How the second fraction of ASD will help cure rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a dangerous systemic disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the joints. The pathology has a chronic course and, if left untreated, can cause gradual destruction of joint tissue.

In the fight against the disease today, a variety of medications are used that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. But all medications, in addition to benefits, cause harm to the body. This is why patients begin to look for alternative methods of therapy. ASD 2 shows good results in the treatment of arthritis.

How to use ASD-2F for the treatment of joint pathology: schemes, dosages

Painful sensations in the joints are exhausting, limit movement, and make it difficult to move. An antiseptic stimulant is able to minimize the manifestations of pathology and significantly slow down the pathological process. Let's look at the schemes for its application.

A drugMode of applicationTreatment regimenDosageWell
ASD-2FIngestion2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.5 drops per half glass of water5-day courses with 3-day breaks until the condition normalizes.
Externally - compressesEvery night.
Soak a gauze pad and apply it to the painful area.

Place cling film and a thick layer of cotton wool on top of the gauze.

20% aqueous solutionUntil you feel better and pain is eliminated.

Recommendations regarding the use of compresses with ASD

Compresses with an antiseptic stimulator can be used for several hours or throughout the night. But for them to work better, you should adhere to the following tips.

  1. After applying gauze soaked in the solution, parchment paper is placed on top of it.
  2. In order to prevent the evaporation of the medicine, a thick layer of cotton wool is placed on top of the parchment.
  3. The compress must be secured with a bandage.
  4. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day.
  5. The optimal time for the compress to work is three to five hours.

The healing effects of a biogenic stimulant on joints

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is a powerful adaptogen with a wide spectrum of action. It is known to have regenerating, trophic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and antibacterial effects. The complex use of ASD-2F in the treatment of arthritis promotes:

  • activation of cells of the reticuloendothelial system;
  • stimulating the production of macrophages, increasing their phagocytic activity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • minimizing the inflammatory process;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • fight against pain;
  • slowing down the progression of pathology;
  • stopping the destruction of joints;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • restoration of damaged joint structures;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of general condition.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is an absolutely safe product. It, unlike many medications, does not cause side effects and does not cause harm to organs and systems. The medicine easily overcomes the body's barriers, is well tolerated, and is not addictive.

Expected therapeutic effect

The medicine, unlike many medications, does not have a selective effect, but a general one. It has a beneficial effect not on one organ or system, but on the entire body as a whole. Due to this, the period of illness is reduced, as well as the immune system is strengthened.

ASD-2F is a drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is known to have anti-inflammatory, restorative, immunostimulating, tonic, antibacterial, antiseptic, wound-healing, decongestant, regenerating, analgesic effects. The use of the second fraction helps in:

  • eliminating the inflammatory process in joints and ligaments;
  • minimizing pain;
  • improving the trophism of tissues surrounding the joint;
  • accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • stopping the destruction of articular structures;
  • normalization of metabolic processes.

Important Tips

In order for the product to bring maximum benefit to the body, to help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis - to help eliminate painful sensations in the joints, morning stiffness, malaise, fatigue, and other manifestations of pathology, it must be used correctly.

  1. Do not completely open the bottle. This is fraught with the loss of ASD medicinal qualities. To draw the required amount of the drug, simply open the central plate of the aluminum cap and draw the drug with a syringe.
  2. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. You cannot take the product undiluted. This can cause damage to the stomach lining.
  4. You need to take the composition before meals - half an hour. If you are taking medications prescribed by your doctor, ASD can be taken after three to four hours.
  5. During the therapeutic course, drink more fluid, at least two liters.
  6. To dilute the antiseptic, use only boiled, cooled water. If the smell of the product bothers you greatly, you can mix it with black tea.
  7. During treatment, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  8. Enrich your diet with lemons, cranberries, other sour fruits, and juices.
  9. In order to prevent blood thickening, it is recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid - a quarter of a tablet per day.

The medicine is quite effective, if taken correctly - in recommended dosages, as well as following all recommendations, it will help you get rid of painful symptoms in the shortest possible time, improve your general condition, as well as prevent and slow down the progression of the disease.


Reviews for the medicine are very different. But in most cases they are positive. People write that when taking the fraction, stiffness in the joints disappeared, pain was minimized, and the quality of life significantly increased.

Olga, 41 years old. I have rheumatoid arthritis, I have been suffering from this disease for 7 years. Previously, I woke up in the morning with terrible pain in my joints, malaise, it was completely impossible to get to the kitchen in the morning, my joints seemed to be stiff. But everything changed two years ago. My mother’s friend advised me to take ASD and make compresses with it. I didn’t refuse, because until then any drug I took had only a short-term effect. In general, after two months of treatment with an antiseptic, I seemed to come to life. The pain disappeared, as did the stiffness. I feel great. I recommend.

