Detensor therapy: description, indications, application and reviews

Back pain puts you in a hospital bed, regardless of age and lifestyle. Everyone faces this problem at least once. Treatment may take years or require surgery. Next comes rehabilitation, which also takes time, effort and money. Even adherents of a healthy lifestyle and fitness cannot be sure that they will avoid disc prolapse, intervertebral hernia or pinched nerve endings in the spinal column. Recently, a method has been found that promises to change the situation and promises a painless solution to many problems with the spine.

For osteochondrosis

One of the most common diseases of bone tissue is dystrophy, i.e. osteochondrosis. Detensor therapy for osteochondrosis is often included in the physiotherapeutic complex for treating the disease, as well as in the postoperative rehabilitation period. The use of the method is determined by a gentle corrective effect on the spinal column, pain relief and improvement of the functioning of most internal organs.

During the session, patients with osteochondrosis improve lymphatic drainage, microcirculation of fluids in soft tissues, increase the elasticity of ligaments, relax nerve endings - all this is a positive effect that detensor therapy has. What is this, from a specialist’s point of view? A safe method that can enhance the basic treatment and help the patient regain health.

In many specialized institutions that deal with problems of the musculoskeletal system, detensor therapy is used in practice. Reviews from patients with a positive rating tell about the results obtained after several sessions. They claim that the painful sensations resulting from osteochondrosis have decreased significantly for some, and for others they have stopped altogether. Patients who suffered from back problems, but did not turn to specialists on this issue, having tested the detensor-mat on themselves, were satisfied with their improved health.

Negative reviews were left by people who did not feel any effect after the procedure and doubt the feasibility of this method.

What is detensor therapy intended for?

In modern medicine there are not enough effective remedies for pain in the spinal region, which are directly related to diseases of the spine.

The first medical research in this area dates back to the 70s; it was carried out in Germany by Kurt Kienlein.

The professor received numerous spinal fractures when he unsuccessfully descended from the mountain.

Since then, he and his wife have been looking for a technique that would mitigate the effects of injury and prevent their manifestation.

After numerous attempts, the couple developed a device, namely an object in everyday life that can reduce the manifestation of pain due to spinal defects. This device is called a Detensor, which is a mattress or mat with inclined ribs placed to the sides from its center.

In what cases is detensor therapy used?

Detensor therapy can be prescribed for the following diseases and pathological processes in the human body:

  1. Acute and chronic pain in the spine area.
  2. Muscle strain in the cervical and spinal regions.
  3. Spinal disc protrusion.
  4. Spinal hernia.
  5. Spinal disc prolapse.
  6. Osteocondritis of the spine.
  7. Osteoporosis.
  8. Scoliosis.
  9. Bedsores.
  10. Compression fractures of the spine.
  11. Torticollis.
  12. Delayed muscle development.
  13. Chronic headaches.
  14. Asthma and other respiratory tract pathologies.

How is the treatment carried out?

Mats for detensor therapy are available in almost all health centers. That is why such preventive and curative therapy is available to all people.

Treatment is carried out using this method as follows:

  1. You need to lie down on the mat.
  2. The position of the legs and head should be slightly higher than the body.

To study Spinal dysplasia

It should be noted that when lying on the mat, pain and discomfort may occur in the shoulder and lower back area. But this is a temporary phenomenon, as it soon passes.

You cannot sit down for an hour after the session, but you are allowed to take a lying or standing position and walk.

Treatment duration is at least 12 sessions.

You can carry out treatment at home by purchasing a mat from a store that sells medical devices and devices. These types of mats can be of three degrees of hardness.

In what cases should this treatment not be used?

Detensor therapy has its contraindications, which can be either absolute or relative. In case of absolute contraindications, detensor therapy is completely abandoned. These include the following factors:

  1. Presence of disc myelopathy.
  2. Impaired functioning of the pelvic organs.
  3. Spinal and vascular-spinal syndromes.
  4. Vertebral occlusion.
  5. For tumors.
  6. For infectious processes in the spine.
  7. Spinal cord diseases.
  8. Spinal injuries.

In case of relative contraindications, the use of Detensor is prescribed only in individual cases and as prescribed by a doctor. These include:

  1. The presence of congenital developmental anomalies in the spine.
  2. The active phase of a disease such as rheumatism.
  3. Presence of spondylolisthesis.
  4. If segments of the spine are unstable.
  5. Presence of ankylosing spondylitis.

