What is the best mineral water with magnesium? Rating of the best mineral waters based on customer reviews

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Tell me what you're drinking. Can mineral water cause harm?

Water, making its movement in nature, passes through various layers of the earth's surface. Here it interacts with rocks located at different depths. As a result, mineral water rich in organic components comes to the surface of the earth. However, mineral waters can be not only of underground origin. In mountainous areas, melted mineral waters are sometimes used for medicinal purposes. In addition, mineral waters are also obtained artificially - by saturating ordinary water with salts (such waters are intended for external use and are not used for oral administration).

Canteens and medical

Depending on the degree of mineralization (salt content per unit volume), water is divided into three categories:

Table water: salt content no more than 1 gram per liter (“Reserve”, “Kristalin”, “Holy Source”, etc.). This water is taken from clean underground sources, it is universal and suitable for absolutely everyone. Table water has a beneficial effect on both digestion and metabolism. This water can be used for cooking and drinking. Cosmetologists advise washing your face with table mineral water - after such water procedures, the skin becomes velvety.

Medicinal table water: salt content from 1 to 10 g/l (“Borjomi”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Mercury”, “Narzan”, “Novoterskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, etc.). This water is taken from natural sources. If the degree of mineralization of water does not exceed 2.5 g/l, then it can be drunk without restrictions, but if there are more salts, you should not get too carried away with such water. The daily dose should not be more than two glasses. Medicinal table water is used to prevent various diseases, and ideally, it is better to consult a doctor before drinking.

Medicinal water: with a mineralization of more than 10 g/l (“Essentuki No. 17” and other, mostly little-known brands). This water has a memorable taste and sometimes quite a pungent odor. This water should be drunk only after consulting a doctor, as if used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to health.

Drinking water: Aqua Minerale, BonAqua, Arcti, etc. This is just purified drinking water. The content of mineral salts in it is comparable to the salt content in tap water.

Which water is healthier - boiled or raw?

Since raw water contains many microelements in the form of salts, it is best to drink it. The molecules in it are arranged in a unique way. This is why raw water is sometimes called living water. It promotes cell regeneration and prevents the formation of free radicals . However, boiling water is often necessary as the untreated raw liquid may contain toxic substances and harmful bacteria .

However, boiled water is practically useless for the body. Moreover, it is even harmful, which is why sometimes it is even called “dead.” This name is due to the following factors:

  • after boiling, the oxygen content decreases significantly;
  • salts that are beneficial to the body fall into an insoluble precipitate during the boiling process;
  • if you boil tap water, the chlorine it contains turns into toxic compounds, which can subsequently trigger the development of cancer pathologies;
  • Since the structure changes after boiling, bacteria begin to multiply in it after about a day.

But when discussing the questions of how “dead” water is useful, whether boiled water can be consumed, its benefits and harms must be assessed adequately. After all, there is always a very pressing issue of safety, and no one can guarantee that raw food does not contain substances harmful and even dangerous to the body. Therefore, those who ask whether drinking boiled water is healthy can be answered that the benefits of boiled water are at least in its safety.

But those who still choose boiled water should adhere to some rules. It is necessary to let the raw liquid settle for two hours, after which it is boiled. You need to turn off the kettle as soon as it starts to boil. Then the liquid will have time to be disinfected, but some of the minerals will still remain in a form in which they can be absorbed by the body.

It is also important to drink boiled water only fresh and not store it for a long time. But it should be clearly understood that only liquids of natural origin contain all the microelements and macroelements .

With or without gas?

Some mineral waters, such as Narzan, are naturally carbonated. The rest are artificially saturated with gas. This is done so that mineral water retains its beneficial properties. Carbon dioxide acts as a preservative for mineral water. Due to the saturation of water with gas during transportation and storage, air will not be able to enter the bottle and the composition of the water will be constant. However, before drinking mineral water, you should get rid of the preservative - release carbon dioxide. To do this, immerse the open bottle in warm water for 15-20 minutes.

What to give to babies?

Until the child is three years old, he should be given bottled water of the highest category. It must be boiled. When the child is three years old, he can drink it without boiling. But you need to buy only a high-quality, proven product.

However, there is another opinion, less conservative: after a year you can start giving your child clean, unboiled water, provided that the parents are completely confident in its quality.

Experts, as a rule, do not recommend buying a special one for children. After all, it contains few minerals and salts, and it can “pull” them out of the child’s body.

In any case, conscious people should ensure that the whole family consumes only high-quality and proven liquid. After all, health and well-being directly depend on this.

