Drinking alkaline water - how beneficial is its effect on the body? Literature review

Mineral water for gout is prescribed to prevent attacks and quickly relieve pain during exacerbation of the disease. It is drunk to maximize remission (absence of inflammation, exacerbations), to relieve symptoms during recurring attacks of pain. Water combined with medications and a special diet speeds up recovery because it lowers the level of uric acid, the main cause of gouty changes in the joints.

This property has been known for centuries. Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, and Michelangelo were successfully treated with the waters. Peter I was literally raised to his feet by Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary). I. S. Turgenev, who suffered from excruciating gouty pain, always tried to go to Baden-Baden in moments of exacerbation, where he was treated with sodium chloride waters.

Today, you don’t need to go anywhere to recover. It is enough to know which alkaline mineral water will help with gout to buy it in the store.

Is it permissible to use mineral water in this case?

Experts unanimously say that mineral water is useful for gout on the legs or arms.
This source of nutrients saturates the patient’s body, allowing him to endure the disease in an easier form. First of all, the water-salt balance returns to normal. This is extremely important for the following reasons:

Important! Mineral water will help reduce the risk of these ailments. Its daily dose is determined by the doctor individually. It all depends on the patient’s well-being, his physiological characteristics and the severity of the disease.

Cost of excursions from Essentuki

The price of excursion services, depending on the route and the time the trip takes, varies widely:

  • the longest one-day excursion to Grozny costs 2,200 rubles;
  • A 2-day trip to the Uzunkol gorge will cost 3,200 rubles per person.

Group excursions from Essentuki

They are carried out on comfortable buses with professional guides both in Essentuki and throughout the North Caucasus.

Individual excursions, jeep tours

They are carried out in luxury cars with a driver-guide, or additionally with a personal professional guide.
One/two-day jeep tours throughout the North Caucasus are also available. We provide individual excursions from the cities of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody:

  • Kislovodsk;
  • Essentukov;
  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk.

Please call for the cost of an individual excursion or jeep tour. The car is picked up and returned from the excursion at your residence address.

Main types

There are many varieties of mineral water. Each type has its own special quality characteristics. This is due to varying degrees of mineralization. The more mineral nutrients dissolved in water, the stronger its effect on the patient’s body.

There are three main types of healing water.

Dining room

Mineralization is no more than 1 g/l. The indicator of dissolved nutrients is very small. In this regard, such a drink can be consumed every day for a fairly long period , without worrying about the consequences at all.

Such a drink will definitely not provoke negative changes in the body.

Table water helps restore the acid-base balance, cleanses the body of oxalic and uric acids, and removes toxins.

Examples of water: “Pilgrim”, “Arkhyz”, etc.

Medical dining room

Mineralization varies from 1 to 10 g/l. This drink also tastes good. But unlike the table variety, it may have a slightly salty taste.
Due to the high content of bicarbonate ions, the drink provokes the breakdown and removal of sodium urate and other purines from the patient’s body.

This leads to a reduction in the development of inflammatory processes and improvement of the genitourinary system. Drinking medicinal table water in large quantities is not recommended. Before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor. It can help establish acceptable volume.

An overdose can cause many urolithiasis, as well as provoke the rapid development of gout.

For some patients, medicinal table water is completely contraindicated.


Mineralization is more than 10 g/l. This figure may be less. This indicates that the drink contains additional biologically active components:

  • bromine,
  • iodine,
  • boron, etc.

Healing water helps reduce pain in affected joints, removes oxalic and uric acids, eliminates urinary tract spasms, has a diuretic effect and speeds up metabolism.

This type of drink is prescribed by a specialist. You need to drink medicinal water in a course (its duration should not be more than four weeks) . After this, it is important to take a break for several months. You should not drink the drink on your own initiative without consulting a doctor.

Reference! Before drinking medicinal water, you need to release excess gases from the bottle. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications in the functioning of the digestive system.

Benefits of use

Mineral water can have an incredible healing effect.

