Detensor therapy (safe spinal traction)

For back pain that arose due to problems with the spine, doctors did not always have any means that would work “100%” in treating the spine. Only recently have they been able to really succeed in this.

It all started in the late seventies and early eighties, when in Germany a professor named Kurt Kienlein conducted the first medical research on the structure and treatment of the spine. He had personal reasons for this - he himself received a large number of injuries and spinal fractures due to an incorrect descent from the mountain.

Together with his wife, he studied the works and created a new technique. Its goal was to reduce the consequences caused by injury, relieve the pain of a patient suffering from spinal curvature, damage or congenital defects, and also avoid their manifestations in the future.

Detensor therapy: what is it?

In addition, they worked for a long time on a special apparatus that could help achieve their goals. There was one condition - availability. The Kienlein family hoped that this device would become an item of everyday use.

The painstaking work was not in vain and the result was two things:

  • a technique that allows you to achieve relaxation of the spinal muscles;
  • a special device “Detensor”, whose non-standard design allows you to painlessly stretch the spine.

In the article we will look into detensor therapy: what it is, we will pay attention to its indications and contraindications, as well as the technique of its implementation.

Result of the method

Detensor therapy has a complex effect on the entire body.
This happens due to the improvement in the condition of the spine; it often happens that pinched nerve endings simulate pain in any organ; corrected posture eliminates such phenomena. The human body in a horizontal position is stretched due to an increase in the interdisc distance to physiological limits. The cartilage tissue is restored, receives a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. With regular use, the displaced discs take the desired position and are not pinched by the muscles. The intervertebral hernia disappears, freeing the nerve roots, and the pain syndrome goes away. Gentle traction under its own weight relaxes the muscles, the spine is unloaded and takes on the structure and position determined by nature, the blood supply to tissues improves, and as a result, regeneration occurs. Long-term use of the detensor mat stabilizes the condition and causes a lasting healing effect.

The effect of the technique on the body

The essence of manual therapy is to restore the position and functions of the vertebral joints, tendons and muscle tissue. The precise movements of the chiropractor return the vertebrae to their place, thereby reducing the compression of the discs and bone parts. This leads to subsequent positive effects:

  • muscle tone is restored;
  • mobility and function of the vertebrae are normalized;
  • pain is reduced;
  • spinal deformity is prevented and eliminated;
  • blood circulation in superficial and deep tissues improves.

All this leads to a decrease in the number of relapses of the disease, reduces degradation of the vertebrae, and relieves tension and spasms. Manual therapy also helps reduce the amount of medications consumed.

Treatment procedure: how it works

Each health center has at its disposal mats or mattresses that are used in detensor therapy. It is for this reason that this technique is considered one of the most accessible in terms of treatment.

The treatment goes like this: first, the patient lies down on the Detensor. Both the legs and the head are located above the body. Then the session begins, lasting about forty-five minutes. During the procedure, there is a chance of pain and discomfort in the cervicothoracic and lumbar areas. There's no need to worry. The phenomenon is temporary, which means it will pass quickly.

The average course of treatment consists of at least twelve sessions. If we are talking about prevention, then in this case, five to ten detensor therapy procedures are required. It is worth noting that, if necessary, you can increase the duration of the course up to twenty-five procedures.

At home, treatment is carried out using a mat, which can be purchased at a specialized store that sells devices and devices for treatment.

The first results can be observed after the second or even third session. Pediatricians especially recommend this therapy for children, since a few minutes on the Detensor are enough to alleviate their condition, as well as for asthmatics, since the device can affect not only the spine, but also the organs associated with it.

"Detensor" for osteochondrosis

One of the most common diseases in which bone tissue is damaged is osteochondrosis. As mentioned earlier, detensor therapy is an effective method of treating this disease and that is why it is included in the main complex of physiotherapeutic treatment of osteochondrosis. In addition, it can be taken during the rehabilitation period.

Osteochondrosis can be corrected using the “Detensor” - an affordable device for every person

The popularity of the method is explained by the gentle effect, which allows you to correct the position of the spinal column, relieve pain and improve the functioning of internal organs.

In general, each session has a positive effect on the body of patients with osteochondrosis. It goes like this.

  1. Improving microcirculation of fluid and lymph in soft tissues.
  2. Ligaments become more elastic.
  3. Nerve endings stop tense and begin to relax.

In general, detensor therapy is an effective and harmless method for treating osteochondrosis for the patient, which can quickly return the patient to his usual way of life.

