If a child has a dislocation: how to recognize, how to help and what to refrain from

Children are surprisingly active and restless creatures. And no matter how closely the parents monitor the child, they cannot completely protect him from all unpleasant accidents and injuries. Bruises, sprains, and dislocations in children are very common, so parents should know what to do in such a situation and how to help the child. Daily Baby author Tatyana Gitun talked about the rules for providing first aid and methods of treating dislocations and sprains with pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist Alexei Vladimirovich Zotkin.



How to recognize a dislocated arm

Many parents, when a child falls or jumps unsuccessfully, wonder how to recognize a dislocation in a child. A dislocation in a child, the symptoms of which are pronounced, can occur for various reasons, but most often the cause is the child falling on a limb. There are a number of signs by which you can identify the problem.

The main symptoms of a dislocated arm in a child are:

  1. A child in adulthood can explain to the parent what hurts him and what unpleasant sensations he experiences. But children under one year old cannot do this, so parents need to be attentive and pay close attention to the baby’s behavior. When a child's arm is dislocated, the joint becomes completely or partially immobile and severe pain occurs.
  2. In most cases, a clicking sound becomes a symptom of a dislocation in a child. It is characteristic of a prolapsed head of the joint.
  3. Daily bumps and falls are usually not dangerous and are the cause of hysteria and tears. But if the child has not calmed down for a long period of time and is screaming, then it is necessary to urgently examine him and compare him with the symptoms that arise from a dislocation.
  4. A dislocation is a mild form of deformity that occurs in an injured area. When you try to touch the painful area or make a movement, severe pain appears. The baby begins to cry even more.
  5. The affected limb swells, which prevents any movement.
  6. Very often the limb that has been dislocated becomes longer or shorter.
  7. If the head does not fall out, the limb does not cease to function. But the baby's movements will be limited.

In any case, after an injury, it is recommended to show the baby to an experienced specialist.


The most diverse type of injury. This is a fairly deep skin injury compared to an abrasion, accompanied by bleeding. The main pre-medical measure for wounds is to stop bleeding. To do this, apply a pressure bandage to the wound, after, if possible, rinsing with water to remove foreign objects and treating with an antiseptic solution. It is prohibited to remove foreign bodies from the wound with your hands, since there is a possibility of displacing them inside the wound.

In case of abrasions and wounds, the issue of emergency vaccination against tetanus must be resolved, the need and scope of which is determined by the doctor.

First aid for a baby

Every parent wonders what first aid should be for a child with a sprain. To avoid complications and undesirable consequences, it is necessary to provide first aid in case of a dislocation in a child. If the mother has even the slightest suspicion that the baby’s injury is serious, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

Medical assistance is necessary in such cases if there is deformation and swelling, immobility of the arm, crunching in the place where the child’s arm is stretched, debilitating pain, severe hemorrhage, or traumatic shock.

Help includes:

  1. First of all, the baby needs to be seated or laid down in such a way that the hand is strictly at rest.
  2. It is important to reduce blood flow to the affected area. To do this, the hand should not be placed horizontally, but slightly elevated. To do this, place a pillow or cushion. This will help cope with swelling of the affected hand, and will also reduce the risk of significant bruising.
  3. When providing first aid for sprains in children, it is important to fix the affected arm so as not to disturb the forced position of the affected joint.
  4. When considering the question of what to do if a child’s arm is dislocated, parents should remember that it is strictly forbidden to try to straighten the limb on your own. This type of injury requires professional help from a qualified specialist. Otherwise, complications can arise.
  5. A cold compress must be applied to the affected area. This can be any cold food that is in the refrigerator or freezer. When using ice, be sure to wrap it in a cloth to prevent frostbite. Keep the compress for at least 10 minutes, then take a break for a couple of minutes and apply cold again. Such applications are indicated intermittently during the first two hours after the injury.
  6. If the pain is severe, the baby must be given an analgesic drug. In childhood, ibuprofen and paracetamol are indicated. The drugs are prescribed in tablets, suppositories, syrup, depending on the age category and preferences.
  7. After the doctor examines the baby, carries out diagnostics, and adjusts the joint, the child will need to wear a children's orthosis and be careful for 3-4 weeks. During the first month, the joint is prone to re-dislocation.

