How to choose a posture corrector: material, sizes and types of correctors

Any orthopedic product for the treatment and prevention of disease is prescribed by a specialized attending physician.

If we are talking about an orthopedic product for the treatment of diseases of the spine, then first you need to understand the terms and functional tasks of each product.

For the treatment and prevention of spinal diseases, medical products made of high-compression elastic material are used, which have from 4 to 8 stiffening ribs along the spine, some of them are equipped with additional elements such as pads or pilots, additional tapes, straps, etc.. These products have Different manufacturers have different names - corsets, bandages and orthoses.

Many people ask the question: What is the difference between a corset and a spinal orthosis?

Corset, bandage and orthosis are ambiguous words, it all depends on the area in which they are used. We are now considering the use of these products for the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases. Regardless of the name (corset, bandage or orthosis), the product must provide support for the spine and relieve it under load.

What are posture correctors used for?

Correctors are necessary to achieve correct posture to prevent contractures in the shoulders, neck and other difficult areas. Let's try to figure out which posture corrector is best and help you choose the ideal corrector, suitable for the office and comfortable work in any position.

A posture corrector is a device that helps straighten the spine and reduce slouching. These types of orthopedic braces force your shoulders and back to remain in a straight position, reducing pain caused by poor posture.

The main goal of the best back correctors is to keep your spine straight and reduce back, shoulder, or neck pain. Depending on the type of back corrector used, it can help relieve pain in the lower back, neck, and overall upper body.

Corsets (bandages and orthoses) for the spine

The main task of corsets is to provide support and fixation of the spine. Functionally, these orthopedic products can be divided into two groups: posture correctors and therapeutic corsets.

Posture correctors

Structurally, a thoracolumbar corset for posture correction is a unique combination of a reclinator and a bandage. It is equipped with non-stretchable straps that are placed on the shoulders and a wide belt covering the thoracic and lumbar spine. Some models may be additionally equipped with stiffening ribs made of metal or durable plastic, which allows for stronger fixation.

Thoracolumbar corsets are used for:

  • stoop and poor posture;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis;
  • rehabilitation after operations or injuries;
  • diseases such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, intervertebral hernia, etc.

If the spine needs to be fixed along its entire length, it is recommended to wear an extended thoracolumbosacral corset.

Posture correctors can be used for prevention or therapeutic purposes. And in order for their use to be as effective as possible, it is necessary:

  • consult a doctor;
  • choose the right size and level of rigidity of the model;
  • wear a spinal corset according to a schedule developed by a specialist;
  • do not give up additional ways to correct posture - physical therapy, massage and others.

Medical corsets

The design of therapeutic (rigid) corsets for the spine can be very different. To fix the lumbosacral region, rigid orthoses without shoulder straps are used, and to stabilize the entire length of the spine, strong corsets with a reclinator function are used. But regardless of the design, such corsets perform similar tasks:

  • fix certain parts of the spine until complete immobilization;
  • relieve stress from certain muscles;
  • reduce pain;
  • promote rapid recovery of performance after fractures, injuries, and operations.

A stabilizing corset for the lumbosacral region is used for diseases affecting the area from the lumbar to the sacrum: radiculitis, osteochondorosis, lumbago, osteoporosis, spondylosis and others. And thoracolumbar corsets successfully replace plaster ones, fixing the upper parts of the spine and without depriving the patient of the ability to move.

Orthopedic products with strong fixation are worn only as prescribed by a doctor. It is important to know: uncontrolled use of such orthoses can lead to adverse consequences. The muscles get used to being in a relaxed state and stop working actively, which ultimately contributes to their atrophy. It may take a long time to restore normal muscle function.


A reclinator is a posture corrector that turns the shoulders and helps fix the spine in the upper thoracic region. Use it for:

  • preventing slouching or combating it;
  • forming the habit of keeping your back straight and your shoulders turned;
  • alignment of posture.

Externally, posture correctors are an eight-shaped design, the loops of which are put on the shoulders. A properly sized reclinator securely fixes the clavicular region, preventing a child or adult from slouching.

Another indication for the use of reclinators is a fracture of the collarbone. The orthosis supports the injured area, limits movement and promotes a speedy recovery.

To use the reclinator to be as effective as possible, it must be worn daily, starting from a few minutes and gradually increasing the time to 5-6 hours a day. A specialist should develop a schedule for wearing the orthosis and determine the duration of therapy.

How to choose a posture corrector and what should you keep in mind before buying one?

Choosing the best back corrector is a determining factor in achieving comfort and health. If you choose the wrong posture corrector, the therapeutic effect of its use will be less.

