How to sleep correctly, the most comfortable sleeping positions, how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, which way to head

Rules for healthy sleep

To sleep soundly through the night, you need to follow a few rules:

  • The pillow should support the natural curve of the neck so that the head does not fall back.
  • The temperature should be comfortable - 18-22 degrees. It is advisable to ventilate the room before going to bed. It’s difficult to sleep in a hot, stuffy room; the next morning you may have a headache from lack of oxygen.
  • Thick curtains will create darkness in the room. It is necessary for sound sleep.
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. In this case, you will fall asleep quickly.
  • Move more throughout the day. Physical inactivity is a serious enemy of sound sleep.

A comfortable sleeping position is not always beneficial

For normal, proper rest, an adult needs eight hours of sleep. But it is not possible to fall asleep right away every time, so the man or woman begins to toss and turn, changing positions one after another. Somnologists recommend taking a position that is comfortable for the sleeper, but it is not always useful from a physiological point of view.

The functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, system, breathing and brain functioning depends on how a person lies. Therefore, everyone should have an idea about the benefits and harms of certain positions that the body takes at night.

On the side. The most common position among those who like to sleep.
Relieves stress from the spine, relaxes the back muscles. For it you should choose a flat, elastic mattress and a low, almost flat pillow. It is preferable to lie on the right side so as not to compress the heart. Continuing to sleep in this position, the child may develop scoliosis. On the stomach. The “newborn” position is considered by some to be the only acceptable position during a night’s rest. But what is good for kids is not always right for adults, since the load on the spine and most of all on the cervical spine increases. The next morning your back and neck may hurt.

It is important to know! Embryo or curl up pose. It is recognized as the most cozy and comfortable position. But from a physiological point of view, this position is considered the most harmful. A curved ridge can lead to diseases of the spine and the development of osteochondrosis. In addition, compression of organs and blood vessels occurs, and folds appear on the neck. In this position you can doze off, but not settle down for the night.

How to lie on a pillow?

  1. The general rules are: the pillow does not hang over the bed, so it cannot be wider than the mattress.
  2. Only your head and neck should lie on the pillow. The shoulders remain on the mattress.
  3. If you want to put your hand under the pillow, it means it is too low. Normally, such a desire should not arise. Try a taller model.
  4. You should not sleep on two pillows at once - your head will be thrown back too high, which will impair blood circulation in the brain.
  5. If you toss and turn a lot in your sleep and cannot find a comfortable position, try lying on your side, bend your legs slightly and put a bolster or a blanket folded several times between them. In this position, the hips are in balance, making it easier to find a comfortable position and fall asleep.

Can't sleep? Try lying down like this.

Sleeping on your stomach

This sleeping position is the least desirable. The habit of sleeping on your stomach can result in constant neck and back pain. When you lie in this position, your head is always turned to one side, because otherwise you cannot breathe. Because of this, the neck muscles are overstrained and the spine is curved. At the same time, blood circulation in the cervical spine is disrupted. And this often causes headaches and poor health.


When sleeping on your stomach, the load is placed not only on the musculoskeletal system, but also on the respiratory system. It is first of all better to get rid of this habit for those who suffer from sleep apnea - a cessation of breathing, which leads to a complete absence or decrease in pulmonary ventilation. But at the same time, lying on our stomachs, we inhale less air, which is why we snore less.

Types of orthopedic pillows

Until now, many people think that an orthopedic pillow must have a wave shape. Actually this is not necessary. The main thing is that the cervical spine is in the correct position, the vessels and nerves are not pressed. Products of different shapes can cope with these functions.


On such a pillow you can spin as you please.

A traditional form that has been used for centuries. Not every classic model is orthopedic, but only made from natural latex, memory, soy foam and some other materials. They adapt to the contours of the body and quickly restore their original shape when the load is removed.

Models made of feathers, artificial swan down or holofiber cannot constantly maintain the physiological shape of the cervical curve. When changing body position, they become denser and require periodic mechanical beating, so they are not orthopedic.

The rectangular pillow is universal; you can sleep on it on your back, stomach or side. Most people don't sleep in one position all night, but rather turn and change positions. On the universal rectangular model you can rotate as you please.

