Useful and safe physical exercise for joints: practical advice

Restricted mobility and joint diseases have become commonplace these days. This is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, remote work, and improving household appliances, which increasingly limit movement.

These factors highlight only one side of the problem, which shows why we move less. But there are other reasons that worsen joint health, such as poor quality food and lack of microelements. Age has a serious impact on joints. After 40 years, most people experience degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, you need to take care of your joints not when they stop moving and cause pain, but much earlier.

If the joints have already suffered deformation or injury, then the usual practice of yoga, gymnastics or exercise in the gym should be excluded at least for a while to allow the joints to recover. Therefore, joint gymnastics will be beneficial during the recovery period after injuries as a preventive measure for regular practice in older people. To some it may seem too easy and therefore useless, but do not rush to give up this type of exercise, because gymnastics is a full-fledged practice.

This is interesting

Joint gymnastics. A practice that suits everyone

Joints are the epicenter of our movements; their good condition gives health to the entire skeleton. What is a joint? This is an articulation or connection of two or more bones that are attached to each other in a two-layer joint capsule that seals the joint cavities and secretes a lubricant - synovial fluid.

What benefits does exercise bring to joints?

The benefits of physical activity are difficult to underestimate. If you move regularly, the spine remains active and nourishes the joints, important muscle groups are strengthened, and the correct muscle corset is formed. Besides:

  • the production of synovial fluid, the natural lubrication of joints, is activated;
  • swelling that occurs with inflammation during arthritis resolves;
  • the circulation of blood and lymph is enhanced, as well as oxidative processes in the muscles.

During training, metabolism in cells improves. Therefore, even 10-15 minutes of easy gymnastics will bring great benefits to your joints.

Pros and cons of the technique

Exercises to strengthen joints are suitable for almost any person who has no contraindications for physical activity in general. But there are a number of categories for which this method of strengthening the body would be an ideal choice. These people include:

  1. Women who have recently given birth to a child. Childbirth is a serious burden on the body, so intense physical activity can negatively affect the health of a young mother.
  2. People over 40 years of age. If you have chronic diseases, it is important not to overdo it with exercise; joint gymnastics is ideal for keeping the body in good shape without harm to health.
  3. People leading a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work has long become the norm in the modern world. Office workers suffer more than others from chronic diseases caused by insufficient blood circulation, stagnation of fluids and slow metabolism.
  4. People who spend a lot of time on their feet. This category also falls into the risk zone. Employees of catering establishments and the service sector more often than others suffer from varicose veins, the cause of which is poor circulation. Physical exercise can normalize blood flow and reduce the load on the lower limbs.
  5. Professional athletes. Intense physical activity often causes injuries and pain in the joints, so if there is discomfort, it is recommended to temporarily switch to joint exercises and give the body the opportunity to recover.

Despite the proven safety and versatility of exercises, you should consult a doctor before starting training to protect yourself from possible injuries. Contraindications for physical therapy for joints may include high blood pressure, infectious diseases in the acute stage, the presence of malignant tumors, severe joint pathologies, and disorders of the thyroid gland. A specialist will help you determine the optimal level of physical activity and select a set of exercises for the joints that will have a positive effect on the body.

Why is an individual approach important?

Physical education is useful, but if done incorrectly, it can cause serious harm. Each organism is special and has its own vulnerabilities. Age, concomitant diseases, and degree of training matter. If you already have prerequisites for gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis or arthrosis of the ankle joint, a sports doctor should develop an individual training program for you.

Before starting training, you should undergo a medical examination and do an ECG at rest. The doctor will recommend suitable sports and indicate restrictions.

Who will treat you: doctors from our clinic

Our center employs experienced kinesiotherapists who will create an individual program and monitor you during the treatment process and exercises in the gym. There is also the opportunity to exercise on simulators individually with a doctor.

If you are not a supporter of the constant use of medications and want to help your body activate its natural forces and recover on its own, then kinesitherapy is definitely for you!

