Shooting in the neck (cervicago) - what is it, causes, first aid

According to statistics, in recent years, neck pain has begun to bother people more often. This was facilitated by the emergence of computers and new “sedentary” professions. Today, many people do not exercise, are overweight, and often experience stress - these factors also play a role in the occurrence of neck pain. What exactly causes neck pain and how to deal with it?

Cervical radiculitis (“pinched nerve”)

Radiculitis at the level of the cervical spine most often occurs when the roots of the spinal nerves are compressed.

This usually occurs due to cervical spondylosis or a herniated disc, where the outer portion of the disc (the annulus fibrosus) ruptures and the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes into the spinal canal. Sometimes cervical sciatica occurs due to infections (herpes virus infection, Lyme disease).

How does it manifest itself? Often there is pain in the neck, radiating to the arm. Moreover, the hand may become numb or weaken. Typically, the diagnosis of cervical radiculitis can be made after a neurological examination. However, in some cases it may be necessary to perform a computed tomography or electromyography scan.


Preventive measures aimed at eliminating spasms of the cervical muscles include the following:

  • daily exercises to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine;
  • preventive massage course once every six months;
  • annual medical examination;
  • complete rest;
  • balanced diet;
  • consumption of at least two liters of water per day;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • active lifestyle.

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

Diffuse skeletal hyperostosis (Forestier disease)

This disease develops mainly in people over 50 years of age. It has been established that the most likely cause of the development of Forestier disease is the accumulation of calcium salts in the ligamentous apparatus of the spine.

Forestier's disease may not manifest itself in any way, but in some cases a person's neck mobility decreases and pain occurs. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an X-ray examination, and in some cases, a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan will be required. There is no specific treatment for this disease.

Causes of neck pain in the front

Thyroid diseases

Organ damage can occur in people of all ages, including children. Pain in the front of the neck can be a consequence of both inflammatory processes and endocrine pathology. The pain intensifies with head movements, especially when tilting the head forward. The symptom is accompanied by elevated temperature, increased sweating, constant feeling of heat, and rapid heartbeat. Pain is often caused by the following reasons:

  • Acute thyroiditis
    . Soreness develops suddenly, more often after an acute respiratory viral infection or other infections. Characteristic complaints are severe acute pain in the anterolateral part of the neck, which extends to the mastoid process and collarbone.
  • Toxic goiter
    . Painful sensations of a pressing or bursting nature are localized along the cervical midline; in the case of a single thyroid nodule, the pain is more pronounced on one side. Patients themselves notice an enlargement of the neck.
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis
    . In the phase of thyrotoxicosis, patients note severe discomfort in the front of the neck, which is not associated with changes in head position. Neck pain is accompanied by irritability, tremors (shaking) of the limbs, and sleep disturbances.


When the submandibular salivary glands are affected, complaints are usually made of sharp pain in the front of the neck, radiating to the ear and lower jaw. Unpleasant sensations tend to intensify when turning the head, chewing and swallowing movements. A swelling and compaction up to several centimeters in size very quickly forms. Due to a decrease in the amount of saliva, it becomes difficult to eat, and there is a constant dry mouth. Often sialadenitis occurs with disturbances in the general condition - low-grade fever, chills, weakness.

Purulent inflammation

Frequent causes of sharp pain are purulent processes in the pharynx, which spread to the adjacent tissue with the development of a retropharyngeal abscess. Patients complain that the neck begins to hurt in the front, the skin in this part is hot to the touch and bright pink. The pain is strong and throbbing. Due to severe discomfort, a person refuses food and water. The symptom occurs against the background of febrile fever. Similar manifestations can be detected with extensive paratonsillar abscesses, complicating bacterial tonsillitis.


Inflammation of the neck muscles causes sharp shooting or dull pain in the neck that lasts for several days or even weeks. Pain with myositis often occurs after hypothermia or exposure to drafts. As a rule, pain is noted in the front of the neck, moving to the chin, collarbone and shoulders. The intensity increases with prolonged stay in one forced position and heavy physical activity. If symptoms worsen over time and interfere with daily work, you should consult a specialist to determine the cause of your neck pain.