It is very important to contact a medical facility as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis and receive qualified assistance.

What is strictly forbidden to do if you have a dislocation?

It is very important to provide assistance when a child has a dislocation, but there are a number of rules that cannot be broken. In case of injury it is strictly prohibited:

  • try to set the bone yourself;
  • listen to everyone who assures that it is enough to just pull the hand for the bone to fall into place on its own;
  • lubricate the affected area with anesthetic ointment;
  • rub and massage the damaged area.

By violating even one recommendation, parents will harm the baby’s health and aggravate the situation.

First aid for sprains

Sprains in children most often affect the ligaments of the wrist, ankle and knee joints.

At the time of injury, the child feels a sharp pain in the area of ​​the affected joint, after which a rapidly growing swelling appears within a few minutes, and a little later bruises may form. The joint itself is not deformed, and although the child complains of pain, he is quite able to move the injured arm, clench his fingers into a fist, or step on the injured leg.

Alexey Zotkin: “It is necessary to at least roughly determine the severity of the injury, since mild sprains of the first and second degrees do not require emergency medical attention and heal on their own.

Severe third-degree damage, with complete or partial rupture of the ligament, requires immediate hospitalization in the trauma department, and often urgent surgery to restore the ligament.

Therefore, if after an injury the child cannot lean or move the injured limb, it is important to take him to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

If the sprain is minor, then parents can provide first aid themselves. To do this, you need to apply a cooling compress to the sprain site as quickly as possible. The easiest and most convenient way is to use special cooling packs, which are sold at any pharmacy. Cold compresses should continue to be applied throughout the first day after the injury: the affected joint is cooled for 2 hours, then a break should be taken for 30 minutes, and then the compress should be applied again.

Also, a pressure bandage must be applied to the damaged joint, which will fix it in a stationary position and relieve the load on the injured ligament. It is best for the first time such a bandage or splint is applied to the child by a doctor at the emergency room. Later, parents will be able to change the bandage themselves.”


During a clinical examination, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. It evaluates the appearance of the limb and the function of the affected arm compared to the healthy arm. If necessary, additional examinations may be prescribed.

In case of severe injuries, impaired joint stability, or unnatural position of the limb, the doctor prescribes an additional examination - radiography. It can be used to determine bone displacement, fragment separations, and fractures. To clarify the nature of the injury, x-rays are taken in several projections. When a child has a dislocated shoulder joint, three projections are needed.

What to do after the doctor sets the joint

Many parents wonder what the symptoms and treatment of a dislocation in a child are. Unfortunately, setting the bone back does not mean that the baby is completely free of the problem. When a dislocation occurs, there is a rupture and severe damage to the joint capsule. This suggests that both time and conditions will be needed for complete restoration of the limb and tissue fusion.

In the first 2-3 days after the specialist sets the joint, cold must be applied to the damaged area from time to time. The procedures are carried out for 15 minutes up to 5 times a day. You will also need to remain immobile.

After eliminating the swelling a couple of days later, the sore spot no longer needs to be cooled, but, on the contrary, it needs to be warmed. This will increase blood flow in the tissues and speed up healing. To warm up the joint, simply apply a cloth ironed or heated in a microwave oven.

For about 2-3 weeks after the injury, the child must be careful in his movements. This does not mean that bed rest is necessary. Don't just play too active games.

Treatment of sprains in children

Recovery from mild to moderate sprains in children usually occurs quite quickly: after 7-10 days, the acute symptoms of the injury completely disappear, and after 3-4 weeks the damaged ligament is restored.

The main thing is to try to provide maximum rest to the injured ligaments and joints in the first 2-3 days. If the ligaments of the wrist joint are damaged, it is recommended to fix the arm bent at the elbow joint - in a “suspended” position. If the ankle or knee joint is injured, the child will have to spend 2-3 days in bed - with his leg raised on an elevated surface. When the swelling subsides and the pain goes away, you can begin massage and gentle gymnastics, but only if they do not cause pain to the child.

Alexey Zotkin:

“Very often, parents make a serious mistake - they begin to use warming procedures already in the first days after the injury.

This should not be done, because... heat causes blood vessels to dilate and blood flow to damaged tissues. And this will lead to increased swelling and additional pain.

