What causes a bump on the foot on the little toe side? ⚕️

A lump on the foot near the little toe, due to the prevalence of the pathology in recent times, represents not only a medical, but also a social problem. This is associated with a decrease in the quality of life: when a bone appears near the little finger, not only the leg suffers, when the patient cannot fully walk, but the general condition worsens. The patient develops irritability, increased fatigue, and disturbed sleep. Due to late consultation with a doctor, the pathology progresses. If there is no effect from the use of any prescribed medication, the only treatment option left is surgery.

Causes of a lump near the little finger

When a bone near the little toe forms and grows on the leg, increasing in size, in order to carry out successful treatment it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Numerous observations show that the lump on the side of the little finger in etiology and pathogenesis, as well as in clinical manifestations, is a mirror image of Hallux valgus.

Therefore, the risk factors for both pathologies are similar. A person begins to fall ill when there is one or simultaneous influence of several causes. These include:

  • genetic predisposition (bumps on the legs of close relatives);
  • female gender due to the predominant wearing of narrow shoes with thin soles and high thin heels and the development of transverse flat feet with hallux valgus. This is an orthopedic disease, common mainly in women due to the fact that they have softer cartilage than men;
  • elderly age;
  • excess weight, which creates increased stress on the legs;
  • endocrine pathology (pregnancy, menopause, diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  • features of the profession (long stay on your feet);
  • injuries (dislocations, sprains, bruises, fractures, when post-traumatic deformity develops after an improperly healed fracture of the metatarsal hand of the little finger);
  • gout with excess urea in the bloodstream (this situation is not uncommon among novice athletes for whom weight indicators are important - by taking diuretics, they get rid of extra hundreds of grams, causing irreparable damage to health);
  • unbalanced diet (constant consumption of large quantities of meat, sugar and salt);
  • bursitis (infectious inflammation of the synovial bursa);
  • arthrosis (a degenerative disease of the skeletal system that affects all joints);
  • Taylor's deformity;
  • osteoporosis with a lack of calcium in the bones;
  • congenital instability of the joint.

Genetic predisposition explains the appearance of this pathology in girls who do not yet wear high-heeled shoes.

Taylor deformity

Taylor's deformity, or tailor's foot, is a varus deformity of the 5th toe (as opposed to a vagal deformity of the big toe). Taylor's deformity is a pathological condition in which the little toe begins to protrude inward and the metatarsal bone protrudes outward, resulting in a lump at the base of the fifth toe.

The name originated hundreds of years ago when tailors worked all day long with their legs crossed, resting on the outer edges of their feet. Pressure on the bones of the foot caused a growth to appear in the area of ​​the little toe, which began to swell, become inflamed and accompanied by pain. As a result, the tailor's foot was a convexity outward at the base of the little toe with the toe itself deviating inward.

With this pathology, the finger can sometimes move upward. The changes are congenital or acquired. With congenital Taylor deformity, a large angle of deviation of the 5th metatarsal bone is expressed, or in the distal part the bone has the appearance of a rocker arm. A combination of both factors is possible. At the same time, there is hallux valgus, which is explained by congenital weakness of the foot ligaments.

The symptoms are standard; with different etiologies of the lump, the clinical picture is similar:

  • pain;
  • hyperemia;
  • edema.

A harbinger of Taylor's varus deformity is the appearance of a callus near the little finger. In some cases, the callus forms in the later stages, with severe deformation, when the metatarsal bone can move out of articulation. And then the pain becomes constant, even in loose shoes.


A lump developing on the little finger may be a hygroma. This formation is a benign tumor (its cells differ from normal ones):

  • with gelatinous serous-fibrinous or serous-mucous colorless liquid inside;
  • ranging in size from 3-4 mm to 7 cm;
  • round shape;
  • elastic consistency;
  • practically motionless, since it develops on a ligament, but the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue located above the hygroma retain their mobility.

Why does the bone near the little toe hurt?

The bone near the little finger may not bother you, but it may cause pain while walking and at rest. These are distinctive clinical signs that can be used to identify gouty or rheumatoid arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or osteomalacia, foot bursitis, tendinitis, tendinosis, ligamentosis and a number of other serious pathologies.

