What's the point of peeling the skin on wheels?

July 5, 2020

Dry patches on the skin are a common dermatological symptom that can indicate either a temporary failure and disruption of the barrier functions of the epidermis, or a skin disease. It all depends on the size of the spots, the clarity of their boundaries, as well as the duration of their presence on the skin.

The causes of dryness can be divided into two large groups:

  • nonspecific - allergic reactions to household chemicals, laundry soap, cosmetic products, dehydration due to cold and wind;
  • specific - then the spots become a manifestation of dermatological diseases.

Sometimes a person himself may notice that dry spots appear on his skin after a certain event occurs, for example, after washing clothes by hand. Then the reason is obvious and easy to eliminate. But if dry spots on the skin do not go away, they itch, or flake, you should consult a doctor.

Dry patches with scales

Pink, raised, dry patches on the body and head may indicate psoriasis. With this dermatological pathology, raised plaques appear on the skin of a person - psoriatic papules. They protrude above the surface of the skin, cause intense itching and flake, and tend to spread and coalesce.

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which rashes are most often localized on the elbows, head, knees and groin. Dry pink spots covered with white scales are foci of chronic inflammation. Under the influence of internal autoimmune processes, epidermal cells divide several times faster than necessary. As a result, small flakes of dying skin cells are constantly separated.

Dry knees: causes

1. Seasonal deficiency of vitamins A, E.

2. The habit of leaning on your knees leads to hardening of the skin.

3. Wearing tights and trousers.

4. Hormonal imbalances.

5. Lack of vegetable fats in the body.

All problems associated with dry skin on the knees can be solved by correctly identifying the cause of their occurrence.

So first, you should go to an endocrinologist, who will determine whether there is a problem with hormonal levels. If it exists, then it needs to be resolved with medication under the supervision of a doctor.

In other cases, the skin can be moisturized at home with cosmetics or effective homemade moisturizing compositions.

You also need to eat foods rich in vitamin C, A, and E. It is also worth eating foods containing fats.

You can easily prepare several effective remedies at home.


Atopic dermatitis and its differences from psoriasis

Atopic dermatitis may also cause dry patches to appear on the body. And as with psoriasis, they cause itching. Due to the increased sensitivity of the skin to environmental factors, the mechanisms of its self-regulation are disrupted, including the barrier function. That is, the trigger for atopic dermatitis is an allergy, but the tendency to such a skin reaction is genetically determined.

Most often, atopic dermatitis occurs in children. The disease has a chronic course, when exacerbations are replaced by periods of remission. Here are the typical signs of atopic dermatitis:

  • dry skin;
  • peeling and redness of the eyelids;
  • dry flesh-colored plaques on the trunk and extensor areas of the body;
  • cracks.

It is difficult for a person without medical education to distinguish psoriasis from atopic dermatitis, but a doctor can easily make a differential diagnosis. There are several differences that may speak in favor of one or another pathology. Atopic dermatitis most often affects children, psoriasis can debut in adulthood. Psoriatic plaques are raised above the skin, and scales can be seen. Dry spots in atopic dermatitis are flat. It is also important to consider the typical location.

Useful links: State Center of Urology in Moscow - Clinic of Urology named after R. M. Fronshtein of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

Allergy to cold

We sometimes hear the phrase “I’m allergic to cold,” and sometimes we say it ourselves. More often - as a joke, meaning that we don’t like winter. But sometimes an allergy to cold is a real diagnosis.

What is “cold allergy”?

Strictly speaking, a pathological reaction to cold is not exactly an allergy. For an allergy in its classical sense, an allergen is required - a substance foreign to the body that causes too strong a response from the immune system.

However, the symptoms (and the processes leading to them) that occur in some people upon contact with cold air or an object are completely identical to allergic ones. This can be urticaria, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, this condition is included in the group of so-called physical allergies (allergy-like conditions caused by physical factors), and it is treated by allergists-immunologists.

Not only in winter

The most common variant of this disease is cold urticaria. In terms of manifestations, it is no different from ordinary urticaria: the skin turns red, swells, swelling appears, blisters and even blisters may appear, accompanied by severe itching.

Dry eczema

Sometimes white, dry, flaky patches on the skin of the legs can indicate dry eczema. With this disease, dryness and tightness of the skin first occurs, then peeling and unbearable itching occur, and cracks may occur. In addition to the legs, the hands, the space between the fingers, and even the face are often affected.

The causes of dry eczema can be bacterial and fungal infections, allergens, synthetic clothing, poor hygiene and other factors.

As you can see, the appearance of dry patches on the skin can be due to a variety of reasons.
The characteristics of the immune system and the tendency to allergic reactions play an important role. But in any case, when dry spots appear, it is important to consult a dermatologist and determine the cause of this skin condition. July 5, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

What's the point of peeling the skin on wheels?

