Causes of pain in the thoracic spine - see a neurologist

Although the thoracic spine is considered the most stable, young people are increasingly complaining of pain in this area.

A sharp decrease in the age when patients first feel pain in the thoracic spine, and the increased incidence of complaints are due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Often, the pain syndrome is completely unrelated to the spine, and the lack of timely medical assistance is fraught with serious consequences.

Causes of pain in the thoracic back

Acute pain in the chest

Acute pain in the thoracic spine may indicate:

  • about a pinched nerve in the thoracic region;
  • about acute myocardial infarction;
  • about worsening angina pectoris;
  • about perforation of the ulcer.

Severe back pain in the thoracic spine

Severe back pain in the thoracic region will become symptoms of diseases such as:

  • heart disease (angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, various cardialgia);
  • lung diseases (pneumonia, pleurisy);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, perforation of the stomach or duodenum, acute or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, intestinal colic, diseases of the esophagus).

Pain in the chest and stomach

Pain in the thoracic region and stomach will lead the doctor to think about the possibility of a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, complications of a peptic ulcer (perforation, penetration of the ulcer).

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Aching pain in the chest

Aching pain in the thoracic spine may be a symptom of:

  • worsening of the course of coronary heart disease - angina pectoris;
  • pinched nerve;
  • worsening of osteochondrosis;
  • strangulated intervertebral hernia.

During pregnancy, pain in the thoracic region can be triggered by worsening osteochondrosis in the thoracic spine due to additional stress on the back. The main neurological cause of pain in the thoracic spine is tension and painful muscle spasms. Spasm usually leads to disruption of microcirculation, accumulation of lactic acid, irritation of nerve endings, and this causes pain. Muscle spasms are diagnosed during a neurological examination, when the doctor palpates certain areas and identifies trigger points of pain. Muscle spasm itself can develop due to:

  • drafts;
  • incorrect posture;
  • presence of scoliosis;
  • the presence of osteochondrosis, hernia and other degenerative changes in the spine;
  • incorrect approach to lifestyle (numerous jerking loads on the back, excessive static loads, continuous sitting at the computer, unevenly distributed weight when working out in the gym).

Sharp pain in the chest

Complaints of sharp pain in the thoracic region are typical for diseases such as:

  • peripheral nerve entrapment;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • worsening of angina pectoris;
  • perforation of the ulcer.

Methods for diagnosing intercostal neuralgia

If you suspect intercostal neuralgia, you should consult a neurologist.

In most cases, the diagnosis is established based on the patient’s complaints, medical history and examination of the patient directly at the appointment. The doctor pays attention to the patient’s posture: in an effort to reduce pain by reducing pressure on the affected nerve, the patient tilts the body in the opposite direction. The intercostal spaces are palpated in the area where the pain is located. Loss of sensitivity and blanching of the skin is established.

Sometimes instrumental and laboratory diagnostics may be required:


An ECG is performed in case of pain on the left side. The goal is to rule out heart problems. In combination with an ECG, echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) may be prescribed. More information about the diagnostic method

Chest X-ray

A chest x-ray is performed to exclude diseases of the lungs and pleura.

More information about the diagnostic method

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

A survey ultrasound examination can exclude diseases of the abdominal organs.

More information about the diagnostic method


Electroneurography is prescribed, as a rule, if the traumatic nature of intercostal neuralgia is suspected.

X-ray of the spine

X-ray of the thoracic spine allows us to determine the causes of radicular syndrome. A CT scan or MRI may also be ordered to evaluate the condition of the spine.

More information about the diagnostic method

Blood test for antibodies to the herpes virus

It is carried out if there is a suspicion of a viral origin of intercostal neuralgia.

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.

Diagnosis of chest pain

If a person complains of pain in the thoracic region, the neurologist will immediately diagnose thoracalgia syndrome and begin a targeted diagnosis of the pathology that can give rise to these painful sensations. To do this, a differential diagnosis is carried out, during which the doctor excludes diseases such as:

  • cardiac problems using an ECG study, if the patient has pain in the left thoracic region;
  • lung diseases using fluorography, if the patient has a cough and sharp pain in the thoracic spine;
  • pathologies of the esophagus and stomach using endoscopy, when the patient complains of pain in the thoracic region and stomach or acute pain in the cervicothoracic region.

In order to exclude serious abnormalities of the spine, for example: hernia, compression fractures of the vertebrae, tumor or tuberculosis of the spine, the neurologist will refer the patient for an MRI of the thoracic spine.