Usually the bone near the little finger hurts due to injuries and the development of diseases of inflammatory origin. Pain of low intensity indicates an old, chronic process or the deposition of calcium salts in the fibers of tendon and ligamentous tissue. In such cases, long-term therapy is required, aimed at restoring microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, increasing the tone of the foot muscles, etc. Severe pain is typical of bursitis and arthritis. With these diseases, a lump suddenly appears near the base of the little finger. This is not a deformity or tailor's foot. This is a manifestation of the inflammatory process in the joint capsule or bursa. A distinctive sign is hyperemia of the skin and sharp pain when trying to move the little toe and bend the foot.

Quite serious pain, but occurring exclusively on palpation, is a characteristic sign of gout and the formation of a gouty nodule at the base of the little finger. It does look like a small bump and can easily be confused with tailor's foot. But this is a completely different disease, which is based on improper purine metabolism in the human body. As a result, uric acid crystals settle in the tissues of the joints and cause burning pain. Then deformation and destruction of the cartilage tissue inside the joint occurs. They are literally impregnated with uric acid salts.

The bone on the foot near the little toe constantly hurts as a result of repeated cracks and fractures due to osteoporosis or osteomalacia. When a crack appears, the process of callus formation begins. With each new crack, the size of the callus increases. This is how the bone grows at the base of the little finger in osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Diagnosis requires densitometry and scintigraphy - these examination methods demonstrate bone density and visualize its structure.

A bunion near the little toe may be a symptom of deforming osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint. This pathology develops with degeneration and dystrophy of synovial cartilage tissue, which covers the heads of the bones entering the joint. Develops due to insufficient diffuse nutrition against the background of impaired blood supply to the muscles of the foot. It can be a concomitant disease with diabetic foot, atherosclerosis, obliterating arteritis.

Clinical picture of the pathology

Symptoms accompanying a bunion in the area of ​​the little toe include:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • expansion of the transverse arch of the foot;
  • hyperemia;
  • thickening of the soft tissues of the joint;
  • callus on the side or from the plantar surface in the projection of the head of the fifth metatarsal bone.

To carry out differential diagnosis with diseases accompanied by severe joint pathology, it is necessary to accurately describe the complaints at the doctor’s appointment. Prescribing correct and adequate treatment depends on this. In addition to the above symptoms, the manifestations of a lump, unlike other growths on the leg, are:

  • constant pain or burning sensation in the feet;
  • leg cramps, mainly at night;
  • corns and calluses;
  • lump near the little finger.

Symptoms worsen after prolonged standing. By evening, literally, it becomes impossible to stand.

Soft tissue lumps in the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint

Characteristic features: soft, mobile, painful, warm to the touch, can quickly increase in size.

Bursitis of the mucous membrane of the metatarsophalangeal joint

Most often, this disease appears when there are bone growths in the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Sometimes it can develop independently, for example, when, when wearing tight shoes, the mucous membrane is chronically injured and rubs against the shoes.

  • a swelling appears on the inside of the foot at the base of the first toe;
  • appears suddenly, quickly increases in size;
  • there is redness of the skin in the area of ​​the bump, it is often hot to the touch, painful, soft;
  • sometimes the liquid in it is detected;
  • Conservative treatment is effective and quickly gives good results.
Bursitis in combination with hallux valgus and Taylor deformity, hammertoe deformity of the second finger

Arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

In arthritis, a “bump” is formed due to inflamed soft tissues, swelling, and an increase in the amount of synovial fluid. The most common causes of arthritis are gout, infectious diseases (reactive arthritis), and systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis). Characteristic symptoms of a “bump” in arthritis:

  • the skin at the base of the first finger is red, swelling is located along the entire perimeter of the joint, often very painful;
  • it is soft, hot to the touch, and can be very painful;
  • in some cases, general body temperature increases;
  • conservative treatment methods are effective and quickly give positive results;
  • The choice of treatment method depends on the causes of arthritis.

