Features of the development and treatment of subchondral sclerosis

A diagnosis such as osteosclerosis of the knee joint is more often made in older people. They usually have a whole range of problems related to the musculoskeletal system. These are arthrosis, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, bone curvature, etc. But even at a young age, osteosclerosis is quite possible. Especially if the patient leads a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and is significantly overweight.

You can learn about what osteosclerosis of the knee joint is and how it can be successfully treated without surgery from the material provided. If you have similar clinical manifestations of pathology, then do not put off visiting a doctor. Only at an early stage can this insidious disease be successfully defeated with the help of conservative treatment methods.

In Moscow, you can make an initial free appointment with an orthopedist at our manual therapy clinic. Experienced specialists conduct receptions here. They will conduct a full examination, collect anamnesis and make a preliminary diagnosis. Each patient receives individual recommendations for treatment and examination.

General information

Osteosclerosis is a pathological condition caused by an increase in bone density and thickening of bone trabeculae (beams), a decrease in the volume of bone marrow cells as a result of excessive formation of bone components, as well as compact substance.
It develops under conditions of imbalance in the functional viability of osteoclasts and osteoblasts - when synthesis processes prevail over destruction processes. Osteosclerosis can be physiological - it is noted during the development of skeletal structures in growth zones, but it is pathological osteosclerosis that is dangerous, since it leads to a decrease in the elasticity of bone formations.

Schematic representation of normal bone and osteosclerosis

Osteosclerosis may be accompanied by benign dysplasia ( melorheostosis ), inhomogeneity and spotty ossification ( osteopoikilosis ), myelofibrosis, increased fragility and failure of bone marrow tissue as in osteopetrosis . Moreover, narrowing of the bone marrow canal and its complete obliteration due to thickening of the cortical layer is possible.

Osteosclerosis occurs in the form of genetic diseases, including marble disease , which develop in childhood, as well as in the form of adult osteomyelosclerosis, which is characteristic mainly of older people.


The mechanism of osteosclerosis is based on the opposite condition to osteoporosis , reflecting reparative processes in the bone - in the form of an increase in the bone-forming ability of osteoblasts. This nonspecific reaction in the form of an increase in bone mass occurs due to periosteal and endosteal ossification in response to various diseases, injuries and processes in the body. To stimulate true osteosclerosis, pathological processes are sufficient, the substrate of which is located in the spaces between the bone beams.

In addition to pathological changes in the bone—thickening of the trabeculae and compact substance—cancellous bone tissue also undergoes changes, taking on the appearance of a narrow-loop structure or a compact mass.

Subchondral sclerosis of articular surfaces: treatment

Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital solve the following general problems:

  • preventing the progression of the degenerative process in articular cartilage;
  • improvement of joint function;
  • reduction of pain and signs of reactive synovitis.

Under no circumstances should the disease be treated only with local procedures. Complex treatment includes methods of influencing local processes in the tissues of the joint and affecting the entire body as a whole.

You can learn more about complex treatment at the Yusupov Hospital for subchondral sclerosis by calling.


Osteosclerosis can be limited, focal, diffuse and generalized. Depending on the cause of development, it can be physiological, abnormal or idopathic, post-traumatic, inflammatory, genetic, reactive, etc.

Point transformations in bones are usually observed in fractures at the border of a healthy spine and in tissues with an inflammatory process. Generalized disorders can cover the entire skeleton, spread diffusely or focally. In addition, lesions can develop below the cartilaginous structures - subchondral, affecting the surfaces of the endplates and joints, and also develop in the vertebrae.

Osteosclerosis of the spine

Osteosclerosis of the spine is manifested by deformation of the vertebral bodies, dystrophic changes in the surrounding muscle tissue, impaired mobility of the spinal axis and a feeling of stiffness in the affected areas. Bone deformations and sclerosing processes increase the risk of compression fractures and curvatures.

In general, anyone who has ever had pain and stiffness in their back can understand what osteosclerosis of the spine is. Any backache or overexertion can cause a feeling of tightness - when there is no way to bend or bend. Hardening or growths on the spine provoke the same sensations, and can also be accompanied by pain, tachycardia , difficulty breathing and even lead to kidney failure and an increased risk of femoral neck fractures . Therefore, you need to take care of the health of your spine every day, for example, do gymnastics, but if negative sensations still make themselves felt, then this is a clear sign that you need to see a specialist!

