Vitamins for ligaments: signs of deficiency and daily intake

Updated: 09/07/2020 Biologically active substances - vitamins and minerals - ensure health, mobility and endurance of bones, joints and ligaments. To provide the body with the necessary set of these elements, it is often necessary to resort to vitamin complexes, which allow the substances not only to enter the body, but also to be fully absorbed, which is not always possible when coming from natural sources, with food, for example.

In the selection of drugs for this purpose, an important role is played by the combination of composition elements and their effect on the human body, as well as the disease they are aimed at eliminating. Therefore, it is necessary that vitamins be prescribed by a doctor based on an accurate diagnosis - drugs that treat bones (osteoporosis of the spine, for example), may turn out to be completely useless if it is necessary to treat joints (arthritis, arthrosis).

What substances are used to prevent and treat bones?

  • Collagen.
    It is extremely important for ligaments, but to use it the body needs vitamins A and E, which are an important element for the healthy functioning of joints.
  • Calcium.
    This substance ensures bone strength. If there is not enough of it, the body extracts calcium from bone tissue, which can lead to thinning of the bones, that is, osteoporosis. Providing the body with this mineral is not a problem. The difficulty is that 80% of calcium is not absorbed when the human body is deficient in phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins D3 and K2.
  • Silicon.
    Maintains elasticity, helps absorb calcium, blocks it in the skeleton, helps the collagen structure “become better.”

In addition to the three main elements, bones, ligaments and cartilage require others, among them the following:

  • Glucosamine (building material for cartilage tissue).
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (promotes the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue).
  • Chondroitin (promotes the creation of cartilage, strengthening the skeleton).
  • Selenium (helps sulfur penetrate cartilage).
  • Sulfur (the main element responsible for metabolism in cartilage).
  • Manganese (feeds oxygen).

Among the vitamins that strengthen bones and joints, 3 types are necessary:

  • A – promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  • C – helps maintain flexibility, promotes the process of collagen synthesis.
  • B6 – has a beneficial effect on strengthening the collagen layer on the bones, helps absorb magnesium, and is responsible for balancing mineral-salt metabolism.

Joints and ligaments additionally need 3 vitamins:

  • C – participates in the production of collagen, without which the structure of cartilage tissue in the joints is disrupted.
  • E – is responsible for strengthening ligaments, helping joints remain mobile, which reduces the risk of injury.
  • PP – also promotes joint mobility, but by suppressing the action of interleukins.

We present the rating of vitamins for bones and joints 2021. 11 of the best drugs that have earned this rating thanks to positive reviews from doctors and ordinary users.

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

Rating (2020)Prices, ₽A country
1. Calcemin Advancefrom 500₽USA
2. Doppelhertz Active Vitamin Dfrom 450₽Germany
3. Solgar Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3from 700₽USA
4. Doppelhertz VIP Osteoprotection with collagenfrom 730₽Germany
5. Orthomol Artro Plusfrom 5000₽Germany
6. Calcium D3from 300₽Japan
7. Osteo-Vit D3from 400₽Russia
8. Doctor Sea Artrofishfrom 800₽Russia
9. Hyaluronic acid 150 mg Vitamirfrom 680₽Russia
10. ArtriVitfrom 350₽Canada
11. Complivit Calcium D3 Fortefrom 450₽Russia

Categories of people who need to take vitamins


- This is the point where bones physically connect, they provide support to the body and facilitate movement. There are 360 ​​joints in the human body and most of them are mobile.

Healthy bones in a joint glide smoothly next to each other because their surface is covered with smooth cartilage and a membrane that produces a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid.

Impairment and pain occur when synovial fluid is not produced properly or the cartilage that covers the bones breaks down.

Such damage may occur suddenly and may be caused by illness or injury. Pain and swelling can be acute or chronic and can range in intensity from mild to severe. And due to the weakened elasticity of the ligaments, when the load occurs, sprains and discomfort can be observed.

Who is most susceptible to this?

The most common cause of joint pain is osteoarthritis - the destruction of the cartilage covering the joints (especially the knees and hips), which often occurs as part of the natural aging of the body.

Another common cause of joint pain, along with gout, lupus and fibromyalgia, is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks the membranes that produce synovial fluid.

The next category is athletes. In order to achieve high results, they have to exercise with heavy weights in training for muscle growth.

With the constant increase in working weights, the risk of injury also increases, so it is necessary to further strengthen the ligaments and cartilage tissue of the joints.

Remember that diseases of the ligaments and joints are very difficult to treat, so prevention is much more effective.

Preventive courses are especially relevant for people over the age of 30, when connective tissue becomes more vulnerable.