We will be glad to see you in our center!

Olga Grigorievna Karpukhina, kinesiotherapist read more about the doctor

Achekeev Talant Kasymalievich kinesitherapist, reflexologist, anesthesiologist-reanimatologist read more about the doctor

Is it possible to exercise if your joints hurt?

For minor joint pain, physical activity is required. Correctly selected gymnastics for arthrosis will stop the progression of the disease. Pilates, yoga and stretching are especially effective in such cases. They can be practiced at home at any time.

If you periodically experience joint pain:

  • do not perform exercises during which the pain intensifies;
  • put a bandage on the problem joint, such as a knee brace or orthosis;
  • be especially attentive to the problem area and do not load it;
  • Contact your doctor or physical therapist as soon as possible if pain persists or if there is swelling or redness.

For arthrosis, you can do gymnastics, which will be selected for you by a specialist

What are the benefits of joint exercises?

The basis of musculoskeletal health is movement, so therapeutic exercises for joints are necessary for every person. The human body is designed for significant physical activity; without it, metabolism and blood circulation are disrupted, which causes joint pain. Regular exercise can achieve the following effects:

  1. Active production of joint fluid, which acts as a lubricant. A person becomes able to perform complex exercises, flexibility and mobility increases, pain and discomfort go away.
  2. Warming up the muscles. A set of exercises moves the muscles of the whole body, increasing mobility.
  3. Preparation for significant physical activity. Sets of exercises are great as a warm-up before more serious strength or cardio training.
  4. The concentration of salts, which are deposited on the joints and provoke the development of various diseases, decreases.
  5. There is a general positive effect on the human body: improved blood circulation, sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
  6. After exercise, a person feels energized and invigorated.
  7. Hormonal levels stabilize and with regular exercise, they gradually return to normal.

The exercises are quite simple and accessible to everyone; you can do them yourself. Classes are recommended for people of any age, but before starting it is better to consult with your doctor. Regular exercise will strengthen the muscular skeleton, develop flexibility and mobility of joints, get rid of pain, start the process of cell regeneration, prevent the development of many diseases, improve the quality of life and overall well-being.

What should the warm-up be like?

To prevent joint damage during training, it should be preceded by a full warm-up. It activates blood circulation, warms up the muscles, and sets the body up for exercise. Warm-up duration is 5-10 minutes. Movements should be smooth and careful. The complex can include:

  • wrist rotation;
  • head circles in both directions;
  • shoulder movements up and down;
  • body tilts;
  • slight lifting of the legs.

It is important not to get overtired during warm-up

Benefits of movable joints

  • Freedom of movement, lack of stiffness and tightness. Pain goes away, resulting in improved overall health.
  • Increased joint flexibility = more body capabilities. Endurance develops, and it becomes possible to try out and begin a variety of workouts from joint gymnastics and stretching to strength training.
  • Reducing the risk of various diseases or complications.
  • With movements to improve the flexibility of muscles and joints, blood circulation improves, the body's cells are saturated with nutrients, and overall health occurs, which clearly improves the quality of life.

How to train properly

If you are already undergoing treatment for osteoarthritis, avoid any sudden movements during exercise. Listen to your body and perform the loads that you can handle. Be sure to devote some of the exercises to the leg muscles, since if they are trained, the load on the knee, ankle and hip joints is reduced. The final stage is stretching, which will speed up recovery after training.

Don't forget to drink during exercise - joints need moisture

Kinesitherapy for joints - what is it?

Special sets of exercises have been developed to work out the cervical spine, joints, and knees. Before the start of the main gymnastics, the instructor will offer a warm-up of general strengthening movements, after which the main time of the lesson will be devoted to the selected area of ​​the musculoskeletal system.

Joint gymnastics underlies such a direction of medicine as kinesitherapy, which uses scientifically based methods to restore the elasticity of the ligaments and joints of the musculoskeletal system in various disorders and pathologies.

