Kinesio taping for damaged meniscus of the knee joint

We take freedom of movement and life without pain for granted. Running from a traffic light to the bus, walking to the store, playing tag with your child is an everyday routine! Exactly until the moment problems arise in the knee joints: stiffness of movement, pain, sprains and torn ligaments.

No one is immune from injuries, especially if they engage in extreme sports or lead an active lifestyle. People who are overweight and those who spend a lot of time on their feet while working also risk the health of their knee joints. In addition, most older people experience age-related changes in their knees.

Both medicinal and non-medicinal methods of combating knee pain are used. Among the popular non-invasive ones is kinesio taping. The method was developed in 1973 by Japanese-American doctor Kenzo Kase and underwent clinical trials. It has shown effectiveness both when used alone and in tandem with other methods of relieving joint pain. Kinesio taping is used not only by doctors and cosmetologists, but also by athletes. The method became widespread after the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Then Olympians with ribbons on their bodies appeared on TV screens around the world.

The taping technique involves applying applications of elastic patches on a fabric basis to the skin according to specially developed patterns.

Tapes help:

  • relieve pain syndrome;
  • reduce swelling in the fixation area;
  • stimulate muscle tone.

Thanks to the sensory, vascular and muscular mechanism of operation, taping has a complex effect on the area of ​​application.

  • The adhesive base of the tape helps to fix it in a given position. So the patch works depending on the taping technique: both as support, and as a stimulator of muscle tone, and as a limiter of joint mobility.
  • The tape is made of hypoallergenic eco-friendly materials: cotton, nylon, artificial silk.
  • The fabric base is woven in such a way that its thickness and elasticity replicate the properties of human skin.
  • The tape is breathable and securely fixed on the body. This allows you to wear the application for up to 5 days, play sports with it and take a shower.
  • Taping is not felt on the skin or noticeable under clothing, but it helps muscles work more intensely, relieves joints and stimulates metabolic processes.
  • A correctly fixed patch has a massage effect, stimulates blood flow and helps with lymphostasis.
  • It also relieves swelling and inflammation caused, for example, by damage to the anterior cruciate ligament.
  • Kinesio taping performed according to the rules can also help with pain in the knee joint, sprained tendons and stiffness of movement during stretching.

Knee Taping Basics

Taping is a non-drug procedure that can be performed at home. At the same time, it is important to know the basics of physiology and be able to correctly apply tape to the knee and other damaged parts of the body. Tapes are dense elastic cotton tapes on a backing impregnated with a special adhesive. Such a patch stretches well in length, but does not stretch at all in width, which allows you to efficiently and reliably apply kinesio tape to the knee and thereby provide it with good support. The hypoallergenic adhesive layer does not cause discomfort and allows you to wear it for up to 6 days, leading a normal lifestyle - taking a shower, exercising, etc.

There are three main types of tapes intended for the treatment and prevention of muscle and ligament injuries:

  • I-shaped. Straight strips that can be fixed on various parts of the body, achieving the desired effect;
  • X-shaped. They are used in cases of serious injuries and damage, when it is necessary to securely grasp and secure the desired area. Ideal for fixing external and internal collateral ligaments;
  • Y-shape. They are firmly fixed to the body and are used for a wide variety of pathologies and injuries.


The McConnell patellar taping technique was developed to correct patellofemoral kinematics and allow patients to participate in activities of daily living and perform therapeutic exercises without pain. Although several taping techniques exist depending on the specific needs of the patient (eg, glide, tilt, and/or rotation), virtually all patients require medial patellar glide.

McConnell taping is performed by applying rigid tape across the anterior aspect of the patella, which moves the patella medially to place the patellofemoral joint in a more correct midline position. Once the tape is applied, patients should experience a reduction in symptoms, allowing them to perform therapeutic exercises without pain. Therefore, the ability of the tape to maintain the midline position of the patella is critical to the quality and duration of physical activity.

How to apply tape to the knee joint

Taping of the knee joint should be carried out according to all the rules, observing all the subtleties and nuances:

  • The problem area is examined, palpated, and the severity of the injury or illness is assessed. Next, a decision is made on the need for fixation with adhesive tapes;
  • The skin must be absolutely clean and dry, free of vegetation.
  • A specialist will determine how to apply tape to the knee. He also calculates how long to wear the tape. In one case, the knee joint can be fixed in a natural position, and in another - at a certain angle;
  • Before fixing, the elastic band is slightly stretched;
  • If there are large wounds or other damage, the procedure is not performed. Minor abrasions and cuts can be pre-covered with an aseptic bandage.

