What kind of illness is it if your head is shaking and how to get rid of tremors

Tremor is a fairly common disorder of motor function, the main symptoms of which are uncontrolled movements (shaking, vibration, trembling) of various parts of the body. The disease occurs as a result of constant involuntary muscle contractions, most often develops in older people, but can often affect adolescents. There are benign, postural and intention tremor.

Head tremor is characterized by “yes-yes” and “no-no” movements, manifests itself (intensifies) with severe excitement or at the time of drinking alcohol and is a sign of serious neuralgic disorders. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by trembling of the larynx and tongue, which causes speech impairment. The presence of tremor may indicate diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Wilson-Konovalov disease, mercury poisoning, kidney and liver failure. Symptoms of the disease vary in duration and severity.

Head shaking: causes

There are many different factors that can cause head shaking. The causes of this disorder may be associated with the presence in the body of the following diseases that cause head tremors:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • midbrain lesions;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, respiratory system;
  • poisoning by chemical agents;
  • alcoholism;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • physical or emotional fatigue;
  • genetic diseases.

In addition, tremors can occur with an overdose of certain medications.

Among the main causes of head tremors are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • increased anxiety;
  • severe stress;
  • improper use of medications;
  • drug addiction;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • genetic factor.

Head tremors can occur against the background of cervical osteochondrosis due to pinching of the spinal nerves and insufficient blood supply.

Trembling lips and chin often appear in newborns. This is due to the fact that the nerve centers in infants are not yet fully formed. For any movements of an oscillatory nature, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Types and characteristic symptoms

If a patient's head is shaking, there are different reasons for this phenomenon.

There are several types of pathological deviation:

  1. Parkinson's disease. Head shaking is observed in a calm state and disappears completely if the person falls asleep.
  2. Minor's disease. This change is observed on the basis of heredity. The head rhythmically nods down and up, as well as left and right, but despite these indicators, the patient cannot be called mentally retarded. He, along with everyone else, thinks or performs tasks in the same way.
  3. Physiological. It is invisible to the person himself and can be a consequence of intoxication of the body with chemicals, alcohol, excessive anxiety or drinking strong coffee.

Classification of head tremor

Head tremor can be:

  • physiological (benign): with involuntary fluctuations during vigorous activity, after stress or in a state of complete rest. Physiological head shaking can be caused by drinking too much alcohol or being very nervous. This type of tremor is characterized by long periods of remission, episodic attacks, and painful sensations. Is the least noticeable;
  • pathological: this type of tremor is characterized by the absence of pain, constant shaking of the head, a noticeable decrease in the quality of life, which is associated with discomfort when performing normal movements in everyday life. Pathological tremor can be easily noticed from the outside. It is difficult for the patient to dress independently, pick up a cup, cutlery, etc.

In addition, there is another source of tremor - essential, which is considered the most common. The appearance of essential head tremor is caused by increased nervousness, stressful situations, and emotional experiences. Most often, head trembling of this nature occurs in people over 40 years of age and people with a hereditary predisposition to this pathology.


Tremors can be of different types, but first let’s distinguish between primary and secondary. Primary, essential tremor occurs independently, and secondary - in the form of a reaction to various diseases, the administration, or the effect of certain medications.

You should also distinguish between physiological and pathological tremor. The first is considered normal and occurs in healthy people - for example, with severe anxiety. It is characterized by a small range of movements, as well as the ability on the part of the person himself to remove this state - simply to calm down.

Pathological is caused by various disorders in the nervous system. It is divided into a large number of different subtypes - for example, there is the so-called cerebellar variant.

It is necessary to highlight one more group of such disorders: motor and at rest. Moreover, motor tremors also come in several varieties. We won’t describe everything, but let’s give an example of kinetic - this is a tremor that is observed when trying to perform an action. If it is not targeted (conditionally, any), we are talking about a simple kinetic version of the state. When the action is purposeful (for example, the patient wants to take a cup), and the trembling itself intensifies as it approaches the goal, they speak of intention tremor.

Diagnosis of head tremor

First of all, it is necessary to establish the diseases that cause head shaking. As a rule, the development of tremor is based on a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs.

