Pain in bones and joints during menopause. What to do? Practical recommendations.

Pain in bones and joints during menopause. What to do? Practical recommendations.

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April 15, 2019



Often women over 48 years of age and older are bothered by pain in the joints, bones, feet, and spine. At the same time, the majority indicate that they lead a healthy lifestyle, do not have bad habits, and regularly play sports. What is the cause of such pain?

Pain in joints, bones, feet, and spine in women of this age are manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Menopause is a normal physiological phenomenon during which the level of female sex hormones (estrogens) decreases. Estrogens, in turn, are involved in the high-quality absorption of calcium from food with subsequent penetration of the mineral into the bones. With a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, calcium is less absorbed, which leads to a decrease in bone mineral density and bone tissue resorption, which is the cause of pain. In the absence of early diagnosis of such conditions and proper treatment, bone mineral density decreases sharply, systemic osteoporosis develops, which leads to bone fractures: in particular the femoral neck, spine, radius in a typical location. Moreover, minor injuries often lead to fractures.

If you have entered the age of menopause, you have pain in the bones, joints, spine, you need to adhere to the following tactics:

1. Examination by a gynecologist once a year.

2. Consultation with an endocrinologist with a study of hormonal levels once a year.

3. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

4. Mammography.

5. Densitometry (method for determining bone mineral density).

6. Determination of biochemical markers of bone resorption and bone formation.

7. To improve the spring function of the feet and reduce the load on the joints of the legs and spine, use orthopedic insoles or make custom insoles.

8. Undergo treatment aimed at relieving pain, including analgesics, therapeutic droppers, blockades, physiotherapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy.

9. If, based on the examination, a diagnosis of osteoporosis is made, menopausal hormonal therapy is prescribed.

10. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle with mandatory morning exercises: walk more, do Nordic walking, swim, go to the gym.

11. During the period of entering menopause, there should be as many positive emotions as possible. Positive emotions improve hormonal levels in general, increasing estrogen levels in particular. Due to the stimulating influence of positive emotions, the hypothalamus (a region of the brain) is activated. The hypothalamus transforms mental processes into physiological ones, namely, it produces hormones liberins, which enter the pituitary gland, where, under the influence of liberins, female gonadotropic hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are released, under the influence of which the follicle grows and the egg begins to mature. The follicle produces hormones estrogens.

12. Eat foods containing calcium and vitamin D, sodium, and protein. During menopause, 1000 mg is needed daily. Calcium and 600 IU vitamin D.

Pain in bones and joints during menopause. What to do? Practical recommendations. Watch the video:

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How changes happen

Menopausal syndrome lasts up to several years; it is normally observed in women aged 45 to 69 years. The duration and time of manifestation depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and hereditary factors.

There are three main periods in the process:

  • premenopause, characterized by a violation of the regularity of the cycle;
  • menopause, its beginning – absence of menstruation for a year;
  • postmenopause, the period from menopause and up to 10 years after.

All changes in the body are caused by hormonal transformations, which also cause concomitant menopausal syndrome in women.

Observe safety precautions

Not only regular microtraumas to the joints, but also immediate major injuries - bone fractures, sprains of ligaments and tendons, dislocations, meniscus tears - can become an impetus for the development of arthrosis. Of course, no one is safe from them, but they happen especially often to those who do not follow safety precautions.

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If you decide to try a new sport, the first lesson should be with an instructor who will tell you how to perform the movements correctly, and most importantly, how to fall. In everyday life, choose stable and comfortable shoes; in winter they should not slip. And, of course, remember that any industrial safety rules are written for a reason; they cannot be neglected.


Symptoms are distinguished depending on the stage of restructuring of the body. In the early period, the following factors are present:

  • mood changes;
  • increased aggressiveness or irritability;
  • increased sweating;
  • changes in appetite and taste preferences;
  • tides;
  • exacerbation of headaches or dizziness;
  • frequent changes in blood pressure;
  • heartbeat.

The middle period is characterized by the following features:

  • anxiety and depression;
  • chronic fatigue and feeling of weakness;
  • dry skin;
  • deficiency of vaginal mucous secretions;
  • decreased libido;
  • cystalgia;
  • impaired concentration.

In the later stages, in addition to the sexual sphere, hormonal changes affect other body systems. The third period is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • manifestation of atherosclerosis and osteoporosis;
  • manifestation of diseases of muscles and joints;
  • visual and hearing impairment;
  • exacerbation of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

How to keep a woman’s bones healthy after 45 years: expert advice

  1. Be sure to include calcium-rich foods in your diet (cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, green and leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes and fish).
  2. Get physically active whenever possible. For example, instead of taking public transport, walk a couple of stops or take the stairs home, “forgetting” about the existence of the elevator.
  3. Get outdoors more often and avoid vitamin D deficiency. In order for our bones to become stronger, calcium and vitamin D must “work in tandem.”


