Foot compresses: types and application features

Doctors appreciated the healing power of heat back in ancient times. One such solution is an alcohol compress made from vodka, which has a deep warming effect. Dilute ethyl alcohol does not burn the skin and does not have a strong unpleasant odor, like some other warming preparations, so vodka compresses are suitable for almost everyone. They can be given even to pregnant women and children over 3 years old (if there are no additional contraindications).

Choice of alcohol base. At home, a compress is made from vodka or pure ethyl (can be medical) alcohol diluted with water to 40%. Moonshine in this case is undesirable because it contains harmful impurities. To avoid skin irritation, the strength of the alcohol base should not exceed 40 degrees. Further on in the article, the terms vodka (from vodka) and alcohol (from alcohol) mean one product.

Operating principle. In the area to which the alcohol compress is applied, blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases, the removal of toxins is accelerated, and the tissues are saturated with oxygen. Such compresses relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.

In addition, alcohol is an excellent solvent. If you add healing herbal extracts to the vodka (alcohol) intended for the compress, the beneficial substances will be absorbed into the blood vessels much faster.

What does it help with? Vodka (alcohol) compresses are recommended for the following diseases:

  • cough, sore throat and sore throat (except for the purulent form);
  • colds and hypothermia, if there is no temperature;
  • otitis (except for the purulent form);
  • joint pain;
  • bruises, sprains and muscles;
  • bumps that appear after injections;
  • the appearance of corns;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and gout;
  • radiculitis and back pain.

What is a compress?

A compress is a multi-layer bandage made of fabric soaked in water, liquid medicinal composition, herbal decoction or infusion, medical alcohol or vodka, oil or other suitable liquid. A dampened and thoroughly wrung-out cloth is applied to the affected area of ​​the leg, covered with a layer of plastic film, oilcloth or wax paper, on top of which cotton wool, a woolen or flannel napkin is fixed using an adhesive plaster or bandage. The area of ​​the top layer should be several centimeters larger than the bottom layer of fabric.


When fixing, carefully ensure that the compress fits tightly to the skin, but does not disturb local blood circulation.

Depending on the type of procedure, the duration may vary. For example, a cold compress on the leg needs to be changed every 2-3 minutes: if you do this less often, the tissue will quickly heat up from the body and the therapeutic effect of the procedure will be reduced to zero. Hot compresses are changed every 5-10 minutes. Warming compresses can be changed less often: this can be done once every 6-12 hours.


The dose of ethyl alcohol that leads to death is 6-8 ml per kilogram of body weight.
The lethal concentration of ethyl alcohol is 4-5 g/l or more.

Therefore, the greater the body weight, the greater the chance of survival when taking a large dose.

Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning:

  • labored breathing;
  • nausea;
  • blue discoloration of the skin;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • dehydration;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • loss or confusion.

Take note:

Frequent drinking of alcohol in large doses causes addiction and alcoholism.

If you abuse ethyl alcohol (as, indeed, any other alcoholic drink), death can occur.

Types of procedure

The following types of compresses are distinguished:

  • Cold (so-called “lotions”). Their main purpose is to constrict blood vessels, which reduces pain and swelling. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a little vinegar, herbal decoction, boric acid solution, aluminum acetate, lead water, furatsilin, and ice cubes to the water. Lotions are usually used for small hematomas, bruises and other injuries.


Remember that receiving a serious injury (for example, a sprain) is a reason to seek medical help.

In this case, the lotion acts as an aid, therefore, in case of sprain, dislocation, fracture or severe bruise of the leg, a cold compress is recommended only after consulting a traumatologist.

Types of procedure: hot compress

  • Hot, also popularly known as “poultices”. The essence of the procedure is to apply a piece of gauze or cloth soaked in hot (50-70° C) water to the affected area of ​​the lower limb. The main purpose of this type of procedure is to increase blood circulation by increasing local body temperature. Activation of blood flow provokes a decrease in pain, weakening of spasms, resorption of infiltrate and removal of swelling.


Contraindications to applying a hot compress to the leg are high body temperature (37° C or higher), certain heart diseases (for example, acute heart failure), thrombophlebitis, any dermatological inflammation and damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the compress.

Also, poultices are not recommended for use within two days after injury.

  • Warming compresses occupy an intermediate position between hot and cold. As in the case of poultices, their effect is aimed at increasing local body temperature, however, due to a more comfortable temperature (40-50 ° C), their effect time can be longer (from 6 to 12 hours). Most often they are done at night.

Expert opinion

To prevent the development of side effects on the skin, it is important not only to apply the compress correctly, but also to remove it safely. To do this, after the required time has passed, the poultice or lotion is carefully removed, the skin is wiped with cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol and gently wiped with a soft cloth. After a hot and warming compress on the leg, it is advisable to keep the limb warm for 10-20 minutes.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

Compresses for varicose veins

Rubbing rules

It would seem that such a simple procedure as rubbing with vodka is quite simple and understandable. In fact, it must also be carried out taking into account a number of rules and nuances. For example, the procedure should be accompanied by plenty of fluids to eliminate the risk of dehydration.