Using a mat for back pain

Back pain syndrome is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that limits a person in everyday life. Pain can occur with diseases such as osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion, curvature of the spine, osteoporosis.

The use of this therapy helps restore the body after spinal injuries that lead to pain, and this method of treatment is also used for pain due to a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged work in a sedentary position.

The use of a remedy such as the Detensor mat for pain in the back does not put a strain on the heart and does not injure muscles, bones, or joints. That is why this method is used for pain syndrome even for children aged three years and older.

Typically, treatment includes 5-10 sessions, and treatment of pathologies – 25.

Treatment procedure: how it works

Each health center has at its disposal mats or mattresses that are used in detensor therapy. It is for this reason that this technique is considered one of the most accessible in terms of treatment.

The treatment goes like this: first, the patient lies down on the Detensor. Both the legs and the head are located above the body. Then the session begins, lasting about forty-five minutes. During the procedure, there is a chance of pain and discomfort in the cervicothoracic and lumbar areas. There's no need to worry. The phenomenon is temporary, which means it will pass quickly.

The average course of treatment consists of at least twelve sessions. If we are talking about prevention, then in this case, five to ten detensor therapy procedures are required. It is worth noting that, if necessary, you can increase the duration of the course up to twenty-five procedures.

After the session, it is forbidden to sit down for a whole hour. Instead, it is better for the patient to lie down or stand and walk.

At home, treatment is carried out using a mat, which can be purchased at a specialized store that sells devices and devices for treatment.

The first results can be observed after the second or even third session. Pediatricians especially recommend this therapy for children, since a few minutes on the Detensor are enough to alleviate their condition, as well as for asthmatics, since the device can affect not only the spine, but also the organs associated with it.

"Detensor" for osteochondrosis

One of the most common diseases in which bone tissue is damaged is osteochondrosis. As mentioned earlier, detensor therapy is an effective method of treating this disease and that is why it is included in the main complex of physiotherapeutic treatment of osteochondrosis. In addition, it can be taken during the rehabilitation period.

Osteochondrosis can be corrected using the “Detensor” - an affordable device for every person

The popularity of the method is explained by the gentle effect, which allows you to correct the position of the spinal column, relieve pain and improve the functioning of internal organs.

In general, each session has a positive effect on the body of patients with osteochondrosis. It goes like this.

  1. Improving microcirculation of fluid and lymph in soft tissues.
  2. Ligaments become more elastic.
  3. Nerve endings stop tense and begin to relax.

In general, detensor therapy is an effective and harmless method for treating osteochondrosis for the patient, which can quickly return the patient to his usual way of life.

Back pain: treatment

Back pain is naturally an unpleasant symptom that limits a person’s daily life. This problem occurs with numerous ailments of the spinal column:

  • protrusion;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteoporosis.

Detensor therapy allows the patient to restore his body after an acute form of the disease, any spinal injuries, the consequences of an inactive lifestyle and sedentary work.

For back pain, the use of the “Detensor” does not load the patient’s heart and does not injure the locomotor system. This is what made this device a popular solution for treating children aged three years and older. As a rule, the number of sessions is five to ten, and when treating spinal ailments it increases to twenty-five.

Intervertebral hernia and “Detensor”

The physiotherapeutic product “Detensor” shows good results in the treatment of intervertebral hernia. It has the following advantages.

  1. The distance between the vertebrae increases. The pressure on previously compressed nerves is reduced.
  2. The spinal column is smoothly and at the same time carefully stretched compared to the vertical treatment technique.
  3. The paravertebral muscles are massaged, which means that blood supply and lymph flow are enhanced, and the restoration of the intervertebral discs is accelerated.

Underwater vertical spinal traction

Exceptional area of ​​application

The detensor has no special, that is, significant, contraindications. It does not affect the circulatory system or excretion. The mattress is not allergenic, so treating one will not turn into fighting another. Intolerance does not occur. Use is limited for acute injuries during the healing process of cracks or fractures.

Important! Before using the mattress, you should make sure there are no hernias or metastases. The only limitation is the presence of tumors in the body

This is especially true for metastases in the spinal column. This is due to increased blood circulation in the body of a person sleeping on a detensor. At the same time, the processes of tissue growth and regeneration are enhanced. In a cancer patient, this will promote tumor growth

The only limitation is the presence of tumors in the body. This is especially true for metastases in the spinal column. This is due to increased blood circulation in the body of a person sleeping on a detensor. At the same time, the processes of tissue growth and regeneration are enhanced. In a cancer patient, this will promote tumor growth.

