Massage of the cervical-collar area: benefits of the procedure, indications, principle

Headache, chronic fatigue, swelling are the consequences of an inactive lifestyle and sedentary work, which creates tension in the neck. Residents of a metropolis and people living in remote areas do not always have the opportunity to contact an experienced massage therapist. The solution is to give yourself a massage of the cervical-collar area at home, which only requires a partner and certain knowledge.

Technique for performing massage of the cervical-collar area

Massage has been practiced for several thousand years, during which it was possible to bring the technique of influencing the neck and shoulders to the ideal. Modern massage therapists do not need to go through a series of trials and errors - it is enough to follow the correct technique for performing massage of the cervical-collar area in order to bring only maximum benefit to patients.


The absence of discomfort during the massage is ensured by preliminary removal of things and clothing. First of all, chains and earrings that are easy for the massage therapist to get caught on are removed from the body. If possible, take a warm shower before the session to speed up muscle relaxation.

Accommodation options:

  1. Sitting. The patient sits on a chair or hard bed and leans his hands on a table provided.

  2. Lying down. A person lies down on a bed or a special massage table equipped with a slot for the face in its lower part.

ShVZ massage is also recommended after removing contact lenses and glasses. The minimum time for eating before the start of the session is 1.5 hours.

The massage should be carried out in a room where there are no drafts, but there is a constant flow of clean air.

Stage 1: muscle preparation

Muscle stimulation never begins with rough manipulations—light strokes help prepare the body for more intense and profound healing effects.

Stimulation of the SVZ area is performed along the main massage lines.

The surface contact of the inner part of the palms with the skin begins from the middle of the back and ends with the impact on the shoulders. Alternately, the palms move away from the spinal column, reaching the edge of the right shoulder blade. Then the massage therapist moves to the other shoulder and repeats similar stimulation.

It is recommended to start the first sessions with longitudinal and transverse strokes, and then move on to techniques that have a more complex trajectory of movement.

The number of strokes is from 8 to 10 times on each side. Stroking is given for at least 1 minute, especially if the patient is only undergoing the first session. After a few days, the patient’s body becomes more prepared for the therapeutic load, so the neck area massage technique can be supplemented with the “figure eight”. Execution pattern: the hand describes a trajectory in the form of an infinity sign, which extends to 2 shoulders.

A gradual increase in the load on the muscles is carried out by systematically speeding up the manipulations performed.

Stage 2: warming up the muscles

Stage 3: active massage SHVZ

All movements during kneading are carried out from head to shoulders, that is, from top to bottom. The only exception is the “drilling” technique. By studying the features of performing stage 3, novice massage therapists who are interested in how to properly massage a patient’s collar area will learn that the kneading procedure is the most labor-intensive. It includes 3 consecutive actions.

  • capture,
  • lifting,
  • kneading.

Spiral kneading is divided into 3 types, which are identical in technique (circular movements are combined with gripping skin and muscle tissue).

This type of kneading varies depending on the location of impact.

  1. trapezius muscles;
  2. supraspinatus fossa;
  3. paravertebral muscles.

Paravertebral muscles.

These muscles are located along the entire spinal column on both sides of the spinous processes and are often visible visually.

The first two elements are performed by the method of repeated ascension and descent of the fingertips, first along the trapezius muscle bundles, and then in the direction of the paravertebral muscle fibers. The supraspinatus fossa is massaged differently: circular rotation is carried out in one place.

After stimulation of this point, chopping is performed.

Softness and caution of the impact is the main scheme for performing a massage of the CVZ when working with this zone. The processing time for each phase is the same - from 30 to 60 seconds.

Stage 4: completion of the massage of the cervical-collar area

Finger rain is a relaxing and very pleasant procedure that simulates small drops hitting the skin. The masseur very quickly runs his fingers along the back, reminiscent of the process of typing using a keyboard. The execution time is a 10 second period.

The strokes that were performed at stage 1 are repeated to complete the CVZ massage technique in order to have a general relaxing effect. Light contact of the hands with the skin of the body helps the muscles return to their usual state, which does not interfere with everyday activities.

The duration of a therapeutic massage of the neck and collar at home does not exceed 15–20 minutes, except in cases where painful trigger zones are diagnosed in the body. Painful areas are formed due to prolonged overstrain of individual muscle groups, while manual pressure can relieve this spasm.