Cervical plexitis

The severity of symptoms depends on the number of damaged nerves. The most common symptoms are sharp pain on the anterolateral surface, difficulty when trying to talk loudly or cough. Painful sensations can radiate to the ear, occipital region, and chest. Characterized by paresthesia, a feeling of “crawling goosebumps.” Patients associate the appearance of unpleasant symptoms with hypothermia, complications after vaccination, and injuries. Damage to the cervical plexus - plexitis - is also provoked by other causes: diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases.

Rheumatic diseases

Pain in the front of the neck is observed in systemic pathologies of connective tissue (collagenosis) with predominant damage to muscle tissue and skin - scleroderma, dermatomyositis. Typical are constant painful sensations of a pulling or aching nature, which are accompanied by thickening and swelling of the skin. Shooting pains radiating to the anterior surface of the neck are possible when the spinal column is involved due to rheumatoid arthritis. With collagenosis, along with local symptoms, signs of damage to other systems develop.


Frequent causes of pain in the upper neck are inflammatory processes in the lymphoid tissue. Patients report severe local pain in the submandibular region on one side. The discomfort is aggravated when talking or tilting the head towards the affected area. The symptom is accompanied by a swelling ranging in size from a pea to a walnut. The skin over the formation is swollen and hyperemic. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, high body temperature, general weakness, and possible myalgia are observed. A similar clinical picture is also typical for lymphangitis.

Damage to the cartilage of the larynx

Severe dull pain in the midline of the neck may be a manifestation of a tuberculous process in the cartilaginous tissue of the larynx. Men note local discomfort in the Adam's apple area. In addition to pain, prolonged low-grade body temperature and increased night sweats are detected. With chondroperichondritis of the larynx, sharp pain occurs in the upper and middle third of the neck. Also in this area, a round, painful formation is palpated, the skin over which becomes bright red. Symptoms are also caused by other causes: recurrent perichondritis, developmental abnormalities.

Angina pectoris

With atypical variants of angina attacks, instead of squeezing pain in the heart, patients feel pain in the front of their neck. The pain is very strong, combined with a feeling of lack of air, it becomes difficult to talk and swallow. In addition to pain, other symptoms are noted: severe weakness, cold sweat and paleness of the extremities, shortness of breath. Intense pain in the cervical region, arising against the background of discomfort in the heart, accompanied by a faint state, pallor and fear of death, may indicate the development of myocardial infarction.


Severe pain can occur after blows to the front of the neck, sports injuries, or car accidents. In case of minor injuries or bruises, the pain syndrome persists for several days; breathing and swallowing problems are usually absent. With injuries to internal organs, primarily injuries to the larynx, patients complain of unbearable pain, which is combined with shortness of breath and hemoptysis. In any case, after injuries to the cervical region, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to determine the extent of the damage and provide medical assistance.

Diseases of internal organs

In inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the trachea or esophagus, pain can be localized in front along the surface of the neck. In this case, they are called referred pain. With esophagitis, in addition to pain, problems with swallowing are disturbed, constant heartburn and chest discomfort are observed. In the case of tracheitis, pain in the front of the neck occurs against the background of a painful dry cough, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels, and sometimes shortness of breath develops. Pain syndrome can be a sign of widespread mediastinitis involving the cervical tissue.

Rare causes

  • Spinal lesions:
    spinal osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal stenosis and intervertebral hernia.
  • Tumor metastases.
  • Staying in an awkward position for a long time
  • Congenital pathologies
    : short neck syndrome (Klippel-Feil), hypoplasia of the axis tooth, accessory cervical rib syndrome.
  • Cervical compression syndrome

Degenerative diseases

Discogenic pain syndrome is perhaps the most common cause of neck pain. The syndrome develops due to degenerative changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs. As a result, the load is distributed unevenly between the discs, facet joints, and endplates. With this disease, pain in the neck occurs when turning or tilting the head; the condition worsens if you keep your head in one position for a long time. This pain may be referred to the arm or shoulder.

