Pain in the cervical spine when turning the head

Pain, stiffness and tightness when moving the neck are a common problem associated with the well-being of a modern person. This is why many people do not take discomfort in the cervical area seriously and do not consult a doctor, hoping that the pain will soon subside on its own. However, pain in the neck can be a symptom of a large number of pathologies - diseases of the musculoskeletal system, infections, inflammation, injuries. Pain in the neck when turning the head may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • numbness of hands;
  • difficulties in eating;
  • exacerbation of pain after a long stay in a sitting position;
  • exacerbation of pain during movement or physical activity;
  • pain radiates to the shoulders, arms, and upper back.

It is extremely important not only to eliminate the pain syndrome itself, but also to cure its cause. Therefore, if you experience pain in the cervical spine when turning your head, do not put off visiting a doctor - only a professional can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Shoulder joint, its structure and functions

The shoulder joint is a complex joint, representing the articulation of the humerus and scapula. It connects the upper limb and the shoulder girdle. Its peculiarity is its great mobility, due to which the limbs can perform movements with a wide amplitude and in different directions. Anatomically, this is due to the absence of real ligaments, and instead, the supporting function is performed by the shoulder muscles. The structure of the shoulder joint allows the following movements of the upper limb:

  • flexion and extension relative to the vertical axis;
  • abduction and adduction of the upper limb to the body;
  • supination and pronation - outward and inward movements;
  • circular, rotational movements.

The shoulder joint is multiaxial, spherical. Its main function is to provide a wide range of movements of the upper limbs, which is necessary for everyday activities. The lack of rigid adhesion of bone elements through ligaments leads to a high risk of dislocations and sprains. These injuries require long-term recovery and can cause chronic headaches.

Causes of pain in the head and shoulders

Painful sensations are the result of injuries, acute and chronic diseases of the shoulder joint, cervical spine, bones, muscles and ligaments. A number of disorders are visible during a simple examination, but additional examinations may be required to diagnose some diseases.

Shoulder joint diseases

Shoulder pain is often caused by injuries to the shoulder joint at home and during sports. In addition, acute and chronic diseases associated with pathologies of bone tissue, muscles and ligaments can be detected in this area.

  1. Dislocations and injuries of the acromioclavicular joint are a common injury that occurs both in sports and in everyday life. Its causes include a fall on the shoulder girdle or abducted arm, as well as sharp compression of this area. Doctors recommend surgical treatment of this problem as soon as possible.
  2. Arthrosis is a common disease that develops throughout life. Its development involves inflammatory processes, as well as degenerative changes as a result of gradual wear and tear of the joint. This leads to pain, limited mobility of the shoulder, and injuries and detachment of the articular cartilage are also possible. The process is irreversible, but it can be stopped with properly selected physical activity, physiotherapy and medications to maintain cartilage health.
  3. Calcific tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles with the deposition of salts in the tissues. The process can be caused by injuries, abnormal loads on the shoulder. Pain from tendonitis increases at night, as well as when raising the arm. X-ray images show calcifications (deposits of calcium salts) of varying sizes and densities. In the early stages, conservative treatment is effective, which improves joint mobility and stimulates the excretion of calcium salts from the body.
  4. Shoulder dislocation is a common injury in which the head of the humerus changes its position relative to the scapula. A dislocation occurs when you fall on a straight arm, as well as when there are sudden movements in the joint. The treatment is conservative, but before this you will need an x-ray - it will help exclude fracture-dislocations, ruptures of muscles and ligaments that require surgical intervention. The greatest danger is shoulder instability after dislocations, so the injury can recur even with less force.
  5. Injury to the biceps tendon is a common sports injury that occurs more often in men. A fall on the arm causes one of the muscle heads to be torn from the bone. The biceps continues to perform its functions, but to a limited extent, since the load falls only on the remaining tendon of the muscle. The process is accompanied by pain and inflammation, and surgery is prescribed for treatment.

