How the second fraction of ASD will help cure rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a dangerous systemic disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the joints. The pathology has a chronic course and, if left untreated, can cause gradual destruction of joint tissue.

In the fight against the disease today, a variety of medications are used that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. But all medications, in addition to benefits, cause harm to the body. This is why patients begin to look for alternative methods of therapy. ASD 2 shows good results in the treatment of arthritis.

How to use ASD-2F for the treatment of joint pathology: schemes, dosages

Painful sensations in the joints are exhausting, limit movement, and make it difficult to move. An antiseptic stimulant is able to minimize the manifestations of pathology and significantly slow down the pathological process. Let's look at the schemes for its application.

A drugMode of applicationTreatment regimenDosageWell
ASD-2FIngestion2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.5 drops per half glass of water5-day courses with 3-day breaks until the condition normalizes.
Externally - compressesEvery night.
Soak a gauze pad and apply it to the painful area.

Place cling film and a thick layer of cotton wool on top of the gauze.

20% aqueous solutionUntil you feel better and pain is eliminated.

The healing effects of a biogenic stimulant on joints

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is a powerful adaptogen with a wide spectrum of action. It is known to have regenerating, trophic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and antibacterial effects. The complex use of ASD-2F in the treatment of arthritis promotes:

  • activation of cells of the reticuloendothelial system;
  • stimulating the production of macrophages, increasing their phagocytic activity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • minimizing the inflammatory process;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • fight against pain;
  • slowing down the progression of pathology;
  • stopping the destruction of joints;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • restoration of damaged joint structures;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of general condition.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is an absolutely safe product. It, unlike many medications, does not cause side effects and does not cause harm to organs and systems. The medicine easily overcomes the body's barriers, is well tolerated, and is not addictive.

Contraindications and side effects

You should consult your doctor about using ASD.

The drug is not used in official medicine, so it has no contraindications. This is due to the fact that no research has been carried out on the mechanisms of influence of this medicine on humans, so official medicine simply does not have information about the possible negative effects and risks of using Dorogov’s antiseptic.

It is recommended to consult a doctor about the advisability and safety of using such a remedy for joint diseases.

Important Tips

In order for the product to bring maximum benefit to the body, to help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis - to help eliminate painful sensations in the joints, morning stiffness, malaise, fatigue, and other manifestations of pathology, it must be used correctly.

  1. Do not completely open the bottle. This is fraught with the loss of ASD medicinal qualities. To draw the required amount of the drug, simply open the central plate of the aluminum cap and draw the drug with a syringe.
  2. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. You cannot take the product undiluted. This can cause damage to the stomach lining.
  4. You need to take the composition before meals - half an hour. If you are taking medications prescribed by your doctor, ASD can be taken after three to four hours.
  5. During the therapeutic course, drink more fluid, at least two liters.
  6. To dilute the antiseptic, use only boiled, cooled water. If the smell of the product bothers you greatly, you can mix it with black tea.
  7. During treatment, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  8. Enrich your diet with lemons, cranberries, other sour fruits, and juices.
  9. In order to prevent blood thickening, it is recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid - a quarter of a tablet per day.

The medicine is quite effective, if taken correctly - in recommended dosages, as well as following all recommendations, it will help you get rid of painful symptoms in the shortest possible time, improve your general condition, as well as prevent and slow down the progression of the disease.

Sit down at the table with an appetite

The following is true not only when a diet is used for atrophic gastritis, but in general. Dishes should be appetizing. Although older people may experience an attack of hunger, they still more often sit down to the dinner table without desire or pleasure. To improve your appetite, add some of your favorite spices, onions, garlic, and sour fruits to your food.

The diet should contain enough animal and plant proteins. Try to diversify your dishes - include various cereals, pasta, legumes, vegetables, and fruits in your weekly menu. Give preference to easily digestible foods - fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products.