Here are the TOP 3 popular models:

  • Perrino Millfoil is a two-layer model. Inside there is a crumb with memory effect, and on top there is a monolith of memory foam. The crushed filler moves freely inside the product, which helps you find a comfortable position. The memory layer on top follows the shape of the neck and head.
  • FreeDream Fresh C consists of several types of foams based on soy extract. On one side there is foam with a cooling effect, making it especially pleasant to sleep on during the hot season. The material on the reverse side is created using essential oil, so it has a light, barely perceptible smell of wild orange. It calms the nervous system and helps you fall asleep.
  • Ormatek Latex Soft based on natural latex. The elastic filler is perforated over the entire surface, so it easily allows air to pass through, compresses and adapts to the shape of the head. Sleeping on latex is very comfortable and healthy - it has antibacterial properties and creates a healthy bed microclimate. The cover is smooth on top and embossed on the bottom, which has a micro-massage effect. By turning the pillow over, you can choose which side is more comfortable to sleep on today.

Pillow with two bolsters of different heights

Models with two rollers of different heights are the most popular

On the roller, the neck bends and takes the correct position. For sleeping on your back and side, the side with a high bolster is suitable. If you like to fall asleep lying on your stomach, turn the model over with the narrow cushion facing you and the wide cushion facing the head of the bed.

You can turn the pillow with bolsters of different heights depending on your sleeping position

Models with bolsters are a popular type of orthopedic pillow.

Top three best sellers:

  1. Dreamline Massage A budget option made from eco-foam. The pillow not only supports the neck and head in the correct position, but also has a light massage effect. Sleeping on a textured surface improves blood circulation. The cover is impregnated with aloe vera and has an antibacterial effect.
  2. SkySleep Termogel Ergo The memory model sensitively adapts to the contours of a sleeping person’s body and does not compress soft tissues. The top layer with a cooling gel removes excess heat from the top layer deep into the product. Sleeping on a cool surface is not only pleasant, but also useful - the head does not overheat, and the skin of the face remains young longer.
  3. Tempur Original Queen Medium Luxurious high-quality model made in Denmark from Tempur material. This is an advanced memory that changes its shape depending on pressure and temperature. Ideally adapts to the shape of the body, supports the spine in the correct position, and does not compress the blood vessels. If you have any health problems (for example, osteochondrosis), then sleeping on a tempura pillow helps relieve pain. The cover is removable and easy to wash.

Wave-shaped pillow supports the spine in the correct position

Pillow with shoulder notch

A pillow with a shoulder hole is comfortable for side sleepers

The model will especially appeal to people who like to sleep on their side, because in this position the head is high above the level of the bed and needs support. Is this pillow necessary if you want to sleep not on your side, but, for example, on your back? Of course, no one sleeps in just one position every night. You can place the pillow on the side where there is no indentation and sleep the way you want.

The best option for sleeping on your side.

Crescent shape

Pillow for the road and more

Traditionally, the crescent-shaped model is perceived as a travel pillow. It prevents the head from falling when a person sleeps while sitting. But this is not the only function. It is convenient to rest on it while sitting or lying down for those people who have neck pain (for example, after working at the computer for a long time). Even a short rest relaxes the neck and improves blood circulation. Crescent-shaped pillows are often made from materials with enhanced orthopedic properties - natural latex and memory.

Take a crescent-shaped pillow on the go

Rectangular with a recess in the center

A pillow with a recess in the center will become your favorite.

The recess in the center is for the head. Even if a person constantly turns around in his sleep, the pillow will support the head in a physiologically correct position, the neck will be correctly curved. This advantageously distinguishes a pillow with a recess in the center from a traditional rectangular down pillow - on it, the correct position of the sleeper and the preservation of the physiological curves of the neck are not guaranteed. Ideal for back sleepers.

Great pillow for back sleepers

Let's sum it up

So, there is no one correct position for proper sleep so that you wake up refreshed and energetic, and not groggy. The main thing is that during sleep the spine, neck and large muscle groups are relaxed, which will not compress the internal organs.

I strongly advise against sleeping on old mattresses that do not hold their shape. They destroy the spine and joints.

For most people, a medium-firm mattress is optimal. And what is most important - how do you sleep? Share this information in the comments. Have a sound and healthy sleep!

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Tips for choosing a pillow

When choosing, pay attention to your favorite sleep position. If you like to lie on your side, a model with a shoulder recess will suit you. If you know that you only sleep on your back, opt for a model with a notch in the center. The wave-shaped orthopedic model is universal and suitable for any position.

The choice of material is a matter of taste. Some people like to sleep on memory foam, while others like to sleep on latex or soy foam; we will talk about the difference in materials below.