  • Why the skin on your knees peels: medical and other reasons
  • How to get rid of peeling knees
  • What to do if the skin on your child’s knees is peeling

For many people, the skin on their knees, as well as on their elbows, periodically peels off, which most often indicates simple inattention to this area of ​​the body. Peeling is most noticeable in women, as they often show off their knees, especially if they have a nice shape. But such peeling, especially in children, can also be a sign of certain skin diseases. Therefore, it is useful to know about the causes and methods of eliminating this unpleasant cosmetic defect, as well as which doctor to contact in order to rule out a more serious problem.

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Why the skin on your knees peels: medical and other reasons

Any cosmetologist or dermatologist can tell you that the skin on the knees is special - dry, practically devoid of sebaceous glands. Therefore, she is very sensitive to factors affecting her condition:

  • hot water and soap;
  • clothing made of rough and synthetic materials;
  • excessive tanning;
  • pressure (when kneeling);
  • dehydration, vitamin deficiency, lack of fats and oils in the diet;
  • sudden weight loss.

When the knee bends, the skin stretches, and when it extends, it gathers into folds, so it ages earlier, becomes rough, flaky, dark, “elephant-like.” In addition, you need to remember that signs of various dermatological diseases may appear on your knees: lichen, psoriasis, ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis.

With all these diseases, the process of keratinization of the upper layer of the skin is disrupted, which is expressed in the appearance of peeling. With ichthyosis, the skin resembles fish scales. With psoriasis, psoriatic plaques appear, covered with silvery scales. Hyperkeratosis (thickening and peeling of the epidermis) also occurs in healthy people, but sometimes it becomes a chronic pathology that worsens the quality of life. Severe peeling can also occur with some endocrine diseases, for example, disorders of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Therefore, a dermatologist may refer the patient to an endocrinologist.

Thus, it is better to determine why the skin on your knees is peeling with the help of a doctor. And if necessary, also under his guidance, you need to undergo a course of treatment and in the future follow the recommendations and advice that he gives.

How to get rid of peeling knees

If we are talking about the manifestation of a disease, a specialist (dermatologist, endocrinologist) prescribes appropriate treatment, including the use of local (ointments, lotions) and systemic (tablets, injections) medications. If this is a purely cosmetic defect due to insufficient care, then it can be eliminated with the help of cosmetic or spa treatments in appropriate institutions. You can “rehabilitate” your knees on your own, after first consulting a cosmetologist.

As with any dryness, the skin in the area of ​​the flexor surface of the knee joint needs two procedures - peeling and moisturizing (nutrition). Therefore, it is advisable to include three manipulations in the body care system:

  • scrubbing your knees with a gentle exfoliator, such as a fruit acid or salicylic acid peel (note that harsh scrubs will only make the situation worse);
  • applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream for dry body skin;
  • applying a product that creates a surface film that keeps dry skin moisturized (vaseline, cosmetic oil).

This set of procedures should be carried out two to three times a week for one month, then the result must be constantly maintained (repeating the cycle at least twice a month). It is better to select the above-mentioned products in a pharmacy rather than in a cosmetic store.

Fans of home cosmetology can use the following effective remedies:

  • scrub: prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of sea salt, two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of castor oil and use as directed;
  • compress: make a solution of two teaspoons of alcohol, two teaspoons of glycerin and a teaspoon of vinegar; Make compresses with it for three days in a row, holding them for an hour, then treat your knees with a scrub (the composition should be stored in a tightly closed bottle);
  • mask: mix the juice of half a lemon with any vegetable oil, apply to the problem area, rinse with warm water, lubricate your knees with cream.

In order not to cause even more drying out, you should not take a hot bath often and stay in the sun for a long time. It is advisable to constantly use moisturizer. Support from the inside also helps a lot: taking vitamins A, C, D, E, regularly eating fish, nuts, and olive oil.

What to do if the skin on your child’s knees is peeling

In this case, parents need to show the child to a pediatrician, who, if necessary, will refer him to a dermatologist and allergist. Severe peeling of such localization may indicate one of the skin diseases that need to be treated immediately:

  • eczema (atopic dermatitis), which is very common in children under two years of age and is accompanied by itchy skin;
  • various types of lichens (pink, pityriasis versicolor, Zhibera), which can be easily cured with timely diagnosis;
  • ichthyosis, a genetically determined pathology that can begin with minor peeling and later develop into a chronic disease that significantly reduces the quality of life;
  • psoriasis, which in children does not always manifest itself in the form of typical psoriatic plaques.

Dry, flaking-prone skin of babies is very susceptible to various infections (staphylococcus, fungi), so it needs to be carefully looked after in order to prevent skin diseases. It is advisable to coordinate the use of care products with the pediatrician who is observing the child.

Modern dermatology and cosmetology have all the necessary methods to distinguish when an adult or child simply has peeling skin on their knees, and when there is a serious pathology that requires treatment. In addition, they have all the necessary means to cure skin disease and prevent its new manifestations, as well as eliminate the consequences of improper care and return your knees to a healthy and attractive appearance.

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