Valgus Pro retainer: positive and negative reviews from doctors and buyers

Such a problem as valgus deviation of the big toe, unfortunately, is familiar to many of our citizens. People call this defect simply “bone”. Mostly women suffer from this. In addition to the fact that this is a noticeable cosmetic defect, it is also a problem that causes its owner a lot of inconvenience and severe pain. There are several ways to correct this foot deformity. But all of them are designed for long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Recently we have a product, the creators of which promise a quick and complete recovery for everyone suffering from a bunion. This is a Valgus Pro retainer. Reviews about it are very contradictory. Let's try to figure out how true they are.

A few words about hallux valgus

As already mentioned above, the appearance of a “bone” on the foot is nothing more than a deformation of the foot and big toe.

This happens, as a rule, against the background of flat feet. The disease occurs in several stages:

• First. The curvature is less than 20⁰. It is noticeable, but there is no pain.

• Second. Curvature from 20⁰ to 30⁰. Severe pain appears, intensifying after prolonged stress on the legs.

• Third. Curvature from 30⁰ to 50⁰. The joint freezes in one position. There is strong friction between it and the walls of the shoe. All this is accompanied by severe pain, especially after a person has been on his feet for a long time.

• Fourth. Curvature of more than 50⁰. The pain intensifies and often occurs even at rest. The joint becomes inflamed, calluses appear on the skin, and the bone grows, which further complicates the situation.

Knowing how this complex disease progresses will help us understand how the Valgus Pro fixator works. Reviews from some consumers indicate that with its help they were able to completely correct their defect. Already at this stage of our investigation, such statements by some users raise serious doubts.

Causes of the disease

• Too tight, uncomfortable shoes with narrow toes. High heels also often cause the development of hallux valgus. When wearing such shoes, there is a lot of stress on the top of the foot and big toe.

This disease is more common among women. Ladies after 35-40 years of age are at risk. There are many reviews from women that they wear the Valgus Pro orthopedic brace for preventive purposes. Doctors are inclined to believe that in this case the use of this product may be justified.

• Hereditary factor. If you notice this deviation in yourself, then perhaps your mother or grandmother also suffered from this.

• Diseases (chronic bursitis, flat feet, arthrosis, and so on).

• Poor nutrition. The predominance of high-calorie and spicy foods in the diet can provoke this inflammation.

• Excess weight. Overweight people experience increased stress on the joints of their legs. As a result, various deformations and curvatures appear.

• Hormone imbalance that occurs in women during menstruation and menopause.

What do the experts say?

Dmitry Ivanovich, doctor of manual therapy, Nizhny Novgorod “I prescribe orthopedic products to my patients with mild hallux valgus deformity. They help relieve pain by correcting flat feet. Wearing Valgus Pro is justified by its impact on the cause of the disease.”
Andrey Nikolaevich, orthopedic surgeon, Moscow
“You cannot hope that only the Valgus Pro product will cure hallux valgus deformity of even moderate severity. But, compared to other orthopedic products, it is more effective in relieving pain because it is easy to use with shoes. Along with wearing a brace, I recommend doing foot baths, massages and other treatments.”

Why is using Valgus Pro not enough to treat hallux valgus?

With Hallux valgus, there is inflammation of the periarticular bursa of the metatarsophalangeal joint. This condition is accompanied by pain. Without treatment for bursitis, it is impossible to correct the position of the finger. The patient must undergo a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. For this purpose, non-steroidal drugs are used in tablets and ointments - Voltaren, Dexalgin.

Complex treatment includes physiotherapeutic methods. Diadynamic currents and UHF eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. Against this background, an orthopedic brace, correctly distributing the load on the foot, will stop the progression of hallux valgus.

If your toes are bent, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist. The doctor will determine the cause of the disease. Prescribe wearing a Valgus Pro corrector. Some people require combined orthopedic treatment with other methods.

What is Valgus Pro?

Consumer reviews of this product indicate that some of them have already tried it, while others are thinking about whether to purchase this product. There are a lot of user comments about how disappointed they were to see what this “miracle remedy” actually looks like. Many of them write that these are just small plastic strips with holes for the thumb.

When they saw them, product buyers had great doubts that the Valgus Pro lock would help solve their problem. The manufacturer of this product writes that this simple-looking orthopedic device, which is an elastic support for the foot made of silicone gel, has many advantages compared to other methods of treating this disease.

Where can I buy Valgus Pro and how often should I use it?

There is no official distributor of miracle pads in Russia, and it is also unlikely to purchase them in pharmacies or city stores. That is why it is most convenient to buy Valgus Pro in an online store. Our trading platform offers its customers only original American gel correctors, which actually make it possible to have a positive effect on the affected joint. Moreover, all our products have the necessary permits, and their quality is confirmed by certificates of conformity.

