Pain on the side of the knee - what can be done? Recommendations from specialists at the Friedrichshafen Clinic

Knee joints are joints that are much more susceptible to various mechanical influences than others. The reason for this is their location. Human legs are in motion every day, and carry the weight of not only the body itself, but also the loads that a person carries with him. It is the knee joints that first begin to suffer from diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, etc. In addition, problems can arise after an injury resulting from overload or strong mechanical impact. Diseases are often discovered after dislocations and fractures. “Pain localized in the front of the knee can be one of the symptoms of many diseases, so for correct treatment it is necessary to visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and identify the problem.”

At-risk groups

Diseases that cause pain behind the knee can be different. In particular, arthrosis, which is more typical for older people, sometimes affects young people, most often after injuries. Athletes who often injure one or another part of their body are most susceptible to it. Also, due to overloads, people with excess weight and loaders should be included in this group. In addition, diseases of this kind can often occur in anyone, especially if the problem tends to be transmitted by heredity. Arthrosis often occurs in female families - scientists believe this is a genetic predisposition, hormonal fluctuations at different periods of a woman’s life, and according to statistics, and as a consequence, a huge proportion of those suffering from pain and joint deformities are women.

Advice. A disease such as osteoporosis is characterized by a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body and physical inactivity. That is why it is worth monitoring their presence and, if necessary, replenishing their level. This especially applies to those who do not follow proper nutrition, who are prone to alcohol and smoking, as well as other bad habits.


If you experience knee pain, especially if it happens regularly or is present all the time, you should consult a doctor. If the patient has recently encountered traumatic factors, he should contact an orthopedic traumatologist. In other cases, you can initially make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will assess the patient’s condition, collect anamnesis and prescribe diagnostic procedures. This will allow him to make a preliminary diagnosis and refer the patient to a specialist whose help will be most effective in a particular case.

But you can immediately contact a neurologist if a person notices the presence of lower back pain, diffuse pain in the leg, a burning sensation along its back surface, or other symptoms described above. This will save time and money, quickly determine the true cause of changes in well-being and begin treatment. If the patient notices changes in the condition of the feet, in addition to pain in the knee, he is concerned about pain in the ankle joints, it is better to immediately make an appointment with an orthopedist.

In any case, the doctor will examine the situation in detail, assess the nature of the complaints and refer the patient for examination, which may include:

  • laboratory tests (CBC, biochemical blood test) necessary to identify signs of inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • X-ray of the knee in two projections (if there is a suspected pathology of the feet or spine, they are also examined using radiography), required to assess the condition of the bone structures, as well as identify indirect signs of a number of diseases;
  • CT is used for more accurate diagnosis of joint diseases, as well as the most reliable assessment of the degree of their destruction;
  • Ultrasound of the knee joint, used for visual assessment of all structures of the knee, their size, position;
  • MRI, which is currently the best method for diagnosing various pathologies of soft tissue structures, including knee joint cartilage and intervertebral discs.

In some cases, patients may be prescribed arthroscopy, which is an invasive method for diagnosing and treating pathologies of the knee joints. As a rule, it is required for severe arthrosis and traumatic injuries to ligaments, menisci, etc.

Causes of pain in the knee joint

We often experience unpleasant sensations in one part or another of the body, but very often we attribute them to a recent injury or simple fatigue. Pain is a normal phenomenon for humans, and therefore any pain syndromes, especially short-lived and weak ones, are simply ignored. Sometimes this is right - why bother the doctor again? However, in some cases, it is very important to contact specialists in time to prevent the development of the disease and begin treatment before the disease becomes chronic and worsens. Why your knee may hurt:

  • Injuries – simple bruises, sprains, fractures, dislocations, tears or other damage to the meniscus;
  • Overload after sports;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the joint or in its area due to metabolic disorders (gout, lipid and mineral metabolism disorders);
  • Impaired immune reactions in the body, and, as a result, arthritis, vasculitis, rheumatoid diseases, psoriasis, etc.);
  • Infectious processes in bone tissue, periarticular elements of the knee joint (brucellosis, irsiniosis, etc.);

  • Arthrosis or other degenerative diseases due to increased life expectancy and uneven alternation of loads;

  • Diseases of the lumbar spine, motor deficits in neurological diseases - gait asymmetry;
  • For damage to the hip joint, diseases of the bones of the foot and ankle joint.

So, your knee hurts, and you can’t decide whether you should visit an orthopedic doctor
or not worry again.
As is known, timely detection of the disease in the early stages will prevent the problem from becoming chronic and will provide more gentle treatment. There are several factors that should prompt a visit to the hospital:

  1. The pain may not be severe, but may last for at least 5 days.
  2. Other symptoms also appear, in particular, an increase in general and local temperature.
  3. There is limited mobility in the joint and severe swelling.
  4. The joint is deformed.
  5. When going up or down stairs, the pain intensifies.

In addition to diseases, mechanical damage to part of the joint may occur. For example, with sports, traumatic meniscus tears, a person feels acute pain, mobility in the knee is severely limited, and swelling appears. The patient cannot even touch the cup - the pain is so strong. It may subside with the application of a cold compress, and an anti-inflammatory drug will help relieve the condition. With spontaneous damage to the meniscus, the pain is not so bright, but constant.

Important! You cannot make any decisions about the course of treatment on your own - this can only harm your body and worsen the condition of the joint.