Back pain: treatment

Back pain is naturally an unpleasant symptom that limits a person’s daily life. This problem occurs with numerous ailments of the spinal column:

  • protrusion;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteoporosis.

Detensor therapy allows the patient to restore his body after an acute form of the disease, any spinal injuries, the consequences of an inactive lifestyle and sedentary work.

For back pain, the use of the “Detensor” does not load the patient’s heart and does not injure the locomotor system. This is what made this device a popular solution for treating children aged three years and older. As a rule, the number of sessions is five to ten, and when treating spinal ailments it increases to twenty-five.

Intervertebral hernia and “Detensor”

The physiotherapeutic product “Detensor” shows good results in the treatment of intervertebral hernia. It has the following advantages.

  1. The distance between the vertebrae increases. The pressure on previously compressed nerves is reduced.
  2. The spinal column is smoothly and at the same time carefully stretched compared to the vertical treatment technique.
  3. The paravertebral muscles are massaged, which means that blood supply and lymph flow are enhanced, and the restoration of the intervertebral discs is accelerated.

Underwater vertical spinal traction


This type of therapy is quite widely used in the treatment of spinal diseases and their symptoms (the main one is back pain). In addition, this way you can restore the functionality of the spinal column.

This procedure is extremely effective in treating many diseases.

Below you can see a list of the main indications for which a course of treatment with this therapy is permitted.

  1. Back pain. Acute and chronic forms are treated. The main thing in detensor therapy is to relax the muscles, and this is done safely for the patient, as well as traction of the spine, which is quite gentle.
  2. Spasms of the back and neck muscles. This problem can occur for anyone. There can be many reasons. The most common of them are long periods of sitting or standing (at a personal computer, at a work machine, at a sewing machine) and prolonged wearing of high heels.
  3. Spinal diseases – scoliosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.
  4. Protrusion, hernia or prolapse of intervertebral discs.
  5. Bedsores.
  6. Compression fracture of the spine and its consequences.
  7. Torticollis, developmental disorders of the spine, delayed growth and difficulties in muscle development. In this case, this therapy is prescribed to children aged three years and older.
  8. Migraine and other forms of headache.
  9. Problems of the respiratory system, including chronic ones, such as asthma.
  10. Nerve strain caused by various sudden and unexpected situations. “Detensor” is able to relieve the patient’s entire nervous system.
  11. Overstrained muscles.
  12. Post-flight rehabilitation.

Detensor therapy is also prescribed for those who do not have back pain, but their lifestyle creates conditions for this problem to appear in the future.

What is detensor therapy intended for?

In modern medicine there are not enough effective remedies for pain in the spinal region, which are directly related to diseases of the spine.

The first medical research in this area dates back to the 70s; it was carried out in Germany by Kurt Kienlein.

The professor received numerous spinal fractures when he unsuccessfully descended from the mountain.

Since then, he and his wife have been looking for a technique that would mitigate the effects of injury and prevent their manifestation.

After numerous attempts, the couple developed a device, namely an object in everyday life that can reduce the manifestation of pain due to spinal defects. This device is called a Detensor, which is a mattress or mat with inclined ribs placed to the sides from its center.

In what cases is detensor therapy used?

Detensor therapy can be prescribed for the following diseases and pathological processes in the human body:

  1. Acute and chronic pain in the spine area.
  2. Muscle strain in the cervical and spinal regions.
  3. Spinal disc protrusion.
  4. Spinal hernia.
  5. Spinal disc prolapse.
  6. Osteocondritis of the spine.
  7. Osteoporosis.
  8. Scoliosis.
  9. Bedsores.
  10. Compression fractures of the spine.
  11. Torticollis.
  12. Delayed muscle development.
  13. Chronic headaches.
  14. Asthma and other respiratory tract pathologies.

How is the treatment carried out?

Mats for detensor therapy are available in almost all health centers. That is why such preventive and curative therapy is available to all people.

Treatment is carried out using this method as follows:

  1. You need to lie down on the mat.
  2. The position of the legs and head should be slightly higher than the body.

It should be noted that when lying on the mat, pain and discomfort may occur in the shoulder and lower back area. But this is a temporary phenomenon, as it soon passes.

You cannot sit down for an hour after the session, but you are allowed to take a lying or standing position and walk.

Treatment duration is at least 12 sessions.

You can carry out treatment at home by purchasing a mat from a store that sells medical devices and devices. These types of mats can be of three degrees of hardness.