Acute arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint


The goals of treating a pathological process on the foot:

  • elimination of inflammation in the area of ​​cones;
  • pain relief;
  • process stabilization;
  • restoration of functions;
  • prevention of further deformation.

Treatment for a bump on the little finger depends on the cause of its appearance and the precise diagnosis. Most often this is the result of progression of transverse flatfoot. Therefore, the therapy is similar to the treatment of valgus: wearing insoles, arch supports and inserts. Orthoses prevent the development of further deformation. Regular massage and therapeutic exercises are considered a prerequisite for treatment. The exercises prescribed by the attending physician will have to be done regularly so as not to disrupt the rehabilitation process.

In most cases, with existing Hallux valgus, treatment of the formation that appears on the little finger using conservative methods is ineffective.

Surgical intervention is indicated:

  • removal of developed cones;
  • reconstruction of the arch of the foot.

In the postoperative period, an 8-week immobilization of the foot is performed. In the future, wearing orthoses that support the arch of the foot is prescribed.

If the bone is a manifestation of gout or bursitis, treat the underlying disease.

If you suspect a fracture, you must immediately apply cold to the sore spot, drink painkillers if necessary, immobilize your finger and consult a traumatologist.

In any case, if there is no effect from conservative therapy, surgical treatment is recommended.

Conservative therapy

For any etiology of stone formation, at the first signs of inflammation, NSAIDs are prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Movalis;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesil;
  • Ibuprofen and others.

For severe pain and swelling, local injections of GCS (glucocorticosteroids) are used:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

During a gout attack:

  • stabilization of uric acid levels (Allopurinol);
  • using NSAIDs to relieve inflammation, pain and swelling;
  • strict diet (exclusion of spicy dishes, rich broths, jellied meats, fatty meats, fish, switching to boiled and steamed foods).

Massage and physiotherapy can help remove small tophi in the future:

  • mud therapy;
  • ultraphoresis;
  • phonophoresis with hormonal drugs;
  • dry heat.

To reduce the risk of tophi formation, drugs are prescribed that improve microcirculation in tissues:

  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Actovegin.

Treatment of bursitis includes methods:

  • local;
  • general conservative.


  • antibacterial drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • GCS;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the disease continues to progress, surgery is indicated. If there is significant deformation of the foot, orthopedic shoes are made from a cast of the foot.


Indications for radical treatment include:

  • in the absence of effect from conservative treatment methods;
  • with the second or third degree of severity of the pathology;
  • with sharp progression of pathology;
  • with poorly corrected disorders of the musculoskeletal function of the foot;
  • with pronounced aesthetic defects (desire to get rid of deformation and wear more elegant shoes).

Surgical interventions are not indicated:

  • elderly and weakened patients;
  • with severe concomitant diseases;
  • with severe circulatory disorders in the lower extremities (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis).

When treating hygroma, the most reliable method is surgical removal of the formation. There are 3 ways to surgically treat a bunion on the little toe:

  • by excision;
  • endoscopically;
  • using a laser.

The hygroma is removed along with the capsule, the cavity is washed with an aseptic solution and the incision is sutured. With the endoscopic method, special instruments are used that are inserted into a small incision. During laser surgery, minimal blood loss is observed. The laser beam causes heating and destruction of the changed tissues.

A safer method is puncture. A puncture needle is inserted into the cyst and fluid is removed from it. Sclerosing drugs (Doxycycline, 96% alcohol) are injected into the cleaned cavity. After the procedure for removing the contents of the hygroma, a tightening bandage is applied. The patient is prescribed rest for 1 week. Immobilizing the foot helps slow down the formation of synovial (joint) fluid and minimize the risk of relapse. After puncture, the cyst can grow again, since its shell remains inside.

Treatment of a protruding bone

X-rays for deformation of the little finger are performed with a load in two projections.

Treatment is carried out by an orthopedic surgeon. Tactics depend on the severity of the curvature and the structural features of the foot. A bunion on the little toe is often combined with other pathologies, so the entire foot is examined.

The following therapy is used:

  • Radiography. During the study, deviations of the axes of the foot from the norm are identified, the magnitude of the angles between the bones of the leg and the size of the exostosis are assessed.
  • Plantography. Used to study load distribution in the distal part of the foot and diagnose transverse flatfoot.

