Useful and safe physical exercise for joints: practical advice

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Once again about warming up

The structure of any training session is a flexible system, it completely depends on the goals that you set for yourself when coming to training, however, it also contains mandatory components. One of them is warm-up, the presence or absence of which in the training complex determines the effectiveness of the lesson and its result.

However, some, especially beginners, neglect this important element of training, considering it a waste of time. If you feel the same way, this article is for you. Let's figure it out, is warm-up really necessary?

What benefits does exercise bring to joints?

The benefits of physical activity are difficult to underestimate. If you move regularly, the spine remains active and nourishes the joints, important muscle groups are strengthened, and the correct muscle corset is formed. Besides:

  • the production of synovial fluid, the natural lubrication of joints, is activated;
  • swelling that occurs with inflammation during arthritis resolves;
  • the circulation of blood and lymph is enhanced, as well as oxidative processes in the muscles.

During training, metabolism in cells improves. Therefore, even 10-15 minutes of easy gymnastics will bring great benefits to your joints.

What is a joint warm-up?

It is no coincidence that joint warm-up is called this way - the task of this complex is to increase blood circulation in the area of ​​​​large and small joints of the body. But don’t be fooled: it’s impossible to stretch your joints without affecting your muscles. Let us remember that joints are nothing more than potentially movable joints between the bones of the skeleton, driven by the muscles of the body. Muscle tissue is the only one that is capable of active, controlled contraction by the central nervous system.

The second point is the very poor blood supply to the joints. Connective tissues are quite dense, the metabolism in them is slow, and accordingly, the production of intra-articular fluid at rest is extremely small - in fact, minimally sufficient to meet the need for “lubrication” of the articular surfaces. In order to increase the production of intra-articular fluid and, accordingly, improve the trophism of the joint, it is necessary to increase blood circulation in the area of ​​​​this joint. How? By increasing the blood supply to the muscles surrounding it.

What is needed for the blood supply to the muscle to increase? That's right, make the muscle work, that is, perform an active contraction.

It should also be noted that with increased blood circulation in the joints, the saturation of the ligaments with extracellular fluid increases, due to which the elasticity of the latter increases. The same applies to tendons - the attachment points of muscle fibers to bones.

Why is an individual approach important?

Physical education is useful, but if done incorrectly, it can cause serious harm. Each organism is special and has its own vulnerabilities. Age, concomitant diseases, and degree of training matter. If you already have prerequisites for gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis or arthrosis of the ankle joint, a sports doctor should develop an individual training program for you.

Before starting training, you should undergo a medical examination and do an ECG at rest. The doctor will recommend suitable sports and indicate restrictions.

Basic warm-up exercises

Each sport has its own warm-up complexes, which are aimed at “warming up” the more stressed muscle groups. But they are always based on several basic exercises - to prepare for strength and cardio training.

Basic warm-up complex:
  • Tilts and rotation of the head to stretch the neck muscles;
  • Bends forward and sideways help tone the back muscles, oblique abdominal muscles and abdominal muscles;
  • Arm rotations, or “mills ,” are needed to prepare for the exercise of the shoulder muscles and joints, as well as the pectoral and back muscles;
  • Raising the body from a lying position. Several lifts at a leisurely pace will “warm up” the abdominal muscles.
  • Partial planks or push-ups place stress on the triceps, shoulders, and pecs;
  • Running around the hall or on the spot, alternating with walking. Accelerates the heart rate of the muscles throughout the body. Running with your hips raised high puts additional stress on your leg muscles.
  • Jumping rope also speeds up the pulse, increases blood flow in the body, and mobilizes joints.

All exercises should be performed at a moderate rhythm, without acceleration, but without slowing down. Slow execution speed is welcome during the cool down. Trainers advise doing 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, spending 2-3 minutes on running and jumping rope. In total, the entire introductory part of the training will take no more than 15 minutes.

Preparing for strength training

Strength training, especially when working with heavy weights, has its own warm-up nuances. In addition to the basic set of exercises, a special warm-up complex includes specific, usually duplicating, actions of the athlete during training, but significantly facilitated. For example, if squats with a barbell are planned during a lesson, then at the beginning of the lesson they perform the same squats, but with an empty bar or with a weight not exceeding 20-30% of the working one. Also, experienced bodybuilders advise, during the warm-up before strength training, to put on warm clothes or special thermal underwear and jog with acceleration.

Any fitness enthusiast should have a “standby” set of warm-up exercises. A trainer can give you advice on training and warming up before it.

In Gold`s Gym fitness clubs, where classes are held in a variety of areas: from karate to squash, experienced professionals will help you individually select all the exercises, as well as create your own fitness schedule and even a special menu.

