How to Strengthen Your Wrists for a Strong Grip and Injury Prevention

Gymnastics, rock climbing, crossfit, various types of martial arts - all these sports require strong wrists. Wrist strength needs to be developed in parallel with flexibility. This will help you cope with exercises that require not only a good grip, but also joint mobility.

In addition, strong wrists will allow you to train without pain and injury if you are learning to do handstands, walk on your hands, or do muscle-ups on the horizontal bar or rings.

Exercises for the wrists will also be useful for people who are far from sports. Warming up and stretching your wrists will help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, a compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist. Warming up will help relieve tension and will be an excellent pain prevention.

All of these exercises will help you develop wrist strength and flexibility. First you need to warm up and warm up the target muscles.


The diagnosis in most cases can be established by clinical methods, since the disease has characteristic symptoms.

Patients complain about:

  • wrist pain;
  • limited mobility;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • Difficulty abducting the hand.

Pain may be absent at rest, and at an early stage of the disease appears only with physical activity. Based on which specific movements cause pain, the doctor can understand which tendon is inflamed. Typically, these are the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus muscle or the extensor pollicis brevis muscle.

If patients endure pain for a long time, it intensifies. Over time, the pain syndrome begins to torment a person even at rest; many wake up at night from unbearable pain. Some patients hear or feel the tendon creak when moving the hand.

To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental methods can be used: ultrasound or MRI.

Exercises without dumbbells

This complex is also quite effective, although it is not heavy with sports equipment.

Simple push-ups

Sit on one hip. Place your hands on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder width. The fingers look at each other. Begin to lower your torso toward the floor, bending your elbows. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds and you will feel the muscles in your arms tighten. Then climb back up. For the first time, 5 push-ups will be enough. Gradually increase them to 30-40 times;

Compound push-ups

Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. We do the movements described in the previous exercise, with only one difference - when lowering, we press our elbows to the body. We increase the load gradually, based on our condition;

Exercise "prayer"

Sit cross-legged. Place your palms together as if for prayer. Now start pressing them hard against each other. When you reach maximum effort, hold the position for 20 seconds. Exhale and relax. Repeat 3-4 times. The same exercise can be done with your arms raised above your head or with your arms down;

Reverse push-ups

We lie on our stomachs, pressing our buttocks and lower abdomen to the floor. Place your palms on the floor with your fingers pointing forward. Now push off the floor, straightening your arms. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower down. Repeat 10-15 times;

Push from the table

Sit at a table against the wall and rest your hands on its edge. Start pushing him away from you with force. Stay in this position for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Raising the body from the floor

This exercise strengthens the triceps. Sit on the mat, bend your knees. Lean back a little and rest your hands on the floor, clenched into fists. Now begin to lift your body off the floor, rising on your hands. You will feel the back muscles of your arms, the triceps, tighten. Do 10 of these lifts;

Standing push-up

We remain sitting on the mat. Now we rest our feet and hands on the floor. Fingers point forward. Cross one leg over the other. Now almost all of your body weight is transferred to your arms. We begin to do push-ups, lowering the body to the floor as low as possible. Do 10 push-ups, change legs and repeat the exercise;

Lateral push-ups

We lie down on our right side. Legs straight, head raised. We clasp ourselves around the waist with our right hand, and place our left palm on the floor near the chest. We begin to push off from the floor on one hand, raising our torso, buttocks remain in place. Repeat 10 times and change sides.

Here is such a complex. It must be performed 2-3 times a week, devoting 20-30 minutes to training. There is no need to combine these two programs in one lesson. For example, on Tuesday you do simple exercises, on Thursday you do strength exercises. On Saturday - simple again. This way you will achieve results and won’t get too tired.

And of course, don’t forget about other parts of the body. Include exercises for your legs, abs, and waist in your program. After all, the figure must be completely proportional. For better results, as well as to prevent cellulite and stretch marks, sign up for a massage parlor. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. And try to monitor your appearance all year round, then you won’t need any diets, and you won’t have to urgently restore muscle elasticity. Regular exercise is all you need for a beautiful and healthy body!

Beautiful, well-groomed hands are no less attractive part of the body than legs and waist. Their unaesthetic shape can ruin any figure.

There are two main muscle groups: biceps (flexor) and triceps (extensor). And if the biceps are already well developed, due to the fact that they take on almost the entire load from everyday work, then the triceps without special load become saggy and flabby. To do this, use special exercises for the arm muscles. They can be performed both in the gym and at home.

Principles of treatment

There is no single treatment strategy that would suit all patients. Typically, doctors start with less invasive and safer interventions, and if they are insufficiently effective, they move on to more aggressive treatment tactics.

Algorithm of action of an orthopedic doctor:

1. Conservative therapy.

2. Glucocorticoid injections – if other conservative methods are ineffective.

3. Surgical treatment if conservative therapy does not work.

What are the benefits of forearm and hand exercises?