What vitamins for bones and joints are best to buy?

When choosing vitamins, in addition to their direct purpose, it is worth considering secondary factors. For example, ease of use. Powder preparations should be purchased only if they are convenient to use. When traveling, on vacation or during a camping trip, it is much more convenient to use tablets or capsules.

People prone to allergies should buy vitamins that contain a minimum amount of excipients and additional elements. For example, “Calcium D3”, which is aimed at enriching the body with calcium.

People who are resistant to allergic reactions should try drugs with the addition of herbal substances, the spectrum of action of which is much wider. For example, "ArtriVit".

If there is a need to take other elements, it is recommended to buy vitamin and mineral complexes, such as “Kalcemin Advance”, “Doppelgerz VIP Osteoprotect with collagen”, “Orthomol Artro Plus”.

But the most important thing is to listen to the doctor’s advice and your body’s reaction.
Remember that an excess of any substance, especially calcium, affects the body much more negatively than its deficiency. Happy shopping and good health! Thanks to in Yandex Zen. Daily updates, subscribe, we have a lot of interesting things

Signs of a lack of vitamins for ligaments

Many vitamins are not produced independently in the human body, but must be supplied with food. If a person eats monotonously, and his daily menu is not balanced, then soon the functioning of the musculoskeletal system will malfunction.

The first sign of vitamin deficiency is mild discomfort when bending or straightening joints or moving, accompanied by a characteristic crunching or clicking sound. They appear due to a violation of the composition of the synovial fluid, a change in its consistency, and the accumulation of a large number of air bubbles.

The symptoms indicate destruction of the joints quite clearly. It is enough to pay attention to them to stop this process. A degenerative process in mobile bone junctions is indicated by:

  • pain and aching in the bones, especially when moving;
  • creaking, crunching and clicking in places where the limbs bend;
  • deformation and change in size of bone junctions;
  • swelling and hyperemia;
  • difficulty moving, chronic arthrosis;
  • muscle stiffness and atrophy.

The formation of collagen and elastin is one of the main processes in the life of our body. With age, these processes slow down, causing tissue renewal to decrease. The body begins to feel a lack of collagen, which affects the condition of the skin, hair and musculoskeletal system. It is increasingly difficult for joints to recover, because the tissues become weaker, and the impact and load increase, and cartilage is destroyed.

How does collagen deficiency manifest? Osteoporosis, arthritis, leaky gut syndrome, blurred vision, sarcopenia, premature wrinkles, cellulite, bad hair, nails, teeth, poorly healing wounds, stretch marks, varicose veins.

What to choose: pharmacy vitamins or proper nutrition?

Disputes about this continue to this day, and both sides are, by and large, right. It would be good if you could get the necessary vitamins and minerals from food every day, but in practice this is impossible. Some are simply unavailable due to the low season, others cause allergies or are simply expensive.

For example, due to intolerance to cow's milk protein, many people are forced to abandon their natural source of calcium, which has an extremely negative effect on the musculoskeletal system. It is in such cases that multivitamins from the pharmacy come to the rescue. In addition, their use is indicated in special cases - for example, during pregnancy or lactation, when the number of useful components in the female body is sharply reduced.

It is impossible to compensate for vitamin deficiency from food and for those who actively engage in sports. In this case, for the prevention and treatment of post-traumatic arthrosis, it is very important to choose the right drug and help the body. If the problem worsens, you will have to use other methods, for example, restoring synovial fluid through intra-articular injections of Noltrex. However, even in this case, additional vitamins and minerals will be a good help for a weakened body.

What is the difference between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins

All vitamins are divided into two groups – fat-soluble and water-soluble. Each of them performs a specific function: it is impossible to determine which of them are more important for the body.

  • For example, riboflabin (B2) is involved in metabolism, and another water-soluble vitamin, thiamine, is responsible for nerve conduction. If the latter is deficient, polyneuritis of the lower extremities may develop.
  • Fat-soluble - especially important for the health of joints, bones and ligaments. For example, vitamin D is involved in calcium phosphate metabolism, and when it is deficient, the musculoskeletal system very quickly fails. Vitamin K is responsible for the production of bone mass, so in its absence bones quickly break down.

You can replenish your vitamin D deficiency by basking in the warm sun.

Daily intake of vitamins and microelements for ligaments

Restoration of ligaments and joints requires a large amount of vitamins and minerals that take part in the process of synthesis of new cells. These primarily include vitamins: group B, E, C, D, K, minerals: calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium. Many vitamins and minerals are also excellent antioxidants, which help protect cells from oxidative damage due to inflammation.

