Vertebrorevitology: the essence of the method, description of treatment, reviews

In this article we will consider the essence of the vertebrorevitology method.

Therapy for degenerative diseases of the spine is quite complex, since in many situations only symptomatic remedies are used to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and pain in the form of physiotherapy and medications, or surgical treatments, which usually lead to relapses. An alternative to surgery is manual therapy or traction. But such methods do not allow obtaining a fixed and permanent result: the spinal column quickly returns to its original position. There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon - the etiology of the pathology (its cause) has not been eliminated.

Let us understand the essence of the vertebrorevitology method in more detail.

Basic Concepts

Vertebrorevitology is etiotropic therapy for osteochondrosis, hernia or other deforming and degenerative disease of the spinal column, aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathology.

This technique is patented and is used in medical practice. It was developed by Academician Danilov, a Russian scientist and professor.

So what's the point? Vertebrorevitology allows you to restore the health of the spine without resorting to operations and medications, returning it to normal biomechanics. Such a result cannot be achieved by any specialized method, even of a radical nature.

Causes of relapses after hernia removal

Hernia surgery involves complete or partial removal of the disc between the vertebrae. As a result of surgery, the following occurs:

  1. The segment of the spine on which surgery was performed is deprived of its previous functions due to complete or partial fusion of the vertebrae.
  2. If a complete disc removal occurs, the surgeon performs a targeted spinal fusion - fusion of two adjacent vertebrae.
  3. Due to the switching off of the segment, a disorder in the biomechanics of the spine occurs.
  4. The functions of the segment that was operated on are distributed to adjacent vertebrae in order to stabilize the spine.
  5. The load on them increases significantly.
  6. Degenerative processes begin to develop in other segments of the spinal column.

Naturally, such disorders develop rather slowly, but as a result of surgical intervention, the process is significantly accelerated. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the violation of biomechanics, prolonged immobility, and, as a consequence, weakness of the spine.

That is why, several months after surgical treatment, a recurrent hernia occurs in another segment of the spine. In addition, repeated relapses often occur in the same area.

A recurrent disease always greatly shocks the patient, who had hoped that his disease would be completely cured. In this case, the new operation no longer inspires confidence; the person does not know what to do. Deep depression occurs, which only accelerates the degeneration process.

Surgical treatment is usually performed at the final stages, when other methods have proven ineffective.

A large number of such surgical interventions only confirms the inadequacy of modern methods of treating osteochondrosis and hernias.

Signs of low hemoglobin

Iron deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • dry flaky skin;
  • weak brittle nails;
  • lifeless dull hair;
  • causeless increase in temperature;
  • general loss of strength;
  • pale skin;
  • the appearance of cracks on the lips;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • disruption of the defecation process;
  • constant headaches;
  • cold extremities, even in a warm room;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • unpleasant sensations in the legs, when there is a desire to simply move them in order to get rid of the discomfort;

Important! In some cases, low hemoglobin can only be detected after a blood test, since its course does not necessarily have to be accompanied by these symptoms, especially if the decrease differs slightly from the norm. Depends on the body. For prevention purposes, it is important to regularly have your blood tested.

Causes of failure of traction (extension) in osteochondrosis

  1. The traction procedure leads to hypertrophy (thickening) of the yellow and posterior longitudinal ligaments of the spinal column.
  2. As a result, the spinal canal narrows significantly.
  3. A hernia, or protrusion, begins to put pressure on the nerve roots, as a result of which nerve-root syndrome begins to develop.

As a result, the hernia begins to manifest itself earlier than it could have happened in the absence of traction (in some situations, vertical compression is performed) - the desire to cure osteochondrosis leads to the development of a hernia and severe back pain.

Vertebrorevitology: the essence of the method

Professor Danilov's technique has a rather complicated name. It is called non-surgical transposition of the ligamentous-articular apparatus of the spinal column. In simpler terms, this is a method of manual influence on the ligamentous-articular apparatus of the spine.

This method was originally conceived by the developer as an alternative to surgery. But the MRI results after transposition showed that the anatomical dimensions of the intervertebral disc were completely restored, which cannot be achieved through surgery. That is, manual correction can be used as a self-sufficient therapy.

The scientist made the following conclusions:

  1. Increased dynamic load on the spine, including vertical compression and extension, often leads to the development of a hernia.
  2. Complete restoration (reparation) of any tissue, including cartilage, is possible even at the last stage, unless degenerative changes in the disc have reached the point of no return.

The irreversibility of degeneration is caused by secondary and trophic metabolic disorders due to progressive dysfunction of the disc: at critical points, chondrocyte degeneration causes cell necrosis.

The technique of manual correction of the spinal column (vertebrorevitology) can be used for the purpose of complete regeneration of discs between the vertebrae in case of primary hernias, secondary relapses (postoperative), and correction of scoliotic curvatures.

