, its shell cannot withstand the load, ruptures, and the nucleus pulposus (the gel-like contents of the disc) falls out.

To relax the muscles and eliminate their physiological blockage, underwater traction is used. This effect cannot be achieved with the help of medications. During underwater traction, the vertebral ligaments are stretched; under the influence of warm water, the spasmed muscles relax, which then reduces the pressure of the compressed cartilage pad between the vertebral bodies. This is a safe and natural method of traction, during which the patient does not need to make any special efforts.

Reference. After underwater traction, the distance between the vertebrae increases, the nerve endings and blood vessels are released from compression. The procedure helps to get rid of swelling, relieve pain and neurological disorders.


It is important to understand that underwater traction has contraindications, so it is prescribed for the following indications:

  • Intervertebral disc herniation.
  • Cervicalgia (neck pain).
  • Vertebrogenic thoracalgia (chest pain caused by damage to the intervertebral discs).
  • Lumbago (lumbago in the lower back).
  • Lumboischialgia (lumbar pain that radiates to the lower extremities).
  • Pain that is accompanied by neurological disorders (tingling, numbness, “pins and needles”).
  • Curvature of the spine, for example, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis (combined deformity combining lateral curvature and stoop).
  • Radicular syndrome caused by compression of the spinal nerves.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Spondylosis (growth of osteophytes along the edges of the vertebral bodies).
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (initial stages).

Underwater traction is indicated for osteochondrosis, scoliosis, neurological disorders, etc.

Reference. If pain associated with pinched spinal roots is combined with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then traction in a turpentine or hydrogen sulfide bath will be most effective. For diseases that are accompanied by impaired outflow from the veins of the spinal column, a sodium chloride bath is indicated. If the pain is severe and there are no signs of vegetative-vascular dysfunction, then traction is performed in a radon bath.


Underwater traction is a serious procedure that has its limitations. If the patient ignores them, the risk of complications, even disability, increases. That is why you should consult with an experienced doctor before undergoing the procedure.

Contraindications to underwater spinal traction:

Manual therapy for spinal hernia

  • Spinal pathology is accompanied by severe pain.
  • Intervertebral disc herniation with sequestration (complete separation of a sagging hernia).
  • Pathological mobility of the vertebrae.
  • Compression of the spinal cord, as well as disruption of its blood circulation.
  • Osteoporosis (increased bone fragility) or a predisposition to it.
  • Age over 60 years.
  • Body weight exceeds 100 kg.
  • Presence of tumors in the spine.
  • Tuberculosis of bones.
  • Severe deformities of the spinal column.
  • Severe pathologies of the cardiovascular or respiratory system.
  • Predisposition to bleeding.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Infection (acute stage).
  • Inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord or its membranes, for example, myelitis, meningitis.
  • A history of spinal injury or surgery.

Sometimes it happens that the patient cannot tolerate underwater traction, then this procedure should be abandoned.

As you can see, it will not be possible to carry out this procedure on your own initiative; you must obtain a doctor’s permission. He makes such a decision only after a thorough diagnosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, spinal traction in the “Smart Clinic”

Perhaps every person has at least once experienced pain in the back : lower back, thoracic or cervical region. And few people think that such “bells” from the spine can indicate the beginning of global problems. If you brush them off and do not carry out the necessary prevention in time, the consequences can be very, very serious - often the only option to restore the ability to move is surgery!

For those who are thinking about maintaining their health , our rehabilitation center offers special programs for the prevention and treatment of modern human “companions” - osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, radiculitis, scoliosis, etc.

A comprehensive program may include various treatment procedures prescribed after a medical examination, including:

  • underwater spinal traction;
  • kinesitherapy - a device for treatment with “movement”.

Underwater horizontal traction of the spine allows you to gradually put the spinal discs “in place”, increase the distance between them, and also reduces muscle tension and makes the spine more mobile, restoring flexibility and the joy of movement.