Taking into account the detected changes, orthopedic correction, physiotherapeutic techniques or surgical treatment of the bone are prescribed.

How to remove a lump orthopedically

Orthopedic treatment of a bunion on the little toe is complex and selected individually. To reduce the bump and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, patients are recommended to wear loose shoes with custom orthopedic insoles. Insoles should be rigid, with a raised outer part and a replaceable liner that reduces the load on the distal parts of the foot.

According to indications, an additional heel insert is made - it aligns the position of the heel bone, as a result, the pressure on the little toe area when walking is reduced.

A soft silicone splint is placed over the bone. The splint pulls the little finger outward, returning it to its normal position. The product is used throughout the day. Bursoprotectors and finger separators are sometimes used.

Getting rid of growths with massage

Massage of a deformed little finger.
Massage strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the leg , improves blood circulation, and promotes tissue regeneration in the bone area. To achieve the effect, the following manipulations are regularly performed:

  1. The foot is preheated in a warm bath with essential oil, then lubricated with cream.
  2. The leg is gently rubbed with stroking movements.
  3. The sole is actively pressed with a fist, using circular movements.
  4. All fingers are rubbed, kneaded and stretched from the base to the nail, paying special attention to the little finger.
  5. The bone is gently massaged from the side, bottom and top, avoiding any sharp pain.
  6. The leg is gently rubbed again, moving the palms from the bottom up to the knee joint.

The procedure is complemented by rolling a ball, walking on a massage mat or round stones and exercises recommended for flat feet. Massage is done in courses of 10 sessions with breaks. Exercises are performed 1-2 times a day for several months without breaks.

Surgery for valgus of the little toe

Surgical removal of the bone is indicated for chronic moderate to severe deformity, persistent pain and severe hardening of the skin. The intervention is carried out under local anesthesia through a regular incision or punctures (minimally invasive). For bilateral growths, the right and left legs are operated on simultaneously.

If the bone is moderately pronounced and the angle between the bones is slight, exostosis is removed. If the lump is large and the angle is significant, an osteotomy of the metatarsal bone is performed. The position of the fragments is changed, the fragments are fastened with small screws, which are not felt by the patient and can remain in the leg throughout life. Sometimes strong vicryl threads are used for fixation.

Consequences of neglecting treatment

If, when a bunion develops on the foot, you do not promptly consult a doctor and find out the cause, you may miss a serious pathology, which can subsequently cause disability. Progression of changes in the foot will lead to the following consequences:

  • further deformation;
  • increase in transverse flatfoot;
  • increased pain;
  • limitation of physical activity;
  • will significantly reduce the quality of life.

In later stages, due to the impossibility of conservative treatment, complex surgical intervention is necessary, followed by long-term rehabilitation.


Prevention is the elimination of all risk factors leading to foot deformation. Recommended:

  • refuse tight high-heeled shoes and thin soles made of artificial materials with a narrow toe (the heel must be stable, no higher than 4-5 cm, so that the correct distribution of the load on the foot is observed, there are no obstacles to the movement of the toes, squeezing them, and blood circulation in the feet);
  • regular gymnastics, daily physical education - for this it is enough to allocate 10 minutes at home;
  • walking barefoot on uneven surfaces;
  • proper nutrition with the exception of fatty foods, abuse of spices, seasonings, coffee, alcohol;
  • observe the rules of hygiene.

At the first signs of foot problems, you should consult a doctor in order to begin treatment in a timely manner and prevent the development of serious consequences.

What to do if the bone on your little toe hurts

The first thing to do if the bone on your little toe hurts is to visit an orthopedic doctor. He will not only make an accurate diagnosis, but also help find the cause of the disease. The patient is given individual recommendations on changing his lifestyle in order to stop the destructive process and reverse it.

It is important to know what to do if the bunion on your little toe hurts at home. First of all, you should give up physical activity. Rest the affected leg until an accurate diagnosis is made. Do not apply compresses or use patches. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. Independent use of various means can only aggravate the situation and lead to the development of serious complications.

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