  • Fraction ASD 2 for osteoporosis, arthrosis: treatment regimens

ASD 2 for arthritis - helps to avoid arthroscopic interventions, minimizes inflammation, stops or slows down the destruction of the joint.

The drug can be used as an alternative treatment or to complement the main therapy; for rheumatoid arthritis, as reviews show, it does not provoke significant side effects.

The remedy has not been tested on humans and is not recognized by official medicine, but the effectiveness of the medicine has been repeatedly confirmed in severe stages by people who, at their own peril and risk, decided to try it on themselves.

Causes of joint pain

The causes of joint pain can be diseases of various etymologies in the human body. These include:

  1. tumor (bone metastases, osteomyelitis, lymphoblastic leukemia, myeloma);
  2. endocrine;
  3. childhood diseases (Kawasaki syndrome, Still's disease);
  4. exchange;
  5. arthritis (septic, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, gouty, reactive, psoariatic);
  6. rheumatic;
  7. acute infectious;
  8. bursitis (gonorrheal, traumatic, diathesis, syphilitic, brucellosis, tuberculosis, diathesis);
  9. systemic (influenza, Sjogren's disease, Bechterov's disease, systemic vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, Sharpe's syndrome, Crohn's disease, systemic scleroderma, diffuse fasciitis, Lyme disease, relapsing polychondritis).

INTERESTING fact: How to take ASD for uterine fibroids

Among most people, there is an opinion that such pain may indicate the presence of arthritis. And it is wrong.

Joint pain is caused by irritation of the nerve endings that come from the joint capsule. Irritants can be: toxins, allergens, salts, osteophytes, inflammatory components, products of autoimmune processes. This manifestation of pain may indicate the development of more serious diseases.

What is ASD

ASD fraction 2 (antiseptic-Dorogov's Stimulant), is currently officially approved for use in veterinary medicine, but is used in alternative medical practice as a biogenic stimulant.

According to some reports, the drug underwent clinical trials at the Kirov Academy, the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. But in 1956, the results were classified; the further fate of the documents is unknown.

The medicine is a brown liquid with an unpleasant odor and the presence of sediment. The medicine is produced from meat and bone meal, the components of which are broken down into low molecular weight compounds during distillation. The drug contains more than one hundred organic and inorganic substances. The medicine acts systemically, restores, stimulates the body to fight pathology.

The Dorogov fraction is produced in Moscow, Armavir and in one of the cities of Ukraine. Experts say that the Armavir biofactory has followed the original technology and recipe since 1956. The production of a stimulant with improved organoleptic qualities is controlled by an immunologist, Dorogov’s daughter. ASD 2 is sold in veterinary pharmacies, the average cost of a 100 ml bottle is 240 rubles.

A little history

A.V. Dorogov created a unique drug that showed good results in the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, cancer, and arthrosis. At the time of the creation of the drug in 1947, the scientist registered 5 inventions and published more than 20 scientific papers.

  • Archive of the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle - Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle. Ethnoscience. Folk recipes

The drug was approved and put into production, and in 1951 it was included in the Mashkovsky reference book (a manual on pharmacotherapy). The scientist received state awards for his invention. Dorogov’s archive contains hundreds of positive reviews from people who took the miracle medicine.

There is information that the ASD faction saved Beria’s mother from cancer and was tested by military doctors and members of the government. But in 1954, Dorogov was fired from the Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, and a year later the laboratory he headed was disbanded. The drug is approved only for use in veterinary medicine. And in 1957, the scientist dies under mysterious circumstances.

Many experts admit that among domestic and foreign medicines, there are no comparable in effectiveness to the Dorogov fraction. The rejection of the drug by official medicine is explained by its versatility in the treatment of many pathologies, which is unprofitable for pharmaceutical corporations. But for more than 60 years, the remedy has been used independently to treat complex diseases. Doctors do not encourage the unofficial drug. Proponents of alternative medicine, on the contrary, recommend ASD 2 for the treatment of all types of arthritis.

Mechanism of action

Substances characteristic of a living organism easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier and restore cell function. The drug acts as an adaptogen - it activates metabolic processes. Enhanced metabolism increases resistance to pathogenetic factors.

To heal knee and hip joints, it is necessary to restore the normal functioning of the cells. ASD components selectively affect abnormalities in the immune system, integrate into metabolic processes, restore self-regulation of immune mechanisms, and correct cellular immunity.