Vitamin C

required for collagen synthesis. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant. This vitamin helps reduce pain and inflammation. In addition, vitamin C improves ligament repair.

Prophylactic dose:

  • Children 0-7 years old 30-50 mg
  • Children 7-18 years old 60-90 mg
  • Adults: 90 mg
  • Pregnant women 100 mg
  • Nursing 120 mg

Vitamin E

It is also a powerful antioxidant, it reduces pain and protects joints from damage. Both vitamins C and E play an important role in the treatment of joint diseases, which is explained by a decrease in oxidative processes.

Dosage for prevention:

  • Children 0-7 years 3-7 mg
  • Children 7-18 years old 10-15 mg
  • Adults 15 mg

B vitamins

also have anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, they help with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Vitamin B5 has a beneficial effect on wound healing and improves collagen synthesis. However, individual studies show that low levels of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) in the body are inversely associated with increased joint pain and ligament stiffness. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Prophylactic dosages for adults:

  • Vitamin B5 5 mg
  • Vitamin B6 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin B9 400 mcg
  • Vitamin B12 2.4 mcg

Calcium and vitamin D

– necessary for strengthening bones, must be taken at the same time.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency: seizures, osteomalacia, arrhythmia, dry skin, brittle nails, mood changes (depression or irritability)

Additional calcium intake (with sufficient vitamin D levels) is necessary:

  • If a deficiency or unbalanced diet is identified
  • During the period of child growth and development at all stages
  • For bone fractures
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding (if there is a deficiency)
  • For coffee lovers

Bioavailable forms of calcium are citrate, chelate, malate, glycinate, hydroxyapatite, calcium from algae.

For the best absorption of calcium, you need vitamin D3, K2, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, so in case of fractures, to prevent osteoporosis, it is more profitable to immediately order a complex with these minerals.

It is better to take calcium in the evening, because... Calcium is absorbed at night.

Some studies show that vitamin D deficiency leads to various disorders, including inflammation of the ligaments and joints. Taking appropriate supplements can reduce such negative processes.

Vitamin D

responsible for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, muscle tone.

Deficiency is reflected in muscle weakness, fatigue, and cramps.

Lack of fats in the diet, combined intake with vitamins A and E, and lack of magnesium interfere with absorption.

Preventive dosages: children 1-18 years old 1500 IU; adults 2000-4000 IU.

When taking high doses of vitamin D, it is necessary to supplement with vitamin K2. It is responsible for the formation of bone tissue and prevents the deposition of calcium into blood vessels.

  • Children 1-7 years old 30-55 mcg
  • Children 7-18 years old 60-100 mcg
  • Adults 120 mcg

Exact calculation: you need 1 mcg per kilogram of body weight per day.


– a structural component of bones and tooth enamel regulates calcium metabolism and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Deficiency symptoms: muscle twitching and weakness, arrhythmia, irritability, seizures, poor growth, insomnia, depression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease

Dosage for prevention is 200-400 mg.

The most suitable form for muscle fatigue and cramps is magnesium malate.

Minerals are required to ensure the normal functioning of cells; they serve to activate the production of enzymes and the synthesis of ligament cells.


activates the production of enzymes that are responsible for cell growth and integrity. With a lack of this mineral in the body, poor tissue healing occurs.

Daily consumption rate in a prophylactic dose:

  • children 0-7 years old 3-8 mg
  • children 7-18 years old 10-12 mg
  • adults: 12 mg


activates the production of lysyl oxidase, which is important in the transformation of collagen and elastin. Copper also has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve joint and ligament pain.

Daily requirement for a prophylactic dose:

  • children 0-7 years old 0.3 -0.6 mg
  • children 7-18 years old 0.7-1 mg
  • adults 1 mg


takes part in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids and protects vitamin E from premature destruction, protects cells from free radicals.

Daily requirement for a prophylactic dose:

  • children 0-7 years old 10-20 mcg
  • children 7-18 years old 30-50 mcg
  • adults: men 70 mcg, women 50 mcg

In addition to vitamins and microelements, collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid help maintain the elasticity of ligaments.

A recent meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that supplemental collagen “provides clinically significant benefits, particularly mid-term pain relief.”


: Dietary supplements for treating osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Collagen performs important functions in the body


  • is the basis of connective tissue, creates the framework of the entire body, holding cells together;
  • protects tissues from damage under stress; the strength of its fibers is important, since the strength of muscles, ligaments, bones, and tendons depends on it;
  • forms the basis of the skin: smoothness, elasticity and absence of wrinkles are its merit;
  • age-related skin changes are also directly dependent on this protein.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, collagen is used not only in cosmetic dermatology, but also in the treatment of serious diseases. In a randomized double trial of 60 patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis, supplementation with type II collagen for 3 months reduced joint inflammation and tenderness, and 4 patients had complete remission.