In what cases should this treatment not be used?

Detensor therapy has its contraindications, which can be either absolute or relative. In case of absolute contraindications, detensor therapy is completely abandoned. These include the following factors:

  1. Presence of disc myelopathy.
  2. Impaired functioning of the pelvic organs.
  3. Spinal and vascular-spinal syndromes.
  4. Vertebral occlusion.
  5. For tumors.
  6. For infectious processes in the spine.
  7. Spinal cord diseases.
  8. Spinal injuries.

In case of relative contraindications, the use of Detensor is prescribed only in individual cases and as prescribed by a doctor. These include:

  1. The presence of congenital developmental anomalies in the spine.
  2. The active phase of a disease such as rheumatism.
  3. Presence of spondylolisthesis.
  4. If segments of the spine are unstable.
  5. Presence of ankylosing spondylitis.

Using a mat for back pain

Back pain syndrome is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that limits a person in everyday life. Pain can occur with diseases such as osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion, curvature of the spine, osteoporosis.

The use of this therapy helps restore the body after spinal injuries that lead to pain, and this method of treatment is also used for pain due to a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged work in a sedentary position.

The use of a remedy such as the Detensor mat for pain in the back does not put a strain on the heart and does not injure muscles, bones, or joints. That is why this method is used for pain syndrome even for children aged three years and older.

Typically, treatment includes 5-10 sessions, and treatment of pathologies – 25.

Operating principle

Detensor therapy involves stretching the intervertebral space in a gentle way, the main factor of which is the patient’s body weight. During the development of samples, clinical trials were carried out on patients of different weights. As a result, devices were developed with three degrees of rib stiffness for adults and two for children.

To understand the principle of operation of the method, it is worth deciphering the name itself - detensor therapy. What it is? Translated from Latin, de means “removal”, “removal”, and tensor means “tense”. That is, the essence of the method is to relieve tension, relax muscles and ligaments, which entails a therapeutic effect.

The patient is placed on the mat, the body adheres to the horizontal movable ribs with a degree of rigidity that does not allow them to fold in the horizontal plane. The intervertebral space appears in the gaps of the ribs of the mat; under the influence of the body weight, the ribs begin to move, thereby stretching the spine. The process is physiological in nature, does not pose a risk of injury, and the sensations are very pleasant, the body quickly relaxes.


In many specialized institutions that deal with problems of the musculoskeletal system, detensor therapy is used in practice. Reviews from patients with a positive rating tell about the results obtained after several sessions. They claim that the painful sensations resulting from osteochondrosis have decreased significantly for some, and for others they have stopped altogether. Patients who suffered from back problems, but did not turn to specialists on this issue, having tested the detensor-mat on themselves, were satisfied with their improved health.

Negative reviews were left by people who did not feel any effect after the procedure and doubt the feasibility of this method.

DETENZOR-MAT Spinal traction system (Germany)

When using the Detensor therapeutic mat, the spine is stretched, which helps to increase the distance between the vertebrae, the intervertebral discs begin to freely receive the necessary fluid and nutrients. Thanks to this stretching, long-term improvement in the condition of the spine is achieved.

The Detensor method was born in 1980 thanks to the developments of the German professor Kurt Kienlein. The new therapeutic system allowed a large number of people suffering from back pain to return to a full life. In short, the Detensor therapy method is based on safe and comfortable relaxation of the paravertebral muscles, as well as stretching of the spine, which ensures its normal functioning. The method meets the most modern requirements for spinal restoration and treatment systems.

Detensor is a rib design system, which is made of a special material that has the ability to adapt to the contours of the body. Point elasticity and compressibility are such that the optimal position of the spine is achieved in the supine, stomach or side position due to the fact that the ribs of the structure act as fulcrum points, and their base and surface are calculated in strict accordance with the weight of the body. Thanks to numerous clinical trials, three levels of severity were developed: two for children and one for adult patients.

What is the cause of widespread back pain and spinal problems?

With the modern lifestyle, people move too little. Therefore, to prevent problems with the spine, compensatory unloading is extremely important. Only with a continuous change of unloading and loading, intervertebral discs are able to give and receive the necessary nutrients and fluid that are necessary to prevent spinal diseases.

How does detensor therapy work on the spine?

During detensor therapy, the elastic ribs of the system fit tightly to the body and support it as a support. It is thanks to the elastic ribs that the body pressure is distributed as evenly as possible and turns into small, horizontal stretching forces.