Reading the label

From the information on the label you can find out not only the name of the water itself, but also the number of the well from which it was extracted. A mark warning about the class of water is required: medicinal-table or medicinal. And then, accordingly, the group describing the chemical composition of water (bicarbonate, sodium, sulfate) should be indicated. Sometimes the manufacturer also includes indications for the medicinal use of water on the label. On any bottle, in addition, there must be a production date and expiration date, as well as recommendations on the method of storing water (water in glass bottles is stored for 2 years, in plastic bottles - 18 months).

What will we treat?

In some cases, mineral water can replace an entire group of medications. Depending on the chemical composition, mineral waters are divided into the following groups:

hydrocarbonate-sulfate: used to treat gastritis with increased secretory function, peptic ulcer, diseases of the upper respiratory tract;

hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate: in the treatment of gastritis with reduced gastric secretion;

calcium bicarbonate sulfate: for intestinal diseases with increased motility;

chloride-sulfate: for chronic intestinal diseases, biliary tract diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity and gout;

hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate: for diseases of the liver, pancreas;

mineral-organic: for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;

glandular: for iron deficiency anemia, have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes;

hydrocarbonate-iodine: for diseases of the thyroid gland;

calcium sulfate: for gastritis and colitis, enterocolitis, chronic diseases of the liver, biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, metabolic diseases.

What is magnesium mineral water?

Products with a composition of several components that contain potassium, magnesium, and sodium are called magnesium mineral water. Their chemical composition does not change, so this liquid is classified as food. The color of the mineral water is mostly transparent, and the taste mainly depends on the amount of substances.

The natural product will periodically precipitate because it contains salts. Water with magnesium is produced for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. Even children are recommended to drink it, since this simple measure improves well-being and allows you to get rid of the first signs of disease.


Be patient - and be healthy!

It is interesting that almost all vacationers at mineral water resorts experience a sharp exacerbation of precisely the underlying disease that the person decided to treat with the help of water therapy on the fifth or sixth day of their stay. Doctors often send the patient home, believing that this method of treatment is not suitable for him. But studies have shown: if a person nevertheless decides to endure it and completes the course of treatment to the end, then the next relapse of the disease will occur no earlier than in a year. By getting used to mineral water, a person thereby takes away reserves from the disease.

Selection of mineral water in the store. Which option should you prefer?

Among the folk remedies and recipes that can and should be used after a stormy evening with drinking alcohol, brine, green tea, kefir and kvass stand out. Mineral water with lemon for a hangover is the most effective option that will help quench your thirst and forget about the unpleasant symptoms after drinking. If you don’t have the energy to visit the pharmacy where you can buy special medications that relieve hangovers, then this is the best solution. Among the variety of such products we can highlight:

  • Borjomi. This is a highly effective drink that will have a beneficial effect on a person suffering from a hangover;
  • Essentuki. This is a hydrocarbonate agent that can quickly bring the acid-base balance back to normal.
  • Talnovskaya. This type of mineral water will help smooth out the effects of drinking strong drinks.
  • Narzan. This is an excellent option, which contains beneficial substances that act on alcohol residues, promoting their rapid removal.
  • Smirnovskaya. A drink of this type will help relieve swelling and have a calming and anesthetic effect.

Now it has become clear which mineral water is better for a hangover. This home remedy will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations. Another advantage of the drink is its affordable price and large selection in any grocery store or pharmacy. The main rule when choosing mineral water is that the packaging contains recommendations for use in the treatment of gastric diseases. If you have such information, then the option for getting rid of a hangover is ideal!

"AiF Health" recommends

>> Bottles with mineral water should be stored horizontally at a temperature from +4 to +14°.

>> In case of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer with increased gastric secretion, mineral water is drunk quickly, and in case of normal and decreased secretion - in small sips.

>> Make yourself a drink of beauty and vigor: mash half a banana, mix with 100 ml of cherry juice and 1 tablespoon of pear juice with pulp. Fill with mineral water.

>> If you make compresses with mineral water for 20-30 minutes every day, then after 10 days the skin will become more elastic and smooth.

Expert opinion

Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Bobrovnitsky:

– Once in the stomach, mineral water acts for a short time on its contents as an alkali, as a result of which the duodenum and upper parts of the small intestine begin to work much faster. Due to the fact that mineral water behaves like food in the stomach (it has volume and weight), at least for a short time, it accelerates the restoration of pH in the stomach. This becomes a kind of SOS signal for the body, which in response turns on the action of stress hormones (glucagon and glucocorticoids), which, in turn, turn on the natural reserves of the human body.