Be careful! When purchasing retainers from dubious resources, you may be offered not a remedy for those suffering from hallux valgus, but an ordinary finger guard against chafing.

After purchasing a device, it is worth remembering that you need to use it regularly. The daily period of wearing the corrector should not be less than 6 hours. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with using it either; you need to remove the retainer after no more than 10 hours of continuous use.


• Provides reliable fixation of the thumb when walking, which helps slow down the process of curvature of the joint. If worn constantly, the Valgus Pro retainer will help completely eliminate this defect. Reviews from doctors, however, do not confirm this.

• Maintains an aesthetic appearance. In shoes, the curvature of the joint is not visible.

• When using the device, shoes last longer as they are not deformed.

• Eliminates pain and discomfort.

• Prevents the appearance of calluses and skin irritations resulting from friction of the joint against the walls of the shoe.

• Helps reduce the load on the forefoot, which is a good prevention of flat feet.

When to expect the effect?

How long should it take for the manufacturers' promise of a complete cure for hallux valgus to come true? How long should the Valgus Pro retainer be used? Customer reviews indicate that even with the first use, some pain relief and easing of discomfort when walking are felt. The instructions for the product say that a noticeable effect can be seen after 3-6 months of constant use. At the same time, it is stipulated that the greatest results can be achieved with complex treatment, that is, the combined use of diet therapy, foot massage, physiotherapy and when putting on orthopedic splints at night, and so on.

Fixator for correction of deformed big toe Valgus Pro

Fixator for correction of deformed big toe Valgus Pro.

Manufacturer: MEDICUS Ltd.

What it is? Valgus Pro is a unique fixator that places a deformed finger in the correct position and eliminates the deformity, relieves pain and discomfort when walking and wearing tight shoes, corrects valgus, and prevents inflammation of the metatarsophalangeal joints.

What is a bunion or hallux valgus? Hallux valgus (hallux valgus) is a condition in which damage to the joint of the big toe occurs. As a result, the big toe becomes deformed in a direction that deviates from the foot.

With valgus, the metatarsal bone begins to move inward and the big toe moves outward. Because of this, its head begins to form a tubercle, which is called a “toe bone.” Since in this case the big toe cannot continue to “look” inward, it begins to gradually deviate outward, and the bunion enlarges.

Normal foot Initial stage of deformity Severe deformity

The causes of bunions are: • Hereditary predisposition • Wearing narrow high-heeled shoes • Flat feet

Due to constant pressure, the protrusion of the “bone” becomes inflamed, as it conflicts with the shoes you are wearing. This usually leads to bursitis - inflammation of the joint lining. In addition, due to constant pressure, bone changes begin in the area of ​​the head of the thumb. Changes in the bone lead to swelling, increased sensitivity, pain and excessive irritability of the “bone” on the big toe.

As a result, you constantly experience discomfort, pain, are embarrassed by the appearance of your feet, and cannot afford to wear dress shoes or high heels!

There are several methods to solve the problem of a protruding “bone”: Medication - topical ointments and medications. The disadvantage of this method is side effects in the form of allergic reactions, very low efficiency and high cost of drugs. Gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy have an effect only in the case of mild stages of the disease, cannot be considered an independent method of treatment. Operative - accompanied by pain and postoperative complications, there is a possibility of re-formation deformation. The treatment method is traumatic (the bone is cut, the protruding part is removed), painful, with a long recovery period. Unsightly scars remain on the foot after treatment.

HOW DOES THE VALGUS PRO THUMB RETAINTOR from MEDICUS WORK? The retainer is made of medical silicone, the so-called orthogel, an elastic, elastic material that is safe for health. The Valgus Pro clamp instantly adapts to the anatomy of the leg, becoming literally imperceptible on the foot, while carefully and reliably fixing the toe in the correct position. Gradually, the “bone” is reduced and is no longer compressed by the shoes, as a result of which the pain when walking and inflammation disappear, the shoes stop deforming and last longer.

HOW TO USE THE VALGUS PRO THUMB RESTRAINT from MEDICUS? To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use the fixative for at least 6 - 10 hours a day. The first noticeable changes occur within 10-14 days.

Using the retainer is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Place it on your big toe 2. Press the retainer firmly against the surface of your skin 3. Put on your favorite shoes. Valgus Pro is invisible when worn with closed-toe shoes, boots, sports shoes.

