How to choose a mattress for a bad back. Advice from a specialist.

Back pain is a symptom that requires a special approach to choosing a mattress

. After all, it has a greater impact on the comfort of your sleep, and also, provided you make the right choice, helps maintain the health of the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

The causes of back pain, a crunch in the neck, numbness in the legs or arms, and “lumbago” in the lower back lie precisely in the spine, or rather, in its various parts.

In general, back pain is the scourge of modern people, because literally their entire lifestyle involves creating favorable conditions for its occurrence: a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate rest at night, and lack of physical activity. However, a wonderful invention will help compensate for these problems - mattresses with an orthopedic effect. These products create an excellent, anatomically comfortable sleeping place - an excellent prevention of spinal diseases, as well as a way to alleviate existing painful conditions and prevent the development of the disease. So, which mattress is best for a bad back?

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How to choose the right mattress for a sore back: general rules

What kind of mattress do you need if your back hurts? The word “orthopedic” has been around for quite some time—several decades. Buyers tend to purchase just such mattresses. But how can one determine whether a particular model really has the necessary anatomical properties and how “orthopedic” the mattress is? Unfortunately, there are no specific criteria in this matter. And the individual characteristics inherent in each person are also very important. If you have health problems, you should additionally take into account the recommendations given by your doctor.

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Which mattress is best for a bad back? An important criterion is the integrity of the manufacturer. A reliable, trusted company will certainly provide high-quality products.

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On the modern market, orthopedic mattresses are presented in a huge variety. One of the most important criteria for distinguishing them is the degree of rigidity

, because it is this parameter that has a direct impact on the quality and comfort of sleep.

There are three main levels of mattress firmness: how to choose for your back? We'll talk about this in more detail below.

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Soft mattresses

Which mattress is better for your back? Unfortunately, soft mattresses are not able to provide the position of the spine that is necessary for a person with a bad back to be comfortable. Since these products bend too much under the weight of the body, a “hammock effect” occurs, which does not allow the muscles to fully relax even in sleep, and there is also an overload in the circulatory system due to the fact that the body is in the wrong position.

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Which mattress to choose for a bad back? It is recommended to purchase a low-firm back mattress for older people, because most of them suffer from vascular diseases. Also, soft mattresses will seem comfortable to those whose favorite sleeping position is on their side, or to those who suffer from lower back pain.

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There is no ideal mattress suitable for all back problems. The right decisions on the path to an ideal design are consultation with a doctor and store consultants.

“A mattress alone cannot cure a bad back. There is also no one solution for all diseases. But nevertheless, he plays an important role. While we sleep, we cannot control our body, and a well-chosen mattress will protect our spine from overload, maintaining it in the correct physiological position and helping to relieve pain.”

Ivan Palchikov , chiropractor at the Vitalong clinic

Medium-hard mattresses

Such mattresses bend only under the heaviest parts of the body - the hips, shoulders, while the body weight is distributed evenly over the surface, and the spine remains in a comfortable, and most importantly, correct, even position. Wondering if your back hurts, which mattress is better to choose? A product that follows the contours of the body so well is perhaps the best orthopedic mattress for a sore back. This mattress helps relax the muscles, as well as those areas of the spine that have problems, without pressing the bloodstream.

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Also, mattresses with medium hardness are beneficial for those who like to sleep on their back, as well as those who have problems with the thoracic spine.

In addition to comfort for the back, medium-hard mattresses help strengthen the immune system and keep the cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems in order.


Scoliosis is an unpleasant pathology. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, it means that you have a significant curvature of the spine. In this case, special requirements are imposed on the sleeping place:

  • you need a special orthopedic mattress;
  • hardness – medium or high;
  • It is recommended to choose models with independent springs and increased elasticity;
  • If you like springless models, then we recommend choosing mattresses made of bamboo and polyurethane.

It is best to sleep on your back if you have scoliosis.

Hard mattresses

What mattress firmness is best for your back? Many people believe that the best solution for back pain is to create the most rigid sleeping place possible. However, this is a misconception, and if you follow it, you can end up with the opposite effect - exacerbation of existing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, lack of good posture and proper sleep.