However, after drinking mineral water for many days, the body begins to “understand” that it is being deceived: there is no particular danger. And gradually the response of the reserve forces weakens: water practically ceases to affect hormones. Therefore, for therapeutic and preventive purposes, it makes no sense to drink mineral water for longer than a course of two to three weeks - then the effectiveness of this effect decreases. True, if you simply love mineral water, then you will not harm yourself, even if you drink it as much as you want.

Do you want to know the truth about mineral water?

...It is pleasantly refreshing and invigorating. Always at hand - inexpensive, tasty, healthy. So let's talk about the benefits. Questions that interest many will be answered by the Dean of the Faculty of Therapeutics of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Marina Viktorovna SHTONDA, and Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Zhanna Leonidovna SUKHIKH .

They say it is better to drink more mineral water than less?

Natalia, Minsk

J.S. – This is not true, especially for those who have cardiovascular diseases, accompanied by edema, and impaired renal excretory function. Anyone who has problems with the digestive system should drink mineral water under medical supervision - unreasonable use can only worsen the condition, especially in the acute stage of the disease.

Healthy people should remember: for therapeutic and preventive purposes, it makes no sense to drink mineral water for longer than 2-3 weeks. After this, its effectiveness decreases. After 3-6 months the course can be repeated. It is very useful to change the type of water from time to time. The program for a healthy person should be like this: 2-3 different courses per year for 3-4 weeks.

By the way, water has the best effect on a healthy body - it strengthens the endocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract, restores strength, activates the immune system... All mineral water can be divided into three types: drinking, medicinal-table and medicinal. The third type is water with a high content of minerals and salts. It is used only after medical advice. Almost all healthy people can drink drinking and medicinal table water.

What exactly are the benefits of mineral water?

Valery, Mogilev

M.Sh. - This natural drink is a complex solution, its components - ions, colloidal particles, dissolved gases - normalize metabolic processes in organs and tissues. It has been established: mineral water can influence the restoration of liver function, improve carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and stimulate bile production. Depending on the components, mineral waters can have diuretic or laxative effects.

Also, various mineral waters help in the treatment of chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretion of the stomach, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity).

What does the gas composition of mineral water provide?

Marina, Baranovichi

J.S. “Whoever has been “on the waters” has seen how captivatingly beautiful the mineral springs boil. This effect is created by escaping carbon dioxide. It stabilizes its chemical composition, actively influences metabolic processes in the body, and also makes water pleasant to the taste.

I really like highly carbonated mineral water. I drink it often and a lot. Maybe it's harmful?

Pavel, Orsha

J.S. — Natural carbon dioxide bubbling in mineral water creates a feeling of rapid filling of the stomach, which causes the gastric secretion organs to work intensively. Therefore, highly carbonated waters are recommended for atonic stomachs (for example, diabetics).

For those suffering from peptic ulcers, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. It is better for practically healthy people to consume medium-mineralized and medium-carbonated water.

How to drink mineral water - before, after, during meals?

Evgenia, Lida

M.Sh. — Many people drink mineral waters during or after meals. You can do this - there is no harm to the body - however, there is no benefit from the drink. You should know that if we want to stimulate the function of the stomach and increase the secretion of gastric juice, water should be drunk 15-20 minutes before meals. If, on the contrary, you need to reduce the secretion of gastric juice and act on the duodenum, water is consumed an hour and a half before meals.

I heard that heated mineral water is of great benefit...

Alevtina, Zaslavl

J.S. – Indeed, for medicinal purposes, doctors usually prescribe heated water (cold water helps when it is necessary to enhance intestinal motility, for example, in some forms of constipation). Healthy people can drink mineral water at a temperature that is comfortable for them.

They say that various mineral waters are good during fasting days...

Diana, Borisov

J.S. - Mineral water can be part of fasting days. However, we must remember: on such days you need to drink water an hour to an hour and a half before meals, then it will pass from the stomach to the duodenum and begin to inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If we do this 15-20 minutes before a meal, we will only provoke the work of the stomach. But why do this if we receive minimal food? In general, instead of mineral water, it is better to drink rosehip decoction - this is a more acceptable option for diets and fasting days. But if you are using mineral water, it is better to use non-carbonated water.

I have had intestinal problems since childhood. Please advise what kind of mineral water to take in order to normalize his work and make his bowel movements regular?

Svetlana, Molodechno

J.S. — Sulfate, chloride and hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters, as well as those containing magnesium, have a laxative effect. You can drink a glass of some water 40-60 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Before use, be sure to heat the water to 40-45 degrees.

