Minor swelling of the face: causes and how to remove

Swelling in the legs is one of the first symptoms of the development of varicose veins. Varicose veins (hereinafter referred to as varicose veins) is a vascular disease accompanied by visual manifestations and unpleasant symptoms.

Heaviness in the legs that occurs every day, pain, itching and swollen veins - we consider all these symptoms to be unrelated to each other. This is understandable; each symptom individually has its own explanation for the cause of its appearance. But when spider veins or spider veins begin to appear on the skin, you definitely need to visit a doctor.

If the disease is not detected in time, it begins to contribute to the destruction of the valve apparatus. The vessels become blocked by varicose plugs and it becomes harder for the heart to pump blood. VRV is usually accompanied by severe swelling that does not subside for a long time.

Stages of rehabilitation

Carrying out mammoplasty is a fairly serious surgical intervention, performed under general anesthesia, accompanied by tissue incisions and trauma when placing implants, followed by suturing. Therefore, the rehabilitation process takes place in stages, with certain restrictions and prohibitions over several days or weeks. The patient needs to strictly monitor her general well-being, monitor the condition of the postoperative scar and follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. This is necessary so that expectations regarding the desired shape and size of the breast are met, and the recovery process goes according to plan.

In general, the first (postoperative) rehabilitation period lasts up to two months, full recovery occurs within 6-12 months.

The main causes of swelling of the legs with varicose veins

Swelling with varicose veins is an accumulation of fluid under the skin over the entire surface of the leg. Accompanied by heaviness in the legs, pain and itching. Swelling can occur from:

  • Fatigue. These include overloading your legs throughout the day; wearing constrictive and tight shoes; staying in one position for a long time.
  • Physical injuries and bruises. When injured, the patient's leg is fixed in one position and remains in it for a long time. This interferes with the natural movement of the leg and blood circulation in the vessels. As a result, swelling appears.
  • Lymphostasis (impaired lymph outflow). This is a genetically transmitted disease. Occurs with metabolic disorders, heavy stress and serious illnesses. It often affects one leg.

  • Varicose veins. All vessels are connected to nerve endings and lymph nodes. VRV affects the relaxation and deformation of veins. This leads to disruptions in blood circulation - blood is retained in the vessels. As a result, venous pressure increases and fluid penetrates into the tissue space. This is how swelling appears.

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty by day

The patient spends the first day after the operation in the ward under the supervision of a doctor and nurses, recovering from anesthesia. An increase in temperature is possible as a reaction to incisions and tissue injury, pain. Antipyretics, painkillers, and antibiotics may be recommended to prevent wound infection. After the operation, a semi-lying or sitting position is required; by the end of the day you can stand up and walk. You can drink 3-4 hours after anesthesia, eat food after 5-6 hours.

On the second day, the doctor conducts an examination, removes drainages and makes dressings. In some clinics, the patient is allowed to go home by the end of the second or third day with positive dynamics of recovery.

The patient remains at home for the third or fourth day. Physical activity is prohibited; walking around the house is acceptable.

On the fifth day, a visit to the clinic is required for a follow-up examination by a surgeon and assessment of the recovery process, dressing, and suture treatment.

From 6 to 11 days after surgery, there is a smooth return to normal life with a number of restrictions. Physical activity, sports and heavy lifting are prohibited.

On the 12th day, the doctor conducts an examination again, monitoring the process of restoration of breast tissue and postoperative suture. The next visit during the normal rehabilitation process is planned for the 6th week from the date of surgery.

In the second or third week after the intervention, light housework is allowed; after the doctor’s permission, you can start training after about a month.

Treatment of eyelid edema using traditional medicine

Therapy for edema is aimed at identifying the causes of this condition. Since swelling is usually an accompanying symptom, it is very important to establish the root cause of its occurrence. If the formation of edema is associated with an inflammatory process that was caused by an infection, the ophthalmologist will prescribe antibacterial or antiviral drugs. These can be eye drops and ointments. For inflammatory swelling of the eyelid, doctors often prescribe physiotherapy. Mesotherapy or blepharoplasty can be performed. These are cosmetic procedures that allow you to tighten the skin of the eyelid.

If eye swelling is not due to inflammation, then doctors prescribe treatment only after the nature of the disorder is identified. If the formation of swelling is caused by improper sleep patterns or lack of nutrients due to diet, then applying a cold compress, taking diuretics or lymphatic drainage massage will help relieve the swelling. The cause of swelling of the eyelids is sometimes associated with fatty hernias. In such cases, doctors prescribe surgical treatment. Removing excess areas of fatty tissue allows you to get rid of swelling.

