What does an angioneurologist treat: features of the specialty, treatment methods, reviews

Angioneurology is one of the branches of medicine, the subject of research of which is the blood vessels of the human brain. If previously patients with headaches went to the neurology department, now they can visit an angioneurologist. In addition to vascular disorders, the doctor also deals with other pathologies of the nervous system. What do you need to know about angioneurology, what symptoms should you see a doctor for, and how is diagnosis/treatment done?

Features of the specialty

What kind of doctor is this - angioneurologist? This question interests patients when the therapist refers them to a consultation with this specialist.

An angioneurologist is a doctor who treats and diagnoses diseases of the vessels that carry blood to the brain. This is a relatively new medical specialty. Until recently, neurologists dealt with such pathologies. Currently, you can contact a doctor with a more narrow specialization who identifies and treats vascular pathologies of the central nervous system.

Angioneurologists have extensive knowledge in the field of cardiology. After all, the vessels of the brain and the coronary arteries are closely interconnected. Doctors in this specialty not only treat, but also prevent ischemia of the heart and brain. Any types of cerebral circulatory disorders are within their competence.

Not in every clinic you can find a doctor of this specialty. Angioneurologists usually see patients in city and regional clinical diagnostic centers, as well as in medical research institutions involved in the study and treatment of vascular diseases of the brain.

What is included in the list of specialist responsibilities

Despite the narrow focus of the industry, an angioneurologist is a universal specialist. His knowledge is applicable not only in neurology, but also in cardiology and hemostasiology. The main task of the doctor is a comprehensive examination, prevention and treatment of vascular disorders of the brain.

In addition to his main medical activities, an angioneurologist is involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle to avoid further health problems. A doctor can encourage a person to give up bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption), overeating, and lack of physical activity, since all this has a detrimental effect on the functioning of blood vessels.

Brain pathologies

What does an angioneurologist treat? This doctor primarily deals with various cerebrovascular disorders. With such diseases, patients most often turn to a neurologist. This doctor specializes in central nervous system pathologies. But if the disease is of vascular origin, then additional consultation with a doctor who is thoroughly versed in cerebral circulatory disorders is needed. In this case, the patient is redirected to an angioneurologist.

This specialist treats the following vascular pathologies:

  • stroke;
  • cerebral vascular ischemia;
  • vascular disorders after head injuries;
  • cerebral circulation disorders due to hypertension.

However, vascular diseases of the head are not the only specialization of an angioneurologist. What does this doctor treat, besides ischemic disorders? This doctor also deals with other diseases of the central nervous system:

  • epilepsy;
  • parkinsonism;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • encephalopathy.

These pathologies can be treated by a regular neurologist. However, in doubtful cases, consultation with a specialist in anatomy and angioneurology of the head and neck is required. He will prescribe additional examinations to the patient that will help differentiate purely neurological problems from vascular disorders.

Who is an angiologist?

For Russian medicine and for the US medical system, a different name is more common. Namely, vascular surgery. That is, the equivalent of an English angiologist in domestic medical practice is a vascular surgeon. At the same time, the concept of “angiologist” in modern Russian medicine is not entirely identical to a vascular surgeon. This was largely facilitated by the activities of various commercial centers and associated advertising. Understanding the concepts of angiologist and angiology in domestic medical practice today is not the easiest task. However, I will try to explain what should be understood today as an angiologist and angiology in Russia. To do this, it is worth removing the dense coating of marketing moves and substitution of concepts.


It is no secret that vascular surgery, containing a huge number of issues to be solved, has also received a division according to anatomical, clinical and methodological approaches. Vascular surgeons who operate on the open heart, specialists who work with peripheral arteries, phlebologists who deal only with venous pathology. But in the field of vascular surgery there is also a significant proportion of diseases, the treatment of which is carried out exclusively conservatively. Angiology by definition includes the entire spectrum of vascular problems, both surgical and therapeutic. But in our country, most often, when you visit an angiologist, you can receive conservative treatment. To some extent, a cardiologist is also an angiologist. After all, the doctor deals with, among other things, the treatment of pathologies of the coronary arteries. An angiologist can be called a neurologist who deals with problems of cerebral circulation. Therefore, some therapists also position themselves as angiologists.

Diseases of the spine and peripheral nerves

What does an angioneurologist treat, besides brain diseases? You can also contact this doctor for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nerves:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • neuralgia in the neck;
  • dystrophy of nerve fibers (neuropathy).

Pathologies of the blood vessels of the head and neck are often accompanying osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. An angioneurologist will help diagnose such complications.

