Making and using capsicum tincture


The tincture retains the beneficial substances found in pepper, including:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • fatty essential oils;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • B vitamins;
  • carotenoids.

Eliminating hypotension, combating bradycardia, stimulating processes occurring in the brain - all this is within the scope of the effect of red pepper tincture on the body.

The uniqueness of the drug lies in the presence of capsaicin. This chemical element, characterized by strong concentration, causes abundant secretion of gastric juice and saliva, thereby increasing appetite.

Features of the drink

Pertsovka is a strong alcohol made with the addition of one or more types of pepper. Some recipes call for using 8 types of pepper at once. There are drinks in which other components are added for piquancy.

Several types of pepper are used to make peppercorns.

Pepper tincture is always hot, often with spicy notes. The drink is used as an aperitif because it stimulates the appetite. Pepper also has a healing effect and helps with hypothermia and colds.

Medicinal properties

  • Radiculitis, myositis, neuralgia are diseases, the severity of which is reduced by tincture of red capsicum due to the analgesic effect.
  • If there are interruptions in the functioning of the heart, the use of tincture will eliminate these problems.
  • This remedy will be no less useful if there is a lack of blood circulation and frequent bleeding.
  • Fainting and heart attacks will disappear if you regularly take red pepper tincture.
  • The enrichment of the fetus with useful substances helps saturate the blood with essential microelements.
  • Pepper tincture provides invaluable assistance to the stable and healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Taking this natural remedy frees the body from pathogenic germs and microorganisms.
  • Red pepper tincture is very useful for women if there are menstrual irregularities, it is advisable to use it after childbirth to restore the body.

Pepper spray with alcohol

This method of preparing pepper liqueur with alcohol is considered by winemakers to be the best. This alcohol tincture with a pleasant and delicate taste received a medal in 2021 at the congress of winemakers in the Black Earth Region.


  • liter of 40 degree alcohol;
  • black pepper – 15 peas;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • 3 spoons of honey;
  • 0.25-0.5 pod of Ogonyok pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon or a small part of the whole one.


  1. Put 15 black peas and 3 allspice peas, 3 tablespoons of honey, 0.25-0.5 red pepper pods, 0.5 tablespoons of ground cinnamon into a saucepan and pour in a liter of alcohol.
  2. We put the composition aside for 14 days.
  3. After the specified time has passed, take out the drink, filter it and set it aside again for 2 hours.

Want to know how to make alcohol-based peppercorns more intense? Add orange peel to alcohol.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have long adopted red pepper infusion in order to get rid of cellulite, lose extra pounds and improve hair condition.

  • For those who wish not to part with the beauty of the body for as long as possible, red pepper tincture helps to activate metabolic processes in the body, which promotes rejuvenation due to increased cell division and renewal after regular and reasonable external use of the product.
  • Nails will stop flaking and breaking if you regularly rub this pepper composition into the nail plates.
  • Excess fat in cellulite will quickly break down under the influence of pepper elements. They activate the activity of blood vessels and eliminate congestion in the tissues of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, the outer and inner surfaces of the thighs and buttocks.
  • The damaged cell structure under the influence of red pepper tincture can be quickly restored due to the stimulation of blood circulation and the launch of tissue regeneration processes and saturation with oxygen.
  • Good results are obtained by using the product if there are keratinized growths on the feet and heels, old calluses, severe coarsening of the outer layer of the skin, or epidermis, of the feet.

Fact! A feature of the composition of this fruit is the sulfur content in it, which makes both the product itself and the tincture based on it useful for giving hair smoothness and freshness, and renewing facial skin.

  • The alkaloid capsaicin, found in pepper, activates blood circulation in the scalp, stimulates hair growth, and increases its thickness. The head gets rid of signs of hypoxia.
  • Biologically active substances prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands, destroy fungi and pathogenic microbes that are the source of infectious diseases.
  • In the treatment of hair loss and even advanced forms of baldness, the value of red pepper tincture as an antibacterial and prophylactic agent is invaluable.
  • A woman who uses this product to strengthen her hair can have a healthy and well-groomed appearance. This effectiveness is achieved due to the effect of the tincture on the functioning of the blood vessels of the head and the stabilization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Powerful stimulation of renewal processes and activation of cell division processes contribute to the positive effect of red pepper tincture on the epidermis.
  • Nicotinic acid in this product affects the vascular network of the scalp, eliminates dandruff and awakens the hair follicles.

Vodka with chili pepper and dry paprika

You can very easily prepare a hot alcoholic drink at home, which contains black pepper, chili pepper and paprika. To make such a hot drink you need the following ingredients:

  • 450 mm medical alcohol.
  • 550 ml distilled water.
  • 3 chili peppers.
  • 1 tablespoon dried ground paprika.
  • 6 black peppercorns.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing the drink:

  1. First of all, you need to make several longitudinal cuts on the chili pods, and then put them in a glass jar.
  2. Dilute the alcohol with distilled water and pour it over the chili pepper.
  3. Add all other ingredients to the solution and mix well.
  4. Close the glass jar tightly with a nylon lid and leave in a cool, dark place for one week.
  5. Every day the solution must be shaken well at least 3 times.

Hair mask recipes

  • A mask of half a glass of castor oil, 20 grams of tincture and 60 ml of yogurt or sour cream applied to the head and left for ten minutes after rinsing will irritate the nerve receptors and cause a sharp flow of blood to the hair follicles.
  • A hair mask made from a glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of yeast and pepper tincture will help to fortify the cells of the scalp, open the pores and improve blood supply.
  • The tincture can also be mixed with a raw chicken egg. Proportions – according to the length and thickness of the hair. This mask stays on for 30 minutes under the film.

