How to choose a sports knee support: tips and reviews

An active lifestyle and passion for sports benefit the entire body. But, unfortunately, such an energetic existence is rarely without injuries. During active sports, the greatest physical load falls on the knee joints. As a result of sudden movements, impacts, falls, excessive twisting or extension, knee injuries occur, which force you to reduce the intensity of training or completely interrupt training.

A knee support has been developed specifically to protect against possible damage, which helps to further secure the joint during physical activity, thereby preventing any displacement, dislocation, sprains of ligaments or muscles. The bandage not only helps prevent possible injuries, but is also often used during the treatment and rehabilitation of athletes after serious injuries to the knee joint. Let's take a closer look at what a knee support is and what it is intended for.

Operating principle

The caliper is specially designed to protect against damage during active sports. It securely and gently fixes the joint, additionally supporting overly stressed and tired muscles, while maintaining good mobility and without interfering with blood circulation in the limb. The support helps reduce the load on the knee during sharp accelerations, turns, jumps, which are inherent in many game or other sports (volleyball, basketball, football, handball, pioneer ball, martial arts, etc.).

A knee brace is a good protection for the joint and hamstrings during heavy loads in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weightlifting. The support reduces the likelihood of muscle strain, meniscus and ligament damage. It helps not only protect against injury, but also increases the effectiveness of training, creating an additional shock-absorbing effect during exercise.

A sports knee support promotes proper functioning of the joint during intense physical activity. It has an excellent warming effect, causing active blood flow to the joint. Thanks to this principle of influence, muscle performance increases, flexibility and elasticity of ligaments increase, pain and fatigue during excessive physical activity decrease. If you are actively involved in sports, then the support will help keep your knees healthy for many years.

Ten of the best knee braces

Crate F-521

It easily, but quite tightly fixes not only the knee joint itself, but also the patella area, and has a massage and heat-saving effect. With its help, it is possible to maintain the most comfortable temperature balance. The products are optimal for a wide variety of pain in the knee joint, regardless of their cause. It is used for severe bruises and ligament damage, and is often worn as a prophylactic. The bandage protects well from injuries during serious physical exertion on the knees or during sports. The product is optimally suited if inflammatory or degenerative pathologies develop in the knee.

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Made from breathable material. The knee pad itself has a detachable design - it is easy to take off and put on. It is equipped with a soft ring to secure the kneecap tightly, but as securely and comfortably as possible. Suitable for knees with a girth of 35 to 46 cm, made on the basis of neoprene and polypropylene, can be washed in warm water.


  • Features a universal size;
  • Easily fixes the knee;
  • Has additional heat-saving and massage effects.


  • After washing, it is strictly forbidden to wring out.

Knee joint bandage Crate F-521

Trives T-8511

It has a universal size - the bandage is designed for a joint circumference ranging from 38 to 53 cm, made from high-quality neoprene, which perfectly resists wear. The inner surface in direct contact with the skin is made of Coolmax material. It perfectly passes air through itself, removes moisture well - you don’t have to worry that your knee will start to sweat in the bandage. With its help, you can ensure optimal temperature balance of the skin. The design has an additional ring, due to which you can tightly fix the patella.

The bandage is characterized by a detachable design, which will be very effective if joint mobility is limited, swelling is observed, and so on. No contraindications for use were found. With the help of these products, it is possible to prevent all kinds of injuries and diseases that can occur due to excessive physical exertion, regardless of their cause.


  • Provides additional support for the kneecap;
  • It allows moisture to pass through well;
  • Blocks incorrect joint displacement.


  • Velcro fasteners are a little weak.

Knee bandage Trives T-8511

Orto Professional BCK 270

This type of bandage allows you to ensure the most comfortable temperature balance during the most intense physical activity. This effect was achieved largely through the use of a unique technology for removing water vapor from the skin surface NANO BAMBOO CHARCOAL. The knee pad is made from a unique warming material that contains microscopic particles of bamboo charcoal. This bandage can be used even by people with excessive sweating, as well as during sports and other physical activities.

There is a special hole above the kneecap; on the sides there are stiffening ribs made of metal springs. They provide unloading of the ligamentous apparatus and its subsequent restoration. When using this product, it is possible to significantly reduce swelling and inflammation, completely stabilize the knee capsule, and provide maximum wearing comfort.


  • The most modern materials were used in the manufacture of products;
  • Contains nanoparticles of bamboo charcoal;
  • Suitable for athletes, people recovering from injuries and surgeries.


  • Costs more than others;
  • The stiffeners are not adjustable.