Many athletes, intensively working their triceps and biceps, do not pay enough attention to their wrists and forearms. Remaining undeveloped, they prevent the athlete from realizing his full potential. Thanks to the forearms and wrists, the most effective exercises are carried out on the deltoids, biceps, triceps, back, and chest. They must be strengthened and become part of every training.

Complaints regarding weak and thin arms are primarily associated with a lack of proper attention to this part of the upper body. This also applies to the legs, by the way. If they are not developed, they remain underdeveloped. Changing the position allows you to constantly work on your hands. It is necessary to perform wrist exercises regularly, and then even weak and undeveloped wrists and forearms will become stronger

Initial conservative treatment

Initial therapy usually involves the use of the following methods:

  • load limitation;
  • orthotics;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy.

This treatment is highly effective in the early stages of tendinitis. But it does not always work in advanced stages of pathology. The mistake patients make is that they endure pain for a long time before turning to a specialist. As a result, they continue to load the hand, the disease progresses, and it becomes more difficult to treat.

Goals of initial therapy:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • pain reduction;
  • strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the hand;
  • providing functional rest for the restoration of damaged tissues.

Compliance with the ergonomic regime is a key point in the treatment of the disease. Since the main cause is monotonous, repetitive movements, when these movements are eliminated, the symptoms of wrist tendonitis gradually regress. The patient is advised to avoid movements with the hand deviating towards the ulna, eliminate repetitive pinch grips, and reduce the total time of load on the hand. It is worth improving the ergonomics of working at a computer and using a more comfortable hand position when using a smartphone. Breaks when putting pressure on the hand should be taken every 10 minutes. To perform the job, you can use orthoses that limit unwanted movements.

Drug therapy – eliminates symptoms. Some patients may have pain in the hand at rest or with minimal household activity. This is the result of inflammation and swelling of tissues, which can be relieved with medications. Initially, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed for 7-10 days. In the future they are accepted upon request.

Additional methods of drug treatment:

  • gels with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • warming ointments;
  • compresses with dimethyl sulfoxide.

Physical therapy – improves blood flow in the wrist, reduces swelling and inflammation. Like NSAIDs, this is a symptomatic treatment method. The main options for physiotherapy: cryotherapy, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, shock wave therapy. A total of at least 10 procedures are required.

Orthotics - limit only unwanted movements, but generally preserve the mobility of the hand. The wrist joint with radial styloiditis is fixed in a neutral position or in extension at an angle of 15 degrees. The first finger is fixed at an angle of 45 degrees, and the first metacarpophalangeal joint is fixed in a flexion position at an angle of 10 degrees. In this case, the first (thumb) finger is kept in the functional position. But if pain persists, the interphalangeal joint can be fixed in extension.

Taping is an orthotics option that involves the use of adhesive cotton tapes. The peculiarity of the technique is that a correctly applied elastic tape lifts the skin, improving blood circulation and normalizing the outflow of lymph. Therefore, taping has an additional anti-edematous effect. By improving proprioception and normalizing relationships within the joints, pain is reduced.

Causes of hand arthritis

The causes of arthritis in the hands usually lie in chronic diseases or lifestyle. The risk of disease is increased by the presence of bad habits, an unbalanced diet, unsanitary living conditions or a harmful microclimate in the workplace. The causes of the disease can be:

  • disorders of the immune system (autoimmune diseases);
  • severe allergic reaction, intoxication, hypothermia or overheating;
  • chronic metabolic disorders (eg, gout, diabetes);
  • the presence of infection (intestinal, respiratory, genitourinary or intra-articular, which enters through open wounds);
  • hormonal imbalances (in particular, estrogen deficiency);
  • wear of articular cartilage due to increased loads - arthrosis-arthritis (often occurs when working with vibrating tools, among painters, typists, athletes and other professionals with increased load on their hands).


Local injection therapy

The conservative treatment measures listed above only work at an early stage. But most patients present with severe pain, so in 80% of cases glucocorticoid injections are used for treatment. They help quickly relieve inflammation and reduce pain. The therapy is effective in more than 90% of patients. In 58% of patients, the results last more than 1 year after 1 injection, in 73% - after 2 injections.

Indications for local administration of glucocorticoids:

  • strong pain;
  • ineffectiveness of initial therapy;
  • disease duration up to 4 months.

Injections of corticosteroids are also possible if the pathology is up to 12 months old, but the effect is less pronounced, since by this time profound changes in the ligament occur.

Complications of treatment:

  • temporary stiffness of the first finger – develops in every third patient;
  • increased pain on the first day - in one case out of three;
  • skin pigmentation or depigmentation - in case of superficial injection;
  • impaired skin sensitivity - in case of injection of drugs into the area of ​​the radial nerve;
  • bleeding with the formation of a hematoma.

Glucocorticoids are administered along with a local anesthetic. It acts instantly, turning off the sensitivity of nerve endings. But after a few hours, the effect of the drug wears off and the pain may return. The final result from the administration of glucocorticoids is achieved only after a few days, but significant improvement is noted already on the second day.