Result of the method

Detensor therapy has a complex effect on the entire body. This happens due to the improvement in the condition of the spine; it often happens that pinched nerve endings simulate pain in any organ; corrected posture eliminates such phenomena. The human body in a horizontal position is stretched due to an increase in the interdisc distance to physiological limits. The cartilage tissue is restored, receives a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients.

With regular use, the displaced discs take the desired position and are not pinched by the muscles. The intervertebral hernia disappears, freeing the nerve roots, and the pain syndrome goes away. Gentle traction under its own weight relaxes the muscles, the spine is unloaded and takes on the structure and position determined by nature, the blood supply to tissues improves, and as a result, regeneration occurs. Long-term use of the detensor mat stabilizes the condition and causes a lasting healing effect.

Operating principle

Detensor therapy involves stretching the intervertebral space in a gentle way, the main factor of which is the patient’s body weight. During the development of samples, clinical trials were carried out on patients of different weights. As a result, devices were developed with three degrees of rib stiffness for adults and two for children.

To understand the principle of operation of the method, it is worth deciphering the name itself - detensor therapy. What it is? Translated from Latin, de means “removal”, “removal”, and tensor means “tense”. That is, the essence of the method is to relieve tension, relax muscles and ligaments, which entails a therapeutic effect.

The patient is placed on the mat, the body adheres to the horizontal movable ribs with a degree of rigidity that does not allow them to fold in the horizontal plane. The intervertebral space appears in the gaps of the ribs of the mat; under the influence of the body weight, the ribs begin to move, thereby stretching the spine. The process is physiological in nature, does not pose a risk of injury, and the sensations are very pleasant, the body quickly relaxes.

How does therapy work on the spine?

By stretching the spine, it is possible to release compressed nerves and correct posture. Increasing the distance between the discs helps keep them at the correct distance from each other. At the same time, cartilage tissue is restored, and intervertebral hernias can be stopped.

The body relaxes during the session, the spine is not loaded at all, and blood flow is normalized. This makes the spinal column mobile, natural muscle relaxation occurs, the back corset relaxes, and fluid enters the intervertebral discs in the required volume.

Effect of therapy

The tension of the longitudinal ligament of the intervertebral disc also recedes - this helps eliminate pain and speed up recovery.

The treatment has a beneficial effect on people with spinal diseases that do not involve the nerve roots. First of all, the detensor affects the muscles and fibrous tissues of the back.

Indications for use

If a person needs immediate help with the development of back pain, then he may be prescribed traction on a detensor. It is safe and suitable as a method of disease prevention when there is a lack of activity in daily life, and when the burden on the back is often unbearable. The patient's age does not play any role in the purpose of treatment.

The therapeutic mattress helps support and preserve the results of basic healing ( faith (as well as prayer healing, divine healing) - a doctrine that affirms the possibility of supernatural physical healing from an illness or congenital (acquired) defect of the body

). Incorrect implementation of therapy contributes to the development of acquired pain, arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.

Detensor therapy using the provided device is prescribed in the following ways:

  • dystrophic changes of the spine - osteochondrosis in any part;
  • persistent muscle tension in the back, constant lethargy, acquired diseases that stimulate back pain of various types;
  • intervertebral hernia - at the stage of exacerbation and remission;
  • prolapse of intervertebral discs, pathological disorders of the anatomical structure;
  • congenital and acquired scoliosis;
  • vertebral fractures;
  • social tension, muscle tightness, developing under the influence of stress, depressive disorders;
  • diseases of the cervical spine in children;
  • migraine;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bedsores and prevention of their formation;
  • diseases ( this is a condition of the body, expressed in disruption of its normal functioning, life expectancy and its ability to maintain its homeostasis
    ) of the spinal column of various origins, not counting contraindications.

Detenzer traction of the spine

Structure and functions of the mattress

The mattress-mat consists of soft bars that are comfortable to the touch and, under the influence of the load, begin to take the shape of the body. Thus, the patient's spinal column straightens and takes on the correct shape.

To study Spondyloarthrosis of the thoracic spine

The mattress was developed by a German professor who was confident that this particular design could return the spine to its ideal healthy appearance.