Knee bandage Orto Professional BCK 270

Pharmaceks Patella Stabilizer Knee Brace PRO

The model is equipped with reinforced lateral support, fixation is carried out using straps and a special ring for the kneecap. The anatomy of the product is perfectly thought out, the design is one-piece, thanks to which it is possible to achieve a tight and confident grip. The compression of the knee joint is distributed as evenly as possible, the patella is stabilized. The bandage is very convenient to use. It also has two pairs of flat springs, which are made of high-quality galvanized steel.

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During walking or other movements, the bandage does not constrain them at all, but does not slip or change its position relative to the knee. Springs support the lateral ligaments, preventing excessive stress and ensuring their rapid recovery. This product is constantly used by professional athletes, largely due to its optimal ergonomics and acceptable weight of the product.


  • Optimal anatomy;
  • High-quality support is provided by two pairs of flat springs;
  • Significantly reduces the load on the lateral ligaments.


  • High price.

Pharmaceks Patella Stabilizer Knee Brace PRO

Orlett Energy Line DKN-203 NRG

Dynamic type products provide reliable fixation not only of the joint itself, but also of the kneecap. The product is used to reduce pain and also to restore knee mobility. It is optimal for people recovering from surgery, with diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis, especially if they are accompanied by pain or swelling.

The bandage fits as tightly as possible to the knee, which increases efficiency. The compression is distributed in such a way that closer to the edges of the product it begins to decrease, as a result of which the anti-edematous effect increases, the so-called tourniquet effect does not develop. The design includes a visco-elastic insert with an excellent massage effect. It can quickly relieve swelling and stabilize the condition of the kneecap. The bandage is completely invisible under clothing.


  • Normalizes blood circulation;
  • Relieves pressure from the kneecap;
  • Adheres tightly to the skin.


  • Selecting products according to your size is not as easy as it might seem.

Knee bandage Orlett Energy Line DKN-203 NRG

Orto NKN 209

This product is intended for the treatment and prevention of minor injuries to the knee joints and patellar ligaments, which are often caused by playing sports. This model has a circular joint lock. There is a restrictive silicone ring around the hole for the kneecap.

The model is made from very elastic neoprene. The outside is covered with textile materials that can easily wick away moisture. The knee pad provides an excellent massage effect and warms the damaged joint. The product is attached to the knee using a circular clamp equipped with a limiting ring made of silicone. It is located around the hole for the kneecap. The retainer itself is made of neoprene. The bandage also has an excellent micro-massage effect and warms the joint.


  • Tight and reliable fixation;
  • Does not restrict movement at all;
  • Gently warms the damaged joint;
  • Often this model of bandage is used as a preventive measure after injuries or operations.


  • Silicone inserts lose their elasticity over time.

Knee bandage Orto NKN 209

Trives T-8508

One of the cheapest clamps on the Russian market. It is equipped with a detachable bandage design, thanks to which the knee joint will be carefully fixed in the correct position. If necessary, the patella can also be tightly fixed, which is often required if the joint has limited mobility or swelling has occurred.

The design is equipped with a pair of metal hinges, which are responsible for the correct biomechanics of the joint. The bandage has ventilation holes that are located in the popliteal fossa. The model is additionally secured with two tapes with fasteners. There is no compression effect, but a warming effect is present.


  • Provides a comfortable temperature for fabrics and skin;
  • There is a massage effect;
  • Fixes the model tightly on the knee joint;
  • Has lateral stabilization;
  • Acceptable cost of production.


  • Despite the ventilation holes, the knee still sweats slightly.

Knee bandage Trives T-8508

Orlett Energy Line DKN-103 NRG

In third place are very effective products that provide maximum knee mobility and reduced pain. It is often used after injuries and operations, as well as for the prevention of various diseases that are accompanied by pain and swelling. The degree of fixation of the bandage is average. This solution allows you to relieve stress on muscles and ligaments.

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It is made using a unique knitting technology, which increases the protection of the joint from excessive loads. The bandage ensures the maximum possible temperature and humidity exchange. With its help, micromassage is provided, which accelerates the recovery of joints and creates optimal comfort, regardless of the degree of activity.


  • Fully replicates the anatomy of the joint;
  • The design has two rigid ribs;
  • There are spikes made of elastic gel - they are responsible for the massage effect.


  • He will not be able to cope with too much pain.

Knee bandage Orlett Energy Line DKN-103 NRG


The bandage is produced in various sizes, from children's to the largest V-MAX series. The knee pad has an elastic extension in its upper part, which is designed in case the person’s thigh is quite full. The products are made of high-quality silicone, which does not require special care; moreover, this material fits tightly to the surface of the skin, providing the tightest possible fixation.