What effects does detensor therapy have on our body?

Therapy using the detensor method has a very positive effect on all organs and the entire nervous system, since the nerves passing through the spinal canal, due to the increase in the intervertebral distance, are better supplied with information.

Eliminate back pain just in your sleep!

A person spends most of his life in bed. Typically, a person lying down has a load on his spine equal to 25 percent of his body weight. The surface of the therapy mat provides a position in which this load is reduced to approximately 7 percent. This fact also explains the pleasant sensations and deep sleep that occur when using a detensor mattress, which reduces the load to approximately 5 percent.

The Detensor method is used for the following diseases: - Chronic and acute diseases of the spine; - Compression fractures; - Protrusions, herniated intervertebral discs; - Severe muscle strain; - Osteoporosis, scoliosis; - Cervical migraines, headaches.

In case of serious diseases of the spine, it is recommended to use the therapeutic system in a comprehensive manner.

Types of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

Today, the following types of physiotherapy are distinguished, which are actively used for the treatment of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine:


The simplest and most accessible method of treating the spine, this explains the high popularity of electrotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis in various parts of the spinal column. The method is based on local effects on tissues using an electric field, which causes increased blood circulation and a pleasant feeling of local warmth in the tissues. The use of electrotherapy also has its contraindications. This method of treatment should not be used by people with pacemakers or in the presence of any metal products installed inside the body.


This type of physiotherapeutic treatment is based on the influence of a magnetic field with a constant frequency. The duration of one magnetic therapy procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, while the magnetic field inductors are placed opposite each other so that the part of the spine affected by osteochondrosis is located in the center of a strong magnetic field. The action of the magnetic field does not cause any reactions, everything happens at the cellular level, so the absence of a quick positive effect and any manifestations does not inspire confidence in this technique. Because of this, it is not widespread and popular, which is completely in vain.

Laser therapy

The laser has a complex effect on the source of inflammation; it activates biological processes in the tissues of the nervous system.
This allows you to get a quick positive effect from treatment. The complex effect on the body consists of an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effect. One laser treatment procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. This is the optimal time for sectoral exposure of the affected areas to the helium-neon laser. In this case, the duration of laser action on one pain point should not exceed 2 minutes. Like any other technique, laser treatment has its positive and negative sides; only a highly qualified specialist can give an adequate assessment of your health and correctly prescribe effective treatment.

Shock wave therapy

This technique is one of the new features of physiotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis; all the mechanisms of influence of this method on the body have not yet been fully studied, which causes some skepticism. However, many cases have been described in which this technique showed excellent results. The method is based on the effect of an acoustic wave on a painful area of ​​the body, which improves local microcirculation in tissues and metabolic processes, significantly reduces swelling, and also relieves pain.

Detensor therapy

The technique involves stretching the spinal column under the patient's own weight. This procedure has been known since ancient times, but to this day there are no clear arguments regarding the unconditionally positive effect of this method. Today, there are both supporters and ardent opponents of detensor therapy. Opponents of the technique believe that its intensive use leads to the formation of protrusions or even hernias. Traction allows not to eliminate the cause, but to create conditions for temporary relief of pain. If we consider this technique as a medical procedure, then detensor therapy can hardly be called a real treatment; rather, it is an effective way to get rid of excruciating pain.


The benefits of mineral water have been known for a long time; this is what balneotherapy is based on. The procedure involves the active use of water resources in the treatment of osteochondrosis. In addition to taking baths, different types of showers and active swimming in the pool, the therapy involves the use of therapeutic mud applications to painful areas of the body. The therapeutic effect is achieved by simultaneous exposure to chemically active substances contained in water and different temperature conditions. The technique allows you to relieve pain by improving local microcirculation in tissues.

Vibration method

Carry out using tape vibrating massagers. The technique is accessible and popular and helps reduce pain. Vibromassage cannot be used in the acute phase of osteochondrosis, just like any other type of massage procedure, as this can lead to a sharp exacerbation of the disease.

Exceptional area of ​​application

The detensor has no special, that is, significant, contraindications. It does not affect the circulatory system or excretion. The mattress is not allergenic, so treating one will not turn into fighting another. Intolerance does not occur. Use is limited for acute injuries during the healing process of cracks or fractures.