It is important to understand that the recovery time for muscles and ligaments after injuries and dislocations varies from person to person. It is important to add loads based on how you feel, but to regularly perform exercises for rehabilitation. Painful sensations in the shoulder can bother the patient several weeks or months after the injury - they also radiate to the head and provoke migraine attacks.

Diseases of the cervical spine

Pathologies of the cervical spine also lead to pain in the shoulder and head areas. This section is formed by 7 cervical vertebrae, which are firmly fixed by ligaments and muscles. Between the bone segments there are intervertebral discs - cartilage with a dense fibrous shell and a nucleus pulposus with a soft, gelatinous consistency. Normally, this structure ensures high mobility of the cervical spine, but the likelihood of herbs and chronic diseases is high even in everyday life.

  1. Osteochondrosis (Main article: Headache with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine) is a chronic disease of intervertebral cartilage. It occurs gradually and is associated with various factors: lack of physical activity, poor posture and sedentary lifestyle, as well as a history of falls and injuries. Cartilage becomes less strong and loses elasticity - this leads to a decrease in the clearance between adjacent vertebrae and increases the risk of abrasion of the articular surfaces of the bones during movement.
  2. Protrusions and hernias are unilateral protrusion of the intervertebral disc. The process is accompanied by an uneven load on the cartilage, its abrasion and thinning. If treatment is not started on time, there is a risk of hernia formation - rupture of the fibrous membrane with the exit of the nucleus pulposus.
  3. Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis) can be congenital or acquired. In the second case, the pathology occurs due to uneven load on the spinal column. The process can be triggered by asymmetrical posture during sedentary work, carrying a bag on one shoulder, asymmetry of the pelvis and other problems. If there is a curvature of the spine, the doctor will prescribe therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles and support the vertebrae.

Diseases of the cervical spine (Main article: Neck pain. Cause and treatment) are one of the common causes of frequent headaches. This is due to compression of the nerves and vessels that carry blood to the brain. Nerve cells experience ischemia (oxygen starvation), and this leads to pain, dizziness, weakness and other symptoms. In addition, curvature of the cervical spine leads to uneven load on the shoulder girdle and the appearance of shoulder pain.

Damage to muscles and ligaments

Muscles and ligaments are the main elements that support the joint in an anatomically correct position and control the range of its movements. Muscles are formed by fibers connected into bundles. Their damage can be divided into 3 groups:

  • sprains – micro-tears of individual fibers, heal quickly and do not further affect the functionality of the muscle;
  • partial rupture - the muscle remains attached to the bone segments by tendons, but the injury is accompanied by acute pain and limited mobility of the area;
  • complete muscle rupture is a dangerous condition that requires surgical treatment.

Ligament ruptures are a more dangerous injury because these structures have a very long recovery time. For partial ruptures, it is recommended to wear a supporting splint, which will severely limit the mobility of the joint. The rehabilitation process can last several months, up to six months or more. The speed of ligament healing depends on the patient’s age, the degree of damage and other factors. During the recovery process, you need to perform simple exercises that will help maintain joint mobility.

Vertebral artery syndrome

Shoulder and neck pain, headaches, and limited mobility of these structures are typical symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome. It is a symptom complex caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain. The process is caused by compression of blood vessels by various factors. The cause of the syndrome can be:

  • chronic diseases of the cervical spine, including osteochondrosis, the presence of osteophytes;
  • abnormal structure of the vertebral artery, which may be congenital;
  • vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, thromboembolism, stenosis (narrowing of the lumen) - these factors lead to a decrease in blood flow speed;
  • mechanical factors - neoplasms, muscle spasms, postoperative scars.

Vertebral artery syndrome often manifests itself in attacks. They occur when the artery is compressed and decrease when blood flow is restored. However, in the presence of tumors and abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels, symptoms persist constantly for a long period of time. Patients complain of dizziness, headaches, limited mobility of the shoulder and cervical spine, as well as pressure changes and numbness of the upper extremities. Treatment is individualized, depending on the cause of slow blood circulation, and may include surgery.