The massage technique for children, infants and the elderly is performed according to the same scheme, but with less intensity.


Strict adherence to the massage regimen is a guarantee of rapid improvement in the patient’s condition. You can study the techniques of performing a massage of the cervical-collar area in more detail on a video in which an experienced massage therapist carries out the correct treatment procedure. Find out quickly and easily how professionals restore health. If you master the lessons of massage of the cervical-collar area and carry out the treatment at least 2 times a week, you can quickly achieve noticeable improvements. Increased blood circulation, increased performance, increased brain activity - pleasant results that can be detected after 2-3 sessions.

Indications for use

Massage is indicated for patients with cervical osteochondrosis of any severity. Treatment procedures begin immediately after acute pain in the neck and back of the head has been eliminated and inflammation that has arisen due to damage to soft tissue by bone growths (osteophytes) has been relieved. Main indications for massage:

  • pain in the back of the neck;
  • restriction of movements;
  • crunching when bending and (or) turning the head.

Treatment procedures are especially recommended for osteochondrosis complicated by cerebrovascular accident as a result of compression of the vertebral artery. Clinically, this condition is manifested by dizziness, decreased visual and hearing acuity, shortness of breath, tinnitus, and double vision of objects in front of the eyes.

Massagers used for massage of the cervical-collar area

Ease of use, mobility and affordable price of massagers are the main advantages that arouse genuine interest among patients who cannot or do not want to visit a massage room. Understanding consumer preferences, medical equipment manufacturers are actively saturating the market with compact devices for muscle stimulation. However, do massagers for the cervical-collar area have any effect and can they replace the impact that is performed by the hands of a specialist?


Massaging devices differ in design, but their use is always used to achieve two main goals - increasing blood flow and lymph outflow. Depending on the cost of the massager, the model can be equipped with several types of influence (for example, mechanical with infrared).

Types of ShVZ massagers:

  • Collar pad.
    Ergonomic devices are placed on the upper back to provide a kneading effect using rollers that automatically roll under the fabric.

  • "Pillow".
    A device that is placed under the head is used to stimulate the muscles of the neck and partly the back. The weak vibration arising from the moving heads helps relieve attacks of cervical osteochondrosis.

  • Manual electric massager.
    A device with a handle and replaceable attachments helps massage the neck-collar area even in those areas of the back that are difficult to reach on your own.

  • Devices with infrared exposure.
    Together with the mechanical treatment of the PVZ with rollers, special emitters help warm the skin, accelerating pain relief.

  • "Butterfly".
    The myostimulator sends electronic impulses to the muscles, increasing blood flow. In addition to the weak effect, which is considered a disadvantage of the device, the massager should not be used by persons with a weak cardiovascular system and “pacemakers” (pacemakers).

  • Massager "Molecule".
    A universal device with several protrusions (“legs”), suitable for stimulating muscles over the entire surface of the body. Unlike electric massage devices, this option is less convenient for massage at home: its use is only effective if you have an assistant. Holding the center of the hand simulator, a professional massage therapist or assistant moves it along the CVZ.

  • Massager "Arc".
    A device equipped with spiked rollers has a more intense effect on the neck and back. It is also easier to use without an assistant to break down subcutaneous deposits at the withers and on the hips.

  • Tape massager with roller teeth.
    The muscle stimulation device visually resembles a washcloth belt. Operating principle: has a kneading effect by moving wooden or plastic mini-blocks over the entire surface of the back. The intensity of the massage is adjusted using the knobs.

It is most convenient to use automated options, since they provide massage without physical effort on the part of a person, but the price of these products is much higher than manual devices.

Helpful advice

Portable back and neck exercise machines are useful for office workers and drivers to use during their lunch breaks to prevent pain and cramps at the end of the working day.


The ability to use massagers for the cervical-collar area at a convenient time brings comfort to patients. Thanks to this convenience, reviews of devices that replace the hands of a massage therapist are mostly positive. However, manual devices and electrical devices are more designed for light muscle kneading (relieving spasms), while the more complex techniques of classical massage - grabbing and pulling - cannot be repeated with their use. For this reason, to correct most neurological diseases, therapists prescribe a course of therapeutic effects in a massage room, and after treatment, they recommend using these devices for prevention.