A good way to find the right posture corrector model is to evaluate the following aspects:

  • size - choosing the appropriate size of a back corrector will help us take advantage of all the benefits of this device;
  • design - you will probably want others not to notice your posture corrector; nowadays there are many models that will be invisible under clothes;
  • type - there are different types, such as, for example, elastic bandages or reinforced corsets;
  • material of manufacture - cotton, neoprene, and other modern materials can be used;
  • ergonomics - the best back corrector should be lightweight, flexible and provide freedom of movement;
  • price - depending on your budget and the purpose of the thoracolumbar corset, you can buy an inexpensive posture corrector from 800 rubles or a more advanced one for 8,000 rubles or more.

When purchasing a posture corrector, fitting is very important. Therefore, it is better to buy a corrector not via the Internet, but in an orthopedic salon.

At Aesculapius orthopedic salons, specialists will help you choose a suitable posture corrector based on model and size.

How to choose a posture corrector: material, sizes and types of correctors

Author of the article:

Doctor with higher education Denis Vladimirovich Babenko

  • How to choose a posture corrector
  • How to choose a posture corrector for an adult according to parameters
  • Corrector material
  • Additional Information
  • What types of posture correctors are there?
  • Recommendations on how to wear a posture corrector

Heavy physical activity, sedentary work in an uncomfortable position, a sedentary lifestyle, an incorrectly selected mattress or pillow - all this negatively affects the condition of the spine, causing pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The posture corrector is designed to restore the physiological position of the body and prevent the development of dystrophic diseases. Let's talk about how to make the right choice of concealer!

How to choose a posture corrector

Before choosing a corrector, consultation with an orthopedic traumatologist is necessary. A specialist will help diagnose the nature of the problems, ways to solve them and the validity of using a proofreader. Before purchasing, it is important to measure your waist and height - the main criteria; some manufacturers use an additional indicator - chest circumference.

Important to remember! To measure chest circumference, the measuring tape must pass below the pectoral muscles. For women, the measurement should be under the bust.

How to choose a posture corrector for an adult according to parameters

  1. Measure your height (from 150 to 210 cm)
  2. Determine waist circumference (from 60 to 130 cm)
  3. Measure additional parameters (chest circumference, hips)
  4. Compare the measurement results with the sizes in the size table

The size of the correctors varies from S1 to XL2, where for S1 and S2 the waist circumference is 60-75 cm, and the height is 150-160 and 160-170 cm, respectively. For a more accurate choice, consultation with your doctor is important.


Posture correctors are made from a variety of materials: polymer fibers (spandex, lycra), latex, rubber and cotton. The type of material used affects comfort, wear resistance, and the likelihood of side effects.

Made from spandex , lycra and latex , the models are durable and easy to use. However, in some cases, when worn for a long time, they can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions: rash, inflammation, peeling, redness.

Rubber models are cheaper and less durable compared to spandex, lycra and latex. Rubber is characterized by a specific odor, so when purchasing a corrector, you should take into account the acceptability of this factor.

Cotton products are durable and easy to maintain and can be washed in washing machines. The models are also comfortable, rarely cause allergic reactions, absorb moisture well and do not irritate the skin. Cotton is one of the best materials for the effectiveness and comfort of correctors.

Posture correctors do not stretch and can absorb sweat. Therefore, they are not recommended for use during intense physical activity.

Additional Information

When choosing a posture corrector, comfort should be your top priority. Preference should be given to models with adjustable straps and straps. Belts and straps will allow you to customize the corrector to your individual body characteristics and make it easier to wear the device.

You should also pay attention to ease of use. The corrector should be easy to put on, take off and adjust. Some modern models come with additional features, so it's important to make sure you need them.

What types of posture correctors are there?

To determine which posture corrector is best for a particular case, you need to understand the types of devices:

  • Reclinators
  • Breast correctors
  • Thoracolumbar correctors

Recliners are a set of soft straps that allow the user to straighten their back if they begin to slouch. They are easy to use and suitable for adults and children. Used for the prevention of postural disorders and the treatment of mild stages of curvature. Comfortable to wear under clothes all day, invisible under clothes.

Breast correctors , unlike reclinators, are equipped with aluminum stiffeners and occupy a larger area. They have a large number of subtypes (corset, waist models, with straps). They are used for severe stoop, scoliosis and other spinal pathologies of mild to moderate severity.

Thoracolumbar correctors are additionally equipped with a wide strip located on the lower back. Widely used in severe diseases to compensate for conditions, for example, osteochondrosis.

Posture corrector Tonus Elast 0107 Comfort

Posture corrector Tonus Elast 0108 Comfort

Posture corrector Tonus Elast 0109-01


Posture correctors should be easy to put on and not cause discomfort throughout the day. The corrector should be used exclusively during the day; at night, the muscles need rest and relaxation. The device must be worn daily, starting from 1.5 hours, without skipping, to increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect. The degree of tension should be increased gradually so that the user does not experience discomfort. Follow all medical recommendations.