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After all, a hard surface will put excessive pressure on the shoulders and hips, while not providing adequate support for the lumbar region. Thus, the spine of a person lying on such a surface will predominantly be in an unnatural position. The brain will receive signals that the person is uncomfortable and will give the muscles a command to support the body in the position that seems most correct to it. Thus, the muscles will not be able to fully relax, and the additional pressure on the tissue will squeeze the blood vessels, that is, the access of oxygen to the brain and other internal organs will be impaired. All this will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, and the spine will constantly experience additional stress.

Mattresses with moderate hardness are recommended for use by teenagers, as their skeletons are still developing. Also, hard mattresses will be the answer to the question: which mattress is healthier for the back, if we are talking about people suffering from pain in the pelvic, cervical spine, or who love to sleep on their stomach.

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Strengthened Hönnemed Leben with professional support

Prices for popular sizes Honnemed Leben 30,839 ₽ for 80×200, 46,985 ₽ for 140×200

The moderately hard professional orthopedic model is assembled on the same block with nine comfort zones as the Honnymed Health mattress, but it has more flooring layers: 4 sheets of linen on top and bottom strengthen the structure, protect the springs from any damage and provide reliable support for the spine during all areas. Despite its rigidity, the flax fiber in the mattress adapts to the natural curve of the back and helps maintain correct posture.

The elasticity of the mattress is added by 3 centimeters of highly elastic foam based on natural soybean oil, Solid Foam. Sleeping on such a bed is not too hot; thanks to the correct distribution of weight, the limbs do not become numb, the calves and back muscles relax well, and blood circulation is normalized.

The thick linen fabric cover with signature stitching can be removed if necessary (for persistent stains, it is recommended to have it dry cleaned). It is not recommended to wash the cover yourself!

Spring 1 hardness High price Up to 130 kg 25 cm

The most common reasons for back pain: which mattress is better to buy?

People who do not suffer from osteochondrosis are very rare today. After all, now this disease occurs in everyone - both older people and young people. In most cases - about 80% - back pain occurs precisely because of this disease. If you don't take it seriously, you can lead to serious consequences - up to the need for surgical intervention (about 10% of patients), and you will certainly need treatment.

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Why is osteochondrosis dangerous? Initially, during this disease, the intervertebral discs cease to function normally, and over time, deformation of the ligaments, vertebrae, and joints occurs. At the same time, discs in any part of the spine are subject to degenerative changes. And since the greatest level of stress, as a rule, falls on the chest and neck, these areas are the first in line for painful sensations. Low back ranks third in terms of prevalence.

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Partially eliminating the discomfort in the back caused by osteochondrosis is facilitated by the correct choice of a mattress with an orthopedic effect.

. Thanks to its support, you can reduce the aching, shooting pain that often occurs after physical activity during the day. In addition, such a mattress will help relieve neurological symptoms, which are expressed in the fact that tension, tingling, goosebumps may occur in the area affected by the disease, and movement is no longer free.

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A hernia can also cause back pain. As a rule, it occurs due to some more serious lesions or due to injury. A hernia is formed due to the fact that part of the intervertebral disc changes its position - it ceases to be correct. As a result, the nerve endings are compressed, and there are a lot of them in the spine. Thus, acute pain occurs. Before purchasing a mattress in this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, it is important to take into account exactly where the hernia is located in order to provide the head, neck, limbs, and pelvis with the necessary support and distribute it evenly throughout the body. This way, the disc will not move while you sleep, and the pain will disappear.

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What kind of mattress is needed for a bad back? Please note that for those who have vertebral hernias, it is better to purchase a soft mattress that has sufficient elasticity and a supportive effect. Sagging old mattresses with a “hammock effect”, as well as products with a Bonnel spring block, are strictly prohibited for this illness.