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

  • cardiovascular - hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke;
  • infectious - damage to the central nervous system due to syphilitic and AIDS infections, herpetic encephalitis;
  • degenerative - Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases;
  • traumatic - bruises of varying severity, concussions, diffuse damage to axons in traumatic brain injuries;
  • pathologies of the cerebrospinal fluid system - persistent increase in intracranial pressure, hydrocephalus;
  • demyelinating - Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis;
  • helminthiasis - opistrochiasis, echinococcosis;
  • oncological - gliomas, meningiomas;
  • mycotic - candidiasis, cryptococcosis of the central nervous system;
  • epileptic - primary (without involvement of the brain matter in the pathological process) and symptomatic epilepsy caused by traumatic brain injury, tumors;
  • congenital - cerebral palsy.

Other pathologies

What does an angioneurologist do, besides the above diseases? This is a specialist of quite a wide profile. Therapists also refer patients to this doctor if the patient exhibits signs of the following pathologies:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • insomnia.

Establishing the etiology of such diseases is sometimes very difficult. However, their causes may be associated with pathologies of cerebral vessels, which only an angioneurologist can accurately identify.

In what cases should you contact a geriatrician?

  1. The presence of several diseases at once in an elderly person.
  2. Memory impairment.
  3. Cognitive impairment.
  4. Problems with self-care.
  5. Chronic weakness, intolerance to normal physical activity.
  6. Bad mood, manifestations of depression.
  7. Loss of body weight.

Most often, such manifestations of aging of the body occur after 75 years. But sometimes these processes can begin earlier. Geriatricians observe an acceleration of the aging process in some patients, which occurs after retirement or severe stress. In such cases, a geriatrician may prescribe preventative treatment to delay the progression of aging.


For what symptoms does a patient need to consult an angioneurologist? The following pathological manifestations may be the reason for contacting this specialist:

  • chronic headaches of unknown origin;
  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait and coordination disorders;
  • balance disorders;
  • seizures;
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • double vision;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • numbness of hands and feet;
  • fainting;
  • pain in the back and neck;
  • fecal and urinary incontinence.

All these symptoms can occur both with changes in brain tissue and with vascular disorders. Only a doctor specializing in angioneurology of the head and neck can carry out an accurate differential diagnosis.

What does a neurologist treat and when should you contact him?

Every person, at least once in his life, has experienced acute pain in the lumbar region or a headache. It is advisable for a patient with these complaints to quickly get an appointment with a good neurologist. It’s not so easy to get to him in a regular clinic. Immediately upon request, only a private medical center can provide this type of medical care. Finding this neurologist in Pushkino and getting an appointment with him will not be difficult.

What kind of specialist is this?

A neurologist is a specialist who has received a higher medical education and specializes in nervous diseases. He conducts diagnostic examinations and is responsible for the prevention and treatment of disorders in the central and peripheral nervous system.

A neurologist specializes in diseases, injuries of the spinal cord, brain, and peripheral nerves.

These include the following pathologies:

  • circulatory disorders of the brain and spinal cord (ischemic, hemorrhagic);
  • consequences of skull injuries;
  • epilepsy, convulsive syndromes;
  • neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis and other diseases of viral, fungal, bacterial etiology);
  • damage to peripheral plexuses, nerves;
  • demyelinating pathologies (multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre disease and others);
  • neuromuscular diseases (myodystrophies, myopathies).

Most often, people consult a neurologist with exacerbation of osteochondrosis in various parts of the spine.

For what type of problem in the body is it worth making an appointment with a neurologist?

When a neurological disease occurs for the first time, a person himself is unlikely to realize that he needs to see a neurologist. These pathologies have a wide variety of symptoms that do not have any specific character or localization. Neurological disorders lead to many diverse malfunctions in the functioning of all organs and systems.

The following conditions serve as indicators of damage to the nervous system:

  • pain in the neck, chest area, back;
  • insomnia;
  • fainting;
  • prolonged headache;
  • dizziness as an independent symptom or accompanied by vomiting;
  • presence of seizures;
  • memory impairment (short-term, long-term);
  • movement coordination disorder;
  • decreased skin sensitivity;
  • speech problems;
  • nervous tics, hyperkinesis;
  • smell disorder;
  • intolerance to stuffiness in the room;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • muscle weakness of the lower and upper extremities;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • decreased attention;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • pressure instability;
  • anxiety states;
  • depression;
  • constant fatigue that does not disappear after sleep or long rest.

These and other symptoms indicate malfunctions of the nervous system. Therefore, in addition to self-referrals, patients referred by doctors of other specialties also see a neurologist. This occurs if the patient has no manifestations of somatic pathologies.

What are his job responsibilities?

Examination of a patient by this specialist necessarily consists of several stages.

The doctor should do the following:

  • ask the patient about complaints;
  • study the history of life, illness, hereditary predispositions;
  • conduct a neurological examination to check the function of the cranial nerves, study reflexes using a neurological hammer;
  • deep and superficial sensitivity is checked;
  • determines muscle tone and strength;
  • order additional examinations;
  • make a preliminary diagnosis;
  • prescribe medications for treatment.

If there is a need, the neurologist refers the patient to doctors of other specialties for examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

Where does a neurologist see in Pushkino, Moscow region?