Pillow dimensions

The standard sizes of rectangular models are 70x70 or 50x50 cm, in the form of a wave - 40x60 cm. The choice depends only on your personal preferences; the width and length of the product do not affect the orthopedic properties.

Height is a more important indicator. Excessively high or low models will not be able to support the neck and head in a physiologically correct position. To determine the desired height, measure the distance from your neck to your shoulder joint. If the mattress is very soft, you can reduce an inch or two.

The standard height of the product for women is 11-13 cm, for men 13-15 cm.

If you sleep on your side, you can choose a higher model; if you sleep on your stomach, you can choose a lower one.

Sleeping position

A healthy person can go to bed and wake up on his stomach, back, or side. The position of sleeping on the stomach is the most controversial - the sleeper turns his neck 90 degrees, which can lead to impaired blood flow. In addition, the body weight puts pressure on the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, this can also be a problem. Therefore, it is still advisable to sleep on your side or back.

Whatever model you choose, only your neck and head should rest on the pillow. The shoulders are on the mattress.

Sleeping position/pillow shapeRectangularWith head recessWith rollersWith shoulder recess
On the back
On the side
On the stomach



Natural filler based on the sap of the Hevea tree. One of the most durable materials, service life exceeds 10 years. It's a little springy and creates a nice surface. Quickly restores its shape after removing the load.


The foam reacts to temperature and pressure, takes the shape of the human body without resistance, and does not put pressure on soft tissues. It gives the impression of sleeping in zero gravity, the material supports the neck and head so well.

Soya Foam

Foam based on soy raw materials. Made in Spain. Pleasant to the touch material with good orthopedic properties. There are several types of soy foams. Solid Foam is a dense elastic material, Neropur is a foam with an anti-stress effect, with the smell of neroli, Viscool is similar to memory.

Cooling gel

Removes heat from the surface deep into the product. Thanks to this, the head is on a slightly cool surface and does not overheat. Most often, cooling gel covers memory or soy foam models.

How to fall asleep in an unusual position

Even if you didn't have problems sleeping before, you will now. Prolonged insomnia can completely kill your motivation to improve yourself, so increase your chances of falling asleep quickly in advance.

During insomnia, you don’t care about your posture – the main thing is to fall asleep.

Ventilate the room

Fresh air and slight coolness will be excellent companions to the world of dreams. In a stuffy room, too hot and sticky with sweat, it will be difficult to fall asleep.

Try to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity in the room.

Don't overeat before bed

Heavy or dense foods cause abdominal discomfort, a feeling of heaviness and pain. Until your stomach digests the food, you will suffer from insomnia.

And large volumes of food in the stomach, if you sleep on your back, place additional stress on the liver and kidneys. In such a situation it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Try to have a light dinner two hours before bed.

Create the right mood

You need to get ready for bed an hour or two before going to bed. During this time, you should only engage in quiet activities and relax.

  1. Take a relaxing bath.
  2. Drink tea with herbs.
  3. Talk to loved ones.
  4. Give up gadgets and TV.
  5. Write a diary, a gratitude list.
  6. Meditate.

When you go to bed, you should be in a good mood and light at heart. Put any worries and problems aside - you won’t solve them right now, so don’t even think about them. If they persistently creep into your head, write all your thoughts down on a piece of paper. This way you will unload them from your consciousness and be able to switch off.

Get tired during the day

A night's sleep should give you rest, and this is impossible if you are not tired. You will restlessly toss and turn from side to side, get up, walk, stretch your legs and arms, but you will not fall asleep for a long time without feeling tired.

You need to fill your day with work, activity, action, so that in the evening you are so tired that you literally collapse from fatigue. Then the body will not care how to fall asleep, on your back or stomach, the main thing is to sleep!

Play sports, do housework, avoid the elevator and transport, and take your dog for a longer walk.

Don't give up, and you will definitely be able to learn to sleep on your back, as if you had always slept that way. You’ll just have to put in a little effort at first, but then you’ll be able to feel alert and rested during a shorter sleep.

Why do you need to train yourself to sleep on your back?

The following facts will be a strong argument in favor of acquiring such a useful habit.

Regular back rest provides:

  • slowing down aging and preventing the formation of wrinkles;
  • healthy spine;
  • no pinching of nerve endings;
  • prevents muscle spasms.

Over time, people who have learned to lie in this position note that their dreams have become interesting and pleasant. They stop having nightmares and become calmer.

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