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Which mattress is best for a bad back? We analyze cases with pain of various types

My back hurts... which mattress should I choose? Since a wide variety of diseases can cause back pain, you will need to choose a mattress individually in each specific case. Indeed, in each case the recommendations will be different. You should definitely visit a doctor; an MRI of the entire spine or just the problem area will also not be amiss. The mattress should be chosen based on the diagnosis and doctor’s orders.

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So, let's look at typical problems and ways to solve them by choosing a specific mattress:

1. Osteochondrosis

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In this case, it is better to give preference to a mattress of medium level of hardness - springless or with independent springs. A particularly good solution is to purchase a frameless mattress made from memory foam - Memorix.

Photo from source: 2. Sciatica - pinched sciatic nerve

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In this case, the person experiences very severe pain in the lumbosacral spine. It radiates to the limbs, spreading throughout the body. If you experience such attacks, then a mattress to prevent back pain is a product with a low or medium degree of hardness. A model made of memory foam or latex will mold to the body, soothe pain, and also eliminate tension in the muscles.

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3. Intervertebral hernia

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Which mattress is best for your back? In this case, it is better to use an anatomical mattress. It can be springless or spring with a block of independent springs. It is important to have a top layer made of Memorix foam, which has a memory effect. This coating will help relieve muscle tone and maintain the spine in the correct position.

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4. Radiculopathy and radiculitis

The cause of these ailments, as a rule, is pinched nerve roots that are located in the lower part of the spine. In this case, pain is felt in the lower back, movement is difficult, and sensitivity in nearby tissues is impaired. Which mattress to buy if you have a bad back in this case? An excellent option is a springless mattress

with high elasticity, as well as a mattress with independent springs arranged especially tightly. Such products will help alleviate the condition.

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5. Scoliosis

A curved spine requires the use of a hard or medium-firm mattress. The best mattress for the back in this case is a product with a top layer of natural or artificial latex.

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6. Arthritis

This is a disease of the joints, and the vertebrae are also one of these. Mattresses equipped with an independent block of high-density springs will help relieve pain. For example, “multi-package”. in which there are 1000 springs per bed. Or a “micropack”, where 2000 springs are per bed.

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7. Spinal surgery or injury

Which mattress should such people choose for a sore back? The best option for arranging a sleeping place is a hard mattress. It will help speed up recovery and rehabilitation.

Which back mattress should a healthy person choose?

Which mattress to buy if your back hurts, we figured it out. What if you do not suffer from the above diseases and do not experience back pain? In this case, perhaps the best option for a mattress with an orthopedic effect in your case will be the one that meets your ideas about comfort. It is also important that your spine remains in the correct position while sleeping.

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Hönnemed Health on linen and organic soy foam

Prices for popular sizes Hönnemed Health 24,613 RUR for 80×200, 41,996 RUR for 140×200

There are many factories in Russia that produce mattresses for regular sleep. However, the Hönnemed company undertook to develop a medical line of the best models for all spinal problems. Together with orthopedic doctors, they spent several years working on orthopedic mattresses with natural materials and a perfect spring block. A model from this series should have been included in our rating.

A moderately hard model from the premium line of professional mattresses is assembled on a nine-zone Nine Touches spring block with inserts of polyurethane foam columns that strengthen the lumbar area. On both sides of the springs there are 2 layers of linen - a very dense natural material, similar in properties to coconut coir, but more durable and strong. Flax fiber in combination with natural soy foam of increased elasticity Solid Foam gives noticeable rigidity and an orthopedic effect: they support the back in the correct position, relieve the spine and joints, and compensate for the load on soft tissues. Despite the fact that such a surface cannot be called soft, sleeping on it is surprisingly pleasant.

Both filler materials are natural, hypoallergenic and well ventilated.

The high 21-centimeter model is suitable for beds with any side height, looks beautiful in the interior and is designed for a load of no more than 130 kg.

Separately, we note the beautiful cover made of 100% linen jersey with a zipper, it is easy to remove for cleaning. Natural linen in a mattress cover is very rare. It is extremely durable, does not absorb odors and is considered the best antistatic material, so your bed will definitely not become electrified.

