Ointments for pain in the elbow joints

HomeClinical MedicineDiseasesDiseases of the musculoskeletal system

Painful sensations in the elbow joints have probably occurred to everyone at least once: an unsuccessful fall, prolonged monotonous loads, and some diseases can cause inflammatory processes in the elbow. Many means are used for treatment; an integrated approach is extremely important, including medication, injections, physiotherapeutic procedures, and various ointments for pain in the elbow joints.

What to put on your elbows when they hurt

If pain occurs, there is swelling, or redness of the skin on the elbow, this most likely indicates inflammatory processes in the joint. Various ointments for pain in the elbow joints are designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Preparations for external use are affordable products, often available without a doctor’s prescription and yet effective. But let’s not forget that they mainly fight only the symptoms, but not the cause of the pain syndrome. The ointment for elbow pain acts quickly, its active ingredients immediately penetrate the damaged tissues, providing long-awaited relief and restoration of motor functions. External preparations have much fewer side effects and contraindications, unlike tablets and injections. The products cannot be used if there are open wounds on the elbow: scratches, sores, etc.

Symptoms of Elbow Arthritis

The most specific sign of elbow arthritis is the accumulation of fluid (exudate) in the joint capsule. It seems to “stretch” the joint and put pressure on the soft tissues, causing a feeling of stiffness, bursting pain and insufficient nutrition of the tissues.

Correctly recognizing the symptoms of elbow arthritis helps you begin treatment on time.

Common signs of elbow arthritis

  • swelling of the joint and surrounding areas;
  • pain when touched and other inflammatory symptoms (redness of the skin over the elbow joint, local increase in temperature);
  • disruption of normal mobility in the joint (as if something is preventing you from bending and unbending your arm, rotating it at the elbow) - stiffness, which over time turns into stiffness;
  • weather sensitivity (the joint “twists” when the weather changes);
  • specific clicks, especially during sharp flexion and extension;
  • a gentle attitude towards the hand, an involuntary desire to keep it in a half-bent state.

Somewhat less common are numbness, itching, convulsive twitching and other involuntary muscle movements, and sleep disturbances.

For arthritic pain in the elbow joint, it is significant that at rest they do not disappear, but only intensify.

Specific symptoms of elbow arthritis

The specifics of the pain syndrome may differ depending on the causes of inflammation - with gout and psoriasis, the pain is dull and aching, with rheumatoid and purulent arthritis it is acute, preventing movement. With post-traumatic arthritis, pain may be subtle and give way to a feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

For acute purulent arthritis of the elbow joint, there are special signs:

  • pain appears suddenly - yesterday it was not there, but today it is already painful;
  • general body temperature rises;
  • patients complain of headaches, aching muscles and joints, weakness, dizziness and fever;
  • severe nausea may progress to vomiting;
  • there is severe swelling;
  • the patient gets tired quickly and may lose appetite and weight.

With specific infections and tumors, malaise and joint pain are accompanied by other symptoms - for example, exhaustion, bloody cough.

Purulent and reactive arthritis of the elbow joint is characterized by an aggressive course. In the early stages, the disease can be controlled with antibiotics. If left untreated, the symptoms of arthritis of the elbow joint rapidly increase - up to the need for surgical intervention and irreversible changes in the joint.

Types of ointments for elbow pain

Ointment for pain in the elbow joint can be of several types: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, local irritants, combination drugs.

What to anoint the elbows and joints with depends on what causes the pain, i.e. from the cause of the symptoms.

Perhaps the most popular drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. They quickly relieve pain, eliminate swelling and are affordable. These are ointments for pain in the elbow joint: Bystrumgel, Emulgel, Diclofenac, Ortofen, Finalgon, Ketoprom and others. These drugs do not treat the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms; they cannot be used for a long time without a doctor’s prescription. For example, if your elbow hurts and your fingers go numb, non-steroidal painkillers alone are definitely not enough.

Medicines to treat elbow arthritis

Drug treatment of elbow arthritis in the acute phase involves taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers, and in the presence of infection, antibiotics.


Chondroprotectors can be used both in acute and chronic periods. They improve metabolism and nutrition of cartilage tissue, prevent its destruction and promote regeneration.