Orthopedic doctors recommend using the Valgus Pro fixator for:

Prevention of valgus If you have flat feet, you constantly wear narrow shoes and shoes with heels, if someone in your family has the problem of “bunions” on the foot, use the Valgus Pro brace. Wearing a brace will prevent the development of the disease, and your legs will remain beautiful and healthy for a long time.

Initial valgus By constantly wearing the Valgus Pro brace for 3-6 months, the deformity is corrected - the protruding “bones” on the legs simply disappear! The effect is clinically confirmed. The results persist even after use of the fixative is stopped.

Severe valgus deformation of the big toe Even with crossed toes and their close fit, the fixator restores the correct position of the big toe on the foot. Valgus Pro prevents the progression of the disease and prevents complications from developing: joint inflammation, the formation of chafing and calluses. The loads when walking are distributed correctly along the foot - pain disappears not only in the fingers, but also in the feet, and the legs get tired much less. You will again be able to wear regular, not orthopedic shoes.

the Valgus Pro big toe brace According to the results of studies conducted by the Institute of Orthopedics in Germany, it has been proven that:

1) Wearing Valgus Pro by patients with initial forms of the disease gave a positive effect, confirmed clinically and radiologically, in 100% of cases. 2) In stages II and III of the disease, a significant reduction in foot deformity was noted in 68% of patients, moderate – in 25%. In 98% of the subjects, there was a disappearance of pain and discomfort when walking. 3) While wearing Valgus Pro, not a single patient developed arthritis or bursitis - inflammatory complications of valgus.

Buy the Valgus Pro big toe brace in the online store and forget about the problem of a protruding “bone” forever!

Photos “BEFORE” and “AFTER”:

Customer reviews are positive

If you look at the comments of people who have tried this “miracle invention”, we can conclude that the Valgus Pro fixator is a very effective thing in the treatment of hallux valgus. Positive reviews about it literally say the following: “Helps at any stage of the disease, significantly reduces pain, prevents further development of the disease, and in a short time is able to completely eliminate changes in the thumb joint.”

Moreover, people write that the remedy helps not only in the case of hallux valgus, but also, for example, in case of a fracture of the thumb. They say that in this case, the fixator completely eliminates pain and puts the joint in place. Such statements from “patients” should at least raise doubts that the author has ever used this device. As for the “bones” on the legs, it is completely believable that the product reduces pain and discomfort when walking, but it is difficult to believe that it can completely relieve a person of deformity without surgery.

Before ordering a Valgus Pro retainer, read the recommendations!

To achieve the best effect from using the corrector, you must carefully study the instructions before using it. Despite the fact that there are no special contraindications for procedures with a fixator, which is confirmed by our online store “Healthy Legs” - the official website of Valgus Pro, it is worth considering some recommendations:

  1. Before using the device, it is better to first consult with a specialist. He will be able to determine the degree of development of the deformity, tell you how rational it would be to use a pad in your case, and prescribe comprehensive treatment to combat hallux valgus;
  2. You should not wear a gel corrector if you have fungal diseases affecting the skin of the foot;
  3. You should wear the retainer carefully if you experience skin irritation, abrasions or scratches. If possible, if the latter are available, it is better to refrain from using overlays;
  4. Do not neglect the time limits for using the retainer. To achieve the desired result, you need to wear it daily for 6 to 10 hours;
  5. Don't forget about caring for your concealer. You can give it a neat look and remove dirt by simply washing the device with warm water and using hypoallergenic soap or shampoo.

User reviews are negative

The abundance of positive comments about this orthopedic invention is amazing. True, it is difficult to figure out what is the truth here and what is just a publicity stunt. Perhaps it is the negative assessments of this device that will help clarify the situation. People write that the Valgus Pro retainer does not help them at all. Their reviews are full of phrases such as “useless thing”, “waste of money”, “absolute disappointment” and so on. Many users say that this device does not help even in the mildest cases, in the initial stages of the disease.

What can we say about a “radical solution to the problem” in difficult situations, when, in addition to external changes, severe pain appears? Some “sick people” write about deception: on the manufacturer’s website they saw a beautiful advertisement for a gel fixative, but in the mail they received an “incomprehensible” thing - two foam pads with holes. At the same time, it is not possible to obtain a return of the product or money for it. This device is now actively advertised. There are many people who want to use such a simple and “effective” method of getting rid of bunions on their feet. Fraudsters, apparently, decided to take advantage of this and are offering their “false products” with all their might.

Characteristics and equipment

  • Material: medical hypoallergenic silica gel;
  • Manufacturer: development and production - USA (high quality!);
  • Contents: 1 pair per pack (2 pcs., for left and right feet);
  • Size: inserts are dimensionless.

