Lump on the spine in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar region

Possible reasons

The appearance of a lump on the back, including on the lower back in the center, is explained by the course of various pathological processes.

Neoplasms in this area arise due to metabolic disorders, diseases of the spine, and the growth of a malignant tumor. Strong blows that cause hematoma cannot be excluded from the list of causes.

A preliminary diagnosis of the nature of the neoplasm is made on the basis of an external examination. The doctor takes into account the location of the lump, the patient’s sensations during palpation, the consistency of the lump and a number of other indicators.


Lipoma (fat) is a benign neoplasm, usually small in size. The tumor occurs against the background of the proliferation of adipose tissue. Lipoma develops in various parts of the body.

This type of cone has a soft consistency and increased mobility. The growth of the tumor is not accompanied by discomfort.

The tumor does not pose a threat to the life and health of the body under the condition.

Complications arise when the tissues of the compaction become malignant or when the lump grows strongly, causing the latter to compress the nerve canals along the spine.


Hemangioma is benign. The tumor grows from blood vessels and reaches small sizes. Externally, the neoplasm differs from similar compactions with a red or brown surface.

Hemangioma is characterized by a soft consistency. The surface of the tumor is tender. The danger of hemangioma is that if the problem tissues are damaged, it is difficult to stop the bleeding.

For such tumors, dynamic observation is often prescribed. This is explained by the fact that hemangiomas often resolve without outside intervention.


Atheromas develop due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts. These formations on the back are most often localized along the spinal column.

Atheroma forms slowly. The formation of a tumor is accompanied by a gradual accumulation of sebum under the epidermis layer. The size of the tumor does not exceed 5-7 mm.

The development of atheroma is not accompanied by severe symptoms. Pain and hyperemia of the skin in the problem area occur when a secondary infection occurs. The latter causes inflammation and suppuration of local tissues.


Fibrolipoma grows from adipose tissue. The tumor forms a dense node under the skin. Fibrolipomas develop slowly and do not cause significant discomfort.

A slight pain syndrome occurs during the period when the lump reaches a large size. Unpleasant sensations are caused by compression of local nerve fibers.


Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, the development of which is accompanied by degenerative changes in bone tissue.

The appearance of a lump in this pathology is explained by the proliferation of osteophytes, the course of the inflammatory process, the formation of a hernia and other complications.

A tumor in osteochondrosis forms along the spinal column. The growth of the tumor causes pain, the intensity of which increases with movement.

Fat deposits

In women over 40 years of age, a small tumor consisting of fatty tissue forms between the thoracic and cervical spine. The tumor grows over time, which causes serious discomfort.

Fat deposits in the spine reduce the mobility of the neck and head. The pressure of the tumor causes compression of nerve endings, blood vessels and intervertebral discs, which manifests itself in the form of pain.

Bone tumors

The tumor process in bone tissue provokes the development of:

  • osteomas;
  • osteochondromas;
  • osteoblastoma;
  • osteoblastoclastomas.

Osteomas are benign. Such tumors usually grow from the humerus, but in some cases they affect the intervertebral discs.

Osteomas are characterized by slow development. Neoplasms of this type do not degenerate into cancer and do not grow into neighboring tissues.

Osteochondroma occurs due to bone pathologies. The risk group for tumors includes people with a genetic predisposition. Large osteochondromas compress the spinal cord and neighboring organs, which affects the functioning of the entire body.

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Osteoblastomas are rare. The tumor is characterized by rapid development and the ability to grow into neighboring structures.

Osteoblastoclastoma is one of the dangerous neoplasms. Without treatment, the lump reaches large sizes. In addition, osteoblastoclastomas can degenerate into cancerous formations.

In children and adolescents, the appearance of a lump on the back may be due to the growth of enchondroma. This tumor affects cartilage tissue. The development of the tumor is not accompanied by severe symptoms. Without treatment, enchondroma becomes malignant.

Malignant tumors

Malignant tumors growing on the back include:

  • osteosarcoma;
  • metastases;
  • myeloma;
  • fibrosarcoma;
  • chondrosarcoma;
  • Ewing's sarcoma.

Osteosarcoma affects the bone structure. At the initial stage of development of the tumor process, pain is noted, the intensity of which increases during movement. In the future, the patient is concerned about fever, weight loss, and fatigue.

In the case of spread of metastases from other malignant tumors, the seals are mainly localized near the spine. The appearance of cancer cells in this area is accompanied by a dull pain characteristic of osteochondrosis.

Men over 40 may develop myeloma, or bone tumor. The growth of the tumor causes tingling and numbness in the limbs, pain when moving. Kidney dysfunction, decreased quality of vision, and weakened immunity are also possible.

Fibrosarcomas grow from connective tissue. Tumors of this type are characterized by slow growth, which often accelerates after injury. A characteristic sign of fibrosarcoma is the burgundy-bluish color of the surface of the lump.

Chondrosarcoma affects cartilage tissue. More often the tumor is localized in the lumbar or sacral regions. The risk group for developing a neoplasm includes patients of any age and gender with a genetic predisposition.

The growth of chondrosarcoma causes intense pain, tissue swelling, and dilation of the saphenous veins.

Ewing's sarcoma develops in bone tissue, affecting the ribs, spine, and shoulder blades. The neoplasm is characterized by rapid development. Ewing's sarcoma affects the bone marrow and lungs early on.