This bandage relieves swelling in the shortest possible time and helps effectively fight hematomas. All seams on the bandage are processed using a unique technology and do not rub the skin. When wearing this product, absolute freedom of movement is maintained.


  • Silver threads with antibacterial properties were used in production;
  • The seams do not rub;
  • There is a large selection of sizes;
  • High-quality and durable products.


  • There is no warming effect.

Ottobock knee brace

B.Well W-331

The leaders in the review of the best knee braces were very functional products, which are intended for carrying out preventive measures in the event that excessive loads are placed on the legs. The bandage reduces pain and relieves swelling if a person has already suffered a sprain, bruise or other injury. The product reliably holds the joint in the correct position, restores blood circulation in the tissues, but does not restrict movement at all. It is made with the addition of threads made of polymer materials, which are additionally inlaid with ceramic biocrystals. They allow you to stimulate metabolism in the joint.

The bandage has special inserts located in the area of ​​the knee joint - they will exactly repeat the dynamics of the knee when walking, while providing maximum comfort. The product is made of reliable breathable materials that do not disturb the heat, moisture and air exchange of the skin with the external environment. The skin under the bandage does not sweat or redden.


  • Washable;
  • Provides maximum comfort;
  • Exactly repeats the anatomy of the knee joint;
  • Does not disrupt the exchange processes of the skin with the external environment;
  • Made from soft and comfortable materials.


  • It costs more than other products.

Knee bandage B.Well W-331


A sports brace maintains the mobility of the knee joint without restricting freedom of movement during active physical activity. Using a support will help you increase the effectiveness of your workout by avoiding the negative consequences of overexertion. The knee brace brings tangible benefits, as it allows you to:

  • reduce pain;
  • reduce muscle tension and fatigue;
  • remove some of the load from the knee joint;
  • reduce swelling;
  • protect the knee from injury and damage;
  • improve the performance of muscles and ligaments;
  • increase knee flexibility.

Wear a knee support during intense training or competitive events. This will allow you to improve your athletic performance while protecting your knee joint from possible damage. On training days with a normal load, it is recommended to train without using a knee brace so that the muscles and joints receive full physical training.

Toughbuilt TB-KP-203R

Toughbuilt TB-KP-203R knee pads are an ergonomic, reliable product that can be used to work in harsh conditions. They are made of wear-resistant 1680D fabric and rubber that prevents scratches and damage.

Follows the natural shape of the knee and upper shin to distribute pressure for comfortable movement. A high sidewall is provided to reduce knee torsion.



  • do not slip;
  • do not slip on the surface;
  • soft and reliable material;
  • do not pinch;
  • Lifetime manufacturer's warranty.



  • the pads are not removable;
  • high price.


A knee brace is an excellent protection for a healthy joint from possible damage. When purchasing a caliper, remember that this is an aid for active loads. Constantly wearing a brace negatively affects the functioning of a healthy knee joint. As a result of abuse, muscles, joints and ligaments weaken. In addition, there are no special prohibitions on wearing knee pads. It is not recommended to wear a knee support if:

  • allergies to bandage material;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammation of the joint, when thermal procedures are prohibited;
  • diseases of the veins of the lower extremities.

If the support is used for rehabilitation of the knee after serious injuries (ruptures of tendons and joints, displacement of the kneecap, dislocations, etc.), then before use it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Remember that a caliper will not cure an injury. It can only relieve pain in the damaged knee and stop further damage. Use the bandage as an addition to primary treatment and during the rehabilitation period after injuries or operations.


Knee pads GEL COMFORT RUBI 81998 are made of plastic. Inside the pad there is a silicone gel filler that takes the shape of the knee, which provides stability and eases the load. The outer hard material protects the knees from impacts.

Attached to the leg using adjustable fasteners.



  • there is a gel filler;
  • external hard material;
  • attaches well to the leg;
  • do not slip;
  • the fasteners are adjustable;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – up to 1 year.



  • high price.

Soft calipers

This category includes all types of bandages made from dense elastic fabric. The main purpose is to prevent diseases and reduce the load on the knee joint during sports. A soft knee support, reviews confirm this fact, stimulates blood circulation well, reduces pain during inflammatory processes, and reduces swelling.

A completely soft knee brace will help reduce the physical strain of running or doing strength exercises, but will not protect you from injury if you fall. If your sports activities involve a high risk of knee injury, then choose an elastic model with additional sealing on the cup of the joint.