Try detensor therapy, and from the first procedure you will understand how comfortable, safe and natural it is for the body.

You lie down on the mattress (you can do it with or without clothes), then you feel how the so-called ribs begin to change their position under you. They adapt to the body so that the spine can take the correct position.

The slats are capable of moving apart and moving together; they independently determine how exactly they should be positioned along the perimeter of the entire spine so that it gradually aligns. You just lie in your comfortable and familiar position on your back, and the mat does everything itself.

After the first procedures, you will feel as if your spine has been manually stretched. This is not a painful procedure; it will simply seem to you that the spine has somehow been renewed. And then you will no longer notice how your posture will acquire the correct features.

Find out what vertebral torsion is.

Opinion of people who used the technique

Numerous patient reviews indicate that detensor therapy is indeed very effective.
Hello, I want to share my joy and at the same time my experience of using the detensor mattress. I am a mother of many children, so I have to constantly carry heavy loads - children ask to be carried, bags from the store when my husband is at work, and the last birth had a strong impact on the spine. Six months ago I began to experience inexplicable back pain, I went to the doctor, who prescribed treatment, but the pain did not go away, a friend advised me to buy this mattress, saying that 10 years ago it was precisely this device that saved her son from disability.

So I did, being, however, confident that this device would definitely not be able to solve my problems. But now 2 months have passed, and there has been no back pain. I do the same daily activities, constantly at work, but my back no longer hurts.

I consider detensor therapy a real miracle and my salvation, I recommend it to everyone.


I'm a professional fighter. During training, my back was repeatedly hit on the mats and injured. In my youth I didn’t pay much attention to this, but recently old injuries began to manifest themselves as severe pain in the spinal region and lower back, which no painkiller could relieve.

The attending physician advised me to take a course of detensor therapy, and now I am healthy, the pain has disappeared, and my spine is as good as new.


I have been familiar with the technique since childhood, as I was born with little muscle mass and the doctor advised my mother to come with me to an appointment to take courses on muscle building with the help of a detensor.

The procedure itself is completely painless and does not require any special actions from either doctors or patients, while the effect of its use appears after the first few courses.


When is therapy not used?

There are no special prohibitions on the implementation of treatment; it is successfully organized even for small children and pregnant women. In the 80s of the 20th century, the method was used only in sports medicine for recovery from injuries.

Now such mattresses are increasingly appearing in regular hospitals, and not just in specialized clinics.

Malignant tumors are a contraindication, especially with the development of metastases in the spine, because blood circulation, regeneration processes and growth of new tissues are enhanced, which will also contribute to the growth of the tumor.

It is necessary to separately highlight the relative indications when a stretching mattress can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. These include:

  • rheumatic pathologies in the acute period;
  • some types of scoliosis;
  • some congenital spinal abnormalities;
  • some diseases of the cervical spine;
  • Bekhterev's disease.

In most cases, detensor mattress therapy is permitted. Positive dynamics can be noticed after 3-4 sessions, each lasting on average half an hour.


Detensor therapy is a method with few contraindications. Completely unacceptable for the following diseases:

  • Any tumors (benign, malignant) of the spinal column, spinal cord in the stage of death of the membranes.
  • Recently received acute back injuries in any part.

Relative contraindications for which detensor therapy is prescribed on the recommendation of a specialist:

  • Rheumatic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Some types of scoliosis (alternating, etc.).
  • Some congenital pathologies of the development of the spinal column.
  • Certain diseases of the cervical spine (spondylolisthesis, etc.).
  • In case of ankylosing spondylitis, the degree of rigidity of the detensor mat is selected.

Due to the almost complete safety of the method, it began to be widely used in specialized institutions - sanatoriums, clinics, hospitals. The Cosmonaut Training Center also uses the relaxing and healing qualities that detensor therapy provides (indications were given above). Positive dynamics are observed after 3-4 sessions, each of which lasts on average 30 minutes.

How the method works

The author of the technique is the German scientist Kurt Kienlein. He himself suffered from spinal pain, so he took up work on the project. The result was the creation of a moderately soft mattress made of polyurethane foam. The mattress consists of ribs directed in different directions. The central part falls on the lumbar region.

The principle of detensor therapy is to gently and without injury stretch the spinal column, stretch the intervertebral spaces, relax the muscles, and relieve pain. Since weight in this case determines the therapeutic effect, 3 types of material hardness were developed for adults, 2 types for children.