Effective drugs with chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate: artracam, arthra, dona, structum, teraflex, chondrolone.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation and pain. For example: aspirin, indomethacin, nimesil, ibuprofen, piroxicam, ketoprofen, meloxicam, diclofenac and others. Such medications for the treatment of arthritis of the elbow joint are used in a complex manner - internally (in tablets, capsules, injections) and externally (gels, creams, ointments).

If NSAIDs are ineffective, in severe cases, glucocorticoids (corticosteroids) are prescribed in courses: triamcinolone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, Detralex, Kenalog.


To eliminate spastic pain (for example, in rheumatoid arthritis), the following are indicated: mydocalm, pentalgin, fanigan, citramon, papaverine.


To improve blood circulation, metabolism and tissue trophism, warming and irritating agents for external use are used - viprosal, nicoflex, menovazin. Dimexide is usually used in the form of compresses. You can give the elbow joint baths with bischofite.

Also effective are ointments with bee venom - episartron, ungapiven, virapin, and tablets - trental, pentoxifylline.

Did our article on symptoms and treatment of elbow arthritis help you? We hope so. Do not be ill!

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Are there any contraindications?

Despite the fact that external forms of release of drugs are the most “gentle” compared to tablets and injections, they have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ointments and gels, are considered the most dangerous; their long-term use without medical supervision can lead to serious damage to internal organs. These products contain analgesics and other substances that accumulate in our tissues.

External products should be used strictly following the instructions. Some ointments should be applied with a rubbing motion, others should be lightly smeared on the affected elbow, and others should be used for applications. And of course, a qualified doctor should determine what to apply to the elbow for pain after making an accurate diagnosis. It doesn’t matter what to smear the elbow joint with, if the treatment is limited only to the use of external agents, it will only be possible to eliminate the pain. But the joint will continue to deteriorate. Therefore, complex therapy should be present, even if the pain has been eliminated.

October 21, 2021 Contents

The elbow is a complex joint between the three bones of the shoulder and forearm, a fragment of the human arm. Its anatomical structure also provides for the presence of a nerve, which is located as close as possible to the skin. Pain in the elbow of the right or left hand is always unpleasant.

They need to be treated, but first you need to deal with the reasons, the main ones of which are:

  • The elbow of the right hand hurts when extending, pressing, or loading. How to treat, relieve pain, folk remedies, ointments
  • disorders of bone and joint structure;
  • inflammation of muscles and ligaments;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Treatment of elbow arthritis

In the early stages of arthritis of the elbow joint, conservative treatment methods are effective - taking medications, physical therapy, therapeutic exercises, and following a special diet. The last stage and advanced infectious arthritis of the elbow require radical solutions.

In the acute phase of the disease, it is important to avoid any stress on the joint, so doctors recommend wearing an immobilizing splint and a bandage across the neck.

Before treating elbow arthritis that has arisen as a secondary disease, consult a doctor about the primary one.

Treatment of elbow arthritis requires an integrated approach

Physiotherapy for elbow arthritis

After relief of acute symptoms of elbow arthritis, it is recommended:

  • acupuncture;
  • massotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • kinesitherapy and therapeutic exercises;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • amplipulse;
  • paraffin applications, ozokerite, mud therapy.

For tuberculous and tumor arthritis and pregnancy, physiotherapy is not performed.

Massage for arthritis of the elbow joint

Massage of the elbow joint is carried out only when the inflammatory process subsides. It promotes speedy rehabilitation and restoration of elbow mobility. Therapeutic massage is especially effective after prolonged immobilization (for example, after wearing a cast for a broken arm). In this case, it helps strengthen weakened muscles and prevent relapse.

In the absence of pain and fever, patients can engage in warming self-massage - it is especially effective in combination with ointments, gels and creams against arthritis. The simplest methods are:

  • circular movements along the shoulder and forearm with the pads of the fingers;
  • stretching movements with the edge of the palm along the muscles of the arm;
  • light pinching;
  • stroking (including zigzag);
  • shaking.

The massage should be light. Avoid massaging the joint itself for more than 1-2 minutes.