Correction of the position of the patella

There are three most common radiographic measurements of patellar alignment: angle of congruence (AC), lateral patellofemoral angle (LPA), and lateral patellar displacement (LPA). UC shows lateral glide and tilt, LPU shows lateral tilt, and LSN determines the position of the patella in the frontal plane relative to the medial femoral condyle in millimeters.

Several studies have provided evidence that medial taping can show a change in patellar position on radiographs in patients with PFPS (significant change in LPU and LSN). The researchers suggest that this may be enough to create a small change in intra-articular or intraosseous pressure. Thus, McConnell taping can influence the position of the patella (according to changes in the LPU and LSN). The benefit of taping in relation to the UK has not been proven.

What effect is achieved

There are a variety of types of procedures:

  • Therapeutic kinesiotaping of the knee joint. Its goal is to provide stability and stability to the affected area to reduce swelling, pain and inflammation, and prevent the development of negative consequences;
  • Functional. Conducted by athletes before training and competitions to prevent injuries and damage, improve the functioning of muscles and other tissues;
  • Rehabilitation. The knee joint is stabilized, the patient’s condition and well-being improve, and recovery occurs faster and without possible unwanted deviations.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms usually appear immediately after injury.

Damage is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • limitation of mobility,
  • painful sensations,
  • clicks and crunching when flexing/extending,
  • swelling of soft tissues,
  • fatigue after physical activity,
  • joint stiffness, especially in the morning.

Diagnosis is carried out taking into account the mechanism of injury and data obtained during the examination. The more pronounced the clinical signs, the more significantly the ligamentous fibers are damaged. Swelling and hemorrhage may increase over time. With very fresh injuries, the symptoms may be less pronounced than with injuries that were 2-3 days old. To make a diagnosis, an MRI or ultrasound of the knee joint is prescribed.

For pain in the knee joint

Taping the knee depends on the type and nature of the injury and its severity. The technique is selected by a specialist, taking into account the degree of damage to the knee ligaments and other diseases. Taping maintains stability of the joint and surrounding tissues without limiting mobility. The most common method of applying tapes:

  • Prepare 3 ribbons 25 cm long;
  • With the knee bent at a right angle, the base of the tape is fixed and placed under the kneecap, departing from it a distance equal to the width of the palm;
  • The middle part of the tape is drawn around the joint from the outside. Tape stretch can reach 50%;
  • Fixed above the knee without tension, the end should be directed along the thigh muscle;
  • Using the same scheme, the second tape is attached to the back of the knee;
  • The third tape is stretched by 50% and applied around the circumference. The ends are fixed under the kneecap. The bases are fastened at the back without tension.

For knee arthrosis

The effectiveness of the taping procedure for knee arthrosis is as follows:

  • Pain in the knee joint decreases, blood circulation in the area of ​​injury and lymph flow improves;
  • Inflammation of the joint due to arthrosis and gout of the knee decreases, swelling and hyperemia go away, mobility improves;
  • The knee patch exerts a force that provides a therapeutic effect. The skin is stretched, the fascia and soft tissues are raised, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of various skin receptors, and with them the muscle fibers when moving in the joint.

For taping the knee joint with arthrosis, tapes cut into a fan shape into 4-10 strips are used. Before application, the tape is stretched by 50-100%. The strips are fixed from the ligament to the beginning of the muscle.

Meniscus injury

Menisci are special cartilaginous formations that are responsible for uniform load distribution, shock absorption and reduction of friction in the area of ​​contact of joint surfaces. In case of ACL injuries, sprains of the anterior cruciate ligament and medial ligament, the pressure on the vessels is reduced, microcirculation in the connective tissues and subcutaneous tissue improves. When a meniscus injury occurs, the range of motion of the damaged area is limited. Taping for meniscus damage involves the use of Y-tapes, the length of which corresponds to the size of the knee joint. First, strips of plaster are fixed from the middle of the popliteal fossa, then the “tapes” are fixed on the sides, around the kneecap.

When sprained

For this type of injury, X-tapes are used. The central part of the patch is glued under the knee joint. The bands are fixed around the kneecap, without tension. Next, strips of tape are placed along the side of the damaged collateral ligament of the knee joint. The tension-free tape is fixed in the area of ​​the lower third of the outer thigh, moving to the lower leg. The central part of the tape is applied with a tension of 30-50%, the ends of the tape are applied without tension.