Osteosclerosis of the hip joint

The mechanism of the pathological process is based on the destruction of cartilaginous plates, thickening and enlargement of structures with bone compaction. Erosion and cracks occur in the cartilage tissue. The disease can be the result of severe injuries to the articular joint, endocrine disorders, metabolic failures, inflammatory processes, and excessive physical activity. Most often observed in obese women over 45 years of age.

Distinctive signs of osteosclerosis of the hip joint are stiffness in the lower back in the morning and at night, numbness and impaired motor functions of the lower extremities, lameness, fatigue, pain when walking, as well as disruption of the intestines and organs of the genitourinary system.

Damage to the hip joint, namely the acetabulum, can lead to aseptic necrosis of the femoral head and fractures. Treatment must begin in a timely manner, otherwise the position of the femoral head may change and excessive load will be placed on it, which will lead to serious deformations, destruction and disability.

Subchondral osteosclerosis

This is one of the manifestations of degenerative dystrophic joint disease - osteoarthritis . Increases in bone density occur due to the growth of scar connective tissue as a result of inflammation or aging. Osteophytic and bone growths with transformed neuroarticular tissue may have irregularities that increase friction and cause secondary inflammatory processes, which ultimately results in complete immobilization of the joints. In addition, osteophytes can wedge into the bone, causing chips. Subchondral changes most often occur in the shoulder, knee and hip joints, cervical and thoracic spine.

The most dangerous are considered to be osteosclerotic processes in the chest, which develop under the influence of osteochondrosis and do not cause severe stress. The pathology leads to the formation of an immovable bone tumor, which causes a lot of discomfort and various clinical manifestations.

Subchondral osteosclerosis of the endplates

The pathological process is accompanied by the replacement of the cartilage layer from below with dense bone tissue of a discharged structure, which disrupts diffuse metabolism and does not have the same protective properties of cartilage to withstand excessive loads.

When the endplates of the thoracic vertebrae are damaged, patients experience difficulty breathing, pain, and a noticeable distortion of posture occurs. The pain syndrome can completely hinder movement. The disease is considered gerontological, but sometimes occurs in younger individuals.

Subchondral osteosclerosis of articular surfaces

Pathological changes in the articular surfaces occur through the proliferation of bone tissue in the form of osteophytic growths, subsequent narrowing of the joint spaces and deformation of the joint so much that it stops bending. The lesion and deformity usually develops in the bone below the cartilaginous plate.

Pathologically changed and healthy joint

When the growths become too large, they create friction and can interfere with the movement of the joint.

Treatment of osteosclerosis of the knee joint

Treatment for osteosclerosis of the knee joint should be started as early as possible. It is necessary to reconsider your diet, to eliminate the deficiency of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and some other vitamins and minerals. It is also necessary to conduct an examination of the large intestine, since if its function is impaired, there is a high probability of developing secondary osteoporosis even at a young age.

Treatment can be carried out using manual therapy methods. For example, our clinic uses the following methods:

  1. reflexology (acupuncture) allows you to influence biologically active points on the human body and trigger the processes of regeneration of affected tissues due to the hidden reserves of the body;
  2. laser exposure to sclerotic lesions stimulates rapid restoration of the physiological structure of the tissue;
  3. therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy restore the natural tone of the muscle fiber, enhance the process of diffuse nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the joint;
  4. osteopathy and massage improve microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid in the affected area, accelerate the process of restoring the elasticity of soft tissues;
  5. physiotherapy accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

In the process of treating osteosclerosis of the knee joint, an integrated approach is important. The doctor gives the patient individual recommendations that eliminate the effect of negative risk factors. If rheumatoid or autoimmune pathology is detected, it is important to first normalize the patient’s condition and stop the inflammatory process. Then it is necessary to develop an individual rehabilitation course, during which the functionality of the knee joint will be completely restored.

If you are looking for safe and effective treatment for osteosclerosis of the knee, schedule a free initial appointment with a podiatrist at our manual therapy clinic today. Fill out the doctor appointment form located further down the page.