If a child complains of pain in the joint area, local painkillers can be used: aerosols or gel with ketoprofen, diclofenac, spray with menthol and methyl salicylate.

When the child begins to move actively again, it is recommended to secure the affected joint with an orthopedic support, which will partially reduce the load on the ligaments. After 3-4 weeks, the support can be removed and you can start doing daily exercises to strengthen the muscles of the limb.”


After considering what to do if your child has a sprained arm, it is important to begin recovery. The rehabilitation period after injuries is very important in childhood. This is due to the fact that prolonged immobilization provokes the rapid formation of contractures and joint stiffness. Returning to sports too early aggravates the severity of the injury and provokes severe extensibility of the ligamentous apparatus.

During recovery, the following methods are used:

  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, heat treatment);
  • massage;
  • aquatherapy

The rehabilitation period can last from 1 to 6 months. Active movements of the healthy limb begin during immobilization. This prevents the formation of contractures and improves the muscle corset. Massage plays an important role in babies. Initially, the first sessions are conducted by a specialist who teaches the parents the techniques. Afterwards, parents massage the sore limb themselves. The most commonly used techniques are stroking and rubbing.

Joint dislocation: treatment and first aid

After reduction of the dislocation, the damaged joint must be fixed by applying a plaster cast. It is very important that the joint remains motionless for at least 2-3 weeks after injury, without any load. After the child's cast is removed, soft fixation using an orthosis is recommended for the next 2-3 weeks. This allows you to avoid new injury to unrecovered tissues.

Developing and restoring joint mobility with the help of special exercises begins 3-4 days after the injury. After 7-10 days, massage can be added to physical therapy. If the course is favorable, damaged joint tissues will heal within 30-40 days. But his full functionality will be restored only 2-3 months after the injury. And all this time the child must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Alexey Zotkin: “The two most important conditions for rapid and complete restoration of the joint are correct fixation in the first days after the injury and daily physical therapy over the next two months. And here the correct behavior of parents plays a very important role.

Firstly, you should never remove a plaster cast or orthosis yourself! Only the attending physician who is observing the child can and should do this.

Secondly, do not neglect physical therapy. No drug or physical therapy method can help an injured joint as well as the right exercises can. Therefore, no later than 5-7 days after the injury, you need to start working out the joint.

At first, you can simply move your fingers, bend and straighten your foot, and clench your palm into a fist. At the next stage, you can begin to rhythmically tense and relax the muscles of the affected limb. After 7-10 days, you can gradually load the joint: get up and walk with a crutch for 10-15 minutes, pick up a small dumbbell or some object weighing about 1 kg for 10-15 minutes.

After the rigid fixation is replaced with an orthosis, active movements in the joint can gradually begin, but only if they do not cause pain in the child. And, of course, until complete recovery, all exercises should be performed only in an orthosis to avoid recurrence of injury.”

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Experts: Alexey Vladimirovich Zotkin


In order not to wonder what the symptoms and treatment of sprains in children are, it is important to adhere to preventive measures. The main measure is to avoid injury. Parents should listen to all the pediatrician's recommendations for caring for their babies. Do not grab it sharply or pull it. It is forbidden to lift the baby by the fingers, wrists and hands without fixing the forearm. Also, do not wear clothes with narrow sleeves or quickly dress and undress.

When older children play sports, sore areas are taped. This will help avoid re-dislocation. It is forbidden to neglect the recovery period - this is the best prevention of recurrent dislocation.

Every parent knows that babies are characterized by incredible mobility, hyperactivity, and an amazing ability to jump. Very often such activity results in injuries. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to preventive measures and monitor children. If a dislocation occurs, then competent first aid is important. Reduction is carried out only by the attending physician.


A type of damage resulting from exposure of the skin to substances with very high temperatures, chemical compounds, or combinations thereof. Most often, children are burned by fire or boiling water. There are several degrees of burns, from mild, characterized by redness of the skin, to severe, in which deep lesions of soft tissue are noted. In case of these injuries, it is necessary to stop the action of heat and chemical compounds as quickly as possible and cool the affected area either under running cold water or using wet, cold, frequently replaced wipes. Regardless of the degree of the child’s burn, it is necessary to show the doctor to a pediatric surgeon.

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