Contraindications for carrying out

With rare exceptions, massage for cervical osteochondrosis is carried out only after relief of acute pain and inflammation of soft tissues. It is started after the compression by osteophytes or displaced discs of the vertebral artery or spinal roots has been removed.


Massage procedures are not prescribed to patients with malignant tumors, aneurysms, atherosclerosis, hematopoietic disorders, mental pathologies, tuberculosis and HIV. Absolute contraindications also include thromboembolism, gangrene, angiitis, and osteomyelitis.


Massage is not performed in case of bleeding, acute inflammatory process, high body temperature, relapse of allergies, dyspeptic disorders, lymphadenitis. Relative contraindications include acute renal or cardiovascular failure.

Removing the “withers” with a massage of the cervical spine

“Withers” is a general designation for the protrusion on the upper back, on which a semblance of a hump appears. An aesthetic defect is formed due to the accumulation of fatty deposits, which do not disappear even with weight loss. Massage is an effective way to help safely break down and remove excess substances in the collar area. The procedure is useful for men and women interested in how to remove the withers easily and quickly.


Before starting the procedure, follow the classic recommendations for preparing for the massage. You can also enhance the effect of the procedure below by performing special head movements (several hours after the session). The manipulations are similar to those that are performed during communication with an interlocutor - with agreement (up and down), disapproval (right and left) or remark (“Ay-ay-ay”, as when addressing a child). Each type of exercise is performed at least 30 times.

Algorithm for performing the basic technique:

  • Stroking.
    Surface contact of the palms, carried out from top to bottom, helps relax the muscles. Stroking is performed from 7 to 10 times.
  • Trituration.
    The massage therapist performs rotational movements from the back of the head to the shoulders. If subcutaneous seals are detected in these areas, a longer local effect is performed. Rotating the fingers in place is performed in order to remove the withers thanks to an exercise that greatly accelerates the destruction (splitting) of subcutaneous deposits.
  • Cupping massage.
    Outlining an invisible triangle with the apex pointing downwards, the cup is moved (clockwise and then counterclockwise) to increase blood flow, which helps break down subcutaneous salt and fat. After exposure (for 1 minute), the rubbing procedure is repeated.
  • Massage with fists.
    The specialist runs his clenched fingers from the neck to the shoulders from top to bottom (simultaneously on both sides of the spinal column). Repeat - 3-5 times. After exposure, the cupping massage is repeated again.
  • Squeezing.
    The entire palm is placed on the upper back and then squeezed. Repeat 5–10 times.
  • Repeated stroking.
    Relaxation manipulation prepares muscles for the everyday rhythm of life.


In more than 80% of cases, the formation of “withers” is combined with the appearance and worsening of cervical osteochondrosis.
If you do not massage the cervical-collar area in the presence of a widow’s hump (the name of the aesthetic effect is used in common speech), then pain will be added to the visual defect.

An increase in growth provokes the consolidation of the habit of slouching, and also leads to compression of the artery that supplies the brain.


After eliminating the lump, the patient is recommended to sign up for preventive massage courses 1-2 times a year so that the protrusion on the back does not reappear. You can also get general information on how to remove the withers on the neck and make the collar area aesthetically attractive using a video where the method is demonstrated by Anna Kurkurina. A professional athlete and coach shows the technique in great detail, but in the most succinct and interesting way.



What is neck osteochondrosis

The term “osteochondrosis of the cervical spine” refers to typical dystrophic-destructive processes developing in the osteochondral tissue of the intervertebral discs . The disease manifests itself through changes not only in the structure of the discs themselves, but also in the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and biomechanical properties of the tissue of the spinal column.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a polyetiological disease. The main causes of the development of the disease are considered :

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • physiological deterioration of the body due to age-related changes.

Provoking factors include:

  • overstrain of the neck muscles in a forced fixed position for a long time;
  • injuries to the vertebrae and surrounding tissues (for example, “whiplash” movement of the head during a sudden stop of transport);
  • physical inactivity.

Another risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine is the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the cervical spine , the most compact, mobile and at the same time vulnerable segment of the spinal column.

The cervical spine is the weakest and most mobile. This is the main factor in the development of osteochondrosis.

The muscular corset of the neck, as a rule, is not well developed, as a result of which its shock-absorbing and protective properties in relation to the vertebrae concentrated in the cervical region are reduced. Taking this into account, as well as the possible combined effect of other disease-initiating factors, it is said that compression of nerve roots and blood vessels is possible even with minor displacements of the vertebrae or tension in the neck muscles.