ServicePricePricePromotion Price
Appointment with a therapistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.
Neurologist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the spine
Orthopedist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the joint
Consultation with an acupuncturistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the spine
Vertebrologist consultationprimary 2000 rub.repeat 1800 rub.
Consultation with a chiropractor/osteopathprimary 2500 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscountDiscount
Plasma therapy of the spine or joint1 session 4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3 sessions 10,500 rub. free doctor's appointment 5 sessions 17,500 rub. free doctor's appointment
Classic acupuncture session1500 rub.
Complex acupuncture session2000 rub.
Manual osteopathy session2500 rub.
Manual therapy session2500 rub.
Autohemotherapy550 rub.5 sessions 2500 rub.10 sessions 5000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
The blockade is therapeutic and medicinal, complex (use of several drugs)2000 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (without the cost of the drug)2000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (drug at the discretion of the doctor)2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (without the cost of the drug)2100 rub.
Electrophoresis session (without the cost of the drug)400 rub.
Phonophoresis session / Ultrasound therapy procedure (UT) (without the cost of the drug)450 rub.
Magnetic therapy session350 rub.
SMT therapy session (Sinusoidal modulated currents)450 rub.
Vitamin therapy (10 injections)4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment
Injections (Vitamins B12)800 rub.800 rub.800 rub.
Intravenous administration of drugs450 rub.5 sessions 2140 rub.10 sessions 4050 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs (without drugs, 1 bottle)800 rub.5 sessions 3375 rub.10 sessions 6750 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 1 bottle)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs
(without drugs, 2 bottles)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 2 bottles)
1100 rub.5 sessions 4700 rub.10 sessions 9400 rub.
Subcutaneous/intradermal administration of drugs250 rub.5 sessions 1180 rub.10 sessions 2250 rub.
Intramuscular administration of drugs300 rub.5 sessions 1430 rub.10 sessions 2700 rub.

Symptoms of neuralgia on the right and left

Any neuralgia, including intercostal neuralgia, is primarily pain. Painful sensations can be of a different nature (aching, dull, sharp, piercing, burning) and have different intensity. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it forces a person to take a forced position and sharply limit physical activity. Intercostal neuralgia, which has pronounced symptoms, is described by patients as a lumbago or electric current discharge running from the spine to the sternum.

Thoracalgia often begins gradually, with a tingling sensation in the intercostal spaces, then acquires pronounced intensity. Less often it occurs suddenly. The pain can radiate to the scapula, epigastric area, heart, arm and lower back. Sometimes it takes on an encircling character. It intensifies with changes in body position, movements, coughing and deep breathing.

As a rule, painful attacks are constantly repeated, lasting from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. Therefore, treatment of acute intercostal neuralgia on the right and left, first of all, always begins with the elimination of pain.

In addition to thoracalgia, a person may be bothered by characteristic local signs caused by the influence of sympathetic, sensory and motor nerve fibers. Intercostal neuralgia, depending on the damage to a particular nerve, will have characteristic symptoms on the right, left or both sides of the chest:

  • impaired sensitivity, crawling sensation, numbness, tingling;
  • muscle twitching;
  • increased sweating;
  • change in skin color.

If chest neuralgia appears against the background of a herpes infection, it may be accompanied by skin rashes. The latter appear 2-4 days after the onset of thoracalgia. Elements of the rash are located on the skin of the intercostal space in the form of small pink spots, which then turn into vesicles and then into crusts. Subsequently, traces of pigmentation may remain on the skin.

Treatment of pain in the thoracic spine

Pain in the thoracic region due to ordinary muscle spasms, not aggravated by complex degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, often does not require drug or neurosurgical treatment. After examining the patient, the neurologist may prescribe:

  • physical therapy;
  • medical massage;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • injections of anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and B vitamins.

Sometimes simple lifestyle adjustments already help relieve pain. A person can independently:

  • choose a comfortable and ergonomic place to sit and a mattress for sleeping;
  • allocate sufficient time for sleep so that the muscles have time to relax and return to normal tone;
  • ensure the absence of any drafts, hypothermia, avoid frequent wearing of high heels, because this leads to poor posture;
  • start going to the pool to maintain tone in your back muscles.

If thoracalgia is associated with severe pain and occurs against the background of degenerative changes in the spine, then the neurologist may offer the patient:

  • make a novocaine blockade;
  • take a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and inflammation in the spinal structures or muscles;
  • use neurorelaxants, the use of which leads to relief of muscle spasm;
  • undergo treatment with various metabolic drugs, agents that improve microcirculation, B vitamins. The action of metabolic drugs is aimed at protecting the structure of the spinal cord roots.

Diagnostic procedures

To find out why the thoracic spine hurts and what needs to be done to get rid of the pain, consult a neurologist or orthopedist. The doctor will perform an examination and write directions for diagnostic tests, which may include:

  • X-ray;
  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • lab tests;
  • and other procedures.

The examination will help identify all changes in the spine and nearby tissues: changes in the width of blood vessels, narrowing of the spinal canal, compression of the nerve roots, displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of protrusions and hernias. Multi-position images can detect spinal curvature: kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis. ECG, ultrasound and tests are necessary to diagnose associated disorders, including infectious and inflammatory diseases.

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