Ligament ruptures are a common occurrence among athletes, and are caused by sudden mechanical stress applied to the leg. Such an injury is accompanied by various signs, including severe swelling, characteristic crunching, limited mobility, and the possible appearance of a hematoma. Timely provision of first aid will reduce the risk of complications, but treatment of the ligament takes a long time.

The causes of gonarthrosis can be:

  • Excess weight
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Diabetes
  • Poor nutrition
  • Hereditary factors
  • Weakened immunity
  • Congenital pathologies

Another well-known disease is inflammation of the knee joint - knee arthritis or knee arthritis. The most famous type of monoarthritis. It can also be one of the manifestations of polyarthritis. Patients suffering from gonarthritis complain of severe pain and difficulty moving the knee. Often the cause of gonitis is an infection that penetrates the joint through damaged tissue during injury. Infections can also enter the body from other foci during a general purulent infection. It also happens that after infection, an immunological breakdown begins and then damage to the articular cartilage.

WE RECOMMEND YOU TO CONTACT OUR SPECIALISTS FOR A SECOND OPINION RIGHT NOW! More than 3,000 patients from Russia have already received qualified assistance in a timely manner thanks to this service!

Treatment method for knee pain

It is difficult to immediately determine what problem a person has with his knee. For a correct diagnosis, sometimes a simple x-ray in several projections is enough, especially in the later stages of development, when damage and bone growths are visible to the naked eye. However, at first, when the pain is minor, x-rays may not reveal microscopic damage. Therefore, the best examination option is considered to be an MRI of the knee joint, thanks to which (without irradiating the patient) high-quality images of the required area of ​​the musculoskeletal system are obtained from all angles. If you want to be absolutely sure of your diagnosis, discuss the need for such an examination with your doctor. In addition to a visual examination, in most cases, doctors can take tests or, in some cases, perform arthroscopy - an operation designed to closely examine the bone and cartilage and correct changes in the condition of the elements of the knee joint. This surgery is performed if the images do not provide all the information needed. Each course is prescribed individually, depending on the causes of pain, the stage of development of a particular disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Most often, the course includes: Medicines.

Depending on the nature of the problem, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other metabolic drugs are included.
Massage and physiotherapy.
Such effects have a beneficial effect on blood flow and improve metabolic processes in the affected area, due to which the vitamins and minerals entering the body are better absorbed.
Therapeutic gymnastics classes.
They are prescribed from the very first day, and, like physical therapy, promote good blood flow.
In addition, in the final stages of recovery, it is training that allows you to develop the joint well. Diet.
A very important factor influencing the speedy correction.
Proper nutrition, following a diet, excluding harmful foods from it and including healthy ones will always have a beneficial effect on the body, and sometimes will allow you to lose weight, which is very important for arthrosis and arthritis. Attention! To protect yourself from knee problems in the future, take care of yourself - maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and stop smoking and alcohol. If you have had similar unpleasant situations in your family, monitor the level of calcium and other elements in the blood. Eat more proteins, vegetables and cereals, as well as various fruit jellies.

Second opinion

Due to the fact that knee pain can be caused by different reasons and, accordingly, different types of treatment can be applied, our clinic offers a second opinion service. This service involves reviewing your case from the point of view of an outside expert who makes a recommendation for effective treatment. The recommendation is drawn up in the form of a detailed written opinion. How you apply this recommendation and where your knee joint will be treated is up to you. If you decide to undergo treatment at the Friedrichshafen Clinic, the cost you paid will be credited to you as an advance payment for the knee joint treatment you have chosen.

WE RECOMMEND YOU TO CONTACT OUR SPECIALISTS FOR A SECOND OPINION RIGHT NOW! More than 3,000 patients from Russia have already received qualified assistance in a timely manner thanks to this service!

The cost of the service is 350 Euro. Payment is made in advance by bank transfer or credit card.

Who can I contact if I have pain in the side of the knee joint? Highly qualified specialists from the Friedrichshfen Clinic, experienced orthopedists and great masters of their craft can find the cause. Thanks to modern medical technologies and state-of-the-art equipment, our doctors will help every patient. We will develop an individual treatment plan for you, aimed at your speedy recovery!

Tendenitis or inflammation of the tendons

Pain above the kneecap may be due to inflammation of the tendon. An overly active lifestyle: intense training, overly active running, cycling can lead to inflammatory processes. Athletes suffer from such problems: skiers, runners, cyclists. Injuries, various infections, rheumatic diseases, personal characteristics of the human body or abnormal development are all possible causes of tendon inflammation.

The pain is immediately mild, insignificant, and over time it manifests itself even simply when bending the knee and without special loads. The problem area is painful when touched, redness is possible, and a creaking sound is heard when moving. Effective treatment is injection into the immediate site of inflammation, physiotherapeutic procedures, taking antibiotics, ointments with an analgesic effect, and immobilizing the sore leg. In very extreme situations - operational measures.


When your kneecap hurts, you need to seek professional help. The reasons may be different. To prevent dangerous consequences from developing, it is necessary to promptly identify the pathology and begin its treatment.

When a nagging, aching pain appears above the kneecap, there can be many reasons for this. Various ligaments and lymph nodes are located in this place. An experienced doctor will help you figure this out.

Pain above the knee area may indicate damaged ligaments or damage to the articular cartilage or inflammation of the tendons. If the painful sensation is more like a radiating pain, then there may be a meniscus disorder. A traumatologist, rheumatologist or surgeon can determine the exact cause by conducting an additional examination. The cause of the occurrence is determined by the nature of the pain; if the pain is acute, it indicates inflammation, and possibly infectious infections. A common cause of such pain is arthrosis.

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