Recommendations on how to wear a posture corrector

  • Worn while standing in the morning
  • Straps over lightweight cotton clothing
  • Fix the device tightly so as not to experience discomfort.
  • Make sure the straps are not twisted to avoid circulatory problems.

A correctly selected and worn posture corrector will help you effectively cope with minor postural problems, compensate for severe spinal diseases, and reduce pain and discomfort.

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How to use posture correctors correctly?

The first thing we need to do when we detect signs of poor posture and problems in the thoracic spine is to consult a doctor. You should know that not all posture correctors are used equally.

You should ask your doctor:

  • what model of corrector do you need;
  • how long during the day should you wear the posture corrector;
  • Is it possible to sleep, lie in it, or play sports?

When putting on the corrector, make sure that it does not squeeze or press too hard.

Putting on a posture corrector is generally easy, as the mechanism is identical to the one we use to put on a backpack. Simply insert your arms through the straps running toward your back and tighten the bands to adjust the corrector as needed.

How to choose a corset for the spine?

You need to fight back disease not only with the help of drugs and physical therapy, but also by wearing a special corset. A correctly selected corset will relieve pain, improve posture, enhance blood circulation in damaged tissues, prevent spinal pathologies and help correct spinal curvature in patients with scoliosis. But such orthopedic products also perform a support function in the postoperative period.

Who should wear a corset?

People with chronic pain syndrome and scoliosis, and patients who have recently undergone spinal surgery should consider purchasing a corset. If you have a sedentary job or often carry heavy loads, then an orthopedic corset can help you. Various types of back treatment involve wearing a corset. This product will be an excellent gift for grandparents suffering from radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Wearing a corset for osteoporosis will prevent its complications. And, of course, all unlucky people with intervertebral hernias do not just need a corset - it is vital!

Variety of corsets

What is right for you - an elastic bandage, an orthopedic corset or an anti-radiculitis belt? An elastic bandage is worn by women before or after childbirth to protect the lower back; the anti-radiculitis belt provides warmth due to the high percentage of natural wool in the composition. Orthopedic corsets perform a support function thanks to metal ribs and plastic inserts. Corsets can be corrective (to correct posture) or fixing (to completely restrict movement), rigid, semi-rigid or soft, with exclusively elastic elements or with the addition of camel hair. Modern models also specialize in areas of the spine. So there is a corset for the lower back and neck, as well as lumbosacral and lumbar-thoracic types of corsets. A very special type of support is provided by a magnetic posture corrector. Magnets built into the body add a therapeutic effect to the corset.

Who is contraindicated from wearing a corset?

Do not attempt to choose a corset yourself without consulting a doctor. Even if you want to wear the product for preventive purposes, contact your doctor and consult with him. Perhaps wearing a corset is contraindicated for you. For example, it cannot be worn on certain areas of the body after operations in order to prevent suppuration and suture dehiscence. Some gastrointestinal diseases are also a contraindication to wearing a corset, as are skin diseases. After all, you may be allergic to the materials the product is made from.

How to choose a corset

The first step when choosing a product is to determine the type of corset. Together with a specialist, you determine the degree of rigidity and the model you need. It is very important not to make a mistake in size. A product that is too large will not do any harm, but will not perform its functions, but a product that is too small may impair blood circulation. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to help determine your size. For accuracy, try on several corsets in the store, feel which one you are more dexterous in. Give preference to products made from natural and hypoallergenic materials. Check the fasteners, they should not dig into your body, but they should not dangle either. A corset is a long-lasting purchase, and its price is not small. The final price is influenced by factors such as the quality of the raw materials and the popularity of the manufacturer. For those willing to spend big, some salons provide custom corset tailoring services according to your measurements.

How to care for a corset

We have already said that it is not advisable to buy a corset without consulting a doctor. The doctor will not only select the right product for you, but will also explain how to wear it, when and how to take it off and put it on.

There is a whole list of tips, following which you will maintain the presentation of the corset and not harm your health:

  • Do not wear the product for more than six hours at a time, this may have a bad effect on the condition of your spine and also cause irritation on the skin;
  • Never sleep in a corset;
  • Do not overtighten the corset; you may harm your internal organs;
  • Do not wear a corset on a naked body.

Now you know enough about corsets to think about going to a specialist and, together with a professional, decide whether you need a corset and which one.
Take your health seriously, don’t look for reasons for illness, just take care of yourself. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

How to correct your posture?

In addition to wearing a posture corrector, there are a number of steps that you need to follow to achieve success and get a well-groomed and healthy back. For this it is very important:

  • sleep correctly - we must have an orthopedic mattress that provides an orthopedic regime during sleep and rest and allows, in addition to comfortable sleep, to take care of the back, shoulders and torso;
  • a balanced diet – people who are obese or overweight are usually those who have the most back problems, so it is vital that you eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet;
  • physical exercise is the best way to strengthen the muscular corset to support the spine and discipline your posture.