This therapy is based on modern techniques that allow each patient to individually calculate and maintain the load on the spine. In this case, the features of the current state of a person and his muscular corset are taken into account. Underwater traction of the spine occurs with light loads, acts carefully and gradually, which eliminates injury to the spine.

Kinesiotherapy is carried out using the Ormed-KINEZO installation. During the procedures, not only the human muscle tissue is affected, but the mobility of the spinal segments and joints also improves, and the elasticity of the tendons increases. Strengthening the muscles will help keep the spine in the desired condition even after the procedures.

Additional effects of a course of kinesitherapy: activation of blood circulation in the lungs, strengthening of the skeletal system, improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular system, increasing the reserve capabilities of your body.

Methods of underwater traction

There are 2 main modifications of underwater traction: horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal traction is considered safer than vertical traction

Horizontal traction is carried out in different ways: according to Lisunov, Oliferenko, Kisilev, Buchelberger. During the procedure, a traction mechanism or bath is used. The patient is immersed in a shallow pool or bathtub on a special shield, which is then lowered into the water at a certain angle. The degree of load on the vertebrae depends on the angle of inclination. During the procedure, the patient's head is fixed to the top of the shield, but the legs are not secured.

Vertical water traction is carried out in a deep pool (from 2 to 2.5 m). The most common is the Moll-Bschelberger technique, during which the patient is secured with belts at a special stand, then lowered into water up to his chin. Sometimes weights are attached to the legs.

Reference. And there is also autotraction, during which the spine is stretched due to the efforts of the patient himself. It is carried out in several variations: “running under water”, stretching exercises near the side, swimming with outstretched legs. Using these techniques, you can influence not only damaged areas, but also the entire spinal column.

Vertical traction helps increase intervertebral space and relieve pinched nerves

There is a complex that combines underwater traction with hydromassage, radon turpentine, hydrogen sulfide and other baths. This procedure will help relax muscles, relieve pain, increase the tone of veins, etc.

Why should you seek medical treatment for spinal diseases?

  • Convenient location. We are located near the city center. There is convenient access to the medical center and free parking.
  • Professionalism. Treatment is performed by experienced specialists, for whom the client’s health is the main characteristic of their work. They constantly improve their educational level and qualifications.
  • Comfort. We won't make you wait long for your appointment. At the medical and long queues. By contacting us, you can count on prompt treatment of diseases.
  • Profitable price. The smart clinic pleases its regular customers not only with an acceptable cost of treatment, but also with pleasant promotions and discounts.


Osteoporosis, large sequestered intervertebral hernias, abdominal operations within the next 3 years (for the lumbar region) and operations on the vessels of the neck (for the cervical region), exacerbations of any chronic diseases, uncontrolled arterial hypertension and arrhythmia, age up to 18 years.

Call the numbers provided and sign up for a spinal disease treatment program.
We can definitely help you! +7 (900) 128-79-95, (Mon-Sat from 9:00 to 17:00) p

How does the procedure work?

Extraction is carried out in water, the temperature of which reaches 36–37°. Depending on the characteristics of the pathology, fresh, sea or mineral water is used. Baths with turpentine and hydrogen sulfide help dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Sodium chloride baths have a venotonic effect, radon baths relieve pain.

Vertical traction is carried out using a circle, sides or special systems. The danger of this type of water procedures is that it is difficult to dose the traction force. Immediately after the session, the patient is forced to strain certain muscle groups in order to get out of the bath, then the effectiveness of traction may decrease and the risk of complications increases.

The horizontal method of traction is considered safer. First, the person is placed in water for 5–7 minutes so that he adapts and his muscles relax. Then he lies on a shield or frame, he is fixed and the stretching of the spine begins.

Reference. Horizontal traction allows you to accurately dose the spinal traction force. In this case, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The first 2-3 sessions are carried out with your own body weight for 5 minutes. If the patient feels normal, then during the next procedure an additional weight weighing 1–2 kg is used. If there is no discomfort during each session, the weight is increased by another 1–2 kg. And the time spent in water is 1 minute.