TOPEX 82S162

Protective knee pads TOPEX 82S162 are made of soft rubber and include plastic pads. There are gel inserts. The neoprene fastening, adjustable with Velcro, securely fixes the knee pads in the right place.

The product reliably protects the knees from impacts, abrasions and bruises. Suitable for work in cold weather.



  • do not get off your feet;
  • good quality fabric;
  • good shock absorption;
  • low cost;
  • Manufacturer's warranty for manufacturing defects is no more than two weeks.



  • narrow back Velcro;
  • too big size;
  • the size is practically not adjustable;
  • the knee pads slide on the tiles.

Semi-rigid calipers

This category contains all models that in one way or another limit the functionality of the knee joint. They are designed to help protect and stabilize the knee while preventing unwanted movement while allowing it to perform normal activities.

Such calipers have a more complex design than soft ones. The elastic material of the models is complemented by various fasteners, adjusters, hinges, and side rails, depending on the intended purpose. Semi-rigid products are recommended for wearing during the recovery period after minor or moderate injuries, during exacerbation of joint diseases or chronic knee instability. The most popular model for such cases is the LP 708 knee support, developed by the world leader in sporting goods LP Support.

BISON MASTER with double plastic cover 11525

Knee pads BISON MASTER with a double plastic pad are suitable for hard and rough surfaces. They protect your knees from bruises and injuries. They are fixed on the leg with elastic bands that prevent slipping.

There are no gel inserts. Knee pads are suitable for work in the cold season.



  • the fabric does not get dirty or wet;
  • thick and soft seal;
  • The inner fabric is wear-resistant;
  • suitable for working in cold weather;
  • low cost;
  • Elastic bands prevent the product from slipping.



  • no gel inserts.

Rigid calipers

Rigid support supports are designed for recovery after serious injury or surgery. Such models almost completely limit the mobility of the knee joint in order to allow damaged tissue to recover. The design has stiffening ribs, articulated volume of motion regulators and retractable tires. Rigid supports allow you to limit the range of motion of the limb with the possibility of increasing it as you recover.

When choosing a knee brace, you must first decide on its purpose, and then select the type of knee brace. If you want to purchase a model for sports without damaging your knees, then a product from the soft calipers category is suitable. In all other cases, you should consult your doctor before purchasing.

Knee pads with joints

Despite the great popularity of knee pads with hinges, several facts should be immediately noted. Such knee pads are necessary for strong fixation. They initially have a medical direction. Free movement of the knee along one axis is ensured by a special hole.

Their main task is to fix the ligaments in order to avoid disability. They are not intended for heavy loads (lifting a barbell more than 100 kilograms), since in this case excessive fixation will be harmful and the joint will begin to wear out.

These are knee pads for daily wear. Well, and most importantly, like elastic bandages, knee pads with hinges are prohibited by most federations, as they allow you to gain an advantage in the squat.

© Andrey Popov —

Material of manufacture

Knee supports are made from a variety of materials that provide excellent dynamic protection and compression during sports. Manufacturers pay special attention to the breathability and moisture-wicking ability of the fabric to ensure maximum comfort and convenience when using sports knee pads. In the manufacture of calipers they mainly use:

  • Nylon, polyester, elastane and other synthetic fibers are durable materials that are resistant to tearing and abrasion. They have good elasticity, do not wrinkle, hold their shape well, are light in weight, but do not absorb moisture well.
  • Neoprene is a rubber sheet with microscopic holes that is used to increase the thermal insulation of the caliper. Most often used as the inner layer of a knee brace to provide breathability and flexibility to the brace, while increasing the warming effect.
  • Cotton and other natural knitted fibres. Used to make the inner layers of the caliper to ensure good moisture absorption and breathability of the knee pad. The main disadvantages are that they wrinkle easily, wear out quickly and lose their shape.

The use of one or another material in manufacturing depends on the functional purpose of the knee brace. Products made from synthetic fibers are the most durable to wear, but they do not allow air and moisture to pass through easily. Natural materials have good absorbency and breathability, are more pleasant to the body, but quickly wear out, tear and lose shape. When choosing a support, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the manufacturing material, which is indicated on the product label, in order to understand how convenient and comfortable it will be for you to wear the knee pad.

Why do you need to choose your shin brace carefully?

