Postoperative bandage: how to choose, how long to wear

Bandage: waist belt, corset or compression garment

What is a postoperative bandage? It is a mistake to believe that the product can tighten the stomach after childbirth for aesthetic purposes, relieve pain, or give the opportunity to make sudden movements without damaging the seam.

Such an accessory is necessary to keep internal organs motionless, improve muscle tone and blood circulation. Regular wearing will reduce pain, but will not get rid of it completely until the connective tissue is formed, will cover the scar and improve posture, but will not tighten the figure, as shapewear does, will give some freedom in movement, but will not allow you to immediately return to sports activities.

The main purposes of wearing a bandage are:

  • Avoiding swelling and hematomas;
  • Avoiding prolapse of internal organs;
  • Avoiding the formation of hernias;
  • Preventing suture infection;
  • Acceleration of the healing process;
  • Reducing pain when moving.

Anatomical features of the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint has a system of tendons that connect the muscles and bones. These ligaments and tendons cover the dynamic parts of the joint, providing integrity for full range of motion. The articular cartilage in a joint is much thinner than the cartilage of weight-bearing joints, and therefore quickly wears out and becomes thinner. With injuries of various types, for example, dislocations, subluxations, fractures, in addition to damaging the surrounding tissues, stretching and tearing of the tendons occurs.

In such cases, a shoulder bandage is simply necessary. A clavicle bandage relieves stress on the damaged joint, allowing its muscles and ligaments to rest and recover as quickly as possible. Also, the shoulder bandage allows you to eliminate pain and minimize discomfort caused by the pathological process. All these factors improve the patient’s quality of life during treatment, as well as during the rehabilitation period.

A fixing bandage on the shoulder joint can provide support to the injured arm and limit its mobility. Very often, people whose professional activities involve intense stress on the shoulder region develop bursitis of this anatomical segment, which also involves complete immobilization of the limb.

It is well known that people who have sustained a shoulder injury develop proprioceptive disorders that interfere with natural physiological movements. Proprioceptive sensitivity helps a person control the posture of the hand, dose the power of muscle contractions, and feel their intensity both at rest and during movement.

The following movements are performed using the shoulder joint:

  1. When raising your arms, bending and straightening them, and also when trying to pull them behind your back, the shoulder joint functions only up to the horizontal axis. Further work is carried out by the collarbone and scapula.
  2. When spreading the limbs to the side, after the joint brings the arms to shoulder level, the shoulder blades and spinal column come into play.
  3. To shrug, the shoulder joint, shoulder blades, and collarbones need to be involved.
  4. Arm rotation requires the simultaneous interaction of the arms, shoulder blades, and collarbones.

In what cases will you encounter contraindications to wearing an abdominal bandage?

  • In the case of a special type of seam (for example, longitudinal);
  • In case of inflammation of the seam;
  • In case of edema caused by disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • In case of a tendency to swelling caused by improper functioning of the kidneys;
  • In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • In case of dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis and other violations of the integrity of the skin (ulcers, abscesses, bedsores);
  • In case of varicose veins (if we are talking about a leg model).

Attention! The degree of need for a postoperative belt is determined by the attending physician. Do not aggravate the situation by self-medication and follow the instructions.

How to choose a postoperative belt

The first thing to do is take measurements. If the bandage is applied to the abdominal wall - abdominal girth. On the chest - chest circumference (women take measurements under the chest). The resulting measurements are compared with the size chart offered by each manufacturer.

Second, pay attention to the material and type of fasteners.

Considering the fact that the period of wearing a belt can reach several months, and the duration of wear up to 8 hours a day, it is important to choose a model with a predominance of natural fabrics. The best solution would be cotton mixed with lycra or elastane. The fabric should be dense, but not stiff, allow air to pass through well and keep the skin dry.

Synthetic models are much cheaper, but are much more likely to cause an allergic reaction or problems with the integrity of the skin.