Massage of the cervical-collar area with vacuum cups

You can increase the rate of breakdown of fat deposits and cause blood flow using the reduced pressure that is created when using pharmaceutical mini-cups. Round or oval devices are applied pointwise to the skin to help provide a beneficial vacuum cupping massage in the collar area and neck. The therapeutic effect is combined with a pleasant tactile contact caused by a slight pulling of the skin, which is reminiscent of a gentle grip of muscle tissue with the fingers of a massage therapist.


The most convenient products are plastic or glass jars of reduced diameter (the packaging says “for cervical massage”). They are already equipped with a rubber bulb that helps create a vacuum inside the vessel.

It is more difficult to use solid glass options: they must be periodically exposed to flame to create a vacuum. You need to repeat the warming up each time after the can is detached from the skin.

Products with a built-in supercharger are also inconvenient, since movement is complicated by the presence of an attached pump.

Massage experts recommend starting cupping treatment only after taking a hot bath. During the water procedure, the patient also uses a washcloth, which he uses to rub the area of ​​the PVZ until redness appears. Before performing a massage with a vacuum can, you also need to make sure that there are no scratches or other damage to the skin.

If it is impossible to take a bath, then the session begins with the obligatory rubbing and stroking of the CVZ area.


To provide a therapeutic effect on the neck, shoulders and upper back, only 1 massage jar is used, which actively moves throughout the body. To prevent the product from slipping off the skin, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with cream or oil.

Performing the procedure “from A to Z”:

  1. Attachment.
    Squeezing a plastic jar or bulb with your fingers, the massage therapist applies it to the skin in such a way that it is drawn inward by 1–2 cm. Attention: placing the therapeutic product should not cause pain.
  2. Combination of movements.
    The attached jar moves by sliding along the surface of the body. Technique: circular movements performed clockwise are combined with zigzag trajectories. Repeat each technique 5-6 times.
  3. Straight lines.
    The movement carried out up and down is carried out with a gradual distance from the spinal column to the edge of the scapula and back. When approaching it as much as possible, the “Arc” technique is performed - moving to another part of the back through the place where the seventh vertebra is located. The number of repetitions is 5–10.
  4. C-shaped trajectory.
    The massage therapist, describing the shoulder blades with a cup, performs a movement resembling a semicircle, 3-4 times on each side.
  5. Impact on the withers.
    This is where deposits of fat and salt most often accumulate, but by moving the can along the line of an imaginary triangle, with the apex pointing down, you can speed up the breakdown of unwanted substances.
  6. Non-reversible line.
    From the area of ​​the head where hair growth ends, the movement of the can begins up to the shoulder joint (3-4 times).
  7. Working out the cervical vertebrae.
    Circular movements begin from the last cervical vertebra and rise to the first. Then you need to return to the starting point.
  8. Disconnect.
    After performing a massage of the cervical-collar area using cups, they are carefully removed from the skin, which should smoothly straighten.
  9. Strengthening the effect.
    In order for the dermis to accept its usual thermal regime, it is necessary to wrap yourself in a blanket for 15 minutes after finishing the massage.

The degree of applied load (intensity of vacuum discharge) should increase gradually - otherwise, light bruises and bruises may appear on unprepared skin. The area of ​​the cervical-collar area of ​​the body that is least sensitive to damage is the surface of the shoulder blades, the most susceptible is the neck.


Vein thrombosis, increased capillary fragility and extensive skin pigmentation are prohibitive conditions for the use of massage cups.


Acceleration of metabolic processes, lymph outflow, blood flow and oxygen saturation of cells is the result of using vacuum therapy. Anyone can easily learn vacuum massage with a jar, especially if you use the easy-to-learn video, which is located just below.

Neck massage for hypertension

The hypothalamus and medulla oblongata are two centers that regulate blood pressure. Having undergone a massage for hypertension, the patient improves health by normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system, restoring the vestibular system and stabilizing breathing. However, only hypertensive patients with the initial form of the disease are allowed to use the treatment procedure, while grades 2 and 3 are prohibitive conditions for visiting a massage parlour.


The optimal position for the patient is a sitting position: quiet placement on a chair leads to both muscle relaxation and blood flow from the head. Maintaining this body position prevents pressure from increasing during the session.