Fact! Preparing hair masks is a low-cost process, considering the financial side and ease of their production.

Regular use and strict adherence to dosages will lead to an improvement in the condition of the hair: it will become thicker and have a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Precautionary measures

Red cayenne pepper juice has a negative effect on exposed skin and mucous membranes, causing irritation, especially if there are wounds or cracks in the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to use gloves when working with it. You should also avoid getting pepper juice in your eyes.

Pepper tinctures for hair growth are very effective . The result after using them will not be long in coming: within a week your hair will become noticeably stronger and shine with health.

However, we should not forget about caution . If you have a high pain threshold, your skin is prone to irritation, and is allergic to anything and everything, then first consult with a specialist - trichologist: can you use pepper tincture for treatment. After all, thoughtless self-medication can sometimes do more harm than good .

An example of a recipe for preparing pepper tincture for hair growth (see video below):

Pepper tincture after childbirth

Official medicine recommends that women take this remedy after childbirth in order to increase the tone of the uterine muscles and reduce capillary permeability.

Problems with restoring contractions of the uterus and cleansing it of secretions remaining after childbirth are solved by tincture of pepper, which is taken by a woman in doses recommended by experts. The risk of complications during the postpartum period in a woman taking this drug is minimized.

A course of taking the tincture after childbirth helps the uterine contractions become more intense, and no discharge remains in it. The likelihood of complications after childbirth or gynecological surgery is minimized. When taking pepper extract, a woman's uterus returns to normal a couple of months after childbirth.

Lactation and breastfeeding are considered a period when taking various types of tinctures is usually prohibited. But gynecologists prescribe the remedy described above because it is harmless for the child, and the mother’s body, taking it in a dose of about 30 drops three times a day after meals, will get rid of the problem associated with uterine contractions and bleeding that occurs after childbirth.

Note! If a woman is worried about postpartum hemorrhoids, then 30 drops at least three times half an hour before meals will help in treating the disease.

Women often use this product as a topical agent:

  • External use of the product eliminates muscle spasms and congestion due to irritating effects and increased blood flow. The result of this effect is the activation of nerve endings, the elimination of pain, and the relaxation of spasmed muscles.
  • The effect of red pepper tincture on the hair and scalp is expressed in improving the nutrition of hair follicles, enhancing the growth of curls, and preventing split ends. Alopecia and seborrhea are cured if this remedy is used in their treatment.
  • In eliminating cellulite, according to cosmetologists, external use of the tincture in combination with other components is very effective.

Contraindications may be: diseased kidneys, adverse reactions in the form of nausea, dizziness, heart disease, chronic constipation.

Fact! Neurology, cosmetology, phlebology, cardiology, hematology, gastroenterology, gynecology, therapy, endocrinology - these are the areas of application of red pepper tincture in medical practice.

Vodka with cloves and pepper

The basis for preparing this alcoholic drink is usually vodka or home-made high-quality moonshine. To prepare, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3 pods of red hot pepper.
  • 1 liter of vodka.
  • 5 g black pepper, peas.
  • 3 tablespoons of buckwheat or May honey.
  • 2 buds of dried cloves.

Vodka must be poured from the bottle into a large container, and all the dry ingredients must be added to it. Dilute honey in a small amount of cool water and then add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a warm, dark place for 5 days. Once a day, shake the drink well without opening the lid. The tincture needs to sit for the last two days so that all the sediment collects at the bottom of the jar.

Before use, the finished drink must be strained and filtered using linen cloth. After decanting, the remaining mass does not need to be thrown away; it can be refilled with vodka, adding a couple of tablespoons of honey, and left for a week.

Fire Dragon

To prepare a strong tincture, we will need: 2 chili peppers - we take green ones, 1 liter of homemade moonshine 50%, currant leaves, white, black, allspice, three peas each, coriander and cardamom, three grains each, a cinnamon stick.

Take a container of suitable size, pour moonshine into it and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything and remove the container to infuse for 10 days. Then the drink will need to be strained well and left to infuse for another 10 days. Then add 2 teaspoons of light honey to the drink, be sure to warm it up, and leave for another 7 days. The sediment will need to be decanted. Upon entry, the drink will have a pleasant green color due to the spices.

Tears of Lucifer

This interesting drink will undoubtedly delight lovers of homemade strong drinks. So, to prepare the tincture, we will need:

  • 3 chili peppers;
  • paprika pieces - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cinnamon;
  • 3 peas of different types of peppers;
  • clove 1 umbrella;
  • 1 liter of moonshine (this recipe requires moonshine prepared with grains and a high degree of purification).
  • For the drink you will need syrup, which is prepared from the following products - granulated sugar, vanilla, lemon juice.

We start by cutting the peppers lengthwise, making sure to remove the seeds. Mix all the ingredients in a container and pour in the moonshine. The drink is infused for 2 weeks. Try it if the drink is unbearably hot, then remove the chili pepper. When 2 weeks have passed, the drink needs to be filtered well.

The drink needs syrup, which we prepare like this: pour a little water into a container and add vanilla, granulated sugar, and lemon juice. Bring the syrup to a boil, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.

We don’t pour all the syrup into the drink, but add a little according to our taste.

Let the drink steep for another 2 weeks.

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