Important! Before using the mattress, you should make sure there are no hernias or metastases. The only limitation is the presence of tumors in the body

This is especially true for metastases in the spinal column. This is due to increased blood circulation in the body of a person sleeping on a detensor. At the same time, the processes of tissue growth and regeneration are enhanced. In a cancer patient, this will promote tumor growth

The only limitation is the presence of tumors in the body. This is especially true for metastases in the spinal column. This is due to increased blood circulation in the body of a person sleeping on a detensor. At the same time, the processes of tissue growth and regeneration are enhanced. In a cancer patient, this will promote tumor growth.

The resulting effect

Physiotherapy has been used in medical practice for a very long time. It allows you to reduce the duration of drug treatment, speeds up the recovery process and prevents the development of a chronic disease.

The therapeutic effect of the procedures is achieved through the influence of various factors on the human body (heat, mechanical stress, magnetic field, cold).

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".Ask a question>>

Rheumatologist - city clinic, Moscow. Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State Medical Academy.

Phys. treatment has the following effects:

  • reduces the inflammatory process;
  • activates the immune system;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • improves the functioning of organs and systems;
  • reduces pain;
  • relaxes muscle fibers;
  • restores blood microcirculation in the affected area;
  • increases mobility of joints and spine;
  • eliminates pinched nerve roots;
  • promotes better penetration of drugs and significantly shortens the course of treatment.


There are methods by which the condition can be significantly improved, or even get rid of excruciating pain. One of them is gaining popularity and is showing positive results in the fight for health while being safe to use. Detensor therapy is the name of a new method of treating spinal diseases.

It was developed by Professor K. Kienlein (Germany), the scientist’s own problem became the desire for the result. In the 70s, the scientist received numerous spinal fractures; all the options he tried to mitigate the consequences of injuries did not bring any significant results. The situation required a solution, and he found one. Kienlein's wife took part in the research and development; as a result, a constructive mattress (mat) was invented that helps relieve pain, improve general condition and avoid the accumulation of further complications.

Detensor therapy is spinal traction, which occurs using a special device that can be found in every home. The Detensor mat is a structure consisting of soft ribs made of polyurethane foam. The location of the ribs is inclined, the multi-directional tilt begins from the segment on the mat where the lumbar region is located.

Lying down on the mat, the patient does not experience discomfort; the ribs gently, under the influence of weight, begin to move apart, thereby stretching the spinal column. This method of alignment is more gentle, since it does not cause overstrain of ligaments and muscles, pain syndrome from use is eliminated, which often occurs with other methods of traction (underwater, mechanical using a loop system, etc.).

Detensor therapy is a technique that allows you to reduce pain after surgery, is useful for curvatures of the spinal column, causes relaxation of the muscles running along the back, decompression of the intervertebral discs, which leads to a reduction in hernias and the removal of pinched nerve endings.

Impact techniques

Despite the fact that a chiropractor treats only with the help of his hands and his own touch, there are various methods of influencing the human spine, each of which gives a specific therapeutic result.
Manual techniques in the treatment of spinal diseases

Reception (methodology)What it is?
RelaxationAny manual therapy session begins with relaxation methods, as the body must be prepared for more intense effects. Relaxation visually resembles a classic back massage (rubbing, kneading, stroking), and during treatment the specialist works on soft tissues: ligaments, muscles and receptors located on and under the skin. This is necessary to stimulate blood circulation in the area being worked on.
MobilizationThis is a method of actively influencing the human spine, during which the doctor uses various techniques: twisting, springing movements, shaking. The purpose of the mobilization effect is to deeply work on the joints of the spine, osteochondral elements and increase mobility in the affected musculoskeletal segment. One type of spinal mobilization is traction therapy (spinal traction). It is used not only for the treatment of various pathologies, but also for the recovery during postoperative rehabilitation of patients who have undergone spinal surgery.
ManipulationThe manipulation technique is designed to work with functional blocks. This is the name given to any “obstacles” that limit joint mobility (fluid accumulation, dislocations, etc.).

Spinal mobilization and manipulation can be used both simultaneously (the first step will always be spinal mobilization) or separately from each other, depending on the indications and the degree of degeneration of the various spinal structures.


In the nineties in Russia, it was simply impossible to buy a device for detensor therapy at home. Moreover, they were very expensive at that time. Now there is nothing difficult in buying it, since there are a lot of opportunities for purchasing it, and one of them can be called the Internet.

The price of "Detensor" depends on two parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • sizes.