Rules for choosing a posture corrector

Poor posture is observed these days in 75-80% of schoolchildren. In adults, improperly formed posture is a risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, problems with the respiratory and digestive organs, headaches, not to mention aesthetic problems. A posture corrector or reclinator is an excellent solution here - this is an orthopedic product for the prevention of postural disorders and correction of spinal curvature. It normalizes the position of the thoracic region, which helps prevent the development of diseases and reduce pain. It also normalizes muscle tone, straightens the shoulder girdle and optimizes the load on the back.

Posture correctors are divided according to the degree of rigidity into light, semi-rigid and hard . The degree of rigidity is determined by the presence of stiffeners, their number and the material from which they are made. Depending on the model, the posture corrector fixes only the thoracic , thoracic and lumbar , thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Moreover, it can be intended for a child , for an adult , or be universal .

Posture correctors are used in two cases: to prevent the appearance of spinal pathology or to correct an existing pathology. In the latter case, the corset is prescribed by a doctor, although for preventive purposes, a consultation with an orthopedist would not be superfluous.

If a posture corrector is selected for preventive purposes, for example, for a schoolchild or an adult with a sedentary job, then first you should purchase light preventive or semi-rigid classic models that spread the shoulders, support the spine and form a stereotype of correct posture.

Sizing The main parameters for selecting a posture corrector according to size are waist size and height. If your waist size is somewhere in between two sizes, then you need to take the larger size. If you are prescribed a combined, reinforced corrector, then it is worth measuring your abdominal circumference (lumbar circumference). It measures 8-10 cm below the waist. Some manufacturers also link the corrector size to chest circumference. To determine the girth of the chest, you need to measure the volume of the chest under the pectoral muscles, and for women - under the mammary glands. A properly fitted posture corrector should not chafe your underarms, pull your waist too tight, cut your skin, or cause pain. You can check whether the posture corrector is correctly selected and whether the stiffening ribs are correctly shaped using a simple test: the shoulders should be apart, the thoracic region should be straight, the spinal column should have a natural S-shaped bend line.

It is also necessary to take into account the material from which the corrector is made, especially if it is intended for a child. Wearing a corrector should not disrupt natural heat exchange, so the material must be well breathable. If the patient is prone to allergies, you need to find out whether the corset contains latex elements or other possible allergens. stores will always help you choose the right model and size.

If certain pathologies , then the parameters of the posture corrector are determined by an orthopedic doctor. Indications for prescribing a reclinator are: asymmetrical position of the shoulder blades, scoliosis of the thoracic spine, stoop, radiculitis, thoracic osteochondrosis. Contraindications are: children under 4-5 years of age, pregnancy, intolerance to the components of the product material, heart and lung diseases, problems with blood pressure, damage to the location of the corrective belt.

It is important to understand that a posture corrector (neither preventive nor therapeutic) is not a panacea for stooping, scoliosis, kyphosis and other posture disorders. It works only in combination with physical education, exercise therapy, and regular exercises to strengthen the back muscles. An orthopedic corset will never replace a muscular corset, and only by developing the long back muscles can you achieve the desired result - have good posture and a healthy back. The best ways to strengthen your back muscles are swimming, tennis, badminton, horse riding, and dancing. The fact is that a posture corrector only straightens the thoracic spine and forms a stereotype of correct posture, but our own muscles maintain posture. And if the muscles are weak, then they will not support the spine and it will inevitably bend in one direction or another. If a person wants to be successful and happy, then keeping himself in good shape is necessary every day, and a posture corrector will help with this.

What are the causes of poor posture?

Correct posture is necessary in order to enjoy life without pain in the back, shoulders or neck, as well as for the proper functioning of the internal organs in the thoracic region.

Some of the most common causes of poor posture are:

  • the lack of a comfortable workspace in the office or at home is one of the most common causes of poor posture - to combat this problem, you need to use comfortable and ergonomic chairs;
  • when we spend time in front of the TV or computer or smartphone screen, we strain the muscles of the neck and back, so we must strive to take an ergonomic position in which the back and shoulders are relaxed;
  • Excess weight is detrimental to spinal health – exercise and proper nutrition are essential to combat excess weight and its health consequences.

Risks of poor posture

Some of the most common consequences of poor posture are:

  • the risk of neck, shoulder and back diseases increases;
  • back pain, headaches - if blood circulation in the cervical and thoracic spine is impaired, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which can lead to headaches and increased blood pressure.

The appearance of a hump and other deformities are the extreme stages of postural diseases; in the absence of treatment at earlier stages, their appearance is a matter of time.

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