After clarifying the patient’s complaints, rapid video recording is carried out and tremor is checked using a tremograph (a special device that records tremor in 3 planes). Electromyography, which determines electrical muscle activity, is required.

Additionally, studies are prescribed to assess the general condition of the patient’s body, as well as the activity of internal organs (ultrasound examination, laboratory blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging). If necessary, the patient is recommended to visit specialists.

Necessary examinations

Diagnostic measures are prescribed by a specialist neurologist. The doctor performs the following actions:

  1. Questions the patient about what is bothering him. Does he remember the circumstances when the head trembling began to be noted, the frequency of repetitions, what symptoms appeared in parallel.
  2. Assesses the patient's reflexes and normal physiological reactions.
  3. Orders a diagnostic test.

List of required studies:

  1. Taking a general blood test. Allows you to determine the presence of infectious or autoimmune diseases.
  2. Blood for biochemistry. With the help of this analysis, diseases of internal organs that negatively affect the state of the nervous system are identified. It is important to know the level of cholesterol (exceeding it provokes the formation of plaques in blood vessels), glucose (changes in blood vessels with high levels), bilirubin (decomposes hemoglobin and damages the kidneys).

Instrumental diagnostics:

  1. A topographer and x-ray assess the structure of the brain, as well as the bones of the skull and spine.
  2. EEG helps detect pathologically changed areas of the brain.

Along with basic research, the specialist may prescribe consultations with other doctors, namely a vertebrologist, traumatologist, oncologist, endocrinologist and psychiatrist.

Treatment of head tremors

The choice of therapeutic tactics is based on the results of examination of the patient, diagnostic studies, as well as taking into account individual factors: age, type of disease causing head tremors and personal characteristics of the patient. You need to know that head tremors are quite difficult to treat. The benign form of tremor does not require intensive therapy. As a rule, patients are prescribed sedative medications.

Progressive twitching is corrected with medications such as antelepsin, metoprolol, atenolol, propranolol, primidone. Despite the fact that treatment of head tremors with these medications does not give impressive results, doctors do not cancel this point of treatment.

In almost every case, vitamin complexes are prescribed, including intramuscular injections of vitamin B6.

Additional relaxation is provided by the use of auxiliary methods: breathing exercises, Pilates, yoga, auto-training, swimming, therapeutic baths.

Some patients with head tremors require the help of a qualified psychologist, whose practical advice teaches them to relax and cope with emotional stress.

To prevent possible exacerbations of the pathology, the patient needs to get rid of bad habits, include healthy foods in the diet, and avoid drinking coffee. In addition, you need to adhere to a measured and healthy lifestyle, avoid stressful situations, physical and emotional stress.

Difficulties, goals and methods of therapy

The treatment is going to be long, you need to get ready for it. First of all, you should make an appointment with a neurologist.

The key to successful treatment will be a complete and truthful description of the symptoms of the disease.

The doctor may ask several questions, you need to answer them as completely as possible:

  • In what situations does your head begin to shake or tremble?
  • When did this appear?
  • Were there any illnesses caused by head trauma?
  • Is your neck bothering you?
  • What health problems do you have?

Think through your answers to the questions in advance. Depending on the situation and the reason why the head is shaking, the doctor prescribes treatment.

What does medicine offer?

Traditional therapy methods:

  1. With the help of medications prescribed by a doctor. First of all, medications are prescribed that have a calming effect on the general emotional state of a person.
  2. If the tremor is caused by problems with the neck, then the help of a chiropractor will be helpful.
  3. You may need to make an appointment with a good psychologist who can stabilize your emotional state, reduce nervousness, and have a calming effect on the entire body.
  4. You can search the Internet for relaxation and meditation techniques . A state of peace and tranquility will promote healing.
  5. Any treatment methods to enhance the positive effect should be combined with medications .
  6. Take up physical exercise. This could be fitness or dance sports .
  7. Sign up for a yoga class.
  8. Surgery . For some types of tremors, electrodes are implanted into the brain organs.