If the ankle does not provide the proper level of support or is incorrectly sized, it will only delay the healing process and create the preconditions for the injury to reoccur. Therefore, it is important to remember that only a doctor can choose a semi-rigid and rigid orthosis! Independently, without prescription, only ankles with a mild degree of fixation are selected to alleviate the syndromes of arthrosis and arthritis, prevent herbs and reduce pain in the slightest injuries of the lower leg.

By the way, there are also ankle braces with complete immobilization of the joint. They are used for fractures. The bandage looks like the one in the picture below. Therefore, it is important to buy exactly the bandage that you need in a given situation.

How to choose a knee support size?

When choosing a caliper, it is important to determine the correct size so that the model fits the knee well without interfering with blood circulation in the lower limb. To do this, measure the circumference of your lower thigh with a measuring tape. Keep in mind that the length of the caliper depends on the volume - the larger it is, the longer the bandage. In stores, knee pads are available in four sizes, divided according to the circumference of the lower thigh: S – 33-35 cm, M – 36-38 cm, L – 38-42 cm, XL – 42-46 cm. When choosing the right size, be sure to try it on product.

KVT S-60 78426

Knee pads KVT S-60 78426 are made of neoprene. They provide stability on any surface. They have silica inserts that take the shape of a knee.

The KVT S-60 78426 model can be used in cold weather. The size is adjustable by the top velcro above the knee and the bottom velcro below the knee.



  • wide Velcro;
  • do not interfere with walking;
  • corrugated plastic on the front;
  • large surface area;
  • suitable for work in the cold season;
  • manufacturer's warranty – up to 5 years;
  • affordable price.



  • the upper mount cuts into the leg;
  • sometimes they slide to the side when working;
  • The top elastic may curl.


Many sporting goods manufacturers are developing their own technologies for the production of knee supports. The most famous on the Russian market is the American company LP Support, which produces sporting goods under the LP brand. It specializes exclusively in the production of sports medicine products and technical protective equipment.

Joowners is a voluntary association of manufacturers and distributors who jointly produce sports products under the Torres brand. The knee support of this brand has gained popularity among Russian athletes for its affordable price and high quality. Products under the following brands have an excellent reputation: Pharmacels, Mueller, Cramer, Medi, MedSpecs, ASO, OPPO, Push-Braces, produced by companies specializing in the production of sporting goods or orthopedic protective equipment.

3. Universal knee pads NAK002

Universal knee pads NAK002 are made of ethylene vinyl acetate.

This material is lightweight, elastic and highly absorbent.
It is resistant to low air temperatures and has increased adhesion to various materials. Knee pads are attached to the leg using slings
. They are suitable for absolutely any type of activity associated with physical labor: for agriculture, car services, for work in industrial enterprises, for various repair work.



  • durable and flexible material;
  • ethylene vinyl acetate plays the role of both durable plastic and gel pads;
  • sit comfortably on your lap;
  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • very low cost.



  • not detected.


On average, the price of a knee brace ranges from 200 to 7,000 rubles. Simpler models made of synthetic materials, designed to reduce stress during sports, will cost up to 2,000 rubles. Knee pads of a more complex design - over 2,000 rubles. According to numerous positive user reviews, the best price-quality ratio is the LP knee support.

In the article, we looked in detail at how to choose the right knee support, what types of protective equipment are available, and what to look for when purchasing. A knee brace is a great helper for active sports. If the model is chosen successfully, the caliper will serve you for a long time, will be comfortable to use and will perfectly fulfill its functional purpose.

Rating of the best knee pads for work

The top knee pads are compiled based on labor protection requirements, user ratings and compliance with quality and cost.

Model nameMaterialCountry of OriginRatingPrice, ₽
1. Toughbuilt TB-KP-203RRubber, Oxford 1680DChina (brand’s homeland is the USA)9,8/102990
2. TRUPER 12952PlasticChina (the birthplace of the brand is Mexico)9,7/101654
3. Universal knee pads NAK002Ethylene vinyl acetateChina (the birthplace of the brand is Russia)9,7/10315
4. GEL COMFORT RUBI 81998PlasticSpain9,5/102427
5. BISON MASTER with double plastic cover 11525TextileChina (the birthplace of the brand is Russia)9,4/101049
6. Raimondi SOFT, 138SOFFRubberItaly9,2/102800
7. TOPEX 82S162RubberChina (the birthplace of the brand is Poland)9,2/101253
8. KVT S-60 78426TextileTaiwan (the birthplace of the brand is Russia)9/101305
9.STAYER PROFI 11198PlasticChina (the birthplace of the brand is Germany)8,9/101459
10. I GEL IRWIN 10503830PlasticChina (brand’s homeland is the USA)8,8/103539
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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