You can find a good neurologist in Pushkino by reading patient reviews about them on special resources. Doctors of this specialty work in private medical centers, municipal clinics, and hospitals. It is preferable to be treated by such specialists in private clinics. Doctors with the highest qualifications and scientific degrees are selected here. They regularly undergo internships at leading European universities and clinics. The best neurologists in Pushkino work at the medical center. Make an appointment with them in a timely manner and come for treatment. An appointment with a neurologist can be made by calling the number listed on the website.

Initial appointment

Typically, patients see an angioneurologist on a referral from doctors of other specialties. By this time, many patients have already undergone a number of diagnostic procedures. When contacting an angioneurologist, it is advisable to have the results of the following examinations with you:

  • Dopplerography of head and neck vessels;
  • conclusion of a neurologist and cardiologist.

The angioneurologist begins the examination of the patient by collecting anamnesis and clarifying complaints. He can also clarify what pathologies the patient suffered in the past. The doctor then examines the patient's neurological condition using the following tests:

  • finger-nose test (to assess balance and coordination of movements);
  • test using a neurological hammer (to study knee reflexes).

If the office has the necessary equipment, the doctor can conduct an ultrasound scan of the brain vessels during the initial appointment.

Diagnostic methods

After examining the patient, the angioneurologist may prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • Dopplerography of the head and neck vessels;
  • blood test for biochemical parameters;
  • angiography.

Based on the data from these studies, it is possible to confirm or refute the presence of vascular diseases in the patient.

If a patient has pathologies of cerebral vessels, then it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics in order to determine their etiology. The patient may be prescribed the following laboratory tests and instrumental examinations:

  • coagulogram (blood clotting test);
  • lipid profile (blood test showing lipid metabolism disorders);
  • aggregogram (bleeding test);
  • psychological testing (to assess memory and cognitive impairment);
  • radiography of cranial vessels with contrast agent;
  • fundus examination (for diabetes mellitus).

Doctor's consultation and examination methods

If you notice unpleasant symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent the pathology from worsening and causing severe complications, which often lead to death. During the consultation, the doctor examines the patient, collects his detailed medical history, and analyzes the main complaints.

To clarify the primary diagnosis and obtain detailed data on the patient’s health status, tests and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • coagulogram (determining the degree of blood clotting);
  • lipidogram (cholesterol test);
  • X-ray of the vessels of the head using contrast;
  • neuropsychological tests;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels?
  • general and detailed blood test;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan.

Treatment options

So, we found out what an angioneurologist treats. What treatment methods can this specialist recommend to patients? It should be remembered that this doctor deals with a very wide range of diseases, so treatment methods are selected individually in each specific case. Their choice depends on the established diagnosis.

In mild cases, the angioneurologist may prescribe medication or physical therapy. He may also recommend exercise therapy or sanatorium treatment to the patient. If the disease is advanced, the angioneurologist issues a referral to a surgeon to decide on the operation.

After recovery or achievement of stable remission, the angioneurologist gives patients advice on preventing relapses of the pathology. For chronic diseases, these recommendations must be followed for life.

Also, an angioneurologist can register chronic patients with a dispensary. In this case, patients must visit a doctor at least 2 times a year and undergo all necessary diagnostic tests.


You can find many positive reviews from patients about angioneurologists. Consultation with such a specialist has helped many people to promptly identify vascular diseases of the brain and immediately begin their treatment.

In the reviews, patients note that for a long time they were bothered by headaches and dizziness. These people had to undergo many consultations with different doctors and a lot of examinations. However, the origin of the neurological disorders has never been established. And only an appeal to an angioneurologist helped to identify the true cause of the pathological manifestations.

Patients only regret that in ordinary district clinics, angioneurologists very rarely see patients. To obtain advice from such a specialist, sometimes you have to contact large medical institutions, which may be located far from the patient’s place of residence. But many brain diseases are at the intersection of two medical sciences - angiology and neuropathology. And in this case, there is no way to do without consulting a specialist in angioneurology.

Angiology - what is it?

Angiology is a branch of medical science that focuses on the functions and diseases of arteries, veins, and the smallest blood vessels and lymphatic vessels (capillaries). The main areas of angiology are degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities (for example, peripheral artery disease, venous thrombosis, varicose veins, lymphedema, Raynaud's disease, etc.), vessels supplying the brain (narrowing of the carotid artery, strokes), blood vessels abdominal cavity (for example, aortic aneurysm, narrowing of the renal arteries or intestinal vessels).

Angiology is a science

Thus, angiology is a medical science that deals with the entire spectrum of vascular disorders, including pathologies of arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. In essence, the concept of “angiology” is equivalent to “vascular surgery”. The terms “angiologist” and “angiology” themselves are still more typical for the British healthcare system. It is in English medicine that the concepts of angiology and angiologist are firmly established in practice and do not raise questions.

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