Grandmothers' experience

Traditional medicine plays an important role in the treatment of tremor. Some useful recipes:

  1. Take 4.5 tbsp. oats, pour 1.5 liters. boiling water Place over moderate heat and simmer for one hour. Then close the lid and let it brew until the next day. The next day, strain and drink. Has a calming effect.
  2. Dried tansy flowers , preferably the flowers rather than the stem and leaves, chew for 10-15 minutes without swallowing.
  3. Warm baths with chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, linden, and valerian will have a beneficial effect. In order to prepare a bath you need to take 10 tbsp. one of the listed herbs, or several different ones. Take the grass dry, pour in boiling water, about half a liter, let it brew under the lid for about 30 minutes. Then filter the mixture and pour it into the bath. The bath can be taken for 15-20 minutes, preferably before bed.

Why does your head shake and how to treat it:

Avoid risks

First of all, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. No alcohol, drugs, or smoking. Follow a daily routine, try to sleep at least 9 hours.

Try to get as many pleasant emotions as possible. Contact a specialist at the slightest suspicion of illness.

There is no need to be ashamed of head tremors and try to hide this condition, it won’t work anyway. Don't hide from the problem, thinking that everything will go away on its own, it won't happen.

Sound the alarm at the slightest symptoms, consult a doctor and everything can still be improved for the better. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Why do nervous tics occur?

In medicine, the exact mechanism for the development of nervous tics has not yet been identified. According to one hypothesis, pathology is caused by disruptions in the metabolism of neurotransmitters, that is, substances that transmit information through nerve cells. Most often, the problem is hereditary in nature, and it just takes a push for a tic to appear.

  1. Fear, stressful situation.
  2. Prolonged mental stress. For example, a child has problems in relationships with a teacher, peers in kindergarten, or an unfavorable family environment (lack of attention or excessive strictness of parents).
  3. Entering school (first-grader syndrome). The new environment, rules, and restrictions are a strong emotional shock for many children.
  4. Overwork, systematic lack of sleep, passion for gadgets.
  5. Past infection (ARVI, etc.).
  6. Improper nutrition, which provokes a deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the growing body. This can cause muscle spasms. Tick ​​can also be caused by abuse of psychostimulant drinks (tea, cola).

Each of these factors can provoke a nervous tic of the head in a child. The reasons mentioned above lead to the development of primary hyperkinesis. Secondary tics are caused by brain tumors, impaired blood circulation in this organ, encephalitis, mental illness, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.

How to cure the disease

Having noticed a nervous tic in a child (he jerks his head, grimaces, blinks frequently, wrinkles his nose or forehead), parents do not need to hesitate to visit a doctor. The disorder is treated by a pediatric neurologist. It happens that a child shakes his head, as if with a nervous tic, but at the same time he has another disease associated with damage to the part of the brain responsible for motor activity. In some cases, a consultation with a psychiatrist may be necessary (when the child has a strong head tic caused by a mental disorder).

To diagnose a disorder, a specialist usually needs a simple neurological examination; sometimes an MRI of the brain or electroencephalography may be required. Then the optimal treatment methods are selected. Their selection depends on the severity of the tic and the individual characteristics of the patient. The main areas of treatment are:

  • taking medications - sedatives, drugs to improve blood supply, metabolic processes in the brain;
  • physiotherapy - electrophoresis, electrosleep, pine baths, aerophytotherapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in the family (you cannot scold a child for involuntary movements, demand control over them), eliminating stressful situations;
  • ensure compliance with the regime, sufficient periods of rest, proper nutrition, reduce the time spent watching TV and using gadgets.

Often, treating a nervous tic in a child is a long process. Even when symptoms go away quickly, therapy must be completed in full. Sometimes there is an alternation of periods of remission and exacerbation, and as the nervous system matures, the problem gradually goes away.

The NeuroSpectrum Center for Pediatric Speech Neurology and Rehabilitation helps young patients forget about nervous tics. Among the specialists at our Center there are those who work specifically with children and have extensive experience in the treatment of such disorders. Parents should not let the situation take its course: hyperkinesis is not life-threatening, but it interferes with the successful socialization of the child.

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