When allergic edema forms, treatment is not prescribed so often. In most cases, it goes away on its own. If the swelling is severe, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. For severe forms of allergies that are accompanied by other diseases, steroid medications may be recommended. It is very important to establish what caused the swelling of the eyes and to identify the allergen through testing. Limiting contact with it allows you to quickly relieve swelling and speed up the healing process. It also helps prevent relapses of inflammation in the future.

It is possible to relieve swelling of the eyelids, which is the result of injury, damage to the soft tissues around the eyes, by eliminating the traumatic lesion. If there is no open wound, then cold compresses are allowed to be applied to the damaged areas of the skin. The subsequent stages of treatment consist of local treatment of the swelling. For this, ophthalmologists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. If tests show that an injury caused bacteria to enter the body, then doctors will additionally recommend antibacterial medications. They help prevent infection of the damaged skin area.

Medical treatment includes the use of eye drops and ointments. The doctor selects them in accordance with the cause of eyelid swelling. The most common and effective drugs that are usually used to relieve swelling are:

  • "Tobrex";
  • "Indocollier";
  • "Prednisolone";
  • "Hydrocortisone";
  • "Allergodil";
  • "Opatanol";
  • "Visine."

Before prescribing medications, the ophthalmologist carefully examines the patient’s medical history and inquires about the presence of chronic diseases. Sometimes consultation with a specialist is required, for example, a nephrologist, cardiologist, allergist and others. You should not start treatment on your own.

Dynamics of changes in the breast during the recovery period

In the first month after surgery, the breasts are quite painful, the tissues swell, and the breast size may be larger than expected. Bruising and small hematomas may appear in the area of ​​the mammary glands. Women are concerned about how long breast swelling lasts after surgery. Maximum swelling will occur in the first week; within 2-3 weeks all these changes will subside. The pain will be maximum in the first days; painkillers are used to eliminate it. Gradually, the intensity of pain decreases by 2-3 weeks, and the need for medications disappears.

In the first two months, the breasts will be somewhat unnaturally raised; by the end of the second month, the implants will completely take root, take their proper place, tissue swelling will go away, and the shape of the breast will become natural. Breast tissue restoration takes place throughout the first year after the intervention. There may be problems with sensitivity of the halos and nipple, burning or itching of the skin. These problems are acceptable and disappear by the end of the first or beginning of the second year.

Relieving edema using folk remedies of animal origin

Whole milk can help eliminate swelling of the eyelid. Soy milk is also suitable as a plant-based alternative. In order to relieve swelling of the eyelid, the milk must first be cooled. After this, soak cotton pads in it and apply them to your eyes. The milk must be cold. This will help to achieve a healing effect faster. The compress should be kept on the eyelids for about 10-15 minutes. After this, you should wash your face with cool water. It is not recommended to use soap or cosmetics to wash your face.

Egg white helps well in relieving swelling with folk remedies. It eliminates swelling of the eyelids and increases skin elasticity. Egg whites are perfect for making masks. It contains a large amount of riboflavin - vitamin B2. This substance effectively fights eyelid swelling and eliminates eye fatigue. Making a protein mask is very simple. You need to beat the egg white into a foam and apply the resulting mixture to the upper or lower eyelid, depending on which one has swelling. After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off with cold water.

What to pay attention to during the rehabilitation period

There are a number of warning signs, the appearance of which is a reason for immediate consultation with a doctor. The first thing that needs to be monitored is the condition of the postoperative wound and the process of scar formation. It is important to notify your doctor immediately if:

  • increased pain in the area of ​​the stitches or inside the chest;
  • discharge appeared from the nipple area - green, yellowish, bloody, with an odor;
  • the breast is swollen, hard to the touch, painful, sharply increased in size;
  • parts of the implant are felt, they move, causing discomfort;
  • the sutures become wet and fluid or blood oozes out;
  • nipples itch and itch, have lost sensitivity;
  • breasts are visually different sizes, asymmetrical.

It is important to monitor your general condition if you feel unwell, have a fever, headache, or nausea. Any signs of malaise, discomfort and other complaints are a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Why do my eyelids swell?