Features of a massage session for hypertension:

  1. favorable time of day - morning;
  2. recommended exposure time is from 20 to 40 minutes;
  3. upper pressure limit - 160 units;
  4. precautions - measuring blood pressure before the session.

If unpleasant sensations do not arise, then you can transfer your hands to the couch, on which your head rests. In addition to massage of the cervical-collar area, the effect is on the scalp and frontotemporal parts of the body.

All manipulations for hypertension are performed in strictly one direction - from top to bottom.


The beginning of the session consists of elements of a classic massage associated with stroking and rubbing the surface of the CVZ. Then the massage therapist moves on to the scalp. During the procedure, it is necessary to focus on the patient’s condition: the patient should not experience pain - otherwise, the massage should be stopped.

Methods of influence:

  • Relaxation.
    After stroking the head three times - from the crown to the shoulders - spiral movements are repeated in the area of ​​the parietal part of the skull, which are performed with the pads of the 4 fingers of each hand. Tempo: from light touch to gradually increasing effort.
  • Trituration.
    Attempts to grab the skin are intensified and are carried out along a trajectory stretching from the crown to the end of hair growth on the head.
  • Impact on the SHVZ area.
    Light strokes (not with a fist) are carried out from the line of the first cervical vertebra to the shoulder joint (3-7 times on each side).
  • Facial massage.
    For ease of exposure, the patient leans back in a chair to open access to the forehead. Palm stroking is performed using a multidirectional movement made with both hands from the midline of the forehead. Important: it is prohibited to use forceful techniques in this area of ​​the body.
  • Acupuncture treatment.
    Using acupressure for hypertension, the massage therapist lowers the pressure by pressing on the parietal fossa.
  • Relieving tension from the temples.
    The temporal area is massaged using circular massaging movements.
  • Effect on eyebrows.
    The masseur grabs the skin of the brow ridges with his thumbs and forefingers and massages them.
  • Finger rain.
    Rhythmic tapping on the face, neck and shoulders is the final massage technique.

The main positive, almost immediate result of the massage is a reduction in blood pressure by 10–20 points at once. The main thing is not to rush and not to conduct the session intensively, so that the pressure, on the contrary, does not rise.

A visit to the massage room after suffering a hypertensive crisis is possible only after 4 days. The technique of execution is distinguished by the most gentle effect.


For high blood pressure, it is recommended to take a course of 10 sessions at least once every six months. Frequency of execution: daily or every other day. After a neck massage for hypertension, it is possible to stabilize blood pressure for a long time and eliminate most of the symptoms (including tinnitus and numbness of the fingers) that occur with high blood pressure. If this recommendation is followed, the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis is reduced by more than 50%.


There are several stages of pathological changes in the cervical spine as osteochondrosis develops. Each of them has its own symptomatic picture.

  • At stage 1, the manifestation of symptoms is insignificant: only muscle tension and pain of moderate intensity are noted.
  • During the 2nd stage, there is an increase in pain, which is associated with the progressive destruction of the fibrous ring, narrowing of the intervertebral spaces and compression of nerve endings. In persons suffering from hypertension, against this background, an increase in blood pressure is observed, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • The 3rd stage is characterized by a pronounced increase in pain: it becomes constant, intense, spreads to the glenohumeral area and forearms, sharply intensifying with palpation of the neck. The patient also feels numbness and paresis of the skin, stiffness and limited mobility of the joints of the upper extremities.
  • At the 4th stage, the vertebral artery is involved in the deformation processes occurring in the intervertebral discs. In this regard, the clinical picture expands due to cardiovascular and autonomic dysfunctions. At this stage of the course of cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms may be similar to those of angina pectoris. The patient experiences severe dizziness, on the verge of fainting, accompanied by impaired coordination of movements. The pain becomes burning, intensifying with physical and emotional stress, and with changing weather conditions. Visual and auditory disturbances are possible.

Osteochondrosis of the neck is dangerous because dystrophic changes affect the vertebral artery

The stage of the disease and the degree of its clinical manifestations influence the choice of treatment tactics and the sequence of use of a set of rehabilitation measures.

Video: “What is vertebral artery syndrome?”

