How can the Shants collar help with cervical osteochondrosis?

Advice from a medical expert on choosing neck braces

The cervical spine is characterized by both greater mobility and increased vulnerability.
This is explained by the fact that the cervical spine holds the head in its natural position, as well as the specific anatomical structure of the section. In this area of ​​the spinal column, injuries and pathologies are diagnosed much more often than in all others. Complex therapy usually includes wearing a fixing bandage or bandage (orthosis, cervical collar, splint). With the help of a neck brace, the joint structures are securely fixed, which guarantees immobility of the cervical spine. However, in order for the bandage to truly justify its purpose, it is necessary to initially select the optimal product model. Otherwise, instead of benefit, this device will only cause harm.

How to dress correctly

The middle part of the corset should be applied to the neck area in front. The bandage is wrapped in a circle. They fasten it under the occipital area with Velcro, fixing the neck, but not pinching it. To check how correctly the collar is worn, insert a finger between the corset and the skin. The Velcro strips should be centered on the back. It is required that the bandage fits tightly, but not tightly, around the neck. If the patient feels that he can easily tilt his head and turn it to the sides, then the bandage is not selected correctly.

Before purchasing an orthosis, the length from the collarbone to the chin area is measured. Strong fixation of the bandage is unacceptable, otherwise it will be difficult for the person to breathe. If you use a corset together with medications, eat a balanced diet, and exercise, then pain and numbness will appear to a lesser extent. Microcirculation processes will also improve, and the patient’s general well-being will normalize.

Constantly wearing such a corset is not recommended, otherwise the muscles will atrophy. They wear it 2-3 hours a day. It is also mandatory to wear a bandage during gymnastics classes and when working in a job that involves sitting in one position for a long time. The corset is also used for chronic osteochondrosis, but it is advisable to wear it before falling asleep, then neck tension will be eliminated.

You should buy the product only in special stores or pharmacies.

You should not be in a horizontal position with such a corset, and it is also unacceptable to fall asleep with a collar.

What are the indications for wearing a bandage?

The bandage is in demand for the following diagnoses:

  • cervical spine injury;
  • narrowing of the intervertebral canal;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis.

Visually, a neck brace resembles a collar, providing static fixation to the cervical region. It relieves excess stress from the vertebrae, maintains them in an optimal position and stimulates the strengthening of the muscles that are located around this area of ​​the spine. Thanks to the bandage, muscle tone gradually decreases, blood flow is activated, and pain becomes less.

Who is this bandage for?

The therapeutic corset has many indications. It should be worn for osteochondrosis, torticollis, pain in the neck muscles, muscle inflammation, scoliosis, sprains, fractures and other pathological conditions. It will provide an effective therapeutic result. But it is also worth remembering the contraindications. It is prohibited to wear a corset in cases where the cervical segment is severely destabilized, as well as when there are skin pathologies.

An orthopedic device with a warming effect will fix the neck, eliminate pain due to osteochondrosis changes, improve microcirculatory processes and relax the neck muscles

What types of neck braces are there?

On sale: in pharmacies, online stores, and orthopedic goods stores there are several types of neck braces. They differ in materials of manufacture, dimensions (for an adult or for a child), level of rigidity and design features.

Each individual case has a specific type of neck brace. The prescription is issued by the attending physician. An incorrectly chosen model can cause harm to health.

One of the common types of neck brace is the Shantsa Splint. Depending on the type of fixation, it is:

Neck bandage ORTO ShVNNeck bandage ORTO ShVVBandage for the cervical spine ORLETT BN6-53
  • Soft and semi-hard. Such bandages easily take the shape of the curves of the neck. Foamed hypoallergenic polyurethane is used to make the base.
  • Tough. This is a plastic tire, covered with a fabric that is pleasant to the touch and equipped with a recess for the larynx in the front.
  • Most models of bandages are fastened with Velcro, which makes it easy to remove and put on the product.

The size range of the Shantz splint will allow you to choose a retainer for both an adult and a child. The product firmly fixes the vertebrae and normalizes blood flow in the neck, brain and head tissues. Thanks to this, unpleasant symptoms gradually decrease.

Elimination of pathologies of the neck and cervical spine is far from the only area of ​​application for Shants collars. This type of bandage is often useful for older people and for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle - in such cases, the bandage prevents problems with the spine.

The Shantz splint does not always guarantee the desired result, and then the doctor may prescribe a Philadelphia bandage.