When a person lies down on a traction mat, his body fits tightly against the moving ribs, and the intervertebral spaces appear in their spaces. Thus, from the lower back, the vertebrae begin to stretch in different directions. The technique is safe and is aimed at solving several problems at once, but it must be used regularly to obtain a sustainable result.

The session lasts from 45 minutes. The patient is placed on the movable ribs of the couch in a supine position, a cushion is placed under the head with the same principle of traction, and a special pillow is placed under the legs. The design easily adapts to the required height. A person may experience discomfort or nagging pain in the lower back in the first minutes, but this feeling quickly passes. Therapy involves about 12 procedures, the frequency depends on the severity of the disease.

Detensor therapy (safe spinal traction)

Nature created the human spine as an ideal structure. It simultaneously combines the strength of the vertebrae, capable of withstanding heavy loads, and the mobility and elasticity of the intervertebral discs, the bends of some areas, make it possible to compensate for shocks and impacts when walking, running, and playing sports.

But precisely because the vertebral discs do not contain blood vessels and their fluid supply is diffusional, they gradually wear out and age. Add to this bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, environmental conditions, or, conversely, physically backbreaking work, and young people will have a spinal condition similar to that of very old people.

Over time, the thickness of the discs decreases, their shock-absorbing abilities are lost, the vertebral bodies become more mobile, to which the body reacts with a spasm of nearby muscles, gradual ossification and fusion of the pathological area. Therefore, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, causing deformation of the discs in other parts, back diseases, pinched nerves, the treatment of which is not an easy task.

Thus, the result of problems of the spinal column is pain in the back, lumbago, limited mobility, kyphosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine.

Simple and effective method

At the end of the twentieth century, the German scientist K. Kienlein developed a method of safe traction (stretching) of the spine and comfortable relaxation of the back muscles. It should be said that the professor himself suffered from severe back pain after a compression fracture of the spine. With the advent of the detensor system, many “hopelessly” ill patients have a chance to return to normal life.

The detensor system is a special rib mattress or couch that best suits the natural curves of the body. The structure is made from a special material that has the unique ability to adapt to a specific organism and find the most comfortable position for the spine. Depending on the patient’s body weight, the rigidity of the surface of the ribs and the base of the mat will vary.

Lying tightly to the body and supporting it with the ribs, the detensor allows you to evenly distribute the load of the spine in different states (on the side, back, stomach). This neutral body position helps relax the back muscles, relieve tension from the intervertebral discs and slightly stretch the spine itself.

Stretching the spine frees up the discs, allowing them to regain the fluid and nutrients they need and the ability to grow in height. Thus, gentle stretching and relaxation of the spinal muscles allows you to completely regenerate damaged discs, improve and stabilize the condition of the spine, and correct posture.

Thanks to the beneficial effect of detensor therapy on the spine, the patient’s general condition also improves. This is explained by better quality sleep, improved blood circulation in the spine and the release of pinched nerve roots, and therefore the improvement of the functioning of all body systems.

Application of the detensor system

The detensor system can be used as an emergency first aid remedy for back injuries or acute pain, and as a parallel systematic treatment of chronic spinal diseases. The technique is absolutely safe and harmless, has no age restrictions, and can be used to treat children, pregnant women and people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies.

Many doctors recommend passive traction on a detensor to treat the spine, prevent postural disorders and the progression of back diseases. This system will also be useful for athletes, people engaged in physically demanding work, and vice versa – for sedentary patients.

Detensor therapy is used for:

  • Treatment of back pain caused by chronic diseases and traumatic injuries to muscles, ligaments or the spine itself.
  • Prevention and treatment of scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, etc.
  • Prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis of all parts of the spine.
  • Treatment of protrusion of intervertebral discs, as well as hernias.
  • With delayed physical development in children.
  • Treatment of headaches, migraines and asthmatic syndrome, etc.
  • Treatment of compression fractures of the spine, spasms and strains of the back muscles.

Where can I find the detensor system?

The detensor system or method of safe spinal traction is available in many medical and health centers, sanatoriums, and hospitals (for example, Dr. Bobyr’s clinic). This therapy is available to a wide range of the population.