Exercise therapy for arthritis of the elbow joint

Therapeutic exercise helps to consolidate the effect of other types of treatment for arthritis of the elbow joint, strengthen the muscles, and make movements freer. Patients are recommended to perform simple exercises for arthritis of the elbow joint:

  • bending the elbow with muscle tension - overcoming moderate resistance from the other hand;
  • rotational movements in the elbow clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • exercises with the ball (rolling on the table towards and away from you, throwing and catching a projectile);
  • abduction of straight arms with dumbbells weighing up to 1 kg.

Swimming is also recommended for patients with elbow arthritis.

Avoid sudden movements during therapeutic exercises. Stop the exercise immediately if pain occurs.

Surgical treatment of elbow arthritis

For infectious arthritis, minimally invasive interventions are often used, such as puncture or drainage. They allow you to remove excess exudate from the elbow joint, restore its nutrition and mobility.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, the doctor may prescribe a synovectomy (partial excision of synovial cartilage, less often cartilage and subchondral bone). Removal of the problem area is usually indicated for tuberculosis and other specific joint lesions, as well as rheumatoid arthritis. With a favorable outcome, the synovial membrane is restored over time. If a large area had to be removed, the cartilage tissue is usually prosthetic. Synovectomy helps relieve pain and improve elbow mobility.

In exceptional cases - for example, with ankylosis - joint replacement may be required.

Types of diseases that cause elbow pain

The most common injuries to the bone and joint structure are as follows:

  1. Bruises are closed injuries without compromising the integrity of the joint. Mild bruises go away within a few hours or days, severe bruises are accompanied by an increase in the volume of the damaged organ and aching pain.
  2. A tumor is a complication that often occurs with bruises. May be benign or malignant. Often associated with pathologies of bone and joint tissue.
  3. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint, which can be a side effect of a number of other ailments. Accompanied by pain during physical activity.
  4. Arthrosis is a disorder of the structure of cartilage, leading to its thinning. For the elbow joint, this disorder is extremely rare.
  5. Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. Occurs in diseases associated with metabolism.

Muscle inflammations include:

  1. Bursitis is a lesion of the joint capsule. It occurs due to excess accumulation of fluid in it.
  2. Fasciitis is inflammation of muscle tissue cells. Accompanied by nagging pain.
  3. Epicondylitis is a disease affecting the attachment of muscle fibers. Develops from microtraumas received under excessive loads.
  4. Tendinitis – Damage to tendons where they attach to joints. The disease is common among athletes due to excessive stress.
  5. Osteochondrosis is the destruction of ligaments, tendons, cartilage or bone tissue. One of the painful and dangerous diseases. It is difficult to treat.

Cardiovascular and nervous diseases that manifest themselves in the elbow joint:

  1. Inflammation of the ulnar nerve occurs due to pinching. May cause pain even at rest.
  2. Cardiac ischemia is an insufficient blood supply, leading to organ necrosis. In this case, the vessels and circulatory system need to be treated.
  3. Hemophilia is a blood clotting problem. On the elbow joints it is reflected in periodic hemorrhages.

Causes of Elbow Arthritis

It is extremely important for the patient to determine the causes of arthritis in the elbow joint. Some types of disease (for example, reactive arthritis) are very important to stop at the first symptoms of inflammation - then the disease can be completely cured, preventing structural changes in the joint and the transition of arthritis to the chronic stage.

However, most arthritis is a lifelong diagnosis. For a favorable prognosis for arthritis of the elbow joint, early diagnosis and regular visits to the doctor in compliance with medical recommendations are required.

Rheumatologists name the following causes of inflammation in the elbow:

  • Post-traumatic
    . Even a not too painful bruise on ice can provoke a rupture of a vessel, damage to a ligament, or disruption of the innervation of the joint. If inflammatory symptoms do not go away 2-3 weeks after the injury, rush to the emergency room or to a rheumatologist - if you wait until it “goes away on its own,” the damage may take years to affect. Note that injury can be acute (such as from an accident or surgery) or chronic (due to intense unnatural stress on the joint - such as athletes, loaders and other professionals).
  • Immune disorders
    . In autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis of the elbow joints, systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes mellitus, psoriasis), killer cells attack the connective tissue and the joint itself, which leads to a chronic focus of inflammation. Symptoms of arthritis increase after stress, hypothermia and prolonged exposure to the sun, allergies.
  • Hormonal changes in the body
    . These can be either natural changes in hormonal levels (menopause in men and women), or hormonal disruptions and even endocrine diseases (for example, Graves' disease - hyperthyroidism).
  • Infectious diseases
    . Measles, brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis (especially dangerous for children), mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and other infections can cause complications in the joints. Nonspecific purulent infections, which can be caused by staphylococci, streptococci, and some intestinal pathogens, are also dangerous for the elbow joint. The infection can be either systemic (whole body) or local (for example, from an animal bite). Constant inflammation is also possible due to constant infectious foci in the body (caries, chronic cystitis, tonsillitis and others).
  • Metabolic disorders
    . With metabolic disorders, undesirable metabolites (metabolic products) may accumulate in joints and soft tissues. For example, with gout, uric acid crystals constantly injure the articular surface and periarticular tissues.
  • Age-related changes in the joint
    . Patients over 60 years of age often experience arthrosis-arthritis, a pathology in which structural changes in the joint (thinning of the cartilage layer, osteophytes) and insufficient production of synovial life cause mechanical irritation of the soft tissues. The consequence of such joint deformation is chronic arthritis.

The risk of arthritis of the elbow joint is most increased by recent infectious diseases of the respiratory, genitourinary and digestive systems, as well as sports and household injuries. Malignant tumors are the rarest cause of pain in the elbow joint.

Diagnosis of elbow pain

You can find out the reason why problems arise in the elbow of your right or left hand with your local therapist. Having the patient’s medical record in hand, he can quickly diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment. Sometimes, in more complex cases, a conclusion from a more specialized specialist - a neurologist, cardiologist or surgeon - is necessary.

Again, a local doctor can write a referral to them. But if the problem is not obvious, additional research will be needed. Some of them can be carried out at a local medical facility, while others can only be carried out in hospitals or medical centers for an additional fee.

Type of studyWhere to spendApproximate cost
X-ray of the elbow jointHospital, medical center (MC)350 – 9100 rub.
Blood analysisClinic, hospital, MC0 – 980 rub.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the elbow jointHospital, MC2000 – 20300 rub.
Arthrography of the elbow jointHospital, MC1500 – 9100 rub.
Puncture (fluid collection) from the elbowHospital, MC990 – 3000 rub.

When to see a doctor

The elbow of the right hand hurts (it can be treated without going to the doctor) - with a slight bruise, it is enough to immobilize the hand and apply a cooling compress to the site of injury so that the condition will soon return to normal.

But in some cases, consultation with a specialist is necessary:

  • if the pain does not subside despite immobilization and compress;
  • if swelling and redness appear on the elbow with any movement;
  • if pain in the elbow is accompanied by an increase in general body temperature;
  • if the shape of the joint has changed, the bone protrudes;
  • if your arm hurts and it is impossible to bend or straighten it.

Preventing Elbow Pain

You can prevent elbow pain by avoiding muscle strain. To do this, it is worth taking breaks from time to time in work where the elbow joint is constantly involved. It is better to choose the right position and use convenient equipment.

When moving your arms monotonously, it is useful to periodically bend and unbend them, as well as do self-massage. When reading books or talking on the phone, you should not constantly lean on your elbows.

  • Elbow pain with stress and pressure

Methods for treating elbow pain

The elbow of the right hand hurts (it must be treated immediately) - in case of a serious injury, the doctor suggests orthopedic devices to immobilize the damaged joint:

  • fixing bandage;
  • bandage;
  • gypsum;
  • splint;
  • orthosis

The specialist can also recommend medications suitable for each specific case.


They are the mainstays in treating elbow problems. The most commonly prescribed drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their action is quite fast, but superficial. Non-steroids fight inflammation and eliminate pain, but not the cause itself. They are designed to eliminate pain in order to alleviate the patient's suffering.

There are currently dozens of NSAIDs available in various forms.

The most common of them:

NameFormApproximate cost
DiclofenacOintment/Gel, 30 g
Solution for injection, 25 mg/ml

Tablets, 50 mg

From 16 rub.
From 42 rub. (for 5 – 10 ampoules)

From 27 rub. (for 20 tablets)

NimesulideTablets, 100 mgFrom 30 rub. (for 20 tablets)
IndomethacinOintment 10%, 40 g
Tablets, 25 mg

Rectal suppositories, 50/100 mg

From 36 rub.
From 15 rub. (for 30 tablets)

From 52 rub. (for 10 pcs.)