Carbohydrates - day-old bread, cereals, dried fruits - as well as animal and vegetable fats correct body weight. Your menu includes butter, sour cream, cheese, vegetable oil (at least 1 tablespoon per day), nuts, seeds.

Don't forget about foods that are sources of vitamins. Let me remind you that vitamin C is contained in vegetables, fruits, berries, especially black currants, sea buckthorn and rose hips. Vitamins D and E - unrefined vegetable oil, egg yolk, liver. B vitamins – brown bread, nuts, whole grains, rice, peas, cabbage, milk, meat.

Patients with cardiovascular pathologies need foods rich in potassium and magnesium. Dried apricots, black currants, raisins, prunes, potatoes, green peas contain a lot of potassium, and bran, buckwheat, and beans contain a lot of magnesium. Sources of phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron - cauliflower, cucumbers, walnuts, wheat, fish, liver, meat.


Reviews for the medicine are very different. But in most cases they are positive. People write that when taking the fraction, stiffness in the joints disappeared, pain was minimized, and the quality of life significantly increased.

Olga, 41 years old. I have rheumatoid arthritis, I have been suffering from this disease for 7 years. Previously, I woke up in the morning with terrible pain in my joints, malaise, it was completely impossible to get to the kitchen in the morning, my joints seemed to be stiff. But everything changed two years ago. My mother’s friend advised me to take ASD and make compresses with it. I didn’t refuse, because until then any drug I took had only a short-term effect. In general, after two months of treatment with an antiseptic, I seemed to come to life. The pain disappeared, as did the stiffness. I feel great. I recommend.

  • Fraction ASD 2 for osteoporosis, arthrosis: treatment regimens

ASD 2 for arthritis - helps to avoid arthroscopic interventions, minimizes inflammation, stops or slows down the destruction of the joint.

The drug can be used as an alternative treatment or to complement the main therapy; for rheumatoid arthritis, as reviews show, it does not provoke significant side effects.

The remedy has not been tested on humans and is not recognized by official medicine, but the effectiveness of the medicine has been repeatedly confirmed in severe stages by people who, at their own peril and risk, decided to try it on themselves.

What is ASD

ASD fraction 2 (antiseptic-Dorogov's Stimulant), is currently officially approved for use in veterinary medicine, but is used in alternative medical practice as a biogenic stimulant.

According to some reports, the drug underwent clinical trials at the Kirov Academy, the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. But in 1956, the results were classified; the further fate of the documents is unknown.

The medicine is a brown liquid with an unpleasant odor and the presence of sediment. The medicine is produced from meat and bone meal, the components of which are broken down into low molecular weight compounds during distillation. The drug contains more than one hundred organic and inorganic substances. The medicine acts systemically, restores, stimulates the body to fight pathology.

The Dorogov fraction is produced in Moscow, Armavir and in one of the cities of Ukraine. Experts say that the Armavir biofactory has followed the original technology and recipe since 1956. The production of a stimulant with improved organoleptic qualities is controlled by an immunologist, Dorogov’s daughter. ASD 2 is sold in veterinary pharmacies, the average cost of a 100 ml bottle is 240 rubles.

Herring instead of pickled cucumber

A diet for atrophic gastritis necessarily involves reducing salt intake. Up to a third of a teaspoon per day is acceptable. I advise you to add salt to your food at the table, and cook without salt - foods already contain 2-3 grams of it. Instead of salt, add spices or aromatic oils to your dishes. Limit pickles and marinades. But it is not forbidden to eat a piece of herring - it contains vitamins D and B, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, which is not found in pickled cucumber.

Try to cook foods less. Steam or boil. Avoid fried foods. Make salads and vinaigrettes from fresh vegetables and fruits.

As you know, water dulls your appetite. Therefore, if you are underweight, drink only when thirst appears, and it is better that the water is warm.

The atmosphere at the dinner table is very important. During a meal, there is no need to watch TV, discuss various problems, be nervous, much less sort things out - this affects your well-being, appetite and absorption of food.