Cervical spondylosis occurs due to degenerative changes in the cervical spine. Gradual wear of the intervertebral discs leads to a reduction in the intervertebral space, deformation of the bones and their proliferation (formation of osteophytes). In most cases, these age-related changes do not cause any inconvenience. However, they sometimes result in pressure on the spinal nerve root, causing chronic neck pain and, in some cases, numbness or pain in the shoulder or arm.

Spondylogenic cervical myelopathy. Degenerative changes in the cervical spine can lead to a narrowing of the central canal of the spinal cord, which can cause the spinal cord itself to become damaged and begin to malfunction. As a result, neck pain, limited mobility, as well as general weakness, poor coordination of movements, uncontrolled urination and defecation, and problems in the sexual sphere. The disease most often develops after 55 years of age and often requires surgical intervention.


Patients who have neck pain on the side require an initial consultation with a general practitioner or traumatologist, then, according to indications, the person is referred to related specialists. A diagnostic search involves conducting modern instrumental imaging methods to determine the cause of pain and prescribing additional laboratory tests. The most informative are:

  • Sonography
    . Ultrasound of the cervical region is used to study the condition of internal organs, lymph nodes and endocrine glands. The study allows you to detect space-occupying formations, ulcers, and cysts. Additionally, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed.
  • X-ray examination
    . To exclude a vertebrogenic cause of neck pain on the right, an X-ray of the cervical spine is performed in frontal and lateral projections. If dislocations or traumatic injuries to the atlas are suspected, an image is taken through the mouth.
  • Examination of ENT organs
    . Often, pain syndrome is caused by severe diseases of the respiratory tract, so pharyngoscopy and indirect laryngoscopy are necessary. If suspicious signs are detected, endoscopy of the larynx and pharynx is performed.
  • Neurological examination
    . Pain in the neck area can be a consequence of pathological processes in the central nervous system, so superficial and deep tendon reflexes and coordination of movements must be studied. If necessary, a CT or MRI of the brain is done.
  • Blood chemistry
    . The levels of acute phase indicators and the percentage of protein fractions are determined, which is necessary to exclude signs of the inflammatory process. Liver tests, pancreatic enzymes, and a complete blood count are assessed.

When ultrasound reveals large formations of the thyroid gland, a fine-needle biopsy of the node is required, followed by cytomorphological examination. Be sure to do a blood test for thyroid-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland, T3 and T4, and parathyroid hormone. In some cases, duplex scanning of the neck vessels is required to assess the speed of blood flow. If it is suspected that the superior vena cava is compressed, radiography of the OGK is indicated to exclude mediastinal tumors.

Muscle pain

Spasms of the muscles of the neck and upper back occur due to injuries, physical strain during the day, in particular, incorrect postures, and emotional stress. Also, muscles can spasm due to an uncomfortable pillow. This condition usually manifests itself as pain and limited neck mobility. Within 6 weeks the pain goes away. To speed up the process, it is recommended to do special exercises, as well as eliminate the cause of muscle strain, if possible.



  • Cost: 3,000 rub.
  • Duration: up to 20 minutes

More details

The selection of treatment tactics is carried out taking into account the patient’s individual indications and the results of diagnostic studies. The main goals of treatment are:

  • minimizing or eliminating pain;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • stabilization of blood supply in the affected area;
  • restoration of joint mobility.

For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, ointments, injections (“Papazol”, “No-shpa”, “Spazmalgon”). The patient should limit physical activity and minimize physical exertion. If pain persists when turning the neck, treatment is supplemented with physiotherapy and wearing a special collar, which minimizes the load on the cervical vertebrae.

Physical therapy can achieve good results. Properly selected exercises can strengthen the muscular frame of the neck and provide additional support to the vertebrae of the neck. They are recommended as a preventative measure for anyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, since they stimulate metabolic processes and have a dilating effect on blood vessels.