Not everyone understands what it is. The vertebrorevitology method is based on the following principles:

  1. Therapy should not be harmful.
  2. The spinal column must be considered as a single biological mechanism, and the spinal segment is its part, the functions of which must be preserved.

What is low hemoglobin?

There are medical standards for hemoglobin content in the blood, different for each age category:

  • women over 18 years of age – 115–140 g/l;
  • men – 135-160 g/l;
  • children from 5 to 12 years old – 115–145 g/l;
  • for pregnant women – 100–110 g/l.

Low hemoglobin indicates that the organs are poorly supplied with oxygen; the body does not have enough of such an important trace element as iron. If the problem is not intervened in time, it can develop into a pathology. Cells cannot breathe without hemoglobin, so its content must always be normal.

Drugs that increase hemoglobin in the blood: list

How to increase hemoglobin at home quickly?

Causes of hernia development

The spine is a unique biomechanism adapted to high loads. But under the influence of mental and physical stress, its reserve of strength can dry up, as a result, the most vulnerable areas are under attack.

The intervertebral disc is a load absorber due to the presence of the nucleus pulposus. If the core loses its elastic properties, the load on the disc increases greatly. Due to the destruction of hyaline cartilage, protrusion occurs first, and then the fibrous ring ruptures, and, as a consequence, the development of a hernia.

If we consider one segment of the spine, we can find that the vertebrae are in contact with each other at three points of support:

  1. Two of them are located in the place where the facet joints contact.
  2. The third, central point is located in the center of the nucleus pulposus.

In order for the disk to begin to regenerate, it must be freed from excess pressure. For this purpose, manual correction is carried out. It consists of distraction of intervertebral ligaments and joints. Simultaneous stretching is carried out manually, in doses and sequentially.

Teaching activities in our research institute of phlebology

Specialists of the Research Institute of Phlebology "MIFC" constantly improve their skills through daily clinical practice and expand their knowledge in the field of phlebology by participating in various thematic conferences and seminars. Also, employees of the phlebology center regularly present their own reports and developments in the field of phlebology at scientific events.

Doctors of the Research Institute "MIFC" with leading phlebologists of Russia and Europe at conferences

A number of these works have not only applied, but also fundamental significance for medical science.

Master class by Dr. Semenov A.Yu. by RFA of veins in Nizhny Novgorod

For several years now, the Research Institute of Phlebology in Moscow has been holding master classes for specialists from various regions of Russia. We share up-to-date information and show in practice how treatment is carried out in our phlebological center.

Methodology of the session

At a session of the vertebrorevitology treatment method:

  1. The vertebrologist positions and examines the patient, palpating the spinal column and paravertebral tissues. If the case is complex, the procedure is carried out under the control of MRI or radiographic examination in two projections.
  2. Before starting the course, the doctor makes sure that there are no contraindications.
  3. The patient is given a deep massage to relax the short muscles of the PMS and improve joint mobility.
  4. The vertebrologist stands to the left of the patient and performs manipulations in the most protruding area of ​​the curvature arch of the spine in the thoracic region.
  5. Then manipulations are carried out on the lumbar region and distraction is performed in the area of ​​the affected SMS.
  6. After this, the specialist shifts (transposes) the facet joint to the required position, creating a spacer from the joint itself and its ligament.
  7. After completion of the transposition, a reflex spasm of the ligaments and muscles occurs, as a result of which the SMS is fixed in a given position.
  8. In the same way, the correction is carried out on the other side of the spinal column.
  9. After this, the patient puts his head on his hands, and the doctor begins manipulations on the cervical spine.

How long does the treatment of hernias using vertebrorevitology last?

Scientific and research work in our center

One of the areas of work of the Research Institute of Phlebology was the innovative treatment of patients with thrombophlebitis. The use of modern laser technologies in this case raises questions even among the best phlebologists who have many years of good practice in treating vein diseases. Leading phlebologists at the Research Institute of Phlebology have developed and implemented an effective system of care for patients with thrombophlebitis, including good logistics, modern endovascular technologies and the professional skills of the center’s phlebologists.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis using EVLT in our Phlebology Research Institute

Today, this system has no analogues in Russian and European clinical practice. Every year, specialists from the Research Institute of Phlebology successfully provide assistance to hundreds of patients with thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis. In terms of the amount of experience in working with thrombotic complications of varicose veins, our phlebology clinic occupies a leading position both in Russia and abroad.

At the Research Institute of Phlebology in Moscow, active work is being carried out with the technique of sclerotherapy. Our clinic occupies a leading position in Moscow and other regions of Russia in the use of scleroobliteration of the veins of the upper extremities (arms).

Sclerotherapy on the hands at our Phlebology Research Institute

Also, specialists from the Research Institute of Phlebology are quite involved in the applied improvement of echosclerotherapy techniques (ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy). Today we have thoroughly modernized the method, which has significantly increased its effectiveness.

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