A little history

A.V. Dorogov created a unique drug that showed good results in the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, cancer, and arthrosis. At the time of the creation of the drug in 1947, the scientist registered 5 inventions and published more than 20 scientific papers.

  • Archive of the Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle - Newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle. Ethnoscience. Folk recipes

The drug was approved and put into production, and in 1951 it was included in the Mashkovsky reference book (a manual on pharmacotherapy). The scientist received state awards for his invention. Dorogov’s archive contains hundreds of positive reviews from people who took the miracle medicine.

There is information that the ASD faction saved Beria’s mother from cancer and was tested by military doctors and members of the government. But in 1954, Dorogov was fired from the Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, and a year later the laboratory he headed was disbanded. The drug is approved only for use in veterinary medicine. And in 1957, the scientist dies under mysterious circumstances.

Many experts admit that among domestic and foreign medicines, there are no comparable in effectiveness to the Dorogov fraction. The rejection of the drug by official medicine is explained by its versatility in the treatment of many pathologies, which is unprofitable for pharmaceutical corporations. But for more than 60 years, the remedy has been used independently to treat complex diseases. Doctors do not encourage the unofficial drug. Proponents of alternative medicine, on the contrary, recommend ASD 2 for the treatment of all types of arthritis.

Mechanism of action

Substances characteristic of a living organism easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier and restore cell function. The drug acts as an adaptogen - it activates metabolic processes. Enhanced metabolism increases resistance to pathogenetic factors.

To heal knee and hip joints, it is necessary to restore the normal functioning of the cells. ASD components selectively affect abnormalities in the immune system, integrate into metabolic processes, restore self-regulation of immune mechanisms, and correct cellular immunity.

The Dorogov fraction blocks the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which activate cells to synthesize inflammatory mediators. The production of antibodies decreases, and the destruction of the joint slows down or stops. Therefore, the drug is effective for polyarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, helps eliminate pathological changes in articular surfaces and cartilage.

The antibacterial effect of the drug is provided by amide derivatives. They eliminate or reduce the concentration of inflammatory agents, inhibit their reproduction, and prevent infection from spreading beyond the boundaries of the joint. Ammonium salts have an antiseptic effect. The activity of the components is enhanced by mobilizing the body's protective capabilities.

Effect on different forms of arthritis

The drug eliminates or alleviates the main symptoms of inflammation, as well as manifestations specific to each form.

  • Four effective ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  1. Septic arthritis. After a course of antiseptic stimulant, resistance to infections increases and the barrier function of joint tissues improves.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis. The immune component of inflammation is suppressed, inflammatory foci on the skin, ligaments, and joints are reduced.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis. The drug relieves inflammatory damage to the joint tissue and synovial membrane against the background of rheumatism, helps remove the pathogen, and prevents damage to the membranes of the heart.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis. Under the influence of the Dorogov fraction, the functioning of the immune system is normalized, and the risk of bone loss in the later stages is reduced.

Methods of application

For 5 days, you need to take 5 drops (0.25 ml) of the drug, dissolved in half a glass of warm water, twice a day. Then a break is taken for 3 days. Therapy continues until you feel better. The solution is consumed 30 minutes before meals.

For external use, the medicine is mixed with water 1:1, a moistened napkin is applied to the joints, covered with film or parchment, and insulated. It is recommended to apply therapeutic compresses daily at night.

The medication is approved for use only in veterinary medicine. The effectiveness has been appreciated by many patients, but before taking the drug, keep in mind that there are no human studies.

External use of the product

Compresses with the third fraction of ASD are good for treating joints with inflammatory diseases

External use of ASD for joint diseases is carried out using compresses. Therapeutic compresses with the third fraction of ASD provide effective treatment of joints in inflammatory and dystrophic diseases. For the compress, you need to prepare a 20% solution. To do this, take 1 part of the drug to 5 parts of water, mix thoroughly and moisten gauze folded 5-6 times in the product. Then the gauze is applied to the sore joint and secured on top with cling film and an elastic bandage. You can keep the compress all night.