The Philadelphia bandage is prescribed for the following pathologies:

ORLETT orthosis for the cervical spine with a strong degree of fixation
  • displacement of the cervical vertebrae;
  • excessive mobility of the cervical spine;
  • cervical radiculopathy;
  • stable cervical fractures.

The Philadelphia bandage is also worn during the recovery period after cervical surgery.

According to its design features, the Philadelphia bandage is a splint that rests on the patient’s shoulders. Its upper part is responsible for supporting the lower jaw and the back of the head. Such clamps do not allow the neck to bend and unbend, and the vertebrae cannot move under any circumstances.

In Philadelphia bandages, there are back and front halves, which are connected to each other with fasteners (usually Velcro).

These models look like neck corsets. However, they are also equipped with holes for installing tracheostomies - after all, cervical spine operations often involve the installation of tubes inside the trachea.

Philadelphia products do not interfere with examinations such as MRI or X-ray. They are made from low-weight wear-resistant materials - foamed hypoallergenic polyurethanes. They do not contain latex. Due to the use of polyurethane, the mass of the bandages is 120 grams maximum, and the surface of the skin under them does not fog up. It is comfortable to sleep and take water procedures in such orthopedic products.

How to make it yourself

To make a corset, you need to prepare a soft knitted fabric or one that contains a lot of elastic fibers, fixing Velcro, which should not be wider than 1 cm and longer than 5 cm, and a plastic container (can or bottle). First, measurements are taken. Then the fabric is cut out so that it has the shape of a rectangle no wider than 30 cm.

The length should not exceed 2 cm of the circumference of the neck area. The cut fabric is folded so as to obtain a roll with a size of 10 to 12 cm. Then a strip no wider than 2 cm is cut out of plastic. It should be smaller than the fabric blank and not so wide. The orthosis should be located above the area where the pain is localized.

From the reverse edge, from the central part of the collar, 1 cm of fabric is folded inwards at an angle, then a plastic blank is placed and the fold is sewn downwards along the edge. If the elongated part has already been made, the sides are processed, they are adjusted along the edges into the workpiece. Then you need to sew Velcro onto the bandage so that they do not injure the skin while wearing the corset.

What nuances matter when choosing a product?

First of all, when choosing a product, you need to rely on your doctor’s recommendations.

The Philadelphia bandage is worn strictly as prescribed by a medical specialist. We do not recommend taking measurements yourself to select such a bandage.

If we are talking about a Shants tire, then taking measurements on your own is quite acceptable, but to do this you must strictly follow the rules.

When purchasing an orthopedic product, you must make sure that the material it is made of is hypoallergenic and washable. This must be stated in plain text on the packaging. You also need to make sure that the fasteners of the product are in working order.

How to choose and wear correctly

You should accurately select the dimensions of this corset; if the retainer is selected incorrectly, it will not function normally. If the bandage is chosen incorrectly, the patient will experience symptoms such as muscle soreness and dizziness. The patient may also lose consciousness, feel sick and vomit. Only a doctor can help you choose the right bandage size.

Bandage for back pain

Before purchasing a product, you need to take some measurements:

  • The head is fixed so that the external auditory canal is at the same level as the eyes.
  • The space between the chin and the sternum area is measured with a tape.
  • The parameter in centimeters is the required size of the retainer.

Before applying the corset, the head is held straight. In front, the mandibular zone is fixed with an orthosis; from below, emphasis should be placed on the clavicle zone. On the back side, the lower occipital area is held in place by a clamp.

How not to make a mistake with the dimensions of the bandage?

The Shants splint is selected by measuring the patient’s neck with a regular measuring tape. You only need to find out two parameters:

  1. Neck height. It is defined as the distance from the extreme point of the lower jaw to the middle of the collarbone.
  2. Neck circumference. It is equal to the circumference of the patient's neck.
Neck circumference, cm20-3220-3220-3220-3230-3535-4530-3535-4530-3535-4530-3535-45
Neck height, cm4567889910101112

Both of these values ​​are compared with those indicated in the table developed by the bandage manufacturer.

How to choose a Shants collar?

Important criteria for a safe and effective bandage: certification, hypoallergenicity and suitable size. Only a certified collar can be in long-term contact with the skin and used to treat diseases. If the parameters of the product have not been checked for compliance with hygienic orthopedic standards, it will be not only useless, but also harmful.