Is it possible to exercise if your joints hurt?

For minor joint pain, physical activity is required. Correctly selected gymnastics for arthrosis will stop the progression of the disease. Pilates, yoga and stretching are especially effective in such cases. They can be practiced at home at any time.

If you periodically experience joint pain:

  • do not perform exercises during which the pain intensifies;
  • put a bandage on the problem joint, such as a knee brace or orthosis;
  • be especially attentive to the problem area and do not load it;
  • Contact your doctor or physical therapist as soon as possible if pain persists or if there is swelling or redness.

For arthrosis, you can do gymnastics, which will be selected for you by a specialist

Typical lesson plan

The joint gymnastics complex consists of a number of exercises available to every person. Joint gymnastics can be done online or at home with pleasant music in a calm environment. The following movements can be used as a basis:

  1. Warm up the neck: slow and smooth movements of the head back and forth, and then left and right. Your shoulders should remain in place, your back straight, and your breathing even. Then you should make circular movements with your head in both directions.
  2. Warm up your fingers. You need to stretch your arms forward, then begin to clench your fingers in a fist. Then you should stretch your wrists by slowly raising and lowering your hand, making circular rotational movements in both directions.
  3. Working with the upper shoulder girdle. You need to raise your arms at shoulder level, bending at the elbow joint, and then begin rotational movements towards and away from yourself.
  4. Warm up the back and lumbar girdle. To perform the exercise, you need to get down on your elbows and knees, bend your back first down and then up. Then you need to put your hands on your lower back and slowly rotate your torso in a circle.
  5. Warm up the pelvis and knees. First you need to lift your knee forward at the level of the pelvis and move it to the side, performing springing movements. After this, slow squats are performed with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  6. Exercise for feet and fingers. In a sitting position, you need to clench and unclench your toes, then stretch your toes with your hands.

Each exercise described must be repeated up to 10 times, focusing on how you feel. Morning joint exercises will relieve joint pain, improve overall well-being and give a boost of energy.

What should the warm-up be like?

To prevent joint damage during training, it should be preceded by a full warm-up. It activates blood circulation, warms up the muscles, and sets the body up for exercise. Warm-up duration is 5-10 minutes. Movements should be smooth and careful. The complex can include:

  • wrist rotation;
  • head circles in both directions;
  • shoulder movements up and down;
  • body tilts;
  • slight lifting of the legs.

It is important not to get overtired during warm-up

Basic Rules

Soft joint gymnastics can be either an independent complex or part of exercise therapy. When performing exercises, it is important to follow a number of rules that will help prepare the body for physical activity and smoothly enter the exercise regime.

The exercises should be performed starting with warming up the neck and gradually moving down to the underlying areas. All movements should be smooth and soft, so as not to provoke rupture of ligaments that are not prepared for stress, and not to damage the joints. The key rule of gymnastics is regularity. Classes will not bring much benefit if they occur once every few weeks; the positive effect is leveled out over such a period of time. The optimal schedule would be to study every day or every other day for 15–20 minutes. It is important for a person to understand that the time spent on exercise is an investment in his own health.

The best methods of joint gymnastics were developed by doctors or taken from the traditions of various countries. Particularly popular is Dr. Bubnovsky’s method, which includes a set of smooth movements combined with breathing exercises aimed at developing flexibility. Norbekov’s technique is more focused on strengthening the musculoskeletal system and developing flexibility. Fans of Eastern philosophy will enjoy Tai Chi Qigong - Chinese gymnastics that combines physical exercise and control of internal energy. There are a huge number of types of joint gymnastics, from which any person can choose an activity to their liking.

How to train properly

If you are already undergoing treatment for osteoarthritis, avoid any sudden movements during exercise. Listen to your body and perform the loads that you can handle. Be sure to devote some of the exercises to the leg muscles, since if they are trained, the load on the knee, ankle and hip joints is reduced. The final stage is stretching, which will speed up recovery after training.

Don't forget to drink during exercise - joints need moisture

The benefits of joint warm-up

Based on the above, it is difficult to deny the unconditional advantages that an athlete receives who does not neglect this type of warm-up. Let's look at them in more detail. So, the benefits of joint warm-up before training are as follows:

  1. During the exercises that follow the warm-up, the athlete’s joints wear out to a lesser extent - accordingly, “sports longevity” is extended. For professional athletes, and even for amateurs who exercise to maintain general physical health, this is an important point.
  2. A complete joint warm-up reduces the risk of injury during exercise “here and now.” Accordingly, the likelihood of dropping out of the training process is reduced. This is especially true for pros during preparation for various competitions.
  3. In preheated muscles, biochemical processes are more active, due to which the muscles are able to demonstrate a higher strength potential. The effectiveness of sports activities increases by an order of magnitude.
  4. The neuromuscular connection (or, more simply, the connection between the brain and the muscles) becomes stronger and more perfect due to the involvement of more motor units if a non-specific warm-up is performed before the main activity. Plus, due to the same phenomenon, intermuscular coordination improves, that is, the ability of muscles to “interact” with each other, simultaneously tensing (or relaxing) to increase the energy efficiency of the effort.