The Dorogov fraction blocks the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which activate cells to synthesize inflammatory mediators. The production of antibodies decreases, and the destruction of the joint slows down or stops. Therefore, the drug is effective for polyarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, helps eliminate pathological changes in articular surfaces and cartilage.

The antibacterial effect of the drug is provided by amide derivatives. They eliminate or reduce the concentration of inflammatory agents, inhibit their reproduction, and prevent infection from spreading beyond the boundaries of the joint. Ammonium salts have an antiseptic effect. The activity of the components is enhanced by mobilizing the body's protective capabilities.

Vasodilator drugs prescribed for osteochondrosis

The work of the muscles of the vascular highways is constantly regulated by nerve impulses passing through sympathetic fibers. These signals are responsible for the muscular activity of almost all internal organs and related functions.

Eliminating stagnation of blood fluid and improving microcirculation in the pathological area makes it possible to normalize metabolic processes and restore the patency of nerve impulses, as a result of which the treatment of osteochondrosis is more effective and the patient’s health condition is stabilized.

Features of the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis disease

Nowadays, osteochondrosis disease (age-related degenerative changes in intervertebral discs) is quite common among the population. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle or, on the contrary, excessively hard physical labor, back injuries, bad habits, poor diet and inadequate sleep.

Initially, the symptoms of osteochondrosis manifest themselves as minor discomfort in the back after physical activity, limited mobility, then pain syndromes become more intense and become chronic. Destructive processes in the intervertebral discs (dehydration and insufficient supply of nutrients) provoke inflammation and swelling of the pathological area (decreased blood circulation in it). The body’s protective reaction to irritation becomes even greater muscle stiffness and pain.

Soft tissue spasms compress sympathetic nerve endings and fibers, the transmission of impulses weakens, the muscle walls of blood vessels do not receive the necessary information and also find themselves in a compressed state. Poor circulation over time leads to oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

Complex conservative treatment of the spine, as a rule, includes taking vasodilating drugs. Results of action of pharmacological agents of the vasodilator group:

  • normalization of blood circulation in the pathological area and throughout the body;
  • improving the nutrition of soft tissues, saturating them with fluid, accelerating metabolic processes;
  • reduction of inflammation and swelling of tissues, congestion and, consequently, pain;
  • restoration of the passage of nerve impulses through the fibers.

Mechanisms of drug action

The group of vasodilator drugs used to treat osteochondrosis of the joints is conventionally divided into subgroups:

  • substances with myotropic effects that directly affect the muscles of the vascular walls, changing their metabolic processes and reducing tone (caffeine, papaverine, no-spa);
  • drugs with neurotropic effects achieve a vasodilating effect through nervous regulation of the tone of blood vessels;
  • centrally acting drugs that affect the functioning of the vasomotor center located in the brain (aminazine, apessin);
  • peripheral substances:
  • blocking vascular adrenergic receptors (phentolamine);
  • blocking the transmission of impulses (excitation) from the nerve endings of the sympathetic branches innervating the corresponding blood lines (ornid, octadin);
  • improving the transmission of impulses from parasympathetic endings to blood vessels (acetylcholine, carbacholine);
  • complicating the transmission of impulses in sympathetic nerve clusters, thereby reducing vascular tone (pentamine, tetamone);
  • drugs with a mixed mechanism of action - central neurotropic and peripheral myotropic (nitroglycerin, amyl nitrite, reserpine, the latter weakens the sensitivity of central and peripheral adrenergic receptors responsible for the innervation of blood vessels, expands their lumen, and also lowers blood pressure).

List of main drugs prescribed for osteochondrosis

Actovegin. It has not so much vasodilating properties as stimulating tissue regeneration. It contains many nutrients: amino acids, saccharides, nucleosides. It has a positive effect on the transport, absorption and utilization of glucose and oxygen molecules, and stabilizes the plasma membranes of cells. Restores blood flow in peripheral systems, normalizes and stimulates nutrient metabolism throughout the body, develops and regenerates collaterals (small branches of blood vessels formed during compression or thrombosis of the main channel).

Eufillin. A bronchodilator, it helps relax the muscles of the bronchi, relieves spasms, dilates blood vessels, which makes it indispensable for patients suffering from asthma. Significantly improves blood circulation in the brain and peripheral vessels, and is used to treat diseases of the spine and neurological pathologies. Stimulates the action of the respiratory centers, increases the frequency and intensity of heart contractions, which makes it unsafe for patients with acute heart failure, angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias. Can be used for external use in the form of electrophoresis to improve blood microcirculation in pathological areas and restore trophic processes in intervertebral discs.