Osteoporosis is a chronic systemic disease in which bone tissue density decreases. The processes of bone destruction and resorption prevail over bone formation. Osteoporosis can affect the entire skeletal system or manifest itself locally - in the second case, it is associated with injuries, diseases of the joints and vertebrae. In the affected areas, the bones become fragile, so the risk of damage increases even with minimal loads. In adults, the disease can be asymptomatic or manifest itself with indirect signs: headaches, soreness and limited mobility of certain areas, including the shoulder. In children with osteoporosis, there is shortening of some bones during their growth, asymmetry, increased muscle tone, pain in the spine, shoulder girdle or limbs.

Other reasons

Headaches and pain in the shoulder area are symptoms characteristic of various disorders and diseases. They can occur even in a healthy person, but their danger and exact cause can only be determined by diagnostic results. Thus, examinations may show the following violations:

  • muscle spasms as a result of poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or an uncomfortable position during sleep;
  • rheumatological diseases (rheumatoid arthritis), which affect the joints and cause inflammation;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that affect the absorption of nutrients and microelements necessary for the development of bone tissue (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis).

At home, it is difficult to determine what is causing pain in the shoulder and head, especially if there is no history of injury. If the discomfort is constant and affects performance during the day, it is important to consult a doctor in time. In the initial stages, treatment will be more effective. Even if the processes are irreversible, timely medical assistance will stop them and prevent further exacerbation.

Why does my neck jam?

The main reason why the neck hurts on the right or left side and why it hurts to turn your head is muscle strain.
There are 23 pairs of muscles in this area alone, each of which can be painful. Some back muscles are also attached to the neck, which can also cause discomfort. The second group of reasons is neurological. In this case, the condition occurs due to the fact that the nerve root is pinched (occurs with osteochondrosis and spondylosis) or inflammation of the nerve or nerve plexus has occurred (neuritis). Migraine also belongs to neurology: this disease can affect not only the head, but also the neck. Painful sensations in the neck when turning can be caused by congenital or acquired diseases: torticollis, insufficiency of the vertebral artery and others.

Trauma in the broadest sense is the third common cause. They can occur as a result of unexpected sudden movement. The most common injury is whiplash - when, for example, when a car suddenly brakes, a person’s head suddenly moves forward, and then by inertia back. Untrained muscles are stretched, and sprains, tears or ruptures of ligaments and even compression of the intervertebral disc can occur. Pain appears in the first 2-3 days after injury, less often - after a few hours. In the classic case, the neck hurts when bending forward, on the left side or when turning the head, pain will occur if the traumatic movement was in the lateral direction.

More often, injuries occur from muscle strain due to improper distribution of the load, combined with sudden movements. If you already have a predisposition to the disease, for example, your neck often hurts and it hurts to turn after sleep, turning around suddenly is enough for the condition to worsen.

Tumor diseases are a relatively rare group of causes that cause pain in the neck on the left or right side when turning. Most often these are neurofibromas - benign formations that develop from the nerve sheath.

Diseases of the joints of the spine - arthrosis and arthritis - can also cause pain in the neck and the inability to turn the head.

Diagnostic methods

During diagnosis, it is important to determine what caused the pain in the shoulder and head area. To do this, the doctor will prescribe a set of studies, which may include the following steps:

  • X-ray of the shoulder and cervical spine will indicate injuries, damage to bones and joints, and the development of osteochondrosis;
  • MRI of the head and neck is the main way to diagnose tumors, structural anomalies of blood vessels, cysts and other pathologies;
  • Dopplerography - examination of blood flow through the main vessels, assessment of the degree of blood supply to the brain;
  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs, including the heart, stomach and intestines, kidneys, thyroid gland.

