Purines in food. What is it, list, table of high content foods

Purines are not scary at all

Today, very often, from various channels, we are bombarded with tons of information that purines are terribly harmful substances. Well, we will reassure you: purines are not as scary as they are portrayed to be.

We can say that they are not scary at all - after all, for example, without these substances there would be neither DNA nor RNA, and this alone sounds frightening.

And caffeine is also purine, which for coffee lovers is perhaps the main argument in their favor.

Purines are found almost everywhere: in the cells of our body, in the cells of animals and plants - their quantity is replenished along with the diet every day.

And when cells are destroyed, purines, which cannot, according to all the laws of chemistry, disappear into nowhere, turn into uric acid.

What to eat for gout

Gout is a disease that affects the joints. It occurs due to metabolic disorders in the human body. Uric acid is a waste product that must be eliminated from the body. If the level of uric acid is elevated, the patient is prescribed a special menu. During an exacerbation, the patient is prescribed a strict diet that completely excludes foods high in uric acid.


  • What to eat for gout
  • Table of foods for diet for gout
  • What to drink for gout
  • Fasting days for gout
  • Menu for gout

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But even at this stage there is no need to panic: this is a very useful process, as long as there are not too many purines in the body!

At this moment, purines “forget their place” - they begin to accumulate in excess, threatening gout and other problems, instead of protecting the safety of our


This is why it is so important to bring the process of purine metabolism back to normal with the help of a therapeutic diet - it is simply impossible to curb these “mechanisms” in any other way!

Other functions in the body

In addition to nucleic acids, adenine and guanine are components of such important organic compounds as:

  • Adenosine, involved in biochemical processes (transmission of energy and nerve impulses, anti-inflammatory effect). Scientists believe that this substance plays a role in regulating sleep.
  • Adenosine phosphates, which are necessary for the synthesis of ATP. The latter is an important source of energy in all biochemical processes in animals.
  • Adenosine phosphoric acids (mono-, di- and triphosphoric), involved in protein biosynthesis, hormone management, lipid metabolism, steroid formation, regulation of cell membrane permeability.
  • Adenine nucleotides, responsible for lowering blood pressure, contractility of the uterus and heart muscle.

Purine bases are biologically active substances that have the following effects on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system, especially pronounced with caffeine;
  • increased heart rate;
  • an increase in the lumen of blood vessels (mainly those found in the muscles, brain, heart and kidneys);
  • reduction of thrombosis.

Theobromine is also used to treat bronchopulmonary pathologies. Like caffeine, it stimulates the heart muscle and increases the amount of urine produced. It is included in toothpastes to restore mineralization of enamel and increase its hardness and resistance to caries. Theobromine is obtained from cocoa beans, ground, defatted and boiled with a solution of sulfuric acid. After this, it is treated with lead oxide, washed and precipitated with ammonia.

Diet and important details

Be prepared to redistribute the number of meals: instead of the usual breakfasts “on the fly” and dinners “to the fullest”, you will have 4 meals a day, complete and balanced.

You will have to give up foods that contain a large amount of purines and oxalic acid - but we will return to this later, do not rush to be sad about a meager diet.

As for the cooking process, remember: the “first” broth for poultry and fish is not the best assistant in the fight for health.

You need to boil the meat in a large amount of water, discarding the first broth without regret.

Permitted doses

The saying that the body reflects what one eats succinctly describes how important diet is, especially in relation to gout. Purines are equally dangerous whether they come from fatty meats or alcoholic beverages. The only difference is that an attack due to alcohol will develop twice as quickly, it will hurt more often than from any other product.

When you can’t completely give up vodka (there’s a feast ahead), remember a few valuable rules that will allow you to reduce the dose of a dangerous ingredient and help remove it from your body faster:

It is important to drink more than 2 liters of water daily, especially on feast days; Reduce the amount of vodka you drink to a minimum; Before the feast, drink a medicine that can enhance metabolism, lower the concentration of uric acid and remove toxins; Drink any sorbent (activated carbon) before vodka; Avoid combining medications and vodka (except those described earlier); Do not drink on an empty stomach, and if it doesn’t work out otherwise, use 0.5 tbsp first. l. butter; Before drinking, be sure to try a hot meal; Remove homemade alcoholic drinks from the festive table, leaving only light grape wine; You cannot mix different alcohols - once you start drinking vodka, you cannot change it to a weaker drink; It is recommended to drink vodka only with pharmaceutical mineral water; If you have gout, follow a special diet - do not overeat and do not eat meat and fatty proteins together.

butter; Before drinking, be sure to try a hot meal; Remove homemade alcoholic drinks from the festive table, leaving only light grape wine; You cannot mix different alcohols - once you start drinking vodka, you cannot change it to a weaker drink; It is recommended to drink vodka only with pharmaceutical mineral water; If you have gout, follow a special diet - do not overeat and do not eat meat with fatty proteins.

Which doctor should I contact for effective treatment of gout? When drinking vodka or cognac, you should not exceed the daily dosage of 60 g.

Avoid very strong drinks with an alcohol concentration above 40°. The probability of feeling inflammation in the legs will reach 100%. During remission, it is better to replace vodka with a glass of wine. Choose varieties in which the percentage of alcohol is minimal. Beer is strictly prohibited. Find a replacement for it by drinking mineral water or juices. Gout often affects beer drinkers.

What will be on your menu?

Let's start with the product that is the head of everything - this diet allows moderate consumption of bread products made from first- or second-grade flour, but only if it is yesterday's product, slightly dried by time.