“Most often, rubbing with vodka is used at elevated body temperatures, when medications take a long time to act, and the person is literally burning. At the same time, you also need to do everything correctly,” the doctor notes.

For rubbing, you do not need to take pure vodka - it should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Next, the cotton cloth is dipped in the prepared solution and the body is gently wiped. Treatment of the cardiac and groin areas should be avoided. “Start at the top and gradually move down,” the doctor advises.

Vodka rubs are also used for coughs to improve dry coughs and speed up the removal of phlegm. To do this, vodka is again diluted with water and rubbed on the upper and lower back. The main thing, again, is that there is no suspicion of inflammatory processes in the lungs or purulent processes.

“When you have a cold, you also rub your body with vodka, paying special attention to your feet. To consolidate the effect, you need to wear socks,” says the doctor.

Article on the topic

40 degree "doctor". What and how is treated with vodka?

Compresses for varicose veins

Traditional medicine offers a wide variety of recipes for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. This includes compresses for varicose veins of the legs. The greatest effect with their help can be achieved at an early stage of the development of the disease, with the appearance of telangiectasia and reticular varicose veins. In this case, the changes occurring in the vessels are not yet so pronounced, and they can be slowed down with the help of traditional medicine recipes.


In the later stages of the development of varicose veins (with pronounced dilation of the main veins, chronic venous insufficiency and the formation of trophic ulcers), compresses can only be done on the recommendation of a doctor.

When choosing ingredients for preparing lotions and poultices, be guided by the effect of the active ingredients they contain. Typically these are plants with coumarins, tannins, tannins, acids and salicylates. They have an anti-inflammatory, venotonic, blood-thinning, anti-edematous effect, normalizing blood flow in damaged vessels and reducing swelling. Most often, the following plants are used to combat varicose veins: flowers and fruits of horse chestnut, bark of white willow branches, plantain leaves, flowers of rue officinalis, bodyaga, chopped potatoes, hop cones, aloe juice, grated ginger root, etc.

Expert opinion

Traditional medicine recipes can act solely as an additional remedy in the treatment of problems with veins. It is important to understand that with varicose veins (especially in the later stages of the disease), serious changes occur in the vessels, the normalization of which requires more effective methods than herbal medicine. Therefore, under no circumstances neglect the drug treatment recommended by the phlebologist, wearing compression stockings and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

In addition to using leg compresses for varicose veins, you can use auxiliary products. For example, regular use of Normaven® Foot Cream gives amazing results. It contains such active ingredients as extracts of chestnut, green tea, ginkgo biloba, lingonberry, arnica and wormwood, panthenol, menthol, lemon oil, vitamins A, B and C. Using this product for three months can reduce the manifestations of vascular patterns , get rid of swelling and cramps, relieve the feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.

Compresses for swelling

Excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space occurs with a number of pathologies (heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver), as well as with an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol abuse, unbalanced diet, etc.) Ice and salt lotions are an effective means of combating this problem. compress of grated potatoes, cabbage leaves, dill and parsley juice, chamomile and lemon balm decoction.

Expert opinion

For occasional swelling of the lower extremities, a compress for leg swelling will help quickly remove excess fluid. However, if you experience this problem regularly, a simple compress will not be enough to relieve swelling in your feet. Be sure to get examined, because the cause may lie in a serious heart or kidney disease.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

Compresses and baths for tired legs

Alcohol compresses

Vodka and alcohol lotions have a warming effect, dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow. Vodka and medical alcohol in diluted form are excellent for preparing a compress on the leg for a tumor that occurs as a result of a bruise, for resolving bumps after injections, for warming up the joints. Vodka compresses for gout on the legs are very popular, as well as lotions with dimexide, which help reduce pain in this disease.


However, it is extremely important to take into account that both alcohol and dimexide in this case should be used exclusively in diluted form.

Ethanol and methanol

The consequences of drinking alcohol and its impact on human health depend on the type and amount drunk.
In addition to ethyl alcohol, there is methyl and isopropyl alcohol - powerful poisons that affect the nervous system, lungs and many other vital human organs. In case of poisoning with these substances, it is important to promptly provide first aid, otherwise death will inevitably occur. In addition, methanol and ethanol are identical in physical properties (taste, color and smell)

It is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other at home.

In addition, methanol and ethanol are identical in physical properties (taste, color and smell). It is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other at home.

Please note: you can check the ethyl or technical alcohol in front of you by igniting it. Ethyl burns with a blue flame, methyl with a green flame.

In principle, methanol should not be freely sold in stores, it is used only for industrial needs, but there are different cases. Alcohol for food use can be found in pharmacies or wineries.

Do not buy questionable liquid. Ask the seller where it was purchased. Drinking alcohol of unknown origin is very dangerous.

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