Pain in the lower back in women: causes, prevention

Lower back pain on the left in women is a characteristic symptom of pathological processes occurring in the body. As soon as a girl feels a nagging or sharp pain below the lower back, she needs to consult a therapist or doctor who treats the back.

Painful sensations in the left lower back and accompanying symptoms indicate that a woman may experience inflammatory processes in internal organs (kidneys, genitourinary system and others), disruption of intestinal function or pinching of nerve endings. Pain can also be caused by injury to the soft or bone tissues of the back.

Types of lower back pain in men

Depending on the nature, location and intensity of pain, preliminary assumptions can be made about the disease that caused it.

Strong and sharp

Acute, paroxysmal pain in the lower back in men should be a reason to immediately seek medical help. It can signal such serious conditions as:

  • fracture of the spine or its processes;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • acute disruption of the blood supply to the spinal cord (stroke);
  • epidural abscess (abscess);
  • renal colic;
  • hepatic colic;
  • pleurisy;
  • “acute abdomen” (intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, perforated ulcer, etc.).

Sometimes, if there is severe back pain in the lumbar region, the reasons for men are much more harmless, for example, muscle strain or arthrosis of the hip joint. Infections and parasitic infestations (tuberculosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and so on) can also manifest as pain syndrome.

Pulling and aching

Dull, periodically occurring mild painful manifestations are a symptom of chronic pathology. They can be caused by osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, deforming spondylosis, metastases in the spine, prostatitis, intestinal problems and other diseases. If a metastatic process is suspected, a man should quickly make an appointment with an oncologist.

Types of pain

Uncomfortable sensations can be of different types. They can be periodic or present constantly. Taking into account the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, women experience the following:

  • Acute - appear suddenly against the background of absolute well-being. They indicate the development of an acute inflammatory process.
  • Pulling – present for a long time. They are characterized by a low degree of intensity.
  • Dull – represent non-intense sensations. They appear with relapses of chronic pathologies.
  • Aching – are of a recurring nature and are present for a long period of time. Such violations can greatly exhaust the patient.

Causes and diseases causing back pain

Self-diagnosis is not allowed. If the lower back hurts, the reasons for the pain in men may be different. To make a correct diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. This symptom is most often encountered by therapists, neurologists, orthopedists, traumatologists and urologists.

If there is back pain in the lumbar region, the causes in men can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Associated with diseases of the spine, joints, muscles and soft tissues.
  2. Caused by diseases of internal organs and systems.
  3. Triggered by unfavorable external factors (stress, physical activity, etc.).

Sometimes lower back pain can have several causes.


If your back hurts in the lumbar region, what should you do? When trying to determine the etiology of the disease, stress is usually forgotten. But pronounced psycho-emotional stress often manifests itself as painful sensations in different parts of the body.


It is not difficult to injure and strain the muscles of the lower back, especially if a man is involved in heavy physical labor or strength sports. A sprain can be caused simply by suddenly lifting a large load from the floor.


Spondylolisthesis (slipping of a vertebra relative to the underlying one) can occur for various reasons. More often it appears after an accident, an unsuccessful fall, a long stay in one position or after an unsuccessful lifting of a load.


Degenerative changes in the spine are the most common cause of pain. With osteochondrosis, lower back pain in a man can have a different nature and severity.


Inflammation of the spinal nerve roots almost always manifests itself as painful sensations of varying intensity. The more the nerve fibers are compressed, the stronger the pain will be.

Spinal hernia

Intervertebral disc protrusion sooner or later manifests itself with a clear clinical picture. A herniated disc can lead to a number of complications, including compression of the spinal cord and paralysis.

Kidney and bladder diseases

Urolithiasis, inflammatory processes and tumors of the urinary system can manifest as lower back pain. As a rule, in addition to this symptom, there are other signs of the disease (high body temperature, frequent urination, etc.).