1 Data from the report “Prevention of recurrent fractures in patients with osteoporosis.” Author: Lesnyak O.M. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Russian Association of Osteoporosis.

2 "Russian Medical Journal". Gavisova A.A., Tverdikova M.A., Yakushevskaya O.V. "Osteoporosis: a modern view of the problem."

3 Journal “Effective pharmacotherapy”. Materials of the All-Russian conference with international participation on gynecological endocrinology and menopause.

4 Newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (06/01/2017). “Brittle bone. How to recognize osteoporosis and how to protect yourself from it?

Don't overeat

Excess weight is one of the most important risk factors for damage to the knee, hip, and big toe joints. Due to excess kilograms, the load on them increases, so their cartilage tissue wears out faster.

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Overweight people often say that they have a “slow metabolism” or “such a bad constitution.” However, most often this is not the case at all. According to the observations of nutritionists and endocrinologists, only in 5% of cases does excess weight appear due to illness or hormonal disorders. The remaining 95% is due to overeating. Therefore, first of all, you need to reconsider your diet: eat less sweets and fatty foods, more vegetables, fruits, and high-protein foods. And also adequately evaluate the portions and not put too much on the plate.

Traditional medicine recipes

Decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal herbs give a good effect in the treatment of joints. But such prescriptions must necessarily be combined with traditional drug therapy. To make the pain go away quickly, use a herbal decoction.

Mix coltsfoot, fragrant woodruff and Chernobyl in equal proportions (1 tsp each). Pour the herbal mixture into 500 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 1 hour. Take a decoction of ¼ cup 2 times a day.

A universal folk recipe that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms of arthrosis and rheumatoid disease. Ingredients:

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  • cinquefoil root - 200 g;
  • galangal root - 100 g.

Pour the ingredients into a 3-liter jar and fill them to the top with high-quality vodka. It can be replaced with 70% alcohol. Cover the container with a lid. Keep the tincture for 21 days. The jar needs to be shaken every day. After the required time has passed, strain the tincture through gauze folded in several layers. The result should be approximately 2 liters of tincture. Take 1 tbsp. or 50 ml three times a day. The tincture is taken 30 minutes before meals.

If the pain is intense and constantly present, during an exacerbation you can take 1 glass or 2 tbsp. l. tinctures. The drug shows itself well as a local spectrum of action. It is recommended to apply the substance in a small amount to the joint and rub in a circular motion.

The roots of cinquefoil and galangal are used to prepare ointments. They need to be finely chopped and mixed together. Melt the vegetable and butter oils in a water bath, add the chopped roots to the resulting mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Only a wooden spoon is suitable for stirring. Before use, the ointment needs to be warmed up a little so that it is better absorbed. Apply a small amount of the substance to the joint, rub until completely absorbed. The course of using the ointment is 30 days. If it is necessary to continue treatment, you need to take a break of 10 days. To get a good effect, you will need 2 to 3 courses.

To maintain healthy joints, it is recommended to take decoctions based on rosemary and sage. They are prepared according to the same recipe: 1 tbsp. pour boiling water over the crushed ingredient. Leave for 30–40 minutes or until the broth has cooled completely. Strain. Take ½ glass 2 times a day.

Causes of pathology

Treatment of menopause in women is carried out taking into account the cause of the development of pathological conditions. The severity of menopausal syndrome is determined by the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • past illnesses;
  • stress;
  • Lifestyle.

The pathological condition has three stages: mild, moderate and severe. The condition is segmented by quality of life, changes in well-being and the presence of hot flashes.

Calculate your strength

Arthrosis develops due to the fact that with age, the metabolism in the cartilage tissue of the joint is disrupted - its natural recovery slows down, and destruction accelerates. However, although this is the main, but not the only cause of the disease. Arthrosis occurs more often and is more severe in those who regularly overload their joints during work or sports. This leads to microtraumas of the cartilage, which take a long time to heal, because regeneration is difficult. If this happens constantly, there is a high probability that the cartilage tissue will begin to quickly deteriorate.

Therefore, it is very important to alternate work and rest and select an adequate load. Heavy lifting, jumping, fast running, and any activity involving shaking are especially dangerous for joints. In youth, such activity should be reasonably limited, and after 50–60 years it should be eliminated if possible.

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Don't go on strict diets

Nutrients are needed for the natural restoration of cartilage tissue. If we eat too little, we don't have enough of them, and this increases the risk of arthrosis. Mono-diets (eating only one product) and diets with extremely low calorie content (less than 1200 kcal) are especially harmful.

If you want to keep your joints healthy, your diet should be varied and nutritious. It is imperative to get all vitamins and minerals from food (sulfur, calcium, and selenium are especially important). The diet should have enough protein and healthy unsaturated fat, which is found in fish and vegetable oils.

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