The price today fluctuates significantly. At a minimum, you can buy it for eighty thousand rubles, at a maximum – for one hundred thousand.

This is a fair price for a quick, effective, painless and safe means of getting rid of many diseases that affect not only the spine, but also many internal organs of the human body.

The price justifies the quality of treatment - this is exactly what can be said about Detensor

When creating and subsequent modifications of the Detensor, doctors based their decisions on knowledge that a third of a person’s life is spent sleeping. The developed device allows you to sleep and be treated at the same time.

Relaxing on specialized devices allows you to relax the body to a suitable state. At the same time, the “detensor” does not undergo deformation in comparison with a regular mattress. Taking into account the weight of the body and the pressure on the spine, the patient can use the machine to stretch and straighten the spine to bring it into a healthy position.

“Detensor” is recommended for those who spend most of their day at a personal computer or are exposed to excessive physical exertion. It is also worth buying for those who are going through a rehabilitation period after spinal surgery.


Detensor therapy, surprisingly, does not have them. Rather, there are limitations, but we will talk about them later. Young children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women - they can all safely undergo treatment with this therapy. In addition, there are no side effects observed with this therapy, which means this technique may be preferable to massage.

The “detensor” in the form of a mattress is used everywhere, including in beauty centers.

Let us remind you! For a long time, “Detensor” was used only for the treatment of athletes. It is now a publicly available recovery tool.

It is worth noting that detensor therapy does not lead to injuries to the locomotor system and unloads the blood vessels.

As mentioned earlier, this therapy can be prescribed to children as young as three years old. There is no upper age limit.


Detensor therapy does not have any contraindications, but there are cases when it should not be prescribed:

  1. Allergy to material in the Detensor design. This, however, rarely happens. It is still possible to use in this situation, but caution is required. In this case, simply lay a sheet on top.
  2. Wounds on the back (open or already healing - it doesn’t matter).
  3. A suture placed after surgery (we are talking about the first days after the intervention).
  4. Severe or acute condition of the patient. It is especially difficult in a situation where lying on your back is impossible.

If the patient is doing well, then this method becomes safe for him.

Pros and cons of therapy

This design - a detensor mattress - consists of small transverse soft bars-ribs.

The patient lies down on this structure, and the soft ribs independently take the shape of the person’s back. Then they begin to move in such a way that the spine is aligned.

When lying down on this mat, the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations; it is as if he was lying down on a bed.

The spine begins to stretch thanks to the moving slats on the mat. Everything happens in a painless and gentle manner.

The advantages of this design are obvious - without surgical interventions, you can restore your health and correct your posture.

The disadvantages, perhaps, include contraindications to the use of desentor therapy. It is strictly forbidden to use this therapy for various forms and types of tumors. Also, if you have recently suffered a back or spinal injury, you will have to wait a little with this type of therapeutic treatment.

However, it is better to consult with your doctor. Perhaps he will allow you to use detensor therapy in doses or only a few times a week, rather than daily.


Indications for the use of detensor therapy are all kinds of problems with the spine. These are curvatures, hernias, kyphosis, osteochondrosis.

How it works

In the body, absorbed electromagnetic energy is converted into heat. Heat generation in the irradiated areas reaches a maximum at 10-15 minutes of therapy, then stops. Tissues and organs rich in water (blood, lymph, lungs, muscles) are subject to the greatest heating. Their temperature can rise by 3-4 degrees. The skin and fat deposits are heated to a lesser extent.

Under the influence of heat, small vessels in tissues dilate and metabolic processes intensify. A decrease in vascular resistance leads to improved blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In patients, the contractile activity of the myocardium increases, and the blood supply to all, including ischemic, areas of the heart increases. Blood pressure decreases slightly.

Warming up the muscles helps eliminate spastic conditions. The vessels and nerves clamped by the spasmodic fibers are released. This effect is manifested by the weakening of pain syndromes and the restoration of normal organ function.

Due to the expansion of the bronchi, breathing becomes deeper. The condition of patients with bronchial asthma is alleviated and status asthmaticus is relieved.

It has been established that under the influence of decimeter waves the functions of the endocrine glands are also enhanced. This primarily concerns the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. In the adrenal glands, the formation of glucocorticoids increases, blocking the development of inflammatory processes in the body. The activity of the thyroid gland can be enhanced or suppressed depending on the initial state of the organ.

In general, completing a course of DMV therapy allows patients to get rid of pain, improve overall well-being and restore functional activity impaired due to the disease.

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