It has long established itself as an effective method for treating a wide variety of complex diseases of the spine and joints, recovery after injuries and operations.

This type of treatment at the “Innovative Medical Center” involves both the use of special simulators and classes with the performance of original exercises by the center’s doctors on mats with special equipment. All classes are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, the load is selected individually and increases smoothly. With such classes, you can be sure that the exercises are safe for your illness and that the program is effective!

You can read more about this direction and classes at our center here.

What equipment and clothes to choose for training

You need to train in a ventilated room, on a non-slip floor or a special mat. This will protect you from falling and injury. For classes you will need equipment, such as an expander, collapsible dumbbells, fitball, massage roller. With it, exercises will not only be more interesting, but also more effective.

Exercise in comfortable clothes made of clean, breathable fabric. Never exercise in flip-flops or house slippers. The sole of sneakers or sneakers should be flexible and have shock-absorbing properties. Do you prefer stretching exercises? Opt for shoes with non-slip soles.

If you have difficulty moving your knee joints, perform 2 times a day, for example, the following exercises:

Joints and exercise

With age, joints wear out, ligaments lose elasticity, gait changes, and discomfort and even pain appear when moving. Is it possible to postpone these unpleasant and inevitable phenomena? You can if you devote a few minutes a day to basic physical education. In order for the joints and spine to be healthy for a long time, they must be mobile. Sitting at a computer for a long time, watching TV on the couch, and lack of exercise have a negative impact on health. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of wear and tear on joints and contributes to the occurrence of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The benefits of exercise for joints

Despite the crazy pace of life, the body of the average person experiences virtually no physical activity; it becomes untrained and weakened. You need to play sports and exercise to maintain muscle tone, ligament elasticity and joint mobility. Daily gymnastics helps to keep the spine healthy and nourishes the joints, it strengthens important muscle groups, forms a muscle corset, prevents ligament atrophy and is a source of good mood.

Physical education for joints:

  • activates the secretion of synovial fluid;
  • promotes the resorption of swelling and effusions;
  • washes away pathological deposits due to the redistribution of blood and lymph,
  • enhances oxidative processes in muscles.

During training, muscles warm up and metabolism in their cells increases. All these processes support human health and give years of active life.

Even if you have little time, devote at least 10-15 minutes a day to easy gymnastics. It can be done in the morning, during your lunch break at work, in front of the TV. If the work is monotonous, it is necessary to arrange “five minutes of rest” every 30-40 minutes of intense activity. Even these 10-15 minutes of exercise will play an important role in strengthening your joints.

Individual physical education

Physical education is, of course, beneficial for the body, but not everything is so simple. Physical education makes people healthy, but sometimes it cripples them. The mistake many people make is choosing a standard training program. But each organism has its own characteristics and vulnerabilities. In addition, age, concomitant diseases, and the person’s fitness level matter. A sports doctor will help you create an individual exercise program that is necessary for your body.

If you want to seriously engage in sports, visit a fitness room, you need to contact a specialist for a medical examination. The consultation typically includes a detailed history, physical examination, and resting ECG. Only a doctor can assess how intense your training may be and which sports may be more or less suitable. After analyzing your health and receiving specialist recommendations, choose the sport that suits you best or create an individual exercise regimen.

Can I exercise if I have joint pain?

For sore joints, moderate exercise and mobility are beneficial. With a well-chosen set of exercises, you can slow down the development of arthrosis and suppress the degenerative process in cartilage. Today, various types of gymnastics are widespread, which have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, on the functioning of joints and ligaments. Particularly effective are Pilates, stretching, yoga, calanetics. They can be practiced at home using cassettes and videos on a computer.