The maximum load for women is from 8 to 10 kg, and for men – from 15 to 18 kg. The longest time spent in water is from 10 to 40 minutes. When the patient reaches maximum weights and session duration, the load and traction time begin to be gradually reduced.

After completing each procedure, the person must remain in the water for another 5 minutes, then they are slowly raised. After the session, the patient must lie on a hard surface for 60 minutes, and only then, under the supervision of a specialist, can he take a vertical position.

The therapeutic course consists of 10–15 sessions, which are carried out every other day. That is, the patient will need 3 weeks to undergo treatment.

Self-traction at home

Traction of the spine at home has a beneficial effect on various types of injuries (especially with displacement), scoliosis, and osteochondrosis. But in some cases, home hoods are quite dangerous .

You cannot exert this kind of effect on your own with arthritis and arthrosis, high blood pressure and thrombosis. A set of exercises will be beneficial for dislocations and fractures (stage of remission), as well as hernia.

Due to the fact that there is no special equipment at home, it is impossible to carry out underwater traction on your own. However, there are many other, safer ways to relieve tension and increase the distance between spinal segments .

  1. Starting position: standing on two legs, the distance between them is equal to shoulder width. It is necessary to smoothly lower your head, while bending in the thoracic region. It is very important to keep the lower back in a static state. The patient reaches up (on his toes), while simultaneously weakening the muscles that were used when lowering the head. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Interval – 20 seconds.
  2. Starting position - see 1. The person bends forward, arms in front of him, palms down. The lower part of the hand should touch the floor, feel a slight tension in the lumbar region. Repeat 7 times. Interval – 7 seconds.
  3. Exercise for physically fit people. You need to stand on 2 legs, stretch on your toes, and then smoothly try to touch your forehead to your knees (from a standing position).
  4. Starting position - lying on your back, limbs lie flat along the body. It is first necessary to restore breathing after previous exercises. Inhale, exhale - bend your legs, pull your knees to your chest, inhale, repeat.
  5. Starting position - see 4. Grasp one leg with your hands and pull it to your chest, stretch the other as far as possible. Change leg. Repeat 20 times.
  6. Get on all fours. Arch your back, lower your head to your chest. The stomach should be pulled in as much as possible. Smoothly lower your back and raise your head. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. As you exhale, turn your legs to the right side so that they touch the floor, while turning your upper body and head in the opposite direction. Repeat 10 times, alternating.
  8. This exercise is very useful and safe. It can be used even during periods of exacerbation. You need to place a flat pillow (up to 10 cm thick) under your head, lie on the floor, and stretch your legs. Ask someone from your family to place a small roll of towel (approximately 30 cm high) under your knees. Alternately raise your legs and pull your toes.
  9. To strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region and maximize the distance between the discs of the sacral region, you should perform this exercise daily: sit on the floor and straighten your legs, try to lean forward so as to clasp your feet with your hands. You cannot bend your knees. If you can't reach your feet, you can try to grab your ankles. Next, lower your head onto your knees as carefully as possible. Stay in this position for several minutes. It should be remembered that if there is the slightest discomfort, you cannot perform the exercise; the muscles should relax and not feel pain and heaviness.
  10. Lie on your stomach and bend your lower limbs at the knees. Lower one leg, clasp the other with your palm and pull it towards the buttocks. Duration of execution - 5 minutes.
  11. Get on all fours, bend as much as possible in the lumbar region. You cannot do the exercise with effort; the muscles should not be like stretched strings. Allow your lumbar spine to arch under its own weight.

Thanks to this set of exercises, you will not only relieve tension from the spinal column, but also improve metabolic processes and normalize blood circulation. Such a stretch will quickly reduce the pressure created in the cavities of the spinal segments.

An excellent completion of the above list of physical therapy exercises would be hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars .

The simplest method of stretching the spine at home is hanging on a horizontal bar


When stretching, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The first 3–5 sessions are trial sessions, during which no additional weights are used or minimal weights are used. If during the trial procedures the patient felt unwell (pain intensified, dizziness began, hearing impairment appeared), then treatment is stopped.
  • Water traction is a serious procedure that requires preparation. Before the course, the patient must take medications and attend physiotherapeutic procedures that will help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • The traction force must be increased gradually. The first sessions are carried out with your own body weight, then minimal weights are used, taking into account the weight, height of the patient, and the severity of the pathology.
  • During the course, it is forbidden to move suddenly, subject the spine to heavy loads, or become hypothermic.
  • Immediately after the procedure, the patient is put on a rigid corset, which fixes the spinal column in an elongated position. The patient is transported on a gurney to the ward, where he must lie for another 1–3 hours. It is prohibited to rise or move suddenly after traction.
  • For 6–8 weeks after completion of the therapeutic course, the patient should sleep on an orthopedic mattress and wear a fixing bandage.

The first sessions of underwater traction are considered trial, so they are carried out without weights

Reference. For a herniated disc, a vertical method of spinal traction is recommended. The load increases gradually. For arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, it is better to practice horizontal traction with your own weight. For radiculitis, course traction of 10 sessions is indicated.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is no clear opinion about the effectiveness of treating the spine using the traction method, despite positive reviews from patients.

Some doctors believe that this method allows:Other health workers prove that the technique is completely ineffective, since:
  • Avoid medication and surgery.
  • Achieve elimination of painful sensations.
  • Reduce muscle tension.
  • Reduce internal stress in disks.
  • Remove swelling and decompression of nerve endings.
  • There is a high risk of relapse.
  • Sometimes there are microtraumas in nearby areas.
  • Swelling increases.
  • Inflammatory processes intensify.

But if the procedure is carried out by an experienced instructor, then the risk is minimal.

Video: “Proper traction of the spine during hernia”

Efficiency of the method

Underwater traction causes a lot of controversy among experts. Most doctors believe that this procedure relieves compression of the nerve, so pain disappears. According to other doctors, spinal traction does not affect the cause of the pathology (degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage and bone tissue), but only eliminates the symptoms.

Carefully. With water traction of the spine, there is a risk of increased pain, dizziness, vegetative-vascular disorders, compression of the spinal cord, its nerves or blood vessels. If the patient's condition worsens, then treatment with this method is stopped.

But, despite all the controversy, underwater traction has a positive effect on the spinal column. Even after one session, spasm and pain are relieved. During traction, the intervertebral distance increases. An airless space is created in the area between the vertebrae, thanks to which protrusions and hernias are retracted. At the same time, pressure is released from the spinal nerves and blood vessels. In the affected areas of the spine, blood flow and metabolic processes are normalized, and spasmodic muscles are relaxed. Pain and tightness in the back disappear.

To achieve positive treatment results, you need to find a qualified specialist and strictly follow his recommendations.

Indications and contraindications for use

In case of intervertebral hernia, spinal traction is recommended if:

  • The pain syndrome is moderate.
  • A herniated disc compresses blood vessels.
  • X-ray shows curvature of the spine.
  • There are no spasmodic areas, the muscle corset is very weak.

Self-therapy with this method is extremely dangerous; it can provoke a number of irreparable consequences. Even in a medical facility, under the supervision of doctors, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of this procedure. Therefore, having decided to pull out, you need to carefully analyze all the circumstances .

You need to know that there are contraindications to spinal traction . These include:

  • There is severe pain in the spine.
  • Exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  • Malignant tumor in the spinal cord.
  • Heart problems.
  • In the presence of liver and kidney diseases.
  • Spinal injuries.

In addition, the procedure is not recommended for elderly patients or those who are overweight. Stretching of the spine in this case leads to increased deformation of the vertebrae and an increase in the hernia.