Of course, the size of the collar also matters. It is the distance from the head to the shoulder girdle that matters. If the collar does not fit, it will either press hard or, conversely, not fix anything. Additionally, decide on the type of product: soft, reinforced or hard. In Medtekhnika Orthosalon stores, certified and comfortable collars are always available. Expert consultants select the correct type and size of bandage, clarify the nuances of use and care. Typically, clients also purchase orthopedic pillows that improve sleep and complement the effect of the collar.

Features of use in the treatment of children

The duration of wearing the device for torticollis in a newborn depends on the speed of recovery (5-6 months). The doctor may discontinue its use if the next examination reveals complete elimination of the pathology.

Soft Shants collars are most often used to treat children, so hypoallergenic materials are used in their manufacture, and the design does not contain dangerous hooks or buttons. If the child experiences discomfort, you should consult a doctor. He will clarify the size of the product and, if necessary, adjust the wearing pattern.

Why arthrosis of the cervical vertebrae needs to be treated

If the treatment of osteoarthritis of the cervical vertebrae is delayed, the disease can lead to the following complications:

  • compression of nerve endings and, as a result, severe pain;
  • pinching of the spinal canals;
  • stroke.

Rare, but accurate: arthrosis of the cervical vertebrae can lead to stroke

Philadelphia neck collar

A special feature of this device is the hypoallergenic material from which the bandage is made, a stable long-term mechanism, and the absence of latex in the composition.

The Philadelphia bandage is intended for people with a tracheotomy. A special hole in the collar allows for constant monitoring and care of the trachea. Even when wearing such a bandage, doctors have the opportunity to examine the disease and take X-rays and conduct MRI. Plus, the hole allows air to pass through, which helps moisture not to linger, which prevents sweating and irritation on the neck. In addition, you are even allowed to shower in it.

Important! A rigid orthosis is indicated for use in the case of complete fixation of the cervical spine in the period after surgery, with radiculitis, with all types of injuries and fractures, with high mobility of the vertebrae, with their displacement.

The Philadelphia bandage is distinguished by the fact that it has a special hole in the trachea area

Wearing a Philadelphia collar can only be prescribed by a doctor. They take measurements: they need to be taken with straightened shoulders, closed shoulder blades and an elongated chin. Then the circumference and height of the neck are measured.

Treatment of arthrosis of the cervical spine

As a rule, people turn to a rheumatologist with an acute form of the disease, so the primary goals of therapy are as follows:

  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • stop inflammation;
  • eliminate pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal trunk.

In addition, for the normal functioning of the vertebrae, it is necessary to restore the destroyed cartilage fibers of the discs, and for this, increase blood circulation in the damaged tissues.

Therapeutic methods

1. Medication.

NSAIDs are used to relieve pain and inflammation, and chondroprotectors are used to regenerate cartilage tissue. Blood circulation and nutrition of affected tissues can be normalized with the help of vasodilator drugs. Muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle spasms.

2. Physiotherapeutic.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is auxiliary in nature and is aimed at accelerating metabolism in tissues. Most often, with this diagnosis, manual therapy, magnetic and acupuncture therapy, phonophoresis, and infrared radiation are prescribed.

Without exercise therapy or yoga, treatment for neck arthrosis will not be complete

If medications do not help and there is a possibility of vertebral artery syndrome, surgery is prescribed for uncoarthrosis of the cervical vertebrae. It involves removing and replacing the damaged joint with an endoprosthesis.

In order not to harm your neck with arthrosis and help it, practice, for example, the following morning exercises:

Types of cervical orthopedic pillows

Today, there are several types of cervical orthopedic pillows. They differ in their purpose, form factor, and the filler used by the manufacturer.

The most popular are the collar pillow and the bolster pillow. Let's take a closer look at them.

The collar pillow is also often called the “travel pillow.” It is shaped like a horseshoe and is designed specifically for those who spend a lot of time on trains, planes and buses. During a trip, even if the chair is quite comfortable, the neck muscles do not get the opportunity to rest due to being in a sitting position. It is this problem that the orthopedic “horseshoe” is designed to solve, which tightly clasps the neck from the back and sides, fixing the person’s head in the most natural position. As a result, the load on muscle tissue is reduced, and a person has the opportunity to relax and even fall asleep in a sitting position. It is noteworthy that after sleeping with such a pillow, there is no unpleasant sensation in the neck, so familiar to those who have had to repeatedly doze off in transport.