If you already have problems in the joint, then you need to:

  • limit training and eliminate exercises that cause pain;
  • use a bandage on the problematic joint during exercise;
  • during warm-up, pay careful attention to the problem area;
  • If pain persists and/or swelling and redness appear, consult a doctor or physiotherapist

With advanced arthrosis, you can perform exercises only after consultation with a specialist and during a period of remission. It is the doctor who will give the necessary technique, select the optimal complex and choose a gentle intensity of exercise.

Intensity of classes

It is very important not to rush! At first, it is enough to exercise 15-30 minutes a day – 2-3 times a week. Use a fitness bracelet, monitor your heart rate, record all parameters in a special diary, and analyze the results. We need to give the body time to recover. Don't exercise every day, always plan days off between workouts. At this stage, the body recovers from efforts and has time to adapt to the new rhythm. The exception is walking and home exercise, that is, moderate movements that are shown daily.

Warm-up before main exercises

Before playing sports, a thorough warm-up is necessary. Warm-up movements activate blood circulation, warm up muscles and joints, and help the body tune in to the intense part of the workout. Warm-up begins at a calm pace and should last from 5 to 10 minutes. Movements should be smooth - rotations at the wrists, circles with the head in each direction, movements of the shoulders up and down, bending the body, lifting the legs. During the warm-up, you should not be overzealous, since you can “come” to the main part of the lesson already tired. A proper warm-up helps make the workout itself effective and safe.

Training quality

During training, it is advisable to avoid sudden movements. If you choose a sport in which they exist (for example, weightlifting), then the joints should be healthy, and the warm-up should be long and high-quality (at least 20 minutes). During the main part of the workout, you should not torture yourself with loads. You need to listen to your body and give it adequate stress. Strengthening your leg muscles reduces stress on your joints, so dedicate part of your exercise routine to leg exercises. The joints should be loaded equally during exercise. After the main exercises, you should not forget about stretching. High-quality stretching will speed up recovery processes and have a beneficial effect on muscles.

Should you drink water during exercise? Yes, if you feel thirsty. But the water must be clean, still and warm.

Choosing the right sports equipment

If physical education is carried out at home, then you need to prepare for it - ventilate the room, make sure that the floor is non-slip, use a special mat. It is necessary to choose the right sports equipment for the lesson - it can be a ring expander or with handles, collapsible dumbbells, medicine ball, fitball, grid roller (an excellent massage roller). Additional sports equipment not only diversifies your activities, but also plays an important role in the training process, making exercises more effective.

You must also take your choice of clothing seriously. Sportswear should be loose and comfortable, the fabric should be clean and breathable. The selection of shoes is important. You cannot exercise in flip-flops. The sole of the shoe should bend well and have shock-absorbing properties. The top should be made of natural materials, fit tightly around the leg and be secured with laces or high-quality Velcro. The best choice is sneakers or sneakers. If the emphasis in the exercises is on stretching, then you can choose shoes with non-slip soles.

Remember the basic principles of training:

  1. Warm up your muscles before major exercises.
  2. Include stretching exercises.
  3. Avoid sudden movements during exercise.
  4. Load both joints equally.
  5. Do not move through pain.
  • If pain occurs, stop exercising and consult a doctor.
  • If your doctor allows you to continue exercising, use a warming ointment for this part of the body during your next workout and knead the injured area more thoroughly.
  1. Protect your joints while playing sports by using special orthoses.
  2. Make sure your feet are warm.
  3. If the joints are already injured, then replace active movements in the joints with static ones.
  4. During exercise, watch your posture.
  5. Complicate the exercises only as you master the technique.
  6. Exercise regularly!