Express massage in a sitting position (massage at the workplace)

Self-massage is a procedure designed to replace the therapeutic effect provided by a massage therapist. It is also useful to acquire the skill of self-massage of the neck and shoulders to relieve spasms during the working day. Restoring good health may be necessary both during a hike and before performing physical exercises, which sometimes - without warming up the muscles - cause discomfort in the body. Anyone can quickly master the technique performed with their own hands, thanks to relatively simple techniques that are easy to repeat.


Muscle stimulation is carried out in a short time - up to 5 minutes, so to achieve a quick result, the impact is on the main zones in which tension is most often formed. Accelerated massage is performed through clothing, so predominantly pressure techniques are used, while grasping and pulling the skin is more difficult to achieve without direct contact with the skin.

Express self-massage technique:

  • Stroking.
    Stroking manipulations are performed 2-3 times from the head to the shoulder joint.
  • Trituration.
    Use your fingertips to rub your neck using circular movements.
  • Shoulder warm-up.
    With slightly bent fingers, apply pressure with all fingers, first on one shoulder, then on the other.
  • Patting.
    The entire part of the CVZ, accessible for independent influence, is worked through with rhythmic touches during express massage.
  • Tingling.
    The area of ​​the neck and back, not covered by clothing, is slightly pulled in places of local impact (in a chaotic manner).
  • Rubbing the trapezius muscle.
    Hands are placed on the edges of the 7th vertebra in order to then warm up (grip) the muscles.
  • Stroking.
    The massage ends with a series of light touches.


Hands are actively warmed up while performing self-massage, which gives an auxiliary positive effect - the prevention of “tunnel syndrome” (excessive tension in the hand).
After completing the express massage, you can quickly return to your work duties. A surge of strength and clarity of consciousness appear within 2–3 minutes, and a decrease in tension can be felt even while performing the therapeutic technique.


The entire process listed above is repeated by a massage therapist or work colleague, but the arsenal of additional manipulations available for use is significantly expanded.

Auxiliary techniques:

  • Raising the shoulders.
    The masseur grabs them from both sides and then “drops them”. The number of repetitions is 3–5.
  • Shoulder extension.
    Shifting the shoulder girdle back leads to restoration of posture and relief of tension.
  • Pressure on the supraspinatus fossa.
    Starting with this technique, the patient leans on the table and tilts his head slightly. The masseur rests on the upper back and massages the cervical-collar area in the area of ​​these pits (with his thumb). The pressure lasts 4 s, then the impact is shifted horizontally by 2–3 cm and repeated until the edge of the shoulder blades is reached.
  • Pressing along the lines from the spine.
    A similar manipulation, including an indentation, is performed from the 7th cervical vertebra to the middle of the back (along the vertical plane).
  • Chopping.
    A light vibrating effect is carried out by the ribs of the palms, which alternately touch the back. The reception lasts up to 2–3 minutes.

Interesting fact!

Express massage, which is carried out at least 2 times a week, reduces the level of cortisol in the blood and increases the employee’s intellectual abilities.
You can perform express massage on an office chair, but the development of the service sector has allowed the emergence of an unusual type of office massage, which is performed on special folding furniture. The device has protrusions for the face, like a real massage chair, but the position of the person is maintained in a sitting position.

Despite the convenience of the method, not all employers are ready to allow employees to rest in this way.


Increasing mental and physical activity, relieving spasms and eliminating reduced blood supply to the brain are just a small part of the positive effects that are observed after just a couple of sessions. Want to learn massage techniques on the job? The practicing massage therapist presented in the video shares all the existing subtleties and nuances that are necessary for the effective implementation of the treatment procedure. As soon as you begin to apply effective advice in practice, you will definitely feel a significant improvement in your well-being, increase your productivity and prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

Relaxing massage "Anti-stress"

The effect of stress is associated with an inevitable increase in the level of cortisol in the blood, which slows down the saturation of muscles with amino acids. The general nervous condition also causes muscle fibers to tense, causing physical discomfort. The cervical-collar area spasms the most, which can easily be soothed by a relaxing Anti-Stress massage, which helps a person quickly return to inner peace and harmony.


When preparing to perform a therapeutic effect, the massage therapist prepares for a more gentle effect than that provided for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases. Relaxing hand contact is associated only with gentle contact of low or medium force. The main effect is on the head area.