It’s great if the bread is unleavened, unleavened, and even better – enriched with a dry protein mixture.

At lunch, you can treat yourself to a light diet soup with the addition of vegetables that are allowed by the diet and cereals. And if you love milk soups, we have great news for you!

They fit easily into your diet if you cook them with vegetables and pasta.

We have already figured out how to cook meat and fish as part of the new diet. It remains only to clarify that you can eat such a dish 3-4 times a week, in small portions of 150 g.

As for eggs, you can eat one a day, but nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to half. In general, the protein portion of this diet is concentrated in dairy products that do not contain salt.

Diso Nutrimun, a protein mixture certified by nutritionists, during the cooking process .

To accurately calculate the correct ratio of protein in the mixture to proteins obtained from products, you must consult your doctor.

Or, as an option, quickly get a recommendation from specialists at the National Association of Clinical Nutrition.

Diet guidelines for high purine levels

If a violation of purine metabolism does occur for one reason or another, there are some simple nutrition tips:

  1. Calculate the protein consumed: the amount of protein is not higher than 1 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  2. Legumes need to be boiled much longer than all other foods.
  3. The volume of liquid you drink per day is at least two liters (plain water).
  4. Reduce your daily intake of table salt.
  5. Periodically (several days a month) completely give up protein.

Diso Nutrimoon

Protein for treatment and rehabilitation
An easily digestible, tasteless protein mixture, a source of proteins and amino acids necessary for the body to fight illness, recover from injuries, illnesses and operations.

More details

Next we have vegetables. Your favorite potatoes, carrots and beets, fresh cucumbers, pumpkin and zucchini are acceptable. But it is better to limit greens and green salad leaves or completely exclude them from the diet.

Make vegetable casseroles, purees and soufflés with the addition of the Diso Nutrimun protein mixture - this will help you reach the required quantitative level of the protein component of your diet without overeating.

As for dessert dishes and drinks, the diet gives the green light to fresh berries and fruits; marmalade and marshmallows will sweeten the “pill”.

Without a twinge of conscience, you can prepare milk pudding or jelly, drink fruit juice or berry juice, brew rose hips and snack on dried fruits.

Substance content in products

Purines in food, a table that everyone who cares about their health and already has pathological changes in purine metabolism needs to know.

Table of the most dangerous foods containing high concentrations of purines

The product's nameAmount in mg per 100 g
Oxidized tea (black)2765
Dried ground cocoa cake1895
Roasted and ground coffee beans1210
Pressed yeast759
Live yeast organisms320
Chicken liver by-product248
Beef liver by-product230
Canned herring fish with added oil223
Herring caviar185
Veal liver by-product183
Pelagic fish165
Beef liver by-product164
Marine bivalve mollusk151
Canned sardinops146
Pork liver by-product140
Pig tongue138
Bivalve molluscs scallops136
Pork liver by-product127
Marine predatory fish halibut126
Chicken's meat126
Smoked pork125
Canned tuna121
Beef liver by-product113
Pelagic marine fish anchovy111
Dried grapes108
Flax seeds108
Beef by-product108
Delicacy meat raw smoked sausage105
Sea fish perch102
Deer meat101
Cured salmon101
Soybean cultivated93
Bivalve oyster88
Ocean herring88
Veal liver product86
Freshwater species of salmon trout85
Lentil mistral85
Smoked ham83
Unopened bud of an artichoke plant80
Dried beans77
Smoked Atlantic mackerel73
Crustacean lobster73
Ground liver73
red fish72
Dried peas71
Poppy seeds71
Soy cheese70
Atlantic salmon68
Cow tongue68
Sunflower seeds67
Atlantic ray-finned cod fish65
Green onions65
Chocolate without cocoa64
Young beef63
Red caviar63
Young green peas62
Real shrimp62
Atlantic mackerel61
Lamb meat61
Sesame seeds60
Pheasant meat60
Pike meat58
Beef meat58
Flat sea fish flounder58
Smoked sausages55
Ray-finned haddock fish52
Dried corn52
Boiled minced meat in the form of sausage52
Turkey meat50
Meat of common pike perch47
Boiled minced poultry in the form of sausage47
Serpentine smoked fish46
Berry pumpkin45
Oat flakes43
Sea clam oyster38
Blood sausage38
Dried apricot33
Barley groats32
Canned salted olives30
Brussels sprouts26
Bedbug sativum26
French mushroom25
Garden spinach25
Asparagus cabbage21
Date palm fruit21
Cultural rye21
Actinidia chinensis20
Heather berry20
Rye bread17
Savoy cabbage17
Pearl bow17
Polished rice16
Cockerel mushroom15
Celery root vegetable13
Soft fat cheese13
Cabbage with thick stem13
Perseus americana13
Homemade sheep cheese13
Common cabbage13
Dried bread12
Low-fat processed cheese11
banana fruit10
Haricot vert10
Garden strawberries9
Orange tree fruit8
Chinese cabbage8
Common peach8
Fruit of the raspberry bush8
Tufted pineapple fruit8
Nightshade dark fruited8
Hard Dutch cheese7
Umbrella fennel7
Apple fruits6
Berry watermelon6
Dried chicory root6
Gray Rubus6
Dried plum6
White flour bread6
myrtle berry6
Apricot tree fruit5
Processed fat cheese5
Garden radish5
Fruit of the pear tree4
Red radish4
cherry tree berry3
Bell pepper2
Common cucumber2
Perennial onion2
Edible burdock rabarbar2
Chicken eggs1
Quail eggs1
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