Bowel diseases

Sometimes the causes of left lower back pain in men lie in the pathology of the sigmoid colon. If the symptom is localized on the right, inflammation of the cecum or appendix is ​​possible.


In men over 45-50 years old, a common cause of lower back pain is age-related destruction of the bone tissue of the spine. Osteoporosis is considered one of the most common diagnoses that lead to chronic pain syndrome. It develops due to a lack of calcium and can also manifest itself as discomfort, weakness and muscle cramps, stooping and bone deformation.

Pinched nerve

The cause of lower back pain in men can be pinched nerves. Pinching can occur at work, at the gym, or at home while doing heavy housework. As a rule, painful sensations occur acutely, have a pronounced intensity, and radiate to the lower extremities.

About spine ailments

To find out the true root cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region, it is necessary, of course, to determine the location of the pain. It may be limited:

  • above. The limiter is the edges of the twelfth ribs;
  • On the sides. There is a restriction along the posterior axillary line;
  • below. In this part, the trouble is limited to the area of ​​the iliac crests. In addition, it is present in the area of ​​the sacrum, especially on its upper edge.

If we talk about anatomy, the lumbar spine has five vertebrae in its structure, connected not only by intervertebral discs and muscles, but also by ligaments. This section is considered quite vulnerable, and therefore the root causes of pain in that place are associated with it. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination if you need to be 100 percent sure of this.

Below are the possible causes of this lower back problem.

Neuralgia , which is an irritation of the lumbar-sacral region, or more precisely, of the nerve roots where the sciatic nerve begins. Pain syndrome, as a rule, has two localizations in the lower back: on the left or on the right.

Radiculitis . Increased pain occurs when lifting heavy objects, walking, and also due to excessive physical exertion. The main symptom is often “lumbago” (also called “lumbago”). It is characterized by muscle overstrain, decreased sensitivity in the lower back and legs. During an exacerbation, the patient tries to move less in order to experience less discomfort.

Rheumatism and subsequently rheumatoid arthritis . In addition to the appearance of destructive processes in the joints and heart, the patient experiences inflammation of the spine. It is worth noting that lower back pain during the development of these diseases occurs only in the morning, and throughout the day they disappear due to physical activity.

Rheumatoid arthritis is just one of the likely causes of throbbing lower back pain

Pain in ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) occurs in the morning or at night. This is an extremely serious disease that develops rapidly and subsequently causes muscle atrophy and loss of physical activity of the spine. For the most part, it is because of this disease that a person suffers from the lumbosacral region.

It is quite natural that after sitting for a long time in front of the TV or computer, unpleasant pain appears. In this case, it is caused by excessive static load. If a person lives in such a rhythm constantly, he eventually develops scoliosis .

The consequences of car accidents and various injuries and damage also become the root cause of discomfort in the lumbar region.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor will be able to answer why the lower back hurts in men after conducting a comprehensive examination. After completing the survey and examination, the patient is sent for additional examinations:

  • radiography;
  • CT;
  • MRI;
  • myelogram (contrast study of the spinal canal);
  • Ultrasound of internal organs and soft tissues;
  • laboratory tests (general clinical blood and urine tests, biochemistry, and so on).

Men may need consultations with several specialists (neurologist, orthopedist, vertebrologist, traumatologist, urologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, infectious disease specialist).

Which doctor should I consult for pain in the lumbar region?

Usually, you first need to contact a therapist, who will already give a referral to a specialist - a neurologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, or osteopath.

If you are sure that you know exactly the origin of the pain, you can contact a specific doctor directly. For example, if you recently had a bad fall, then you need to see a traumatologist.

Our clinic has a manual therapy department in St. Petersburg, where you can make an appointment with the right doctor for consultation or treatment.


If the cause of lower back pain in a man is osteochondrosis, then NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, B vitamins, antispasmodics, local anesthetics and vascular agents are prescribed. For inflammatory infectious processes, the basis of therapy will be antimicrobial drugs.