If we talk about fasteners, then on the market you can find adjustable Velcro, hooks, buttons, zippers, lacing, but the best solution would be Velcro with multi-stage adjustment. Hard fittings can rub and cause discomfort when sitting or walking, and the side zipper can scratch the side and cause additional discomfort when putting it on.

The third factor is the width of the product.

Make sure that the belt completely covers the seam, leaving a “margin” of a couple of centimeters at both the top and bottom. Do not give preference to overly wide models. In this case, the edges will bend and interfere with walking and sitting. The main guideline when choosing width is your height.

Main functions of a shoulder orthosis

The main function of the shoulder bandage is to immobilize and fix the joint. In case of injuries and diseases of the shoulder joint, it is necessary to fix not only the site of injury, but also to immobilize the thoracic spine, as well as the arm. This is the main advantage of using a bandage - immobilization of the entire limb.

An orthopedic bandage for the shoulder joint allows you to relieve the muscles of the arms, which makes it an indispensable preventive measure for joint diseases. After all, wearing a shoulder orthosis is indicated in some cases for polyarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis to relieve neurological syndromes. In addition, the use of such a device will prevent deformation and destruction of joints in case of serious pathologies. In addition, the disease will not progress.

Most often, a shoulder orthosis is applied for dislocations, subluxations, fractures, sprains and bruises. This orthopedic device can adjust the degree of fixation. It can be either mild or moderate or strong. However, in all cases and with any degree of rigidity, the shoulder brace stabilizes the shoulder joint and relieves the ligamentous-muscular system. By limiting motor activity, the orthosis also minimizes ligament static. For this reason, even with a minor injury, a bandage should be used to immobilize the joint, since reliable immobilization of the joint will lead to its speedy recovery.

Injuries and inflammations of the musculoskeletal system can be very diverse and occur for various reasons. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and use a joint bandage yourself. If you have pain and discomfort in the shoulder area, you must first consult a doctor to identify the causes that caused these symptoms. A shoulder brace can only be fitted by a doctor specializing in orthopedics.

Only after a complete examination will he advise which bandage to buy, where to buy it and how to use it.

Rules and duration of wearing

It is best to wear the bandage on a thin cotton T-shirt. If we are talking about an ostomy, take care of buying clothes for ostomies.

The correct position when putting it on is lying on your back with complete relaxation of your abdominal muscles and even breathing. For an ostomy, the product is put on over a colostomy or urea bag, without applying too much tension.

The minimum wearing time per day is 1 hour. Maximum – up to 8-9 hours with half-hour breaks after every 2 hours.

Attention! The total wearing time per day is determined by the attending physician and depends on the complexity of the operation. Do not violate the established regime and do not leave the cut overnight. Negligence in the wearing schedule can lead to excessive compression and atrophy of muscle tissue.

Types of braces for the shoulder joint

It should be noted that there is a structural and functional difference between a bandage and an orthosis. The shoulder joint bandage regulates uniform load distribution and reasonable compression of blood vessels and tissues. Therefore, it is made from dense but elastic fabric that accurately follows the curves of the body. Such a bandage not only fixes the damaged joint, but also has a warming effect.

A shoulder orthosis is a more complex device that provides rigid fixation and immobilization of the joint. This product is equipped with metal or plastic inserts: plates, hooks, knitting needles. In addition, the orthosis determines the desired angle of fixation of the limb, and the presence of an inflatable roller in the axillary region allows you to adjust this angle.

According to the method of fixation, bandages are of the following types:

  1. Limiting. From the name it is clear that this type of brace is designed to limit the load and movement of the shoulder joint during intense physical activity. It is often used to stabilize the shoulder joint and relieve symptoms of arthrosis and arthritis. This bandage helps strengthen the shoulder muscles and is easily disguised with clothing.
  2. Supportive. The supporting arm bandage in the form of a scarf is a modified bandage in the shape of a spike that grips the forearm with fixation on the back. This fastening allows you to unload the damaged joint by evenly distributing the weight of the bent arm onto the healthy shoulder. The mobility of the limb is preserved. Thus, the scarf bandage is used as a support for diseases of the joint, as well as for minor injuries. Such bandages are made double-sided, with rigid components: knitting needles, hinges, plates, which provide a comfortable position for the forearm.
  3. Fixing. This type of bandage is also called a Deso bandage. It has an immobilizing effect, which allows you to firmly hold not only the shoulder joint, but also the elbow in an ergonomic position. The Deso bandage also allows you to reduce the motor activity of the back muscles, which eliminates vertebral deformation and curvature of the spine. The Deso bandage is used if necessary to fix the joint in the anatomically correct position to prevent further injury to the limb. This bandage reliably immobilizes the joint, holds it in the required position and prevents the development of intra-articular hematomas.

According to the type of effect of the bandage on the tissues and joints, they are distinguished:

  • soft clamps;
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard.

Soft fixation bandages are used for minor injuries of the ligamentous-muscular system and tendon pathologies. Such a bandage can relieve the joint, alleviate the patient’s condition, reducing pain.

Semi-rigid versions of the shoulder brace are prescribed for pathological processes of the joint: arthrosis, arthritis, periarthritis, as well as for dislocations, bruises and fractures of the shoulder neck. The therapeutic effect of such a bandage is to eliminate pain and stabilize both the joint itself and its head.

A rigid bandage ensures complete immobilization of the shoulder joint, so it is used for serious injuries. This effect is achieved due to the tight fit of the bandage, which avoids its displacement during movements.

How to care

The product must be washed by hand. The use of a washing machine and mechanical dryer is not allowed to avoid loss of compression properties and deformation of the fabric.

Dilute the soap solution in a basin. It is desirable if the soap has a neutral PH level. Gently wash the cut, paying attention to the area adjacent to the seam, rinse and gently squeeze out the water.

The belt should be dried flat on a drying rack or a clean cloth on the floor.

Attention! The use of used bandages is not allowed. There are frequent cases of wound infection due to non-compliance with hygiene rules by the previous owner. In addition, the material “sits” to a certain figure and the degree of compression will be lower than stated.

Measurement rules

Before carrying out work, there are two things to consider:

  • Take measurements using a measuring tape . No frills required here. The last option is to use thread and a ruler.
  • The time to take body measurements is morning. This period is considered the most “honest”, because the muscles are in a relaxed state and the body is “cooled”.

The main problem for beginners who are just starting to take measurements is the regular change in readings. This happens if you perform this work at different times. Immediately after training, the results will be impressive, but after 1-2 hours the blood leaves the muscles, and the previous parameters return to normal.

If your goal is to take correct body measurements, then consider the following:

  • Sagging of the measuring tape or its tension is not allowed. Don't try to deceive yourself. Retracting the abdomen, filling the chest with air and other tricks should not interfere with correct measurements. Be objective and determine the parameters taking into account all the rules (no tricks).
  • It is worth taking measurements at one point several times. This approach guarantees a reduction in error. It is important to remember or record the place where the measurement was taken. This is not difficult to do. A reference point can be the end of a bone, a mole, or other nuances of the body.
  • Keep a diary and record the results achieved. The ideal option is to take photographs from three angles with a camera once every 3-4 months to clearly see progress.
  • There is no point in taking frequent measurements. If the goal is weight loss, then measurements are taken once a week. When gaining weight, work is performed less frequently, for example, once every 2 weeks or month.
  • You should take body measurements with an assistant. Carrying out manipulations alone is difficult and inconvenient. In addition, the accuracy of the data will also be compromised.
  • It is worth considering that the volumes of the right and left limbs differ due to anatomical and physiological nuances. If you notice such a feature in yourself, then it is worth recording the parameters of both arms (legs).
  • Make notes in what state the measurements were taken (relaxed or tense). Today it seems to you that you remember, but in a month there will be no trace left of the memories.

By seeing “dry” data and assessing visual changes in the body, it will be possible to accurately approach the organization of the training process and pay attention to one or another group of lagging muscles.

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