On average, a session lasts from 45 minutes to one hour. In this case, the patient is placed on a detensor mat, where the head and legs are located slightly above body level. Initially, there may be a feeling of discomfort or nagging pain in the spine, but it quickly passes by the end of the procedure. Within an hour after the session, the patient is not recommended to take a sitting position, but you can simply walk slowly or lie down. The recommended course of therapy should be at least 12 procedures.

To carry out treatment at home, you can purchase a therapeutic detensor mat for short-term sessions during the day or a detensor mattress for night sleep. It should be remembered that for people with different body weights, systems of different degrees of rigidity will be selected.

The cost of detensors is quite high, but justified in comparison with the relief of chronic back pain, the removal of restrictions on a normal lifestyle and the unloading of a constantly tired spine.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


There are methods by which the condition can be significantly improved, or even get rid of excruciating pain. One of them is gaining popularity and is showing positive results in the fight for health while being safe to use. Detensor therapy is the name of a new method of treating spinal diseases.

It was developed by Professor K. Kienlein (Germany), the scientist’s own problem became the desire for the result. In the 70s, the scientist received numerous spinal fractures; all the options he tried to mitigate the consequences of injuries did not bring any significant results. The situation required a solution, and he found one. Kienlein's wife took part in the research and development; as a result, a constructive mattress (mat) was invented that helps relieve pain, improve general condition and avoid the accumulation of further complications.

Detensor therapy is spinal traction, which occurs using a special device that can be found in every home. The Detensor mat is a structure consisting of soft ribs made of polyurethane foam. The location of the ribs is inclined, the multi-directional tilt begins from the segment on the mat where the lumbar region is located.

Lying down on the mat, the patient does not experience discomfort; the ribs gently, under the influence of weight, begin to move apart, thereby stretching the spinal column. This method of alignment is more gentle, since it does not cause overstrain of ligaments and muscles, pain syndrome from use is eliminated, which often occurs with other methods of traction (underwater, mechanical using a loop system, etc.).

Detensor therapy is a technique that allows you to reduce pain after surgery, is useful for curvatures of the spinal column, causes relaxation of the muscles running along the back, decompression of the intervertebral discs, which leads to a reduction in hernias and the removal of pinched nerve endings.

Problems with existing methods

Today, there are many techniques and devices for aligning the spinal column, reducing the consequences of injuries, and relieving pain, but they all work for a limited period of time and do not help everyone. There is also another problem: all procedures are not carried out independently; they require the participation of medical personnel and medical supervision.

The human factor often becomes a bigger problem than the disease, and the consequences of an unprofessional or inattentive approach can cause additional injuries. One way or another, there is no ideal way to painlessly solve problems with back pain.

Indications and contraindications

The Detensor therapy method has virtually no contraindications. It is used with equal effectiveness to treat adults, children, and pregnant women.

The degree of stretching of the spinal column is determined by the weight of the patient. 18% is the approximate percentage of stretch. One of the benefits of the mattress is that the spinal column is stretched even after the body has adapted to it. You can sleep on the mattress and roll over on it. The effect is noticeable after the second or third session. The first sessions can last only 30 minutes.

Over time, pain and crunching in the back and joints can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, even to the point of disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky to heal joints. Read more"

To study If the sciatic nerve is pinched, what should you do?

Detensor is especially indicated for young children with problems with the spinal column. It will help prevent further development of pathologies without much effort. The method is also effective for asthma. The mattress has a beneficial effect on the spinal column, which, in turn, normalizes the functioning of all organs.

It is important to find out the entire list of information before using Detensor therapy: reviews, instructions for use. Reviews about the mattress are mostly positive

People note that Detensor helps to quickly relieve pain, restore the spine after injuries, and build muscle mass. Patients also write that the effect of therapy is visible after just a few sessions.

The detensor can be used from three years of age. It is suitable for both babies and elderly people. During pregnancy, before taking the course, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The mattress has no side effects, which makes it preferable to massage.

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. You've probably tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you. And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

The detensor is convenient because it does not require any effort from the patient. It is comfortable to sleep on the mattress, but at the same time it will produce its healing effect. The detensor will be useful not only for people with diseases, but also for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or do sedentary work. You can purchase a mattress in a specialized store, or order it online.

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise an arm, step on a leg, or get out of bed.

