OSTEO-VIT. Vitamins for bone health

Antibiotic treatment is seen as a panacea for many deadly diseases and bacterial infections. But it’s no secret that antibiotics cause side effects, especially if you self-medicate and prescribe the type and dosage of the drug yourself.

The consequences of taking antibiotics are such that the functions of beneficial microflora, such as growth and protection. Some forms of antibiotics produce free radicals, which are lethal to living cells and kill bacterial ones.

The harm of antibiotics to the intestines

The term intestinal dysbiosis refers to all diseases in the small intestine that occur due to microflora disturbances. They are accompanied by loss of intestinal cells and an increase in their permeability. The influence of antibiotics on this process is undeniable. Even one dose of an antibiotic can significantly affect the microflora.

In medicine, relatively recently, they began to realize the negative consequences that antibiotics cause, the side effects of which must be minimized immediately. Any antibiotics can change the intestinal flora, but some of them - penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, clindamycin - are a direct cause of antibiotic-associated and pseudomembranous colitis. The first develops under the influence of antibiotics, the second is caused by clostridia bacteria, which rapidly multiply against the background of damaged microflora.

Think about your immune system in time. If antibiotics are essential for you, talk to your doctor about which medications you should take at the same time as antibiotics to restore your levels of beneficial bacteria. This will help minimize the effects of taking antibiotics, and intestinal treatment will not be so long and expensive.

If you are prescribed antibiotic treatment, you need to take preventive measures and undergo a course of probiotic therapy to restore beneficial bacteria that were destroyed during therapy. The most optimal preparations after antibiotics are liquid concentrates of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli Bifidum Bagh and Trilact. In addition to the fact that beneficial bacteria cover the intestines with a continuous protective biofilm, leaving no chance for fungi, they also normalize metabolism and digestion, which reduces bloating, the body quickly cleanses itself of toxins, and improves immunity. To achieve this effect, the number of probiotic bacteria must reach a certain titer. It is generally accepted that a probiotic should contain 10 million colony forming units per gram. For comparison: the liquid probiotic Bifidum Bag contains 10 to 12 power (1000 billion) bacteria, that is, this figure is higher than other probiotic preparations that are prescribed after antibiotics.

At the same time, intestinal dysbiosis is corrected with a diet high in soluble and insoluble fiber and low in saturated fat and animal protein. These reduce the concentration of bacteroids and increase the concentration of bacteria that produce lactic acid: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and lactic acid streptococci.

Adding fiber to the diet can have different effects on the treatment of dysbiosis. Insoluble fibers reduce the concentration of bacteria and their activity. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, increases bacterial concentrations and enzymatic activity while increasing levels of beneficial short-chain fatty acids. In most cases, you can successfully eliminate mild symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by learning to manage stress and making diet and lifestyle changes.

Do antibiotics affect allergies?

Antibiotic sensitivity, or allergic reaction, can be caused by any drug. Allergies are one of the most common consequences of taking antibiotics. When prescribing an antibiotic, doctors must warn about the side effects of this drug. Mild allergic reactions can cause a skin rash, while more severe ones can cause anaphylactic shock, which can lead to shortness of breath and swelling of the face, lips and tongue. This condition requires urgent medical attention.

An antibiotic allergy occurs when the immune system mistakes the drug for a harmful substance, like a viral or bacterial infection. In most cases, an allergy develops when the immune system becomes sensitive to a drug. This means that when you first took the drug, your immune system recognized it as a harmful substance and developed antibodies to it. The next time you take the drug, these antibodies will attack the foreign substance. The chemicals released during this process cause allergy symptoms.

Most allergic reactions are caused by penicillin or another class of antibiotics, the sulfonamides. There are two types of skin rashes that can occur during antibiotic use:

  • An allergic rash that occurs as an allergy to antibiotics. It appears as red or white pimples that can appear on any part of the body. They usually last for one or several hours and then disappear. In this case, the person experiences severe itching of the skin.
  • Illness-related rashes – skin rashes can often appear during any viral illness. This rash usually appears as pinpoint red or white rashes, similar to hives.

It is very important to know if you are allergic to a specific antibiotic.

What to do if you are already experiencing hives or other allergic rashes? Stop taking the antibiotic immediately until you consult your doctor. Try taking antihistamines, which temporarily reduce allergic rashes and itchy skin.

To reduce all this negativity to a minimum, before the course of treatment it is necessary to select probiotics and take them after taking antibiotics, and in some cases, simultaneously with antibiotic therapy. Taking a sorbent can save you from intoxication. The immobilized sorbent Ecoflor has proven itself very well, which is able to relieve the manifestations of allergic urticaria.