Basic physical education for joints

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair. The back is straight. Alternately stretch your feet and toes upward. Stay in this state. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times. After a short break, make 2 more passes.
  2. Lie on the floor in a relaxed position. Bend your hips and knees and place your feet against the wall. Your calves should be parallel to the floor. Press your arms and shoulders to the floor. Hold the position for several seconds. Then relax. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. If you have problems with balance, you can hold on to the back of a chair. Move your left leg to the side. The hips should not lean forward or backward. Raise and lower your leg 15 times. Then move to the other leg. Do two approaches.
  4. Lie down on the floor. Place your arms along your body. Lift your right leg and move it in the air as if you were riding a bicycle. Continue forward and backward 10 times. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  5. Stand up straight. Then bend your knees slightly, round your back and place your left hand on your left thigh. Allow your right arm to completely relax and swing back and forth like a pendulum. Repeat rocking up to 15 times. Take a short break and repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  6. Stand next to a wall at a height of half a meter. Bend your upper body and place your hands against the wall at shoulder height. The back should be straight. Gently push up against the wall 10 to 15 times. After a short break, repeat the cycle.
  7. Bend your fingers into a fist with your thumb extended. Do the exercise 10 times, then shake your hand and repeat the workout. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  8. Place your forearm on the table. Make an "O" with your thumb and forefinger, then move your index finger over your thumb to the base of it. The index finger will be almost curled. Then return to the tip of your thumb. Do the exercise 10-15 times. Repeat these pressing movements with each finger. Shake your hand and move on to training the fingers of the second hand.
  9. Lie on the floor on your stomach. Raise your left arm and right leg. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then change sides. Repeat 10-15 times.

Choose exercises based on your physical capabilities and preferences. Exercise systematically, adjusting physical activity according to how you feel. This daily, easy physical exercise helps strengthen the muscle corset, helps ligaments to be elastic, and joints to remain healthy for a long time!

Recommendations for training

  • It is important to start your workout with breathing exercises, take a few deep breaths and exhales, and only then start working.
  • As in stretching, when working with joints, exercises should be performed gently and smoothly, without haste or sudden movements.
  • Although the exercises do not carry a lot of physical stress, without any preparation, injuries can occur, especially when working on the knee, hip, elbow, ankle joints or neck. Therefore, you should start with the simplest exercises, gradually moving on to more complex and dynamic ones.
  • It is recommended to perform exercises using the “top-down” principle.

A little testing

Each person can independently assess the condition of their joints. To do this, you should use a test developed by orthopedists. You need to perform a few simple exercises and remember the sensations that arise:

  • touch your chin to your chest and then throw your head back;
  • tilt your head to each shoulder in turn, trying to touch them with your ears;
  • put your hands behind your back and clasp them in a “lock”;
  • squat 3-4 times without lifting your feet from the floor surface;
  • lean forward without bending your legs, touch your feet with straightened palms;
  • bend back to see an object lying on the floor;
  • lean as much as possible in one direction and then in the other.

If performing the exercises did not cause any difficulties, then everything is fine with the joints. But this does not mean that you do not need to train yet. Quite the opposite: regular exercise will help keep your joints healthy and your ligaments strong and elastic for a long time. This is especially true for older people, in whose bodies collagen production decreases and bone formation processes slow down.

You should contact an orthopedist if you hear characteristic clicking or crunching noises during testing. Warning factors include painful sensations and (or) inability to fully perform the exercises. This may indicate existing problems with the joints and the need to eliminate them with the help of therapeutic exercises.

Consequences of not warming up before exercise

If such motivation does not seem too clear (after all, during physical activity, the muscles will warm up in any case!), It is worth learning about what can happen to the body if you start exercising without proper preparation.

  1. Injuries to bone, muscle and connective tissue. In a “cold” state, the muscles harden and contract poorly, which is why they do not allow you to perform a good part of the usual exercises. If you pull them, you can get at least a spasm, and at most a sprain or tear.
  2. Joint diseases. When training without first working out all the joints, the risk of inflammation and deformation of the cartilage increases. Systematic loading will lead to decreased joint mobility, arthritis and arthrosis.
  3. Deformation of the ligamentous apparatus. “Cold” ligaments, like muscles, are inactive and prone to stiffening. Therefore, stress without warming up can easily injure fragile tissues.

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