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Doctors about Valgus Pro

What do qualified specialists from medical institutions say about this product? How often do they recommend their patients use the Valgus Pro? Reviews from doctors about this device are mixed. Some doctors are inclined to believe that the only remedy that can completely get rid of the problem is surgery. And no amount of gel pads for a sore joint will save you here. But there are a number of experts who believe that the fixator is really capable of stopping further changes in the joint. Therefore, it is worth wearing it to prevent and alleviate the main symptoms of the disease. True, it will not help to completely get rid of bunions. The same radical approach is needed here - surgery.

Which fasteners should not be purchased?

The market is now filled with a variety of offers, not all of which will bring tangible benefits to foot health. For example, you should not purchase:

  • Fabric foot splints. The most they can do is get rid of calluses. They do not provide any fixation, which means they are not a preventive or therapeutic agent;
  • Non-locking intertoe spacers that are simply inserted between the first toe and big toe. Because there is no locking, they provide very little support for healthy thumb positioning. In addition, using such models is very inconvenient - they can fall under the sole of the foot and turn in the wrong direction;
  • Silicone thumb rings also do not provide fixation.

Is the price justified?

Such a gel fixative is not cheap - from 800 to 995 rubles. People who want to get rid of an illness are ready to pay any money to get rid of suffering. But it’s worth thinking about, can two gel strips with holes really cost that much? Of course, many here may argue that this is an invention that is patented, and now its author may well receive good money for his “know-how”. But does this remedy work? And are there any real reviews about Valgus Pro in the sea of ​​positive reviews about this “miracle” of orthopedics?

Alternatives to the remedy

• Diet therapy. Exclude fried, spicy, salty dishes, legume dishes, and flour products (except rye bread) from your menu. Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamins A, C, E.

• Wearing suitable footwear. If you experience pain in your legs, particularly in your feet, you should completely avoid tight shoes and high heels. Preference should be given to shoes made of genuine leather with a heel of no more than 4 cm.

• Special physical exercises. It is very good to do the following gymnastics to prevent hallux valgus:

  1. Walking barefoot.
  2. Throw a pencil on the floor, pick it up with your toes and draw numbers on paper from 1 to 5. This develops joint flexibility.
  3. Take a piece of fabric, crumple it up and throw it on the floor. Straighten the fabric using your toes without bending over.

• Foot massage. It is recommended to do it daily before bed using any nourishing cream.

• Physiotherapy. Procedures using water baths, ultrasound, and electrophoresis help improve blood flow in tissues and relieve tension in the legs. It is recommended to consult an orthopedic surgeon regarding this treatment.

• Medicines. Various anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, gels, tablets, patches, creams and injections should be prescribed by the attending physician.

• Orthopedic insoles and splints. Serve to prevent flat feet. The Valgus Pro orthopedic fixator performs a similar function. Consumer reviews indicate that many of them managed to avoid flat feet with the help of this device.

• Operation. The protruding bone tissue is removed. After the operation, long-term rehabilitation is required (about 2 weeks). Then, for a year, you cannot wear shoes with heels higher than 4 cm. The stitches are removed on the 4th-5th day.

Let's sum it up

Thus, we can conclude that the Valgus Pro fixative may be useful in the early stages of the disease. Reviews from people who regularly use this remedy for hallux valgus confirm this. The device will reduce pain and discomfort when walking, maintain an aesthetic appearance when wearing shoes, and stop the further development of the disease. But it cannot completely get rid of the “bones” on the legs. If changes in the joint have already occurred, then the help of an experienced specialist will be needed, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

We reviewed reviews of the popular treatment for hallux valgus today—the Valgus Pro brace. Reviews from both clients and doctors about this product are extremely mixed.

Valgus Pro: instructions for use

The question of how to wear Valgus Pro is quite irrelevant, since few people have difficulty putting on this device. Taking the first step towards relieving pain and minimizing other manifestations of a crooked joint is quite easy. To do this, you simply insert your thumb into the hole of the gel pad so that the protruding petal covers the bump, and press it against the protruding bone.

Important! The described effect from using the device can be achieved only if wearing it does not create excessive discomfort, and the retainer itself fits snugly to the body. Minor inconvenience can only be observed during adaptation, which will not take more than 1-4 days (the specific period depends on the degree of curvature).

After putting on the corrector, you can safely use socks and your favorite shoes. It is worth noting that its use is possible even in combination with open shoes, since the linings fit perfectly to the body and are almost invisible.

Important! Despite the permissibility of wearing a brace with any shoes, it is still not recommended to get carried away with too narrow models and high-heeled shoes. Otherwise, the recovery process with complex therapy may be significantly delayed.

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