The main causes of arthritis

Due to the cause of its occurrence, this disease is divided into three categories - arthrosis, rheumatoid and post-traumatic arthritis - and taping is performed in the same way in each case, regardless of the source of the problem. Arthrosis is a disease based on the wear and tear of cartilage tissue. Application of tapes in this situation provokes minimal load on the damaged area. That is, applying tape is recommended for people of retirement age to prevent the formation of arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs at any age and affects both joints. The basis is the inflammatory process, when in the process of destroying microbes the body begins to attack its own tissues, and this is most often the tissues of the joints, therefore, with such arthrosis, not only drug treatment is performed, but also taping.

Post-traumatic arthritis occurs due to injuries, so tapes are used by athletes during any training to prevent the occurrence of serious injuries that could become the basis for arthritis.

Before using the method, it is recommended to study a video on how to tap a knee , as well as view various diagrams that could help you get the optimal result.

Tape or knee brace, comparison

Tapes are used in the correction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - for knee bruises, bursitis of the knee joint and other diseases and injuries. Kinesio tapes perform the functions of an elastic bandage, reliably fixing the damaged area, promoting its speedy healing and preventing negative consequences in the form of repeated damage, etc. Lymphatic drainage taping is an alternative to using a knee brace, which acts locally, immobilizing a specific area, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of a particular patient.

The knee brace is a bandage without fasteners, which is quite difficult to put on over the foot. As a rule, it is made of fabric that does not allow air to pass through well. An error in size when choosing a knee pad can reduce the effectiveness of its use to zero. Despite the fact that tapes have obvious advantages, when choosing between a knee brace and them, it is better to consult a doctor. Athletes often prefer to wear knee pads during training, and use tapes during competitions.

Application in sports


Runners experience many different types of injuries, but the most common pain they experience is on the outside of the knee. However, people who walk, ski and bike can also experience similar problems. Taping the knee for pain on the side requires applying the longest adhesive tape to the outer side of the thigh. The lower end is fixed to the area just below the knee, and the second extends all the way to the pelvis. The second tape should be fixed perpendicularly. Correctly attaching the tape to the knee is the key to success and prevention of new injuries.


To achieve good results in sports, jumpers are required to endure extreme loads. Athletes have to train a lot and intensively, which can be fraught with rupture of Baker's cyst and other injuries that require high-quality and timely correction.

Taping the knee in case of injury is carried out by applying a certain application, which uses two pieces of tape. Their length is equal to the distance from the area under the kneecap to the lower third of the thigh. Measurements must be taken in a position in which the leg is bent at a right angle. Each of the tapes must be fixed around the knee without tension so that the ends intersect each other.


Taping the knee ligaments among professional wrestlers is a fairly common practice. Most often, elastic bands are applied to “working tools” - knees, hands and fingers. If such a need arises, a technique similar to taping a runner's knee is used. If the strip is glued in the direction of muscle contraction, this has a tonic effect, allowing a greater number of muscle fibers to be involved in the work. If kinesio tape is fixed at the site of muscle attachment and stretched to its beginning, this allows you to achieve a relaxation effect, and the number of muscle fibers involved in the work decreases.

Team sports

Taping the hamstring is a common practice when playing team sports. In both team and individual games, athletes run and jump, so any technique applicable to the knee of a jumper or runner will be relevant. By fixing the tape in the right place, you can both limit and enhance the mobility of the joint and muscles, facilitate their work, set tone and adjust the degree of mobility of various segments of the body.

Schemes for taping the knee joint

Taping is not the only and main method of treatment. Most often, this technique is used as a preventive measure. As for treatment, an integrated approach is required with the use of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, wound healing and other agents. You should not self-medicate. All your actions should be coordinated with your doctor; only he will be able to select the optimal knee joint taping schemes that will allow you to achieve maximum effect.

Isolated kinesio taping of ligaments

Isolated taping of the posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments of the knee is rarely done. Typically, all knee ligaments are taped as part of complex therapy. For isolated taping, you need to take a narrow single-strip kinesiology patch and stretch it from the upper outer edge to the lower inner edge of the knee joint. In this case, the tape will stretch over the patella.

Then a second narrow kinesio tape is taken and applied parallel to the first below the patella. After this, 2 more tapes should be glued in mirror image on the other side of the knee. Kinesio taping of the cruciate ligaments to protect the joints is carried out with a tension of 50%.

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