“Text neck”: 3 exercises that will help get rid of the hated “withers”

Neck pain is one of the most common problems. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 adults experience discomfort in this area of ​​the spine at least once a year. The reasons why neck pain can develop are endless: poor posture, sprains, sedentary lifestyle, sleeping in an awkward position, etc.

The cervical region is considered the most mobile, and since it is less surrounded by tissue and muscle corset, it is more susceptible to injury. That is why it is important to follow simple rules and perform exercises that will help you maintain health and comfort for as long as possible.

Obviously, the main job of the neck is to support the head. But few people think about the fact that on average it weighs from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. Quite a lot, right? Moreover, when we tilt it at least 15 degrees forward (the usual position when using a phone), the load increases to 12 kg. The weight is best distributed along the spine when the head is slightly tilted back or in a level position. Controlling this is quite difficult and unusual, but it is worth reviewing your daily routine so as not to encounter osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion or myelopathy over time.

Text Neck Correction

Our digital age creates specific deformations of the neck statics associated with moving the head forward towards gadgets. “Doctors called this phenomenon “text neck syndrome,” and it is very different from the usual “age-related” neck posture,” says Anastasia Dubinskaya, psychophysiologist, head of the Revitonika school of natural rejuvenation, teacher at the National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry healthcare of the Russian Federation. The head freezes in the position of a giraffe, over time the platysma (the superficial muscle of the neck) separates and the ribbed segments of the larynx appear (a trough-like depression appears on the neck).”

In the photo: Anastasia Dubinskaya, psychophysiologist, head of the school of natural rejuvenation “Revitonika”, teacher at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The exercise allows you to:

  • step by step restore the correct cervical deflection;
  • relieve stress from all anterior structures of the neck;
  • reduce tension and swelling in the larynx;
  • lengthen the back of the neck.

How to perform

Keep your head straight. We clasp the fingers of both hands and place them on the occipital region, placing the thumbs on the border of the hairline. Let's fixate in this position until we feel close contact of our hands with the back of the head for about 5-10 seconds. Next, gently press the occipital region onto your hands and fixate in this position for at least 1 minute. We perform from 1 to 3 times a day.

How long to do: 1 minute.

Contraindications: all diseases of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, nodular goiter, cysts, nodes).

What determines the length of the neck

Correct posture, absence of wrinkles and swelling are the basis of your attractive appearance. And this applies not only to the neck. To achieve this, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Always walk and sit with your head held high, your back straight, your chest open and your shoulders down;
  2. Eat right. Eliminate dairy and fill your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables;
  3. Sit at the computer less. And in general, sit less. And if your work schedule does not allow you to do this, do warm-ups every hour and a special exercise every 2 hours (have you already watched the video attached above?);
  4. Choose a cream with lifting effects and do a light massage during application. Don't forget about hydration and sun protection.

A beautiful neck is work and the result of a healthy lifestyle. If you want to be young and healthy even at 50, you will have to take care of yourself every day. Of course, with our rhythm of life this is difficult. And there is so much different advice on the Internet - it’s dizzying! Therefore, it is important to find a complex that will really work and not take up much time.

The updated basic marathon “BoldlyNET” from Annette is the best thing that can happen to your body. Simple and straightforward exercises for the back, neck and face. As a result, you will get rid of wrinkles, swelling, folds and even improve your vision! Do not believe? Join and check for yourself!

Clear oval

Exercise for the side of the neck.

How the reception works:

  • tightens the oval of the face;
  • removes all sagging in the chin and cheeks;
  • improves skin condition;
  • lengthens the neck and makes it more flexible.

The reception consists of two stages.

  1. In the first phase (30 sec.) we try to bring the muscles of the lateral surface to maximum fatigue.

Slowly, with muscular effort, as if it is difficult for you, lift your shoulder up. Then tilt your head towards your shoulder. You should feel and see that you have the maximum number of folds in your chin area. Hold for 30 seconds. Pay attention to the correct technique: at this time you should bring your shoulder as close as possible to the base of your neck. Return to the starting position.