The course of therapy consists of 14 daily compresses. Then you need to take a two-week break and the course can be repeated if the need arises again.

Features of application

The bottle must not be opened before use. Only the plate on the aluminum cap is opened, and the product is drawn in with a syringe. The solution is then slowly injected into the water through a needle. The medicine is washed down with plenty of water and tea.

The Dorogov fraction is a solution with an alkaline reaction; to preserve its properties, the medicine should not be washed down with sweet juices or mineral water. The drug thickens the blood during therapy, so a couple of hours after taking the medication, it is recommended to drink sour juices, eat raspberries and lemons. Or take 1 tablet per day of Aspecard, Cardiomagnyl 75 mg. Water consumption during the course of treatment increases to 2-3 liters per day.

Recommendations for therapy

It is recommended to increase fluid intake to 3 liters per day

When taking the antiseptic agent ASD of fraction 2, the joints should be additionally treated with the agent of the third fraction, as this will provide a more pronounced and rapid therapeutic effect.

The drug belongs to the class of natural remedies, but should not be abused, since the exact composition remains in question.

While taking the medicine, you should avoid drinking alcohol, any fatty foods and sour foods. You should also increase your fluid intake to 3 liters per day.

The use of ASD does not replace drug therapy. The veterinary drug may be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

Replacing conservative drug therapy with an alternative remedy from a veterinary pharmacy may lead to the development of complications due to the progression of arthritis. It should be understood that the antiseptic stimulant acts slowly and cannot exceed the effectiveness of special drugs against rheumatoid arthritis.


The use of ASD for rheumatoid arthritis, as confirmed by reviews, is safe for a long period. Rarely, urticaria and nausea occur.

Main contraindications for use:

  • Reduced stomach acidity.
  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Exacerbation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.

Important! ASD contains substances that act as alcohol antagonists. It is necessary to exclude alcohol-containing drinks and medicines containing alcohol. You should adhere to the interval between taking the antiseptic stimulant and other medications - at least 3 hours.

Whether or not to be treated with Dorogov’s stimulant will have to be decided independently. Doctors do not prescribe medicines that are not recognized by the Ministry of Health and do not select dosages. But ASD is accepted by a large number of people with different pathologies. The medicine is discussed on forums, people share their results.

Symptoms and causes

Arthritis is a disease that is associated with the slow destruction of a joint. With a long course of the disease, changes occur, as well as inflammatory processes with degeneration of periarticular tissues. The risk of developing this disease only increases with age. The development of arthrosis is promoted by metabolic disorders in the joint, as a result of which the elasticity of the cartilage is lost.

The main reasons for the development are:

  • hormonal imbalance,
  • genetic factor
  • decreased blood flow in the joint,
  • injuries,
  • elderly age.

Most often, the occurrence and development of this disease is influenced by the load on the joints. Excess weight, general intoxication of the body, hypothermia, thyroid diseases, frequent colds, hemophilia, and specific inflammations can also indirectly affect.

INTERESTING fact: ASD fraction 2 in cystitis

The main symptoms of the presence of this disease in the body are:

  1. Pain. This symptom occurs while moving. At rest it goes away. But over time it can increase and appear more often.
  2. Crunch. The main difference between this crunch is its “dry” sound. If you hear a crunching sound, it means it will be accompanied by pain.
  3. Decreased joint mobility. With the development of this disease, muscle spasms are observed, as well as the virtual disappearance of the joint space.
  4. Joint deformity. This manifestation is characteristic of the most advanced stage.

The course of this disease alternates between stages of exacerbation and stages of remission. To stop the development, as well as cure, the use of ASD for rheumatoid arthritis is recommended. In addition to its miraculous properties, this remedy stimulates all the body's defenses.

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