After administration of the drug, immobilization is required for 1 to 3 days and limitation of physical labor for up to 7 days. If there is no sufficient effect from the injection, the procedure can be repeated after 2-3 weeks. However, frequent use of corticosteroids is undesirable, as it leads to soft tissue atrophy. Therefore, if there is no sufficient effect, doctors proceed to surgical treatment.

Quilling and its features

Quilling is the art of rolling paper. This technique appeared in European monasteries. The attendants rolled miniature medallions using the tip of a bird feather and gilded paper. The illusion was created that the jewelry was made of gold threads.

Currently, the art of creating paper works using this technique has captured many countries. This option is interesting in creating the finest masterpieces

(volumetric and planar) from affordable and most common material.
The work requires great accuracy, subtlety and concentration. But the result always pleases the creative person


Styloiditis is treated surgically in the following cases:

  • failure of conservative therapy, including glucocorticoid injections, for 1 month;
  • blockade of the finger in the flexion position.

The essence of the operation: opening the canal in which the tendon moves and its decompression (removing pressure) for normal gliding. This is a non-traumatic operation that is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

The operation is performed on an arm that has been drained of blood using a cuff. Doctors use optics to see arm tissue under magnification and avoid damage to nerves and blood vessels. When surgically treating styloiditis, it is especially important not to damage the sensitive branches of the radial nerve, which are hidden in adipose tissue.

Surgical treatment is highly effective: up to 96% of patients obtain good or excellent results. The risk of complications does not exceed 2%. The main ones are injury to the radial nerve and the formation of keloid scars. In the long term, relapses are observed in only 5% of patients.

In recent years, endoscopic operations have been increasingly performed. They are less traumatic, safer, and reduce the risk of complications. A better aesthetic effect is ensured, since the incision on the skin is smaller. Patients recover faster after such operations.

Cosmetic procedures

An affordable way to remove sagging arms at home is with wraps. By creating a thermal effect, they help remove excess fluid and tighten the skin. To wrap at home, you will need cling film and a mixture that you will apply to the skin. Mixtures may vary

You can pay attention to the following options using available ingredients:

  • Vegetables. Mash boiled potatoes with honey, milk and yolk. Afterwards, apply the resulting mixture to problem areas and wrap with cling film. Leave on for an hour, then rinse and apply moisturizer. Potatoes can also be replaced with zucchini.
  • Fruits. Chop the baked apples (can be replaced with bananas or persimmons), mix with honey and cream. Apply to hands and leave for an hour, then rinse.
  • Honey. You can simply apply it to your hand and cover with cling film. You can also add a few drops of essential oil. Citrus oils, verbena, rosemary, and fennel work well.
  • Clay. Blue or black clay tightens the skin best. Mix it with kefir or other fermented milk drink and honey in a ratio of 2:1:1. Add a couple of drops of any essential oil. Apply to skin, wrap in film and put on something warm. Leave for an hour, then wash off.

You can also use ready-made formulations for wraps, which are sold in pharmacies. Usually they already contain all the substances necessary to give the skin elasticity. It is recommended to do wraps 2-3 times a week after a shower - this way the skin will be steamed and better absorb all the necessary substances. After the procedure, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

You can also use various cosmetics to help tighten the skin: scrubs, creams, masks. Scrubs are good because they exfoliate dead particles and thereby rejuvenate the skin. They also improve blood circulation, which also has a positive effect on rejuvenation processes.

Scrubs can also be prepared at home. Salt or coffee grounds are most often used for this. Here is one good recipe for a homemade scrub. So, you will need half a teaspoon of coffee grounds, a tablespoon of honey and 1-2 drops of essential oil. The remedy is made as follows:

  • Brew the coffee, then place the grounds in a separate container. Add honey and essential oil that suits your skin type.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Apply the mixture to problem areas, massaging them. Do not press too hard to avoid damaging the skin. You should feel that the blood is moving and becoming warm. This same scrub, by the way, can be used for the whole body.

Instead of honey, you can use olive or any other base oil.

You can also use masks - homemade or store-bought - to tighten the skin. Here are a couple of recipes.

Recipe 1

You need the following ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of avocado or grape seed oil;
  • A couple of drops of patchouli essential oil;
  • A couple of drops of juniper essential oil.

Mix all the oils. Apply the composition onto the skin of your hands using massage movements. Massage for a few minutes to help it absorb better. Do not wipe or wash off the mixture. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime.

Recipe 2

You will need the following for it:

  • A tablespoon of jojoba or grape seed oil.
  • A drop of essential oils to choose from: verbena, fennel, rosemary, geranium.

Choose 2-3 essential oils that suit your skin type. Combine essential and carrier oils. Apply to hands and massage for 3-4 minutes until slightly absorbed. This mask is also best done before bed.

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