Spring 1 hardness High price Up to 130 kg 21 cm

Which mattress is best for a bad back? Recommendations for the right choice

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To find the right mattress for your back pain, follow these guidelines:

1) Remember that choosing the right sleeping surface is really important, as it will have a positive effect on the state of the nervous, immune, cardiovascular system, etc. In addition, scientists have proven that poor sleep stimulates the desire to eat junk food - fatty, high in fat and cholesterol. In diabetics, poor sleep may even worsen the disease, and frequent lack of sleep will lead to depression.

2) The mattress must have orthopedic properties - ideally follow every curve of the body, and also provide additional zonal support. A high-quality mattress will help relieve the load from the spine and its individual parts, as well as distribute body weight as evenly as possible.

3) If you like to sleep on your back, it is better to buy mattresses of medium hardness, and if on your stomach, then high hardness.

Indications for use

Osteochondrosis of any localization cannot yet be completely cured. The main task of vertebrologists, neurologists, and traumatologists is to achieve stable remission. At this stage, if the patient experiences any discomfort, it is of minor severity. If the patient’s well-being has improved, all efforts of doctors are aimed at preventing the spread of pathology to healthy vertebrae and discs. For this purpose, therapeutic exercises, massage and devices for comfortable sleep are used - mattresses and pillows. High-quality products become an excellent prevention of painful relapses. An orthopedic mattress for osteochondrosis is characterized by the following therapeutic properties:

  • reducing the load on damaged cartilage tissue;
  • pain relief;
  • preventing displacement of vertebral structures;
  • normalization of breathing during sleep;
  • elimination of compression of nerve endings by osteophytes;
  • relaxation of skeletal muscles;
  • improvement of blood circulation and microcirculation.

Pain and discomfort with spinal osteochondrosis.

For patients with cervical osteochondrosis, resting on an orthopedic device will help avoid vertebrological disorders. These are dizziness, headaches, surges in blood pressure, memory impairment, decreased visual acuity and hearing. During relapses of osteochondrosis of any part, exercise therapy doctors recommend performing static exercises not on a hard surface, but on an orthopedic product.

Which mattress is the best for the back: we make a choice based on age

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How to choose a mattress for a bad back? When answering this question, it is also important to consider the age of the future user. After all, the desired level of rigidity of the product also depends on this. For example, the younger the person, the harder the mattress should be. For older people, products with moderate hardness are suitable.

Under 25 years old

Active development of the body lasts up to 25 years. And in order not to in any way interfere with the correct formation of the spinal column, it is important to make the sleeping surface correct from an anatomical point of view. To do this, it is better to use mattresses with a high level of rigidity and orthopedic properties. They allow you to preserve the natural curves of the spine, while preventing it from becoming deformed or twisted.

From 25 to 49 years old

After 25 years, the body stops actively developing, since all the main systems are already fully formed by this age. Therefore, when choosing a mattress in this case, it is enough to simply take into account the physiological state, as well as what kind of lifestyle a person adheres to. In this case, the choice is largely based on your preferences. The older the person, the softer the mattresses should be chosen, but at the same time they should also have high anatomical properties, as they will help relieve stress from the spine and the whole body as a whole, improve the functionality of the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Light Way Mix with technological soy foam and wool

Prices for popular sizes Light Way Mix 18,529 RUR for 80×200, 28,989 RUR for 140×200

Another double-sided mattress based on a 5-zone spring block. But here per sq.m. there are 400 springs of different stiffnesses. The shoulder and lumbar girdle areas are reinforced with vertical polyurethane foam rollers. They provide two centimeters of natural HR Solid Foam (made in Spain) made from soybean oil and provide universal medium hardness: this material perfectly supports and relieves the spine, does not put pressure on the soft tissues of the body, and is suitable for regular sleep.

Solid Foam is an analogue of natural latex, but has greater elasticity and durability. Natural soy foams are considered the best materials in mattresses for regular sleep.

The product comes in a branded checkered case with a zipper made of jersey - a dense knitted fabric made from natural threads. This material does not electrify and perfectly fixes bed linen.

Spring 2 in 1 The price is higher Up to 110 kg 18 cm
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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