  1. In the second phase, we gently lengthen the neck muscles, freeing the arteries and lymphatic ducts.

We begin the stretching process. One hand rests on the collarbone, the second hand rests on the jaw area. In the tilting position, we stretch the side surface of the neck and lengthen it. Return to the starting position. Also perform the stretch for 30 seconds. If you have time, increase the time to 1 minute.

Perform both phases of the exercise on the other side.

How often to perform: 1 time per day.

Under no circumstances should you perform this exercise frequently, since you need to work with your neck in its entirety - from all sides, including the back and front. Otherwise there will be an imbalance.

What problems can “withers” lead to?

The “hollow” mass blocks normal blood flow and disrupts the passage of nerve impulses, pinching blood vessels and nerve endings. This has an extremely negative impact on both the innervation and blood supply of the face, and, therefore, on its youth and aesthetics. Please note: withers can occur at any age and with any body weight, since, we repeat, it is a compensatory reaction of the body to the incorrect position of the cervical spine.

But there is good news! This problem can be solved. Moreover, you can do this yourself, without expensive equipment or visiting a massage parlor. With just a few exercises.


What does the reception do:

  • eliminates tension in the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
  • improves the outflow of stagnant fluid from the face and neck;
  • relieves swelling of the face and neck;
  • frees tissue from the web of fibrous adhesions;
  • restores a clear facial contour;
  • lengthens the neck.

How to perform

Find the sternocleidomastoid muscle. To do this, turn your head a little to the side - the GKS muscle will be drawn when turning. The starting position is a slight turn and tilt of the head. Use the opposite hand to secure the collarbone area. Form the Latin letter “V” (swoosh) from the index and middle fingers of your working hand. Place your fingers so that the lower portion of the GCS muscle is between them, press both fingers tightly against the tissue. Perform a slow rolling motion upward along the GCL muscle, right up to the mastoid process. The movement speed is very, very slow - 1 mm per second.

Apply enough pressure, but be extremely careful. The sensations may be painful, do not allow extreme discomfort, and if necessary, reduce the load on the tissue.

Please note: ideally, the middle finger should fit freely between the angle of the jaw and the upper attachment of the GCL muscle, directly under the earlobe.

Make 3-5 such penetrations on each side. The final movement - with the edge of your palm, perform a rolling movement from top to bottom - we direct the flow of lymph away from the face.

Number of repetitions: 1-3 times a day.

Consequences and rehabilitation after neck surgery

Almost any type of neck surgery relieves the patient of pain and significant physical limitations. Rehabilitation takes from a couple of days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the operation. The rehabilitation doctor at the clinic prescribes a recovery course, which includes a course of exercise therapy to improve the mobility of the cervical vertebrae. Any type of operation has virtually no negative consequences if the patient goes to the clinic in a timely manner and follows all the instructions of an experienced surgeon and rehabilitation specialist.

Photo: ru.freepik.com

Author of the article
Yuri Anatolyevich Aksenov

beautiful neck

The reception eliminates tension in the cervical spine, prevents headaches, removes swelling, normalizes blood flow to the face and all structures of the brain, launching a global process of rejuvenation of the body. Smoothes neck tissues around the entire perimeter, significantly improving their condition.

Eliminates double chin, tightens the submandibular line.

How to perform

The starting position is standing or sitting, the back and neck are straight, the head is stretched upside down, the chin is not lifted.

We place the fingers of both hands on the sides of the neck and shift the entire free mass of tissue back to the line of the spine - you will form a fold. And then start grinding it. Our fingers should not slide over the skin; we rub one side of the fold against the other from the inside. The hands are calm, the movements are performed with comfortable strength and speed. Keep your head straight.

When the fold slips out of your hands, collect it again and rub it.

To do the technique with all the inspiration, imagine what is happening at this moment. And there are three effects in one:

  • you really squeeze out all the stagnant volume of tissue fluids, they will no longer thicken your neck;
  • this technique relieves tension from the spinous ligament of the spine and this lengthens your neck;
  • you are directing the sagging neck tissues back, which is the main condition for tightening the sagging neck tissues.