In addition to the above, other treatment methods are used:

  • novocaine blockade (for severe pain);
  • acupuncture;
  • post-isometric relaxation;
  • avoidance of alcohol and foods that negatively affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels;
  • electrophysiotherapy;
  • professional massage.

Cervical osteochondrosis?

Among the diseases that cause neck pain, we did not mention “cervical osteochondrosis.” This diagnosis is usually made in the countries of the former Soviet Union. In fact, all the diseases listed above are attributed to osteochondrosis.

Degenerative changes in the spine are observed in almost all people over 40 years of age, and this is absolutely no reason to call a person sick and begin active treatment. Neck pain and other symptoms should indicate a real diagnosis, after which therapy is prescribed.

When should you see a doctor for neck pain?

The main reasons for which a consultation with a neurologist is necessary:

  • Strong headache;
  • neck injury;
  • loss of control over urination or bowel movements;
  • numbness, tingling, weakness in the arms or legs;
  • the pain does not go away for a week, and there is no improvement;
  • when conventional painkillers do not help.

See your doctor immediately if:

  • You have a fever, a headache, and your neck is so stiff that you cannot reach your chin to your chest. It could be meningitis;
  • Signs of a heart attack include chest pain, rapid breathing, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the arm or jaw.


If unpleasant sensations rarely bother you, they may be the result of an uncomfortable sleeping position or awkward head movement. No special treatment is required. To eliminate discomfort, do exercises, light rubbing, take warm baths, it is recommended to use an orthopedic mattress and pillows. But there are situations when you urgently need a consultation with a neurologist or chiropractor.

Warning signs include:

  • stiffness of movements;
  • the duration of painful sensations is more than 1-2 days;
  • the appearance of concomitant pain in the shoulder, arm;
  • frequent headaches, especially in the back of the head, which are accompanied by dizziness;
  • numbness of fingers, hands.

If you have suffered a neck, head or spine injury and are constantly experiencing pain in these areas, we invite you to contact our Innovative Medical Center for help.

Acute purulent diseases of soft tissues

In the neck area there are many anatomical formations, between which there is fatty tissue. Cellular spaces are separated from each other by cervical fascia. They form peculiar closed compartments in which inflammatory processes can occur. All of them are accompanied by pain in the neck on the front right.

  • Furuncle . This is a superficially located dense nodule, in the center of which a necrotic core appears after 3-4 days. Depending on the location of the formation, a person’s neck hurts on the right front or back. The patient is also concerned about itching and swelling of the boil site;
  • abscess . It manifests itself as redness of the skin, swelling and pain in the neck on the right front. Upon palpation, you can feel a soft round formation. Fluctuation indicates the presence of an abscess. This symptom indicates a local accumulation of pus;
  • phlegmon . It differs from an abscess in the absence of a capsule that would protect the pus from the surrounding tissues. The inflammatory process spreads to the entire cellular space. The patient has a very painful neck on the right front, body temperature rises, chills and signs of general intoxication appear.

Purulent lesions of soft tissues in the cervical region are extremely dangerous. They can cause inflammation of nearby organs, lymph nodes, blood vessels and nerves. In the worst case, purulent meningitis can develop - a severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain, which is fatal.

Never try to open boils or abscesses on your neck yourself. During manipulation, you can damage great vessels, nerve bundles or other vital structures. By self-medicating, you risk your own health and even life.

Why does a child’s neck hurt on the right side?

In some cases, children may experience pain in the front or back of their neck. It may be caused by incorrect posture, the height of the furniture not matching the height of the child, carrying an uncomfortable briefcase, or lifting heavy objects. Painful sensations in the neck area may indicate lymphadenitis, pharyngitis, retropharyngeal abscess, spinal pathology, inflammatory diseases of the soft tissues of the neck, etc. Let's consider the most difficult to diagnose and dangerous diseases in which the neck on the right side of a child hurts.


Otitis is an acute inflammation of the middle, outer or inner ear. The disease occurs after hypothermia, an acute respiratory viral infection or a runny nose. A child with otitis media has pain in the ear and neck on the right side, body temperature rises, chills, general weakness and other signs of intoxication appear.