Sequence of performing the “Anti-stress” technique:

  • Stroking.
    Hands clasp your head, then they gradually descend to your shoulders (repeat 5 times). Then the impact is transferred to the neck: movements in a circle, carried out with the pads of the fingers, begin from the location of the first vertebra and reach the skin of the shoulder girdle.
  • Massage of the back of the head and ears.
    The thumbs are placed behind the ears, while the other fingers are bent and slightly further away. The trajectory of the hand movement is from the behind-the-ear space to the center of the back of the head. Then a similar technique is repeated in the opposite direction (3 times).
  • Temple stimulation.
    A similar movement in the CVZ area is performed up to the back of the head, but begins from the temple area. Working out the temporal part is an important part of anti-stress massage: impact on this area helps to quickly relieve headaches, which are often present with nervous tension. It is necessary to repeat the reception until a feeling of lightness appears.

  • Massage of the parietal area.
    The fingers repeat a scratching-like movement directly in the area of ​​the parietal part of the head.
  • Kneading the forehead.
    The fingertips are placed on the area where hair begins to grow (face area), and the little fingers touch the eyebrows. Circular movements are gradually transferred to the right and left. Another option is to use two hands, but massage without moving the fingers.
  • Impact on the shoulder girdle.
    The massage therapist moves his fists from the back of the head to the shoulder joint. The manipulation is repeated 8–10 times.
  • Finger rain.
    A pleasant, relaxing procedure that relieves tension through rhythmic but light tapping of fingers over the entire surface of the head, neck and shoulders.

The recommended duration of massage for the cervical-collar area is 8–10 minutes. To enhance the relaxing effect, you can also use aromatic candles, quiet music and essential oils, which help to quickly distract from unpleasant thoughts and emotions.

Medical fact

Taking a course of relaxing massage helps to significantly increase stress resistance.


It is recommended to use this type of massage for anyone experiencing excessive mental or physical stress. You can also use anti-stress body massage if necessary occasionally, if you have to deal with exciting situations only occasionally. An additional pleasant effect is a change in a person’s attitude towards a stressful situation after therapeutic stimulation. Relaxation and recuperation help make the problem less significant or find ways to get rid of it faster.

Basic recommendations

  • To perform the manipulations, you will need a hard, flat surface.
  • The sessions should be conducted by a massage therapist with a medical education who is familiar with the features of the procedure and its effect on the body.
  • The procedure is most often carried out in the first half of the day, the optimal duration is no more than 1 hour (the first session is 15-40 minutes).
  • The technique is carried out using oils that make the hands easier to glide.
  • Initially, a light superficial massage is performed, gradually the intensity of movements increases.

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Self-massage is a procedure designed to replace the therapeutic effect provided by a massage therapist. It is also useful to acquire the skill of self-massage of the neck and shoulders to relieve spasms during the working day. Restoring good health may be necessary both during a hike and before performing physical exercises, which sometimes - without warming up the muscles - cause discomfort in the body. Anyone can quickly master the technique performed with their own hands, thanks to relatively simple techniques that are easy to repeat.


The exercise can be performed either sitting or standing - the effectiveness of the effect does not change depending on the position of the body. However, uncomfortable positions that cause muscle tension should be avoided.

Method of neck and shoulder self-massage:

  • Neck.
    First, you grab it with both hands, which touch the cervical vertebrae with your fingertips, but do not press on them. Then strokes are carried out, descending from top to bottom (amplitude from 1 to 3 cm). Stimulation options: with both hands simultaneously or with each hand alternately.
  • Shoulder girdle.
    Having begun to rub the neck in a circular motion, the person, without leaving the body, moves his hands to his shoulders and rhythmically grasps the skin (the technique of squeezing the fingers is reminiscent of the process of sculpting plasticine). Gradually, the massage area of ​​the neck-collar area shifts to the shoulders.

  • Upper back.
    Together with the shoulder girdle, the adjacent skin areas are kneaded. The maximum amount of time should be devoted to the upper trapezius muscle, which is often very tense.
  • The entire neck and collar area.
    At the end of the massage, any actions are performed that can be repeated with your own hands - patting, tapping, chopping (20 times each technique). Kneading the muscles should be completed by stroking.

If during self-massage you were able to detect trigger points that cause pain when pressed, then you should rub them very carefully.

Only specialists in the field of massage have the knowledge and skills to help bring exceptionally beneficial effects to these areas of the body.

Medical fact.

You can massage the CVZ area even through clothing, so you can provide a therapeutic effect not only at home.

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