The composition of human microflora, not only in the intestines, but also on the skin and throughout the body, is of great importance for health. To maintain healthy microflora, take probiotics, and the treatment will bring you more effect and cause a minimum of adverse reactions.

How to protect joints and immunity after taking antibiotics?

By taking bifidobacteria and thereby protecting the intestinal microflora, of course, the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis is somewhat reduced. However, this is not enough for healthy bones and joints. To protect your joints and bones after taking antibiotics, they need vitamins!

First of all, vitamin D, which is involved in calcium phosphate metabolism, protects joints and bones from the harmful effects of antibiotics. It helps absorb phosphorus and calcium from the intestines and distributes it to bones and joints. Vitamin D has immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects! This increases the opportunity to avoid the development of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. Another important vitamin for joints, ligaments and bones is vitamin B6, which is also involved in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Vitamin B6 has an effect on the functioning of the nervous system and on the process of hematopoiesis, the disruption of which is one of the complications after taking antibiotics.

These two important vitamins, which help protect joints after taking antibiotics, are part of the Osteo-Vit vitamin complex, and they enhance the effect of drone brood. Drone brood is not only a storehouse of all substances valuable for the health of joints and bones and a healing agent. It affects hormonal levels, disruption of which in adolescence or menopause also causes a number of diseases of the bone skeleton and joints.

Take antibiotics only as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor! And if you can’t do without antibacterial therapy, learn how to properly protect your joints!

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Antibiotic therapy support

Particularly important for patients with allergies.

During treatment, it is recommended to take probiotics as part of complex therapy orally and, if indicated, locally from the first day of treatment and during the recovery period after treatment. It is recommended to increase the daily dose of probiotics by 2 times relative to age. The minimum interval between taking the probiotic and the drug is 2-3 hours.

The order, duration and frequency of administration, the amount of daily and single doses of a probiotic for a particular patient are determined by the attending physician and may differ from the recommended regimen. For example, according to the decision of the attending physician, it is possible to take only one or two of the three drugs of the complex.

Probiotics when taking antibiotics

Probiotics Bifidum BAG and Trilact are indicated for use from the first to the last day of taking the antibiotic in double dosage with a spread of time for taking the probiotic and antibiotic at 2-3 hours. After a course of antibiotics to restore your own microflora, a probiotic course is 3-4 weeks in age-specific dosages.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics eliminate both the causative agent of infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus and many other bacteria) and beneficial microflora. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are among the main ones in the functioning of the body's immune system. Without them, the immune system does not work.

Short course of antibacterial therapy (5 - 10 days)

Taking increased doses of probiotics orally and locally as indicated from the 1st day of treatment.

The interval between taking an antimicrobial drug and a probiotic is 3 hours.

According to the decision of the attending physician, Ecoflor from 2 to 3 packs can be added to Bifidum BAG and/or Trilact. per day for the entire period of therapy to prevent toxic damage to the liver and other organs.

Recovery period after treatment (rehabilitation) - recommended after completion of any treatment that requires medication. Necessary for consolidating the results of treatment and obtaining a longer and more lasting result, achieving long-term remission, reducing the number of relapses of the disease and improving the patient’s quality of life

After completing the treatment course, it is recommended to conduct a restorative course of taking probiotics - 40 days (see)

Recommended regimen for use of Bifidum BAG/ Trilact/ Ecoflor for the correction of intestinal flora after antibiotic therapy, children over 12 years of age and adults.

Course duration 40 days

Stages of treatmentDurationTime and dosage of medications
Preliminary stage1-15 day In the morning – Ecoflor 1 pack