There are quite a few reasons why facial swelling occurs. One of them is an increase in pressure in the capillaries, which are the thinnest blood vessels. The permeability of capillaries is often impaired due to intoxication of the body, inflammatory processes, and malfunctions of the nervous system. All this can also lead to swelling of the eyelids. The reason why this condition often develops is a decrease in protein levels. Because of this, the pressure of the blood plasma decreases, and fluid from the blood vessels enters the adjacent tissues. Usually pathological disorders lead to these processes, for example:

  • endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism; obesity;
  • ophthalmological pathologies: conjunctivitis, keratitis, chalazion, blepharitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases: arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, endocarditis, ischemia, aortic aneurysm;
  • bacterial lesions: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, meningitis, encephalitis, demodicosis, pneumonia, phlegmon;
  • nephrological abnormalities: nephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis;
  • allergic pathologies: Quincke's edema, hay fever, furunculosis;
  • injuries that are accompanied by subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • disturbance of lymphatic flow and water-electrolyte balance;
  • taking certain categories of medications, such as salicylates and sulfonamides;
  • incorrect body position during sleep and venous stagnation;
  • bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.

Other circumstances can also lead to the formation of swelling in the eye area. Often this condition is a consequence of tattooing. Usually, after this cosmetic procedure, the swelling of the eyelid disappears the very next day. If this does not happen, then it is likely that complications have arisen. This usually happens if the paint used causes an allergic reaction or the skin is very sensitive, and a violation of its integrity leads to the formation of edema. To perform tattooing, cosmetologists often use anesthetics, which can provoke the development of swelling of the eyelid.

Swelling is often a consequence of excessive salt intake. This food product retains water in the body. Therefore, diets that are designed to reduce eye swelling usually completely exclude pickles, smoked foods and other foods that are prepared with a lot of salt. Swelling on the face occurs due to the fact that sodium chloride leads to swelling of tissue colloids due to increased “absorption” of fluid. Determining the reason why the eyelid is swollen is very important. The selection of treatment tactics and its effectiveness depend on this.

What not to do after mammoplasty

After the operation, there are a number of restrictions that are gradually weakened as tissues are restored and postoperative scars heal.

You should not drink liquids for the first 3 hours after surgery (vomiting may occur), and you should not eat food for the first 5-6 hours.

For 4-5 days you should not shower your entire body (you can wash your lower part, wipe your hands, neck, and face with a damp towel).

In the first week, you should not lie down, sleep on your stomach at night, raise your arms above shoulder level, lift more than 1 kg of weight, make sudden movements with your arms, or bend forward and down.

Until the end of 2 weeks after the operation, you cannot drive a car or have sex. Until the end of the first year of rehabilitation after mammoplasty, pregnancy is undesirable - you should take care of contraception.

For a month after the operation, physical activity, sports and training are prohibited. Exercises with push-ups and stretching of the pectoral muscles are carried out no earlier than 24-25 weeks after surgery.

During the entire rehabilitation period, you should avoid sudden weight fluctuations, serious stress and nervous strain, and anxiety.

In the first three months, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking, limit spicy, salty, spiced, fatty and fried foods. It is important to control fluid intake to avoid swelling.

For at least 6 months, you should avoid visiting saunas, steam baths, solariums, prolonged exposure to the sun, and taking hot baths.


Massage is used to move the lymph flow from the original (non-contracting) lymphatic vessels to the deeper muscular (contracting) lymphatic vessels. Most patients with lymphedema after mastectomy have some degree of swelling extending from the beginning of the arm to the upper torso. If signs of swelling are observed in the armpit, then it can be assumed that the process has already affected the upper part of the body. Edema of the trunk may also be seen in patients with lymphedema of the legs.

Massage is the only way to deal with swelling of the torso (as a result, lymph can drain more freely from the swollen limb). It is necessary to train the patient and/or caregiver in massage techniques and provide them with instructions with pictures. A massage of the torso and limbs usually takes about 20 minutes.

Manual drainage of lymph is based on a special technique (more complex than massage), so this is usually done by specially trained therapists, but their services are quite expensive, and therefore they are usually not consulted unless absolutely necessary.

Important points during the rehabilitation period

In the first days after mammoplasty and subsequent months, proper breast care in the area of ​​postoperative scars is important. This is important for their fastest healing without severe deformations. In the first days, the doctor treats the area of ​​the sutures and changes the bandages; they are prohibited from being removed or wet. If absorbable threads were used, they are not removed; the resulting crust over the seam cannot be torn off until it completely falls off. To stimulate scar healing, your doctor may prescribe special creams. They make the seams less noticeable.