When used correctly , a person suffering from gout can observe the following positive changes:

  • improvement of metabolism. First of all, the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins is accelerated. This helps cleanse the body of toxins, as well as oxalic and uric acids;

  • normalization of water-salt balance (pH). Subsequently, acidity decreases, the risk of oxalates and urates in the joints is prevented, and the urinary system is normalized;
  • normalization of intestinal motility, improvement of appetite, normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This happens due to the restoration of pH balance;
  • enriching the body with useful minerals, trace elements and antioxidants;
  • preventing the formation of stones and other dangerous neoplasms;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • improving the body's resistance against the negative influence of the environment;
  • increasing the duration of gout remission, preventing the appearance of new undesirable symptoms;
  • reduction or complete disappearance of pain (due to the removal of purines from the body);
  • removal of “bad” cholesterol;
  • reduction in the frequency of attacks;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system (due to a decrease in acidity, the condition of blood vessels improves, blood circulation in the brain increases).


Rheumatologists warn that drinking mineral water and other alkaline drinks is not recommended for people with the following diseases and ailments:

  1. kidney disease;

  2. chronic pyelonephritis;
  3. acute obstruction of the urinary tract;
  4. disorders in the endocrine system, diabetes (especially when treated with insulin);
  5. exacerbations in the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, narrowing of the esophagus, etc.);
  6. osteoporosis;
  7. purulent discharge of varying degrees.

Important! Pregnant and nursing mothers can drink mineral water, but only in limited quantities. Before use, be sure to consult an experienced physician. Mineral water is contraindicated for children.

Which one can you drink?

To choose the right sparkling mineral water, you need to focus on two main factors:

  1. body reaction. If no negative changes are observed, then you can continue treatment of gout with mineral water;
  2. doctor's recommendations. Before use, it is better to seek advice from a professional. He will help determine the timing of treatment, the required dosage, and also select the most suitable type of mineral water.

Doctors advise drinking alkaline or slightly alkaline water. This is due to the fact that such a drink has the best healing properties.

Alkali-based water helps restore the acid and water balance disturbed by gout. Along with this, the deficiency of useful microelements is compensated, metabolic processes are improved, stones and other formations are resolved.


When choosing, you should focus on the composition of the product. High-quality mineral water contains the following components:

  • Hydrocarbonate. The ions of this substance contribute to the breakdown and removal of purine (including sodium urate). As a result, the pain associated with gout decreases, and the functioning of the genitourinary system returns to normal.
  • Calcium. It neutralizes uric acid, helps activate the metabolic process, and reduce inflammation.
  • Magnesium relieves spasms in the urinary organs and restores pH balance.
  • Silicon. Has a diuretic effect and accelerates metabolism.
  • fluorine, which prevents the active appearance of uric acid.

List of brands

The issue of choosing a mineral water manufacturer should be approached responsibly. Below is an overview and brand names:

Essentuki (No. 17, No. 4)

The mineral water mined in the Caucasus is classified as a medicinal table drink and is hydrocarbonate. The maximum amount of mineral elements is concentrated in it (especially in “Essentuki” at number seventeen).

Therefore, before use, you should definitely consult a doctor . When consumed correctly, the drink normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary organs, improves the patient’s well-being, and also provokes cleansing of the body from all kinds of purines.


It contains many organic elements. However, the degree of mineralization is low, which is why it is often classified as medicinal waters. “Naftusya” is hydrocarbonate (in addition to bicarbonate ions, it contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium).

does an excellent job of cleansing the body, reduces inflammation in tissues , and helps normalize the functioning of the urinary and biliary tract.
The drink may have a very specific taste, reminiscent of oil. It is advisable to drink it in pump rooms (in special structures located near mineral water wells, created to protect water from negative external influences). This way, all the beneficial properties will be preserved in the water, which will have a positive effect on the well-being of a gout patient.


The drink is extracted from glaciers, has natural carbonation, and belongs to the medicinal table sulfate waters. Bottled in the North Caucasus. “Narzan” will help improve the condition of gout , normalize the gastrointestinal tract, and speed up metabolism. Water also has a beneficial effect on the bone and nervous systems.


It is mined mainly near Zheleznovodsk. It is low-mineralized, medicinal, sulfate. Its main difference from other brands is that this mineral water can be consumed at all stages of the disease . Water improves the secretory function of the stomach, intestinal motility, and restores the functioning of all organs.


It is extracted from the wells of the Borjomi Nature Reserve, located in Georgia. It is a medicinal table sodium bicarbonate water. The drink has a pleasant taste and a rich chemical composition.

The main advantage is that Borjomi is produced in glass bottles. This allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties. This mineral water will help get rid of uric acid stones in a short period of time and reduce pain.