: Effects of oral administration of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis

Supplements with hydrolyzed collagen are quite expensive, since 1 kilogram of raw material is required to obtain 12 grams of bovine, pork or chicken collagen. But its advantage over bone broth and gelatin is its greater bioavailability; hydrolyzed collagen is absorbed by the body much better.

As a dietary supplement, hydrolyzed collagen is considered the most bioavailable.

The most studied types are bovine and fish.

The recommended daily dose of collagen is 10−12 g.

Glucosamine and chondroitin , which are found in healthy cartilage, may also help relieve pain.

. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that “glucosamine in combination with chondroitin sulfate may be effective in treating a subgroup of patients with moderate to severe knee pain.”


: Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and the two in combination for painful knee osteoarthritis

Bone broth allows you to combine the above elements.

In addition, the broth also contains amino acids (proline, lysine, glycine and lutamine), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur), hyaluronic acid, which are beneficial for joints and the cardiac system.

Thanks to its potassium and glycine content, the broth supports cellular and liver detoxification. Broth is a source of glutathione, one of the most important antioxidants needed for healthy metabolism.

Hyaluronic acid

– non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan, which is part of connective, epithelial and nervous tissues. It is one of the main components of the extracellular matrix and is found in many biological fluids (saliva, synovial fluid, etc.).

Produced by certain bacteria (eg Streptococcus). The average 70kg person's body contains about 15 grams of hyaluronic acid, a third of which is converted (broken down or synthesized) every day.

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“Fat-soluble vitamins: nature and representatives” Read more

Some herbs and spices that can relieve joint pain include boswellia and turmeric.

. In traditional medicine in Asia and Africa, boswellia is considered to help treat chronic inflammatory diseases. Turmeric is used to treat arthritis in traditional Chinese medicine as well as Ayurveda and contains the anti-inflammatory compound curcumin, which modifies the immune system's response.

Almost all modern supplements for ligaments, joints and bones, which have proven effectiveness when taken prophylactically, have been listed and briefly described above.

We’ll also give you some tips to help keep your ligaments and joints in healthy shape.


  • Follow the exercise technique to avoid injury.
  • If you have problems with ligaments and joints, use safer exercises.
  • Take a preventive course of a complex supplement, collagen and a vitamin-mineral complex.
  • Don't lift too much weight.
  • Do not put stress on your joints and ligaments if you are injured until you have fully recovered.
  • Treatment of diseases of ligaments and joints should be agreed with a specialist.

Classification of drugs for joints

The following groups of drugs are used to treat joints:

  • analgesics – effective, quick-acting painkillers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, NSAIDs) - inhibit the activity of mediators of pain and inflammation - cyclooxygenases (COX-1, COX-2);
  • intra-articular glucocorticosteroids - hormones, effective agents that suppress immunoinflammatory reactions for a long time;
  • muscle relaxants – eliminate muscle spasms;
  • chondroprotectors - chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine (relatively effective slow-acting agents that slow down the progression of osteoarthritis).


It is important to start combined treatment of osteoarthritis in the first 2-3 months after the onset of symptoms. In this case, the probability of maintaining operability over the next 10 years increases to 75%³.

Most often, drugs of different groups are prescribed. First, signs of acute inflammation are removed, then medications are prescribed to help restore the components of the joint.

Traditional methods of replenishing vitamin deficiencies

In the absence of medications, our ancestors used what was at hand to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins. For healthy joints, they took rich broths based on pork feet. The diet necessarily included seasonal greens, meat, fish, vegetables and cereals.

Instead of overseas fruits, they preferred those grown on their own land - this was the basis of a balanced balanced diet. In addition to it, nettle and dandelion were added to the diet - a storehouse of vitamins. Why not listen to the experience of our ancestors and try to establish a good diet according to their model?

Lingonberry – “the berry of immortality”, an unfairly forgotten source of vitamins

What to remember when choosing a vitamin complex

Taking vitamins for athletes is distinguished by an enhanced formula - depending on the state of health, there may be contraindications (some complexes are contraindicated for pregnant women, patients with diabetes, allergies to certain components of the composition, and some other restrictions).

Before use, make an appointment with a nutritionist - this will not only help you maintain your health, but also get the maximum benefit from vitamins during your training period.

The doctor will select the drug individually, including the method of administration - oral administration or intramuscular injections (relevant for professional athletes, since the method of administration and dosage affect the increase in athletic performance).

Choose your healthy supplements wisely and stay healthy!

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