Pentoxifylline or trental. Improves microcirculation and regenerating properties of blood, thins the blood, reduces total peripheral vascular resistance, dilates the coronary arteries, which accelerates the transport of oxygen throughout the body. By expanding the blood vessels of the lungs, it significantly increases the tone of the muscle fibers responsible for breathing (diaphragm and intercostal muscles). Strengthens collateral blood circulation, increases the concentration of ATP in the brain, and has a beneficial effect on the bioelectrical functions of the central nervous system. The drug is contraindicated in patients with chronically low blood pressure, atherosclerosis and arrhythmia.

Xanthinol nicotinate. Improves cerebral circulation, peripheral (collateral) microcirculation, reduces the manifestations of cerebral hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to the brain), normalizes and improves metabolic (metabolic) processes in the brain. Thins the blood and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

Thioctic acid, lipoic acid or berlithion. The drug is from a group of vitamin-like substances, similar to those produced by the body, and is close in biochemical properties to vitamin B group. Participates in the regulation of lipid (fat) and carbohydrate metabolism, prevents the deposition of glucose on the walls of blood vessels, improves blood flow and lowers blood viscosity. It has detoxifying properties and has a positive effect on the functions of peripheral nerves and neurovascular bundles innervating internal organs.

Medicines prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis primarily affect the blood supply to the brain, the condition of the vertebral arteries, the vertebrobasilar circle, and then can affect the vessels and nerve endings innervating the upper limbs. They are manifested by dizziness, headaches, nausea, coordination disorders, general weakness and fatigue, disturbances in the functioning of the organs of hearing, vision, speech, and smell.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis quite often includes nootropic drugs (for example, piracetam, nootropil, vinpocetine), which improve blood circulation in the vessels of the head and improve metabolic processes (carbohydrate and protein) in the brain. They do not always have pronounced vasodilating properties, but they have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, improve memory, attention, and increase productivity.

Piracetam. It has a positive effect on metabolic reactions in the body, improves blood circulation in the brain, and restores nerve cells. The drug increases energy potential through accelerated ATP metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and is prescribed for diseases of the blood vessels that wash the cerebral cortex.

Vinpocetine. A vasodilator, antihypoxic agent, helps to increase cerebral circulation, especially in ischemic areas by relaxing the smooth muscles of the walls of cerebral vessels. Improves oxygen transport, reduces platelet aggregation and thereby thins blood viscosity.

It is necessary to treat osteochondrosis with complex measures: medications (which, as prescribed by a doctor, may include vasodilators), physiotherapy and physical activity.
The main thing is not to endure the pain, not to delay time, but to contact osteochondrosis treatment clinics in a timely manner. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Effect on different forms of arthritis

The drug eliminates or alleviates the main symptoms of inflammation, as well as manifestations specific to each form.

  • Four effective ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  1. Septic arthritis. After a course of antiseptic stimulant, resistance to infections increases and the barrier function of joint tissues improves.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis. The immune component of inflammation is suppressed, inflammatory foci on the skin, ligaments, and joints are reduced.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis. The drug relieves inflammatory damage to the joint tissue and synovial membrane against the background of rheumatism, helps remove the pathogen, and prevents damage to the membranes of the heart.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis. Under the influence of the Dorogov fraction, the functioning of the immune system is normalized, and the risk of bone loss in the later stages is reduced.

What causes joint pain?

There are many reasons for damage to joint structures. The occurrence of pain, swelling, and stiffness can be provoked by: tumor processes, pathologies of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders, acute infectious processes, as well as systemic diseases.

Joint pain occurs due to irritation of nerve endings. Not in all cases the cause of pain is a specific joint pathology (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis). Irritants can be toxic substances, salts, allergens.

Whatever the cause of discomfort and pain, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor. The use of an antiseptic stimulant will help eliminate malaise, pain, and also eliminate the inflammatory process. The main thing is to use it expediently, comprehensively - internally and externally, and with the knowledge of the attending physician.

Methods of application

For 5 days, you need to take 5 drops (0.25 ml) of the drug, dissolved in half a glass of warm water, twice a day. Then a break is taken for 3 days. Therapy continues until you feel better. The solution is consumed 30 minutes before meals.

For external use, the medicine is mixed with water 1:1, a moistened napkin is applied to the joints, covered with film or parchment, and insulated. It is recommended to apply therapeutic compresses daily at night.

The medication is approved for use only in veterinary medicine. The effectiveness has been appreciated by many patients, but before taking the drug, keep in mind that there are no human studies.