An orthopedic cushion cushion is a cushion of variable thickness. It can also be used for sedentary work. In particular, this accessory is extremely popular among drivers, as it provides support for the head and neck, without limiting their mobility or blocking their view. In addition, it can be used by people who spend a lot of time on the computer.

There is also an orthopedic pillow called a double bolster. It consists of two rollers of different heights and is intended for sleeping. Thanks to its unique form factor, you can sleep on this pillow in different positions: on your back, using a high bolster; on the side, using either a high or low bolster, depending on how firm the mattress is; on the stomach using a low roller.

Orthopedists say that such pillows provide excellent support for the head and neck, helping to relax muscles and normalize sleep. It is noteworthy that such a pillow is placed only under the head and neck, while the person’s shoulders lie directly on the mattress, due to which there is no deformation of the spine.

An important role, however, is played not only by the form factor of the orthopedic pillow, but also by what kind of filler the manufacturer used.

Contraindications for use

Before you start using a cervical brace, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use:

  • with instability of the elements of the cervical spine resulting from various injuries or existing bone diseases;
  • dermatological diseases such as rashes, irritations and other similar rashes;
  • impaired cerebral circulation;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • the presence of neoplasms, tumors and swellings in the cervical region.

Those who suffer from skin diseases or tumors in the neck area will have to refuse to wear a bandage.

Unhealed deep wounds may also be a contraindication to the use of a bandage. A deep wound needs air exchange for quick “drying” and healing, which a collar cannot provide. There is also a danger of infection in the wound and suppuration.

Correct use of the orthosis

The collar bandage is worn only on the naked body, while the chin is placed in a special recess on its upper part. Next, the bandage is fastened with Velcro, which are located behind the orthosis. A correctly worn bandage does not restrict movement, does not squeeze, and in no case interferes with the patient’s breathing. The time for using the collar is prescribed only by the doctor; for example, for osteochondrosis, the bandage must be worn for two hours with a rest of 30 minutes. Any complaints when wearing a bandage should be alarming and immediately discussed with a doctor. Typically the recovery period takes 1 month.

It is important to wear the bandage for a certain amount of time, which will be determined by the doctor.

Fact. The bandage is a highly effective remedy that can relieve headaches, fatigue, muscle tension and other consequences of osteochondrosis.

Neck brace for newborns

In the postpartum department, neck braces are increasingly being used for very young children. A cervical brace is prescribed for torticollis or congenital neuralgic diseases. Muscular torticollis is an underdevelopment of certain neck muscles, which can be either congenital or appear during a protracted labor. An experienced doctor will immediately see the symptoms of this pathology. The sooner the bandage is installed, the sooner the problem will go away. In parallel with wearing such a device, therapeutic massage, electrophoresis and exercise therapy are usually prescribed.

In the first days of a child wearing a bandage, parents may encounter restless behavior of the baby, frequent whims and restless sleep. This is all justified by the unusualness and inconvenience for the baby. However, the effectiveness of a cervical brace has been proven over the years, and in no case should you resort to removing it until a doctor approves it. You may have to wear the orthosis for only a few minutes a day, or perhaps for a couple of months in a row - it all depends on the severity of the disease.

In some cases, wearing such a device is also indicated for infants.

The choice of a bandage for a baby must be taken responsibly, since an incorrectly selected device will not only not bring a positive result, but can also cause harm. While the child is wearing a fixation collar, the mother should monitor the condition of the skin under the orthosis as closely as possible: it should be clean and dry, without redness or swelling. A finger should be placed between the neck and the orthosis - this is a sign that the collar does not interfere with the baby’s breathing and is generally worn correctly.

The collar should be washed daily to prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of diaper rash. If your doctor has prescribed continuous wearing of a collar, it is recommended to purchase a replacement one in case the washed one dries out. Wearing the Shants splint should be treated with the utmost care, because the further performance of all the muscles of the baby’s spine will depend on it.

Difficulties in diagnosis

Before prescribing a complex treatment regimen or prescribing intra-articular injection of synovial fluid prostheses, the rheumatologist must ensure that the diagnosis is correct, since the symptoms of the disease duplicate a number of other pathologies. After collecting an anamnesis and studying a blood test to determine the absence of other diseases (with arthrosis, blood counts do not change), one of the following studies is carried out:

  • radiography in several projections;
  • CT or MRI;
  • vascular angiography.

As a result of examinations, the doctor determines changes in the structure of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs, the joint space, the amount of synovial fluid and its deficiency in the joints, the nature of bone growths - osteophytes.

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