If left untreated, otitis media can lead to facial paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscesses and other serious complications. Therefore, if your baby has pain in the right side of the neck and ear, immediately go for a consultation with a pediatric ENT doctor.


The pathology may be congenital or acquired. Torticollis is manifested by tilting the head with its simultaneous rotation to the side. The development of the disease is caused by congenital shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, birth injuries or defects in the development of the spine.

Pathology can be suspected by the forced position of the baby's head. Due to constant tension, the child has pain in the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck on the right. Over a long period of time, the disease can lead to facial asymmetry and spinal deformity.

Infectious mumps

The disease is well known among the people as “mumps” or “mumps”. Infectious mumps is characterized by acute inflammation of the parotid salivary glands, causing severe pain and swelling in the neck, back of the head and behind the ears. The appearance of the child resembles a pig.

Mumps is manifested by an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees, a runny nose, pain and sore throat, and bad breath. In some children, the pancreas becomes inflamed, which causes them to experience pain in the left hypochondrium, nausea, and diarrhea. Note that the disease most often affects boys. When involved in testicular pathology, mumps can lead to infertility.

Acute thyroiditis

It is a fairly rare disease. The pathology is characterized by focal or diffuse inflammation of the thyroid gland. In patients with acute thyroiditis, pain is localized in the front of the neck, on the left and/or right side. The clinical picture depends on the activity and nature of the inflammatory process (purulent, non-purulent), and the localization of the pathology.

Acute thyroiditis is manifested by a sharp increase in body temperature, chills, headaches, weakness and other signs of general intoxication. The thyroid gland increases in size, and round, painful formations may appear in it. At first, a person’s neck hurts in the front right, later the discomfort spreads to the back of the head, lower jaw and ear.

What to do if your neck hurts on the right

Do you have pain on the right side of your neck and don't know what to do? Go for a consultation with a doctor and undergo a full examination. This will help identify the cause of pain and choose treatment tactics.

To combat occipital neuralgia, muscle relaxants, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. If drug treatment is ineffective, the patient is given drug blockades. To do this, corticosteroid hormones are injected into the tissue near the inflamed nerve.

In case of vertebrogenic pain caused by osteochondrosis of the spine or its complications, a person needs to change their lifestyle: start moving more, perform special exercises and go to physiotherapy. To relieve pain, you can use ointments based on NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Nise Gel, Nimesulide). If serious complications of osteochondrosis develop, a person needs the help of a doctor.

A sharp pain on the right side of the front of the neck should always cause you serious concern. It indicates inflammatory diseases of the pharynx or cellular spaces of the neck. These diseases are treated in a hospital setting with antibiotic therapy. Often patients require surgical intervention. During the operation, doctors open the abscess or remove the cellulitis.

Myofascial syndromes

The pathology develops against the background of diseases of the spinal column. Myofascial pain usually occurs in people with cervical osteochondrosis due to reflex muscle tension. Painful sensations intensify after hypothermia, prolonged sitting or sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

Factors contributing to the development of myofascial syndromes:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess body weight;
  • incorrect posture;
  • hard physical labor;
  • "sedentary work;
  • frequent exposure to drafts;
  • prolonged limitation of mobility (for example, after injury or surgery).

Painful sensations with myofascial syndromes can be localized in the trapezius or other muscles. Most often, patients complain of pain in the interscapular area. Patients with myofascial syndrome have neck pain on the right side, which is caused by damage to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The pain may spread to the right side of the head (cervicocranialgia).

Irradiation of pain to the upper limb is characteristic of anterior scalene syndrome. Patients develop a feeling of numbness and tingling in the ring finger, little finger, inner surface of the hand and forearm, cold temperatures and discoloration of the skin of the upper limb are possible. The skin may become pale or take on a bluish tint. For some, the pain syndrome is localized in the collarbone on the right side of the neck, and swelling appears in the supraclavicular area.

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