They say that when there are gallstones, Essentuki helps?

J.S. — Taking mineral waters that have a choleretic effect (Essentuki 4.17, Naftusya, etc.) is contraindicated in this case!

I have diabetes. Is it worth being friends with mineral water?

Valentina, Zhitomir

M.Sh. - Costs. People diagnosed with diabetes experience constant thirst, drink a lot and produce large amounts of urine. They definitely need to restore lost fluid. Patients with diabetes are recommended to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 45-60 minutes before meals. It is worth giving preference to waters with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Is mineral water a help for liver diseases?

Vladimir, Minsk

M.Sh. – There are indications for taking mineral water for liver diseases (viral hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, etc.). You will have to drink quite a lot of it - 3 times a day, always warmed up (40-45 degrees). The volume should be constantly increased to 1.5-2 glasses per dose. The mineral water itself should be selected depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach. However, all this is outside (!) exacerbation of chronic hepatitis.

My family are large, overweight people. My mother was diagnosed with obesity a couple of years ago. Tell me, can mineral water help her somehow?

Katya, Slonim

J.S. - Certainly. It is recommended to drink 150-200 ml of mineral water at room temperature 3 times a day 45-60 minutes before meals, after releasing all carbon dioxide from the bottle.

The results of many studies have shown: the use of low-mineralization waters (hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride sodium-potassium-calcium composition) in the complex treatment of obesity can improve carbohydrate, lipid and water-mineral metabolism (and also slightly reduce appetite). However, in any case, your mother should consult a nutritionist.

What waters have diuretic properties?

M.Sh. — Mainly those that have low mineralization and contain calcium ions.

They say that before drinking water, you should open the bottle so that the gas evaporates...

Vladislav, Belynichi

J.S. — Many people think so, however, this is not entirely true. It all depends on the state of the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa. If acidity is low, you can drink water with gas, because when it enters the stomach, it improves blood circulation in the mucous membrane, dilates blood vessels, and stimulates the production of gastric juice. If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, the gas is removed.

Is it true that mineral waters are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases?

Margarita, Zhlobin

J.S. - This is indeed true. Mineral waters, which have an acidic reaction, act on the skin and mucous membranes in such a way that they reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. Therefore, they are used for gynecological irrigation for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

How can I figure out: sulfate water, hydrocarbonate-chloride water, etc.... How to make a choice?

Maria, Soligorsk

M.Sh and Zh.S. — Hydrocarbonate waters help dilute and remove pathological mucus from the mucous membrane of the stomach, urinary and respiratory tract, while reducing inflammation; removing uric acid from the body.

Taking these waters stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is successfully used in the treatment of patients with diabetes.

Hydrocarbonate waters are recommended for the treatment of chronic gastritis with increased secretory function, peptic ulcers, chronic colitis and pancreatitis, cystitis, and diabetes of various etiologies.

Taking sulfate waters enhances the motor function of the intestines, improves blood flow in the liver, has a laxative effect, helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the bile ducts, and prevent stone formation.

Sulfate waters reduce cholesterol levels and normalize the concentration of free fatty acids. They are used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity), chronic constipation.

Chloride waters have a choleretic effect and stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. Chloride waters are most effective for treating diseases of the digestive system with reduced secretory function of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis).

Bromine-containing mineral waters have a sedative (calming) effect, which is why they are widely used in the treatment of various forms of neuroses.

Hydrocarbonate-chloride waters are prescribed for the treatment of chronic gastritis with reduced, normal and increased gastric secretion.

Sulfate-chloride waters have a beneficial effect on diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract, and intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion and cause relaxation. They are used for diseases of the stomach with increased secretory function and concomitant damage to the liver and intestines.

Iodine-containing waters promote regeneration (restoration) processes, activate the function of the thyroid gland, have a bactericidal effect, and participate in redox processes. Curative for atherosclerosis and Graves' disease.

Silicon waters have a beneficial effect on the health of older people, especially those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Also indicated for skin diseases. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and enhance the antitoxic function of the liver.

Hydrogen sulfide waters play an important role in the process of protein metabolism. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and diseases of the endocrine system.

Radon waters are good in the treatment of atherosclerosis. In addition, they help normalize thyroid function and enhance the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. They are used as an addition to the treatment of dystrophic joint diseases, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with the elimination of pain. The analgesic effect of radon waters depends on the time of use. So, taken during or after meals, this water has a longer lasting analgesic effect than when drunk on an empty stomach.

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