During the first 2-3 months (or longer), you need to wear a compression bra after mammoplasty. For a month they wear it without taking it off, even at night; from the second month it is permissible to take off the underwear at night. This is important so that the implants take their place and take root well, there are no problems with the skin and ligaments, muscles, and blood flow and lymph drainage are normalized.

On the recommendation of a doctor, therapeutic breast massage may be prescribed. Initially, it is carried out by a massage therapist, teaching the woman, then she performs it independently, in the morning. In the first three weeks, movements should be as light as possible, then lymphatic drainage massage techniques are used.


Special exercises will help improve lymphatic drainage, prevent fibrosis, increase the tightening effect, expand the range of motion of swollen limbs, and help prevent stiffness of the joints. Patients should be encouraged to move the swollen limb as often as possible because muscle contraction stimulates both lymph flow and blood circulation. Walking is an excellent exercise. If it is impossible to perform active movements, then the patient should perform passive physical exercises at least twice a day.

It must be remembered that too vigorous, strenuous exercise can sometimes be harmful, as it causes dilation of blood vessels and increases lymph flow. Patients with swollen feet should not sit or stand for long periods of time. Activities such as moving heavy objects should be avoided as they reduce blood and lymph flow.

The arms should not be raised at an angle of more than 90 degrees, as this position reduces the space between the collarbone and the first rib and impairs blood circulation, which can lead to increased swelling.

Continuous use of arm support wraps should be avoided as this may cause stiffening of the shoulder and elbow joints. A wide arm support bandage can be used while the patient is walking, but should be removed when the patient is resting (the arm can be placed on a pillow). The sling can also be used to support a paralyzed arm, to prevent subluxation or dislocation of the shoulder joint, or when the back muscles are severely weakened.

Local swelling

Varicose veins. Swelling (usually in the lower third of the leg, bilateral, but sometimes asymmetrical, more pronounced on the affected side) occurs in people who have suffered from varicose veins for a long time. It appears after standing for a long time and goes away in the “lying down” position with raised legs. Varicose veins are clearly visible, which helps make a diagnosis.

Deep thrombosis and saphenous vein thrombophlebitis

Swelling of the limb due to blockage of the veins by blood clots occurs after childbirth, surgery on the abdominal organs, with a tumor, leukemia and some other diseases. In acute thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, swelling is often one-sided, appears suddenly, increases and subsequently becomes permanent. Characteristic symptoms of pain are revealed. With thrombophlebitis, local compaction and hyperemia of the limb occurs along the affected vein.

Postthrombophlebitic syndrome

First appearing with venous thrombosis, edema is constantly present. It is often unilateral and can involve the lower leg and thigh. After a few years, varicose veins of the affected limb, characteristic pigmentation, compaction of subcutaneous fatty tissue and trophic skin disorders (venous dermatitis and eczema, trophic ulcers) may appear.


The feet and legs swell; in the last stages of the disease, the thigh may also swell. The lesion is often unilateral. Swelling at the initial stage of the disease is temporary, then becomes permanent. In advanced cases, the swelling becomes very dense, fibrous growths appear on the skin of the feet and legs. The triggering factor may be repeated erysipelas, oncological diseases of the intestines and pelvic organs, bacterial and parasitic lesions of the lymph nodes of the groin area.

The combination of lymphedema with varicose veins is called phlebolymphedema. Swelling is often bilateral, and there may be trophic ulcers on the skin.

Joint diseases

With diseases of the joints and flat feet, the area close to the affected area swells.

Brain diseases

In case of a brain tumor, encephalitis and other diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by paralysis of a limb, there may be swelling on the side of the paralysis due to impaired muscle contractility and paresis of peripheral vessels (persistent dilation).


When injured, small blood vessels rupture, causing a hematoma. The affected area swells. Cerebral edema is especially dangerous due to traumatic brain injury.

Idiopathic orthostatic edema

When translated into “ordinary” language, the term means that the cause of this type of edema has not been established and it appears when a person is in an upright position. Mostly young women suffer; temporary swelling occurs in the lower part of the legs.

Edema in obliterating atherosclerosis

Edema develops as a result of an increase in pain in the patient when his legs are in the “lying” position. Critical ischemia develops. The patient is forced to lower the affected limb(s) from the bed to relieve pain, since at this stage of atherosclerosis painkillers no longer help. The only way to sleep without pain is a forced position with your legs lowered from the bed. As a result, a stagnation process develops in the limb and swelling occurs.

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