  • physiological (functional) - occurring in areas of bone tissue growth;
  • genetic predisposition or hereditary marbled disease with a defect in the gene encoding carbonic anhydrase II , which leads to a deficiency of this enzyme;
  • various myeloproliferative diseases and melorheostosis - benign congenital dysplasia that causes bone hardening;
  • osteopoikilia - congenital multiple sclerosing osteopathy;
  • excess body weight;
  • endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus ;
  • inflammatory and reactive processes, including lupus erythematosus ;
  • cancer formation;
  • intoxication;
  • injuries and fractures;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • wear and tear of cartilage due to age, prolonged stay in certain positions;
  • heavy physical activity, sports and types of work.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the moment, the most informative study is MRI, which traces the degree of joint damage and the type of its changes. X-rays are also used to show the growth of connective tissue near the joint. Depending on the general diagnosis and the degree of detected pathology, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

The most favorable prognosis is when the disease is detected in the early stages. In this case, nutritional adjustments, drug therapy are performed, and an individual set of exercises is selected. Unfortunately, asymptomatic onset and insufficient attention to one’s health leads to patients complaining already at advanced stages of the disease.

In this case, a set of special measures is selected:

  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that slow down the progress of the underlying disease;
  • Manual therapy and massage have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of joint diseases;
  • Physiotherapy will help relieve pain and restore joint mobility;
  • Strong physical activity. Special exercises will help develop the joint.

Additional activities include the organization of a balanced diet and sanitary-resort treatment. If the pathological growth of tissue has led to complete immobilization of the articular joint, surgical intervention will be a radical solution to the problem. After the operation, the patient will have to undergo a course of rehabilitation procedures, as well as radically change their usual lifestyle.

The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease, as well as the patient’s persistence, because this also affects successful recovery.


The clinical picture is usually long-lasting and asymptomatic. Changes in the musculoskeletal system can cause the following symptoms:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the joint;
  • a feeling of stiffness and a decrease in the range of motion of joints - flexion, extension, rotation, bending, etc.;
  • discomfort and pain in the joints, especially during physical activity;
  • neurological manifestations caused by pinched nerve endings: ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache, auditory and visual disturbances;
  • it is difficult to inhale and exhale;
  • with lesions of the hip joint, disorders affecting internal organs, for example, the genitourinary system, are possible.

Marble disease is manifested by anemia due to the excessive development of the number of bone osteophytes against the background of a sharply reduced volume of red bone marrow.

Osteoarthritis can lead to complete immobility, difficulty breathing and disability of the patient.

Manifestations of subchondral sclerosis

With subchondral sclerosis, the most heavily loaded joints of the lower extremities are mainly affected - the hip and knee, as well as the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Moderate subchondral sclerosis is manifested by a crunching sensation in the joints when moving; patients are bothered by minor periodic pains after significant physical activity, which quickly disappear with rest. Gradually the pain becomes more intense, longer lasting, sometimes appearing at night.

Irregular subchondral sclerosis is characterized by variability in symptoms. Pain may initially occur in one or the other joint, sometimes in both at once. Subsequently, the pain may disappear for a long time, but in most cases it becomes permanent. Subchondral sclerosis of the epiphyses is detected during an X-ray examination.

Tests and diagnostics

Densified bone tissue becomes less transparent to the action of x-rays, that is, the intensity of the bone shadow increases and therefore osteosclerosis can be detected through x-ray examinations. The main radiological symptoms are:

  • an increase in the number of bone beams in relation to the area of ​​the bone itself;
  • the presence of osteophytic neoplasms;
  • narrowing of the medullary canal;
  • thickening of individual beams in the bone;
  • alternation of foci of osteosclerosis and areas of osteoporosis ;
  • finely looped trabecular pattern.

To obtain a clearer picture and understand the nature of the changes, CT and MRI can be performed. To determine the degree of bone compaction, densitometry is performed, and to identify disturbances in the conduction of nerve impulses, electroneuromyography is performed.

Diet for osteosclerosis

Diet for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

  • Efficacy: no data
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of products: 1700-1800 rubles. in Week

The best diet for osteosclerosis is a diet that enhances metabolism, strengthens and makes the body strong, so the menu should include:

  • proteins - optimal sources are dietary poultry, eggs, seafood, fish and vegetable protein from legumes and other vegetables;
  • complex carbohydrates - cereals, crispbread, whole grain bread, vegetables, dried fruits, fruits and berries, which additionally contain many vitamins immune- boosting substances ;
  • calcium – you need to consume dairy and fermented milk products every day;
  • healthy fats – various unrefined vegetable oils, seeds and nuts.
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