At the Clinical Brain Institute you can undergo comprehensive diagnostics for pain in the shoulder and head. Modern equipment and the ability to conduct laboratory tests guarantee accurate results in a short time. This will allow you to quickly begin treatment of the underlying disease and prevent its further development.

Elimination of neck pain when turning the head

Did you know that...

Next fact

Prolonged or very frequently recurring neck pain is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Note! There is no point in trying to relieve pain on your own. After all, first of all it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon. And only a qualified doctor can do this.

You should not try to eliminate pain on your own if it arose as a result of an injury. If the cause of pain is a neck injury , under no circumstances should you try to do self-massage , apply hot (cold) compresses, etc. The best option in this case is to contact a specialist.

If it is difficult or impossible for a person to move due to an injury, he must be very carefully placed on a hard, flat surface, which will help stretch the neck, and an ambulance must be called.

Treatment for neck pain at home is not recommended. Without knowing the cause of the pain syndrome, you won’t be able to do anything on your own.

The maximum is to temporarily reduce the pain. But it will certainly be repeated again and again until the main reason for its occurrence is eliminated.

If neck pain is caused by any disease, a specialist will determine the exact cause and prescribe a course of treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, as well as eliminating the accompanying symptoms.

To achieve the latter goal, the following types of medications may be prescribed::

  • Muscle relaxants - prescribed to eliminate muscle spasms and help relieve muscle tension. Typically, drugs in this group are prescribed for use from three to seven days. Most often prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections: Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Baclofen.
  • NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process in soft tissues, swelling and, as a result, reduce pain. Most often prescribed in the form of ointments, gels or creams based on ketoprofen, ibuprofen or diclofenac: “Nise”, “Diclofenac”, “Ketoprofen”, “Ibuprofen”.
  • Chondroprotectors are prescribed to restore cartilage tissue and slow down degenerative processes in the latter. Drugs in this group are recommended for use only in cases where the disease is in the initial stages of development.
  • Analgesics - prescribed as intramuscular injections for severe pain. To relieve neck pain, they can resort to novocaine (or lidocaine) blockades. They are performed by introducing a specially designed medical solution based on novocaine or lidocaine into the deep subcutaneous layers. The most popular painkillers are: Analgin, Novocain.
  • Ointments with a warming and irritating effect are prescribed to eliminate pain, reduce inflammation and restore neck mobility. These drugs penetrate deep into the skin, where they begin to have the desired effect. The most popular are: “Finalgon”, “Bystrum gel”.
  • Vitamins are prescribed in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. Necessary for restoring the required amount of minerals in the tissues of the body. Speed ​​up the recovery process.

In combination with drug therapy, they are used to treat neck pain.:

  • For pain in the spine, you can use physical therapy procedures

    – therapeutic exercises should be performed regularly on the recommendation of a specialist and under his supervision. Inappropriate exercises or incorrect execution of the complex can worsen the patient’s condition;
  • massage – should be performed strictly by a chiropractor. A specialist will help you quickly restore neck mobility, relieve muscle tension and spasms, and return the cervical vertebrae to the correct position. Self-massage for neck pain is very dangerous, because... can lead to damage to pinched nerves or blood vessels and cause deterioration in health;
  • acupuncture - influencing nerve endings through the use of specially designed needles;
  • Ultrasound treatment – ​​helps relieve muscle spasms and improve blood circulation in soft tissues. This method is often used when introducing medicinal drugs into muscles in order to enhance their effects.

Surgical intervention to eliminate neck pain is used only in cases where the pain is caused by herniated discs, pinched spinal nerve roots, or damage to spinal nerves and blood vessels. Sometimes surgery may become necessary for injuries to the cervical spine.

The surgery itself can also cause neck pain in the future. Therefore, specialists resort to treatment in this way only in extreme cases.