For “tolerable” pain, treatment always begins with taking NSAIDs in tablet form. The course should not exceed 5-7 days.


Injections into a muscle or vein are given for severe lower back pain. If they do not produce results, and the man continues to suffer with proven spinal pathology, injections into trigger points and blockades are indicated.


Local anti-inflammatory drugs are recognized as indispensable aids for low-back pain of mild to moderate intensity. Men can combine them with other forms of drugs.


If men experience periodic lower back pain, special patches may be the best option. They are easy to use, have fewer side effects and provide a stable concentration of the active component in the pathological focus.

Why does my lower back hurt on the left side?

The reasons why lower back pain on the left side are varied. A typical cause is diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, if characteristic pain appears, a man should consult a urologist, and a woman should consult a gynecologist.

Additional studies and tests will be ordered to make an accurate diagnosis. If, in addition to pain, there is nausea, frequent diarrhea, and general weakness, the cause is usually associated with inflammation of the large intestine.

However, if the examination shows that the internal organs are in order, the cause of lower back pain on the left side may be caused by diseases of the spine. In this case, you should contact a traumatologist and neurologist, take a picture and conduct additional research.

Treatment at home

Before using traditional recipes, you must obtain the approval of a doctor. Home treatment for lower back pain in men often involves the use of the following popular methods:

  • dry heat (scarves and belts made of animal hair, heating pads, heating lamps);
  • rubbing and warming compresses with alcohol tinctures of red pepper, burdock, horseradish, radish and other medicinal plants;
  • taking medicinal herbs or herbal medicines;
  • massage with honey, essential oils and special products.
  • salt compresses.

If after “home therapy” the lower back hurts more in men, which may be the result of incorrect actions, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Treatment methods for pathologies are divided into physiotherapeutic, medicinal and surgical.

Physiotherapeutic treatments

These techniques are most often used for patients with minor abnormalities. Physiotherapy can also be an auxiliary way of recovery from illness.

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods include:

  • Massages;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Ultrasound, shock wave therapy;
  • Acupuncture, etc.

Remember that all of the above activities should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist with a higher medical education!

Drug treatments

If additional health support is necessary, the neurologist may prescribe certain medications and special procedures. In this list, we also include other measures that are carried out using special equipment as medicinal methods of spinal therapy:

  • Corticosteroid injections (usually for spondylolisthesis);
  • Vasodilators (to prevent oxygen starvation);
  • Compresses and ointments for local anesthesia;
  • Hormonal drugs (to reduce inflammation, if present), etc.


For lower back pain in men, the causes and treatment are of great importance. However, it is always better to prevent a disease than to fight it. Prevention for each disease will be different. General recommendations include:

  • try to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, provide the body with a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus;
  • avoid any factors that provoke pain (hypothermia, sudden movements, lifting heavy loads, etc.);
  • Perform a set of preventive exercises daily (breathing exercises, spinal traction, strengthening the lower back muscles);
  • treat diseases of internal organs, infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • protect yourself from injuries and stress.

It is important to follow the rule: while there is pain in the lower back, any exercise is contraindicated until the man has fully recovered.

Prevention of pain below the lower back

To minimize the risk of lower back pain, you should follow these rules:

  • exercise;
  • exclude smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • treat infections in a timely manner;
  • use a corset during heavy physical activity;
  • avoid back injuries.

Lower back pain occurs quite often in women. They may be associated with the influence of various factors - gynecological pathologies, spinal lesions, digestive disorders.

Why does the lower left lower back hurt?

If the lower left lower back hurts, the reason lies in diseases of the lumbar spine.

Pain occurs due to thinning and degeneration of the vertebral discs caused by excess body weight, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders and excessive stress.

Left-sided pain in the lower back can be caused by osteochondrosis and scoliosis of the lumbar region. These diseases also cause severe pain, which can only be eliminated with the help of strong painkillers.

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