These problems begin to manifest themselves especially strongly after 45 years. When you are face to face with physical weakness, panic sets in and it is hellishly unpleasant. But there is no need to be afraid of this - you need to act! Which product should be used and why, says leading orthopedic surgeon Sergei Bubnovsky. Read more >>>


In the nineties in Russia, it was simply impossible to buy a device for detensor therapy at home. Moreover, they were very expensive at that time. Now there is nothing difficult in buying it, since there are a lot of opportunities for purchasing it, and one of them can be called the Internet.

The price of "Detensor" depends on two parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • sizes.

The price today fluctuates significantly. At a minimum, you can buy it for eighty thousand rubles, at a maximum – for one hundred thousand.

This is a fair price for a quick, effective, painless and safe means of getting rid of many diseases that affect not only the spine, but also many internal organs of the human body.

The price justifies the quality of treatment - this is exactly what can be said about Detensor

When creating and subsequent modifications of the Detensor, doctors based their decisions on knowledge that a third of a person’s life is spent sleeping. The developed device allows you to sleep and be treated at the same time.

Relaxing on specialized devices allows you to relax the body to a suitable state. At the same time, the “detensor” does not undergo deformation in comparison with a regular mattress. Taking into account the weight of the body and the pressure on the spine, the patient can use the machine to stretch and straighten the spine to bring it into a healthy position.

“Detensor” is recommended for those who spend most of their day at a personal computer or are exposed to excessive physical exertion. It is also worth buying for those who are going through a rehabilitation period after spinal surgery.


To achieve a smooth, safe and effective therapeutic effect, you should use the device according to its instructions.

Detensor therapy is used as follows:

The patient is placed on the mattress lying on his back

It is recommended to lay a sheet over the device first. It is important to create the correct spinal axis, simulating physiological curves. To do this, the legs from the shin to the foot are placed on a higher section of the mat, and a special cushion is located under the neck. You should lie still on the mat for 40–60 minutes

This is the average length of one detensor therapy procedure. For acute pain, it is recommended to repeat sessions up to 4 times a day. For long-term chronic diseases, as well as for preventive purposes, the method is used 1-2 times a day. The best time to use a mattress is in the evening, before bed. Excessive use of a mattress can lead to muscle wasting or trophic complications. Combine the use of a detensor with exercise therapy.



The effect of the technique on the body

The essence of manual therapy is to restore the position and functions of the vertebral joints, tendons and muscle tissue. The precise movements of the chiropractor return the vertebrae to their place, thereby reducing the compression of the discs and bone parts. This leads to subsequent positive effects:

  • muscle tone is restored;
  • mobility and function of the vertebrae are normalized;
  • pain is reduced;
  • spinal deformity is prevented and eliminated;
  • blood circulation in superficial and deep tissues improves.

All this leads to a decrease in the number of relapses of the disease, reduces degradation of the vertebrae, and relieves tension and spasms. Manual therapy also helps reduce the amount of medications consumed.

In general about detensor therapy

And in this he succeeded. The device he developed became a success and today it is present in many physiotherapeutic hospitals.

Then, after creation, the device was tested for four years. At that time, about two thousand patients who had back problems took part. The test results were as expected - Detensor was effective in relieving back pain. It was patented and then its popularity began to grow. Now there are several variations of “Detensor”:

  • mattresses (not simple, but therapeutic-therapeutic);
  • mats for sleeping at night;
  • office chairs whose backs are created according to the detensor pattern.

Closer to 2000 (to be more precise, in 1997), the device was used at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu. Gagarin.

Detensor therapy in general is only a more advanced version of the well-known spinal traction procedure. The procedure is distinguished by the simple design of the device, which we will talk about a little later. It is noteworthy that you can take the most ordinary mattresses, but you have to pay for it with less efficiency of the procedure.

Before "Detensor"

Doctors practice a large number of techniques and use numerous devices, the purpose of which is to align the spine, reduce the number and severity of injuries and consequences, and reduce pain. All of them, however, do not have a permanent effect. Besides, they may simply not help.

All current physiotherapeutic procedures have one more disadvantage - they cannot be carried out independently. The proper functioning of the equipment and the procedure require the participation of medical personnel. Monitoring by the attending physician is also required.

Modern techniques are amazing in their number

The human factor is for the most part the biggest problem, and even disease as a cause is inferior in terms of the incidence of spinal diseases. In addition, to get more injuries, it is enough to be treated by a doctor who is not a professional or the course of treatment was chosen incorrectly due to the fact that the doctor was inattentive to the choice of techniques, although this rarely happens.

Remember! There is no perfect way to get rid of back pain.

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