How much to do: morning and evening, 1 time for 1-2 minutes. If your arms get tired, try performing the technique in a lying position or start with 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

Preventing neck and shoulder pain

Pain in the neck can be different - pulling, throbbing, shooting, tingling. To minimize the occurrence of such symptoms, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • As mentioned, raising your laptop, book, tablet or cell phone to eye level can relieve pressure on your spine. Buy a reading stand or adjustable table. If you use a computer at an office or desk, adjust your chair and monitor to suit your height.
  • Set a timer to remind you to get up, walk around, and straighten your back at least once every hour.
  • Stretch regularly. Stretching exercises help improve posture and reduce musculoskeletal pain.
  • Don't sleep on a high pillow. Firstly, it is impossible to maintain an anatomically correct position with it, and secondly, because of it, the vertebral arteries that feed the brain and allow it to function normally can be compressed.
  • When talking on the phone, do not hold your smartphone between your head and shoulder. If you use this method frequently, switch to a headset or speakerphone.
  • Avoid carrying bags and backpacks on one shoulder, be sure to change their order, and also remember that the weight of the bag should not exceed 10% of your body weight. If it is heavier, and especially if you wear it constantly on the same side, it can cause curvature of the spine, and, as a result, pain.
  • Get a massage. It helps relieve muscle spasms, improves blood circulation, and also increases range of motion by removing accumulated lactic acid.

Don’t bypass sets of exercises for the neck and whole body. It is very important to maintain a toned core, which consists of the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks. If they are in good shape, then this allows you to stabilize the spine, preventing it from sagging and deforming. And healthy posture plays a key role in neck health.

It is also important to take measures to prevent osteoporosis. Loss of bone mass in the spine can lead to injury, slouching, and increased pain.


Don't discount such an effective method of correction as makeup. Decorative cosmetics are great illusionists, capable of bringing our face and neck closer to the standard in a matter of minutes.

  • Try to choose the color of the foundation as close as possible to the natural shade of the skin of your neck, not your face. As a rule, the skin of the neck is somewhat lighter. Then all your makeup will look natural.
  • Unlike nourishing cream, apply foundation on the neck from top to bottom, towards the chest. Then dust your skin with loose powder. For this it is better to use a wide brush.
  • With the help of skillfully executed makeup, you can correct the oval of your face. To make the double chin less noticeable, go under the chin with a brush with a powder of a slightly darker shade.
  • To make a full neck thinner, apply a light tone on the front and a darker tone on the sides. You can also apply a slightly darker tone on the neck than on the face, then the face will become lighter and against its background the neck will seem to “go into shadow.”
  • If your neck is too thin, use a lighter tone or apply it on the sides and a darker tone in the middle.

Don't forget that when applying foundation and powder to your neck, we only look at ourselves from the front, but others also see us in profile. Makeup should be evenly applied and impeccably neat. Also take care of good lighting - without it it is difficult to achieve the desired result.

Why is a long neck a sign of beauty?

A long and thin neck has always been considered a sign of nobility and femininity. And not only in European countries, but also in remote corners of our wonderful world.

For example, native residents of the Thai border still wear rings on their necks from the age of 6 so that their neck grows beautiful. Every year a new ring is added and only after marriage this procedure stops. Some sources claim that the “jewelry” is removed on the first wedding night, others say that the rings can be removed by the husband as punishment for infidelity - the neck will not bear it and will break off. Instant death for treason.

There is a widespread genetic disorder in southern Africa where girls are born with a surprisingly long neck. They are called giraffes. This is due not only to DNA, but also to the early development of shoulder joints.

You can breathe out - you can achieve a beautiful neck on your own at home. It's not difficult at all, and even very pleasant.

Dress correctly

Disadvantages can always be hidden with the help of well-chosen clothes.

If you want to visually lengthen your neck, this is suitable for you:

  • An open collar gives the impression of a long, graceful neck.
  • V-shaped or deep round neckline - neckline “a la Brigitte Bardot”.
  • Long or medium beads and necklaces.
  • Jackets without a collar, worn without a blouse.
  • Sweaters with a hood.
  • Loosely tied scarves - do not overload the neck.
  • Short haircuts and pinned hair high.

Not recommended:

  • High necklines - boat neckline, etc., as well as bows
  • Dresses and tank tops
  • Polo collar - makes a short neck wider
  • Mandarin and golf collars
  • Scarves tied high accentuate a flaw
  • Necklaces and necklaces
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