Check out the neck gymnastics techniques:

  • You can read about the principle of action of Dr. Butrimov’s neck gymnastics here
  • Therapeutic isometric exercises for the neck with a pinched nerve
  • The main set of exercises for the neck by Alexander Shishonin is given on the page
  • You will learn how to perform cervical gymnastics according to Bubnovsky at the link

Video: “Bubnovsky’s technique for treating the neck”

Treatment for head and shoulder pain

The main goal of treating head and shoulder pain is to get rid of the underlying cause that is causing the discomfort. The regimen is prescribed only based on diagnostic results, taking into account individual characteristics and concomitant diseases. Doctors may prescribe the following methods:

  • surgical treatment - surgery is necessary for fractures, ruptures of ligaments and tendons, as well as in the presence of neoplasms;
  • wearing a special collar or corset to correct posture;
  • massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy for arthritis, diseases of internal organs.

Doctors at the Clinical Brain Institute are specialists with many years of experience in headache treatment. They will select an individual treatment regimen that will most effectively affect the main cause of discomfort. It is important for the patient to follow all recommendations at home, and if surgical treatment is necessary, to carry out the operation as soon as possible.

What will help with pain

Treatment for neck and shoulder pain depends on the cause. If serious changes in the joints or bones of the spine, a herniated disc or other serious diseases are detected, you cannot be treated according to advice from the Internet; you need a doctor.

If you are sure that the muscles of the neck and shoulders are simply tightened, treatment may be as follows:

  • warming ointments with capsaicin, bee or snake venom (be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to them or over-irritate your skin);
  • anti-inflammatory ointments or gels, for example, diclofenac;
  • if the pain is severe, you can take NSAIDs orally (which ones, the doctor should tell you at the appointment);
  • home devices for magnetic therapy or UHF - but not mechanical massagers, they are used only outside of exacerbation;
  • light, pain-free massage;
  • warm bath (but always under the supervision of someone close, you may feel dizzy).

If these measures do not alleviate inflammation of the neck and shoulder muscles, treatment must be adjusted based on the results of the visit to the clinic.

Prevention methods

Timely prevention will allow you to avoid headaches, as well as diseases of the shoulder joint and cervical spine. Doctors recommend paying attention to the following factors:

  • correct, symmetrical posture while walking, sitting, doing physical exercises;
  • a balanced diet that includes the necessary elements for bone and cartilage tissue;
  • moderate physical activity, especially with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • during sports – adherence to the exercise technique to prevent injury, joint dislocations, sprains and tears of muscles and ligaments;
  • choosing the right pillow and mattress for sleeping;
  • wearing comfortable shoes - high heels, tight or hard shoes increase the load on all parts of the spinal column;
  • for injuries - follow all recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

The Clinical Brain Institute specializes in the treatment of headaches of various origins. In our center you can undergo a full examination and receive an individual treatment plan. Our main advantages are modern diagnostic equipment, as well as many years of experience of specialists. Doctors recommend promptly applying for examination when the first signs of pain and discomfort appear, and also following all recommendations at home.

What will prevent cervicalgia

Simple rules for preventing a situation where the head cannot turn and the neck hurts are as follows:

  • if you work at a computer, place the monitor so that its center is located slightly below eye level, and your body and head are in the same plane when working (so that you don’t have to constantly turn or tilt your head);
  • the mouse should be positioned so that you don’t have to reach for it or strain your hand while working;
  • You should not carry a load on one shoulder, even if it seems insignificant: in order to prevent the belt from slipping, a person reflexively raises the shoulder with the bag, overstraining the muscles in an anatomically incorrect position;
  • after physical activity, when the muscles are warm, avoid drafts;
  • choose a mattress and pillows so that your neck is in the anatomically correct position during sleep;
  • Do warm-up exercises for your neck and back during the workday.

These measures will prevent one-sided, anatomically incorrect load on the cervical spine, which impairs blood circulation. The quality of sleep will improve, fatigue will decrease, and performance will increase. If, despite all the efforts made, your neck periodically hurts and turning it hurts , only a doctor will tell you what to do .

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