The tumor process occurs due to genetic predisposition, abnormal development of the genitourinary system and trauma.

The appearance of Ewing's sarcoma causes headaches, weight loss, fever, deformation of the bone structure and other symptoms.


Arthritis of the scapula - damage to the joint with the joint capsule, erosion due to inflammatory processes and synovitis in the shoulder articulation apparatus - can be provoked by the same circumstances that cause any type of arthritis:

  • trauma (in the case of the scapula, this must be a serious injury or a mechanical blow of enormous force);
  • infection without treatment;
  • arthrosis, ankylosis or osteoarthritis due to age-related wear of the articular cartilage (the smooth surface of the scapula is damaged).

Manifestations of scapula arthritis may be delayed. Therefore, if there are any alarming signals, you should not postpone a visit to a rheumatologist - there is a possibility that the scapula bone is already affected by erosion and needs urgent support. Characteristics of arthritis are:

  • decreased mobility (in the case of damage to the scapula, stiffness is felt when trying to move the arm back, the amplitude of its movement is reduced);
  • muscle damage or atrophy;
  • discomfort on palpation of the scapula is often indicated by arthritis of the adjacent joint.

The basic symptom of scapular arthritis (scapulohumeral) is pain. It decreases under the influence of analgesics, but invariably returns, increasing with movement.

Detection of pathology in the scapular area

Since we are talking about damage to the smooth surface of the bone, the part adjacent to the joint, or the hard processes of the articulation of the scapula, the only informative diagnostic tool for arthritis remains an x-ray. Depending on the symptoms, you may need:

  • arthrography (x-ray with the introduction of a contrast mixture to determine the articular background of arthritis of the scapula);
  • serial photographs or electroradiography;
  • To assess the reactions of muscle tissue to bone inflammation, tomography is prescribed.

Arthritis of the scapula has similar symptoms to arthrosis, scapular periarthritis, and hypothermia of the spinal muscles. Pain under the scapula can be reflected in lesions of the sternum, osteophytes, kyphosis, lordosis. Given such a dubious background, it is important to conduct the most detailed examination to recognize lesions of the scapular part.


When a lump appears under the shoulder blade, a comprehensive examination is necessary. It is not always possible to identify the type of compaction based on external signs and accompanying symptoms.

To diagnose a tumor, CT, MRI, ultrasound, radiography, scintigraphy and other procedures are prescribed.

At the same time, a blood test is performed to determine the biochemical composition and identify specific tumor markers.

In addition, in order to exclude a malignant neoplasm, part of the lump is removed. The material is subsequently sent for histological examination.

Diagnostic measures are determined based on current indications. If necessary, consultation with specialized doctors is carried out: dermatologist, endocrinologist, oncologist and others.

Tumors on the back

Lumps and bumps on the back can be a symptom not only of inflammatory, degenerative and traumatic processes, but also of tumor diseases, including severe forms of cancer. If a tumor in the spinal area or in the surrounding soft tissues has a malignant etiology, timely diagnosis is of great importance to form a relatively favorable prognosis for future life and treatment, so any compactions and formations should be examined by specialists .

The most common types of tumors found on the back are:


Treatment tactics are selected taking into account the nature and type of tumor. For large and malignant neoplasms, removal of the latter is required. Also, in the case of magnetization of the cone, radiation and chemotherapy are prescribed. The need for a spinal cord transplant cannot be ruled out.

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Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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For small tumors, drug therapy or dynamic observation is used.

Diagnostic measures

The first step is to perform an ultrasound of the scapula, and if necessary, a biopsy.
If you feel pain, burning, tingling or itching in the area of ​​the scapula, or an unnatural tumor-like growth has formed, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

In modern medicine, there are many ways to cure skin tumors without the use of surgical techniques. However, this condition persists if the pathology is diagnosed at the initial stage of development.

Before treating a lump on the shoulder blade, you need to determine its etiology. To do this, the following studies are done:

  • laboratory tests (urine and blood tests) to identify signs of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • ultrasonic analysis;
  • computed tomography;
  • biopsy if there is a suspicion of the development of an oncological neoplasm.

If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to specialized specialists, for example, an oncologist, an infectious disease specialist, or a surgeon.


To prevent the formation of a lump on the back, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and promptly treat diseases of the internal organs. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to massage at certain intervals, as well as lead an active lifestyle.

Despite the measures taken, it is difficult to prevent the appearance of lumps in the back area. This is partly because some bumps are caused by a genetic predisposition. Therefore, in case of tumor formation near the spine, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

What should you not do if a lump appears?

If you find a lump of unknown nature on your back, you should immediately contact a specialist. Self-medication, applying compresses or attempts to open it will lead to complications and the development of an inflammatory process. Ointments, gels, patches and traditional methods are ineffective in any case.

It is prohibited to carry out any kind of manipulation with the tumor, try to massage, pierce, or squeeze out the contents. This will lead to pathogens entering the blood and causing sepsis. Serious complications also await if you try to heat the lump, as it can begin to grow rapidly and negatively affect neighboring tissues.

A lump on the back near the spine is considered quite common. Regardless of where exactly it came out, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination in order to exclude the possibility of a malignant nature of the tumor and not to miss the period of its most effective treatment. Even if the lump is small and does not grow for a long time, it can pose a serious danger to the body.

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