Use of ASD fraction 2 for joints

It is known that such treatment is more symptomatic in nature, but methods must also be carried out to determine the cause of their occurrence. Then you need to select adequate therapy and eliminate them.

Few people know about Dorogov’s drug, although those who have encountered its use can say that it works wonders. The full name of this drug is antiseptic Dorogov stimulator. It not only cures the problem, but also has a positive effect on the entire body, stimulating all its protective functions.

Doctors often recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are able to relieve pain, swelling, lower temperature, hyperemia, and reduce inflammation. But they can also cause other side effects. This is why it is recommended to take ASD fraction 2 for human joints.

INTERESTING fact: ASD 2 fraction to improve immunity

Before you start using this drug, it is worth remembering that there are 2 types of it. Fraction 2 can be used both internally and externally, and fraction 3 - only externally. In addition, it should be diluted with cold boiled water. When used as compresses, apply parchment and a thick layer of cotton wool over the bandage.

How to drink ASD 2 correctly for joint pain

There is a universal scheme that can be used in any case.

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Dilute 15-30 drops in 50-100 ml of cold boiled water. Take 30 minutes before meals, twice daily. The scheme is as follows: 5 days of admission, 3 days of rest, again 5 days of admission and 3 days of break, then again 5 days of admission and a month break.


You can use this fraction not only internally, but also as compresses. To do this, you need to dilute the drug with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:20. apply compresses to sore areas.

With camphor oil

Make a 10% alcohol solution of the drug. It is advisable to take alcohol at 70 degrees. Next, add another 50 ml of camphor oil. If it is not there, then replace it with fish oil. Mix well and moisten gauze bandages and apply to diseased areas.

INTERESTING fact: Treatment of ASD cysts with fraction 2

The effect is also observed when using ASD 2 for arthrosis of the knee joint. The greatest results can be achieved when taken externally and internally. When using this drug, you must remember that for a complete cure you need to know the reason that causes such pain.

Be healthy!

Features of application

The bottle must not be opened before use. Only the plate on the aluminum cap is opened, and the product is drawn in with a syringe. The solution is then slowly injected into the water through a needle. The medicine is washed down with plenty of water and tea.

The Dorogov fraction is a solution with an alkaline reaction; to preserve its properties, the medicine should not be washed down with sweet juices or mineral water. The drug thickens the blood during therapy, so a couple of hours after taking the medication, it is recommended to drink sour juices, eat raspberries and lemons. Or take 1 tablet per day of Aspecard, Cardiomagnyl 75 mg. Water consumption during the course of treatment increases to 2-3 liters per day.


The use of ASD for rheumatoid arthritis, as confirmed by reviews, is safe for a long period. Rarely, urticaria and nausea occur.

Main contraindications for use:

  • Reduced stomach acidity.
  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Exacerbation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.

Important! ASD contains substances that act as alcohol antagonists. It is necessary to exclude alcohol-containing drinks and medicines containing alcohol. You should adhere to the interval between taking the antiseptic stimulant and other medications - at least 3 hours.

Whether or not to be treated with Dorogov’s stimulant will have to be decided independently. Doctors do not prescribe medicines that are not recognized by the Ministry of Health and do not select dosages. But ASD is accepted by a large number of people with different pathologies. The medicine is discussed on forums, people share their results.

Indications for use

ASD stimulates the human immune system

ASD fractions 2 and 3 are indicated for joints with the following diseases:

  • arthritis of any nature;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthrosis-arthritis;
  • injuries and bruises.

The effectiveness of using ASD or Dorogov's stimulant for joint pain in rheumatoid arthritis is due to the peculiarities of the drug's effect on the immune system. The drug improves the functioning of the immune system by suppressing the autoimmune process that causes inflammation in the joints. At the same time, some patients may experience worsening of arthritis due to immune stimulation. It is impossible to accurately predict the body's reaction to Dorogov's drug in this case, therefore, for rheumatoid arthritis, it is recommended to take the medicine with caution.

For traumatic arthritis, it is recommended to use the third fraction of the drug, intended for external use. This improves tissue trophism, stimulates local blood circulation and regeneration, and also eliminates pain.

For reactive arthritis, the drug can be taken either orally or externally. The second fraction or ASD-2 in the treatment of joints will provide anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and the third fraction will reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

For arthrosis-arthritis, which is characterized by inflammation in the joint and destruction of cartilage tissue, the second and third fractions are also used simultaneously. This will provide a comprehensive effect on the affected joints.

The use of the Dorogov stimulator ASD is indicated against joint pain due to injuries and bruises. The drug is used externally, under a compress, to speed up tissue restoration.

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