CelecoxibCapsules, 200 mgFrom 141 rub. (for 10 capsules)
MeloxicamSolution for injection, 15 mg/ml
Tablets 7.5/15 mg
From 291 rub.
(for 5 ampoules) From 152 rub. (for 10 tablets)
KetorolacSolution for injection, 30 mg/ml
Tablets 10 mg
From 51 rub.
(for 10 ampoules) From 15 rub. (for 10 tablets)
IbuprofenOintment 5%, 25 g
Tablets, 200 mg
From 28 rub. From 28 rub. (for 50 tablets)
NaproxenTablets, 250 mgFrom 131 rub. (for 10 tablets)
PiroxicamCapsules, 10/20 mgFrom 19 rub. (for 20 capsules)

Ibuprofen will help relieve pain in the elbow of the right hand.
These medications should not be used constantly. They are sold without a prescription, but have many side effects.

Another group of drugs prescribed for elbow pain are chondroprotectors. Their functions are the healing of cartilage tissue, while relieving pain, and leveling the process of dystrophy. The basis of such drugs are 2 components – chondroitin and glucosamine. They are a natural building material of cartilage tissue.

Treatment with these drugs takes a long time - over 3 months. First they are prescribed in injections, and then in tablets. To maintain maximum effect, the course of treatment is repeated annually.

The most popular chondroprotectors:

NameFormApproximate cost
StructumCapsules, 500 mgFrom 1200 rub. (for 60 capsules)
AlflutopSolution for injection, 10 mg/mlFrom 1453 rub. (for 10 ampoules)
ChondroxideCream 8%, 50 g
Gel 5%, 40 g

Tablets, 250 mg

From 499 rub.
From 318 rub.

From 500 rub. (for 60 tablets)

TeraflexCream 30/50/100 g
From 307 rub. From 979 rub. (for 60 capsules)
NoltrexSyringe 2.5 mlFrom 2500 rub.
ChondroloneSolution for injection, 0.1% 1 mlFrom 778 rub. (for 10 ampoules)

For severe pain, injections may be prescribed directly into the joint. Such injections provide quick relief. But doctors do not recommend using this treatment constantly - along with the injection, an infection can be introduced into the joint.

For intra-articular injections use:

  • chondroprotectors;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • corticosteroid hormones

The last group of drugs has an almost immediate effect on the sore joint, effectively copes with inflammation, but has many contraindications. However, they are extremely popular with patients.

Most often used:

NameFormApproximate cost
DiprospanSuspension for injectionFrom 110 rub. (for 1 piece)
KenalogSuspension for injection, 40 mg/mlFrom 451 rub. (for 5 pcs.)
FlosteronSuspension for injectionFrom 3950 rub. (for 5 pcs.)
MetipredPowder for injection, 250 mgFrom 199 rub. (for 1 piece)
Depo-MedrolSuspension for injection, 40 mg/mlFrom 678 rub. (for 1 piece)

Injections are prescribed 1 every 2 weeks. A full course includes 3-5 injections. Corticosteroids do not affect the disease itself, so they cannot provide complete treatment.

My right elbow hurts (can also be treated with hyaluronic acid) as a result of injuries or joint diseases. The drug is injected into the joint when there is a lack of fluid in it. As a result, nutrition improves and restoration of cartilage tissue accelerates.

Today, the following medications with hyaluronic acid are used:

NameFormApproximate cost
OstenilSyringe, 20 mg/2 mlFrom 2800 rub.
FermatronSyringe, 1% solution, 2 mlFrom 3190 rub.
SinokromSyringe, 1% solution, 2 mlFrom 2950 rub.

Post-traumatic arthrosis of the elbow joint: symptoms, treatment

The diagnosis of “arthrosis” is made due to chronic severe dysfunction of any joint that is part of the human musculoskeletal system. The disease is progressive and requires immediate treatment. Arthrosis negatively affects the functioning and health of cartilage, which can cause severe pain.