During the day – Ecoflor 1 pack

In the evening – Bifidum BAG 6 ml

1st stage16-40 day In the morning – Trilact 6 ml

In the evening – Bifidum BAG 6 ml

View all articles in the “Microbiocenosis” section

Question to Rheumatologist

Question from Oleg

Question: Hello. Two and a half months ago (January 9), after exercising in the gym, pain began in the knee joints (both) at the same time. Before this, for 10 days I had a cold-like illness (runny nose, stuffy ears, headache, temperature about 37 degrees). There was swelling in the knees, but there were no external manifestations. The use of larkspur ointments, diklak gel and finalgon did not give any results. After 4 days of exercise, pain in the elbow joints began. After consultation with a rheumatologist, a diagnosis was made of primary manifestations of osteoarthritis of the knee joints (test results: leukocytes - 5, ESR - 6, total bilirubin - 25 (normal 8.5-20.5), rheumatic factor +3 (48) all other biochemical blood test indicators are normal , body temperature 36.2-36.8, x-ray of the joints of the hands is normal, x-ray of the cervical spine - osteochondrosis of the cervical spine G6, the height of the m/n discs is not changed, ultrasound of the knee joints - all indicators are normal except for uneven hyaline cartilage). During the tests (within one week), pain began in the joints of the hands and fingers, a burning sensation began in the hands, although there was no redness or external changes (according to the rheumatologist, these are side effects of osteoarthritis of the knee joints). For treatment, two drugs were prescribed: mucosate and melbek intramuscularly, and it was recommended to warm the joints in a bathhouse. After visiting the bathhouse, a burning sensation began in the forearms (without external changes). After taking the medications for a week, there was no improvement, my joints began to crack. I turned to another doctor, a rheumatologist, who prescribed x-rays of the knee joints and chest, as well as a blood test for antibodies to chlamydia and hepatitis. Test results: x-ray of the joints and chest is normal, analysis of antibodies to hepatitis B, C is negative. Antibodies M to chlamydia – negative. Antibodies J to chlamydia – positive (7.6 with an acceptable level of 1.2). During the tests (1 week), pain began in the joint of the big toe of the right foot and jaw joints, chest, insteps (without external manifestations), muscle spasms in the jaw area. Body temperature and blood pressure are normal. A diagnosis of reactive arthritis was made. During the treatment (antibiotics – Vilprafen – 500 mg 3 times a day for 14 days, Unidox Solutab 100 mg 2 times a day for 14 days, Olfen 75 IM for 10 days, Nimessil 100 mg 2 times a day, Conroloc 20 mg 15 days, Cycloferon 10 injections according to the basic regimen , phonophoresis of the knee, elbow joints with hydrocortisone for 7 days, laser with hydrocortisone for 8 days) a burning sensation began in the shoulders, chest, then neck, muscles around the eyes and the eyes themselves without any external manifestations. The burning sensation intensified at night and decreased during the day, especially when moving. The burning sensation was so strong that it was impossible to sleep at night. After consultation with a neurologist, sedatives and antidepressants were prescribed, but taking them for two days did not produce any results. At night, an injection of demmedrol with analgin was prescribed, which relieved pain for 3-4 hours. However, the burning sensation continued at night without external changes on the skin and without pain upon palpation. Blood tests during treatment were normal (except for the refactor, which periodically exceeded the threshold 3 times, and a slight periodic increase in the number of leukocytes (4-10) and ESR (6-10) and biliorubin (11-35) (threshold 30)). Ultrasound of internal organs, heart, thyroid gland is normal (slightly increased echogenicity of the liver, gall bladder deformed by the septum, increased echogenicity of bile). X-ray of the pelvic bones without changes. No worm eggs were detected. Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis reduced the number of lactobacilli. ECG is normal. Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide - 0.8 (up to 3 negative result. RPGA with pseudoturbeculosis and enteric-yersinia diagnostics - negative. MRI of the brain - no pathologies determined. RVG of the legs and head - without pathologies. FGDS - erythematous gastroscopy. During the treatment he was examined neurologists and psychiatrists. Again, antidepressants (Zoloft, etc.) were prescribed, but taking them for 5 days did not produce results. To improve sleep, sleeping pills (Donormil) were prescribed. A number of physical procedures were prescribed: ozokerite, salt baths and fir-pearl baths, magnet, acupuncture, HF and LF procedures. The treatment result did not bring significant improvement. A day after finishing taking antibiotics, pain in the hip joints began, after a month and a half of inadequate sleep for 2-6 hours, nervousness and “brain slowness” began due to a burning sensation. pain and cramps in the muscles of the legs.At the moment, after 35 days of treatment for reactive arthritis, various joints, ligaments and muscles around them periodically ache without visible external changes and redness. A burning sensation in the skin (or muscles) is felt when the body is at rest for more than 20 minutes, the burning intensifies at night, especially in the morning (there are no external manifestations on the body). Burning in the eyes (especially when watching TV), although an examination by an ophthalmologist did not reveal any abnormalities in the eyes. After 25 days of treatment, inflammation of the prostate began. Currently diagnosed with Reiter's disease, subacute course. Tell me if this is the correct diagnosis and why 35 days of treatment did not bring any positive results?


Hello, Oleg.

In order to reconsider the diagnosis, a personal examination is required.

If the diagnosis is established correctly, then the lack of improvement can be explained either by ineffective sanitation of the source of infection, or by the development of the disease to the stage when the connection between the infection and inflammation of the joints is lost, and the disease becomes autoimmune in nature. In these cases, basic treatment is prescribed.

I suggest returning to the rheumatologist and continuing treatment and examination.

Rheumatologist Sidorovich M.Yu.


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