It is mined in the Stavropol region. Refers to medicinal table sulfate-bicarbonate waters. It also contains large amounts of calcium and sodium. The drink has a sour taste. This mineral water is weakly mineralized, but also copes well with the treatment of acute attacks of the disease.

Chemical composition of water "Essentuki 17"

The Essentuki mineral water deposit was formed more than 70 million years ago. It takes about 800 years before it acquires its properties.

First, rain and melt water that comes down from the peaks passes through the rocks to a depth of about 1 km. At the same time, it is purified, since the rocks act as a natural filter. Salt water left over from ancient seas mixes with rainwater, and under the influence of magmatic carbon dioxide of the ancient Elbrus volcano, chemical processes occur that enrich the water with useful minerals and gases. Natural pressure then pushes the water out.

According to GOST, “Essentuki 17” is chloride-bicarbonate sodium water of natural origin with a high content of mineral salts. It contains more than 30 elements that have a positive effect on health. Main substances:

  • bicarbonate,
  • sulfate;
  • chloride;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • boric acid.

The water is characterized by a high concentration of mineral salts from 10 to 14 g/l and high saturation with carbon dioxide. To preserve its natural properties, it is not transported - bottling is done close to the source. The elements included in the composition give the water a salty and slightly soda taste, and hydrogen sulfide gives it a specific odor.

Rules for use during treatment

In order for mineral water to have a healing effect, it is worth remembering the important rules for its use.

These include:

  1. mandatory consultation with an experienced specialist. Only he, knowing the full nature of the course of gout and focusing on the test results, will be able to establish what kind of water the patient can drink and in what quantities;
  2. You should drink in small sips, slowly and calmly;
  3. take on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals (at least three times a day);
  4. The period of use for medicinal purposes is approximately a month (one course). After a two-month break, treatment with mineral water can be continued. It is recommended to take 2-3 such courses per year;
  5. The drink should be at room temperature. Otherwise, a salt deposit may form, which will reduce the beneficial properties;
  6. before drinking, you should release excess gases from the drink (to do this, just leave the bottle open for a few minutes);
  7. the optimal dosage is calculated using this formula: “3 ml per 1 kg of weight.” Over time, the dosage can be increased (but not more than a liter per day and only with the permission of the attending physician);
  8. Be sure to alternate between drinking mineral and regular water. This will help maintain electrolyte balance;
  9. If complications occur, use of mineral water should be stopped.

Prohibited Products

For patients with gout, rich meat and fish broths, as well as soups based on them, are strictly prohibited. When cooked, they accumulate a huge amount of purine bases. Consuming even 100 ml of broth is highly likely to provoke another relapse of the disease. What else should be completely excluded from your diet:

  • offal, fatty and lean red meat - pork, beef, lamb;
  • fatty sea and river fish - herring, salmon, mackerel;
  • seafood and red caviar;
  • homemade and factory-made marinades, pickles and other preserves;
  • seasonings and sauces - horseradish, mustard, black and allspice, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • cheeses rich in salt and spices,
  • chocolate and other desserts with cocoa, sweet and savory pastries, protein, butter and custard;
  • sorrel, spinach.

Nutritionists recommend not consuming or significantly limiting mushrooms in the daily menu. This is also true for asparagus, celery, radishes, bell peppers, cauliflower, legumes, and pasta.

Disease prevention

When drinking a mineral drink for preventive purposes, remember the following rules:

  • daily norm of mineral water – no more than 300 ml;

  • To prevent gout, you should drink water for no more than a month. This time is enough to maintain a person’s well-being and prevent the development of the initial stages of the disease;
  • In addition to mineral water, you should use medications prescribed by your doctor. A good option would be regular massage treatments, physiotherapy, and traditional treatment;
  • During the period of exacerbation of symptoms, it is recommended to arrange fasting days, on which you are allowed to drink exclusively mineral water. In this case, a doctor's advice is required.

Gout symptoms

Acute gouty arthritis begins with damage to one joint, most often the big toe. The onset of acute arthritis may be preceded by heavy food consumption, alcohol intake, trauma, or surgery. The disease develops suddenly, with sharp pain, swelling and redness occurring early in the morning, symptoms increase rapidly and reach a peak within 24 to 48 hours. The pain becomes severe, patients often cannot put on socks or touch the sore joint. Acute gout can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees. Severe weakness, general malaise. Even without treatment, exacerbation of gouty arthritis disappears gradually within 5 to 7 days.

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