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What equipment and clothes to choose for training

You need to train in a ventilated room, on a non-slip floor or a special mat. This will protect you from falling and injury. For classes you will need equipment, such as an expander, collapsible dumbbells, fitball, massage roller. With it, exercises will not only be more interesting, but also more effective.

Exercise in comfortable clothes made of clean, breathable fabric. Never exercise in flip-flops or house slippers. The sole of sneakers or sneakers should be flexible and have shock-absorbing properties. Do you prefer stretching exercises? Opt for shoes with non-slip soles.

If you have difficulty moving your knee joints, perform 2 times a day, for example, the following exercises:

Why do you need a warm-up?

  • Firstly , a warm-up is a warm-up and stretching of all joints and muscles before intense training, and therefore a lower risk of injury and no pain after exercise.
  • Secondly , bringing the pulse to the desired, “effective” pace: up to 90-100 beats per minute;
  • Thirdly , after 10-15 workouts, the level of adrenaline in the blood increases and overall metabolism accelerates;
  • Fourthly , a few simple exercises before the main complex help to “tune in” to the lesson.

Therefore, no matter what your main pastime in the gym is: whether you do boxing, step aerobics, CrossFit or lifting iron - always start your workout with a warm-up, and you will see how your results improve.

Interesting Previously, many researchers claimed that the best time for training is from 16 to 19 hours (working hours). However, recently, to the delight of all working fitness enthusiasts, it was proven that the body can adapt to any rhythm and time of exercise.

What results should you expect from an advanced warm-up?

To see progress, it is best to do exercises 3-4 times a week or each time before the main workout. However, from the warm-up itself you should not expect sky-high results in the form of an increase in muscle mass or weight loss of tens of kilograms. But one thing we can say for sure: by exercising regularly, you will feel more energetic, make your joints and ligaments more mobile and elastic.


Any exercise is already a positive result, I think. And if you don’t have enough load, it’s worth doing a couple of rounds of general physical training or training with improvised means, which I did.

And yet, the most important thing after training, according to our expert, is a smile. So smile and be healthy.

Main phases of recovery

At light loads, all internal processes operate as usual. Increasing activity and performing heavy exercises mobilize the body's internal reserves, forcing it to work with greater productivity. The body responds to intense stress with the appearance of pain. This occurs due to the production of cortisol, which breaks down muscles. Recovery in this situation is important because it helps return the physiological and biochemical state. The essence of balanced rest is to reduce the negative consequences due to microtrauma of muscle fibers and to benefit from exercise on the machine. Research explains that neglecting this stage leads to deterioration in athletic performance. A person is not able to maintain the chosen pace if he does not follow the regime. In addition, achieving results and setting personal records requires complete recovery after each visit to the gym. After exercise, the body prepares for future stress by increasing muscle mass. The higher the intensity, the more serious the preparation. Therefore, training at full capacity using all resources is considered the most effective. However, endurance and strength in this case will improve not during training, but after it.

Despite the individuality and dependence of rest on various factors, recovery of the body is divided into four phases:

  1. Fast. About 30 minutes after completing your workout. A person feels intense hunger as the body tries to quickly return to its natural state by replenishing its nutrient reserves.
  2. Slow motion. Regeneration of tissues and cells. The athlete’s body begins to return to normal - the water-electrolyte balance is restored, enzyme, protein and amino acid synthesis starts, and nutrients supplied with food are absorbed.
  3. Supercompensation. Activates a few days after training and is effective for 48 hours. During this period, an increase in physical indicators is observed. Since a person with supercompensation is ready for new loads, it is recommended to perform a new workout before the end of the phase.
  4. Deferred. Occurs if an athlete stops exercising for a long time. During this phase, muscle tissue returns to the same shape it had before going to the gym.

Depending on the muscle group, recovery takes 36-72 hours. This should be taken into account when drawing up a program, since intense exercise more than once every 2-3 days does more harm than good. It is worth considering that larger muscles require more rest time. After cardio exercises, which do not require expenditure of energy reserves and do not damage a large number of muscles, full recovery takes up to 3 days.

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