Despite the fact that doctors have conflicting opinions regarding spinal traction, most patients are satisfied with the results of the procedure. According to people, this technique helps to cope with hernias, scoliosis, and spondylosis.

Andrey, 38 years old: “I have a sedentary job, because of which I began to feel pain in my back, at first they appeared periodically, and then they became constant. After visiting a doctor, it turned out that the pain was caused by progressive radiculitis. I was prescribed medications, electrophoresis, and a course of underwater spinal traction. After completing the course, my condition improved; now pain may appear, but it is very rare and moderate.”

Maxim, 44 years old: “I was diagnosed with a hernia of the lumbar spine. I was prescribed a comprehensive treatment using medications, massage, and various physical procedures, but the pain disappeared only for a while. Then the doctor decided to slightly change the treatment tactics and added water traction of the spine to the regimen. Literally after 2-3 sessions, the painful sensations began to weaken, and towards the end of the course they disappeared completely. The sessions themselves did not cause pain, and after them there was a feeling of lightness. Now, when the disease worsens, I perform underwater traction first.”

Natalia, 33 years old: “I have been suffering from osteochondrosis for a long time; there is a small protrusion in the lumbar region. I have already completed 2 courses of water traction of the spine. In my opinion, this particular procedure helped me get rid of back pain and improve lower back mobility. During the first sessions it was a little scary, but now I understand that nothing bad will happen, so I relax and let the specialist do his job. After the sessions I feel relaxed, light, the pain goes away, and my mood improves. I didn’t feel any side effects after underwater traction.”

Program “Treatment of Spine Diseases”

Indications: back pain, radicular syndromes (sciatica), disc protrusion, spondyloarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis (initial stage).

An MRI examination is required when completing the program.

Duration of treatment from 6 days Cost of treatment – ​​1,900 rubles/1 day

Medical services included in the cost of the program

  • Initial examination and daily observation by a neurologist
  • ECG
  • Underwater horizontal spinal traction – up to 10 procedures, as prescribed by the attending physician, with individual selection of the load
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - up to 10 procedures, as prescribed by the attending physician
  • Therapeutic massage of problem areas - up to 10 procedures, as prescribed by the attending physician

Take it with you

  • Passport or other identification documents; medical documents or copies thereof; expert opinion (if any)
  • Swimsuit/swimming trunks, shoes for water procedures, towel, comfortable clothes for sports and walking

You can
find out detailed information about the “Treatment of Spine Diseases” program and sign up for a consultation phone, +7 (863) 322-03-73 (Mon-Sat from 9:00 to 17:00)
* Without accommodation and meals

Accommodation is provided by Park Hotel "Nadezhda" ***.

Accommodation cost from 600 rub./1 day. Meals (full board) 850 RUR/1 day

Refunds are issued based on the price list

The most important

Underwater spinal traction is a serious procedure that has its contraindications. Therefore, the decision to prescribe it is made exclusively by the attending physician after diagnosis. It is important to find a qualified specialist, since if done ineptly, there is a risk of complications (increased compression of the spinal cord, its nerves, blood vessels, etc.). Underwater traction is carried out in a horizontal or vertical position; the first method is considered safer. After the session, it is recommended to wear an orthopedic corset and avoid physical activity. It is important to complete the full course so that the therapeutic effect is maximized. But if after several sessions the patient’s condition worsens, then the treatment is canceled. If underwater spinal traction was carried out according to all the rules, then painful symptoms disappear, the spinal cord and its nerves are freed from compression, and posture is corrected.

Causes of spinal diseases

Diseases can be either congenital or acquired. The most common causes of spinal column diseases are:

  • injuries;
  • overload;
  • metabolic disease;
  • staying in the wrong position for a long time;
  • excessive stress;
  • infectious diseases affecting the condition of the spine and joints.
  • age-related changes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • abuse of physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • bad habits;
  • improper or unbalanced diet;
  • chronic pathologies.
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