A distinctive feature of post-traumatic arthrosis, as the name suggests, is the presence of mechanical damage.

What stages are there?

There are 3 stages in total:

  • First stage. There is pain during intense physical exertion or palpation of the injury site. There are no visible changes in the elbow joint, no swelling. This stage often goes unnoticed due to subtle signs.
  • Second stage. The appearance of atrophy of the periulnar muscles, increased pain. The second stage can be recognized on x-rays. The danger of this stage of the disease is the depletion and destruction of bone tissue structure.
  • Third stage. At the last stage, pain in the joint does not stop for a long time, even when the limb is at rest. If arthrosis is not treated
    , then recovery will follow only after surgery. In the third stage, only surgery can help.

Why is post-traumatic arthrosis of the elbow joint dangerous?

The consequences depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, the rate of tissue regeneration and the stage. If arthrosis occurs at an early age, negative complications may appear after a few years. It is important to start treatment as early as possible, since the functioning of the most important movement apparatus – the forelimbs – is at stake. The last stage can lead to disability.

Causes of the disease:

  • Joint inflammation (arthritis).
  • Specificity of work.
  • Congenital defects in the development of the elbow (dysplasia).
  • Metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance.
  • Post-traumatic cause.
  • Systemic, autoimmune diseases (vasculitis, rheumatism).
  • Lack of blood supply.
  • Elderly age.
  • Excess weight.
  • Lifting weights.
  • Intense workouts.
  • Diseases.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Operations.
  • Chronic infections (tonsillitis).

Symptoms of the disease

Among the most pronounced:

  • Pain in the joint when moving.
  • Weakness of the muscles of the affected limb.
  • Pain at muscle attachment points.
  • A feeling of tingling, burning in the 4th-5th finger of the hand due to the involvement of the ulnar nerve in the process.
  • Impaired sensitivity of the hand.
  • Welsh's symptom is the appearance of pain in the joint at the moment of extension of the arm at the elbow and simultaneous rotation of the hand outward.
  • Reduced range of possible movements up to joint contracture.
  • A crunching sensation during movements.
  • Thomsen's symptom - the patient is unable to hold the hand clenched into a fist in a dorsiflexion position due to pain.
  • The occurrence of pain while moving the arm. Household chores become complex and difficult to complete in the final stages of the disease. Pain occurs mainly during physical work, and subsides during rest.

How to treat and which specialist should I contact?

If irreversible changes occur (deformation, destruction of cartilage, massive bone spikes), the functions of the joint are restored through surgery.

In other cases:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Creating a state of rest for the affected limb, reducing the load on the joint, limiting heavy lifting. Perhaps for these purposes, applying a splint with fixation of the joint in the flexion position.
  • Improving the nutrition of cartilage tissue through the use of chondroprotectors. These drugs contain components of cartilage tissue - chondroitin and glucosamine. Chondroprotectors have a cumulative effect and require long-term use.
  • Reducing pain is achieved by using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For moderate pain, local use is possible; for severe pain, it is advisable to use medications in the form of tablets, capsules, or injections. If these drugs are ineffective, intra-articular administration of glucocorticosteroids is used.
  • UHF therapy, ultrasound treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, and laser therapy have a good therapeutic effect.
  • Therapeutic exercise helps improve local blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, and increase range of motion.
  • Surgical intervention is used if there is no effect from conservative therapy and consists of performing therapeutic arthroscopy or endoprosthetics of the elbow joint.
  • Treatment with folk remedies is carried out in addition to traditional medicine. Various beekeeping products, herbal medicine, and alcohol compresses are used.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Infusion of medicinal cinquefoil root. Chop the root of the plant into small pieces, put it in a one-liter jar so that it fills it by a third. Fill to the top with vodka, leave to infuse in a dark place for 21 days. When ready, strain, the tincture can be used for compresses (once a day, for 2-3 hours) and rubbing (3-4 times a day), and also taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Oil balm. Take 50 g of propolis, grate, dissolve in heated vegetable oil (100 ml). After cooling, the balm is used for rubbing. After the procedure, you need to apply compress paper and a warm cloth to your elbow and leave it overnight. The duration of treatment at home is 2-3 weeks.

Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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