How to treat red spots on the elbow joint

Dermatoses most often appear on exposed areas of the skin as they are most susceptible to external factors.[1] This also applies to the skin of your hands. Symptoms such as itching, redness, peeling, various spots and other elements of the rash primarily affect the forearms, hands and fingers.

One of the mechanisms for the development of dermatitis on the fingers or hands is direct contact with a substance to which the body's immune system is not able to adequately respond. Skin allergy is a classic delayed hypersensitivity reaction in response to a single or systematic interaction with a pathogen.

Dermatological skin diseases are widespread, especially among working age adults.[2] For some patients, hand allergies can be a short-term problem: very often the symptoms go away on their own. Other patients struggle for a very long time with the disease and complications that can be caused by a secondary infection. In this case, hand allergies manifest themselves even more aggressively, the rashes become more widespread and unbearably itchy.

Types of hand allergies

Hand allergies mean a group of skin diseases, 20% of which are allergic dermatoses.[4] This type of skin pathology manifests itself at different ages, affects mainly older people, but can also begin in childhood as a sign of predisposition to dermatitis. Manifestations of allergies on the hands are typical for:

  • atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis);
  • hives;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • eczema.

Each disease looks different. They also differ in duration of course, tendency to exacerbations and relapses. As a rule, the skin manifestations of atopic dermatitis and eczema persist for quite a long time, while urticaria and contact dermatitis are acute.[4] If you do not get rid of the external factors that triggered the allergy, the diseases will recur and eventually become chronic.

Rashes on the hands: the most common diseases

In order to choose the right treatment, it is important to distinguish one type of allergic dermatosis from another. Therefore, let’s look at the symptoms of skin diseases in more detail:

  1. With atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), a rash often appears on the skin of the fingers and hands. The acute period of the disease is characterized by severe itching, redness and swelling of the skin. Itchy spots can come in different shapes and sizes. Without proper treatment, crusts may form at the site of the rash. In the chronic form, symptoms such as dry skin and flaking are observed.[3]
  2. Urticaria is divided into several types: immunological, physical, drug and idiopathic. The development of the first two is based on the body’s reaction to external stimuli, including food and household allergens, as well as high or low temperatures, sunlight and other factors. Taking certain medications can trigger drug-induced urticaria. Idiopathic is a rash whose cause cannot be determined.[4] All types of hives present more or less the same way: redness, swelling of the skin and the appearance of itchy blisters.
  3. Contact dermatitis often affects the skin on the fingers, especially when coming into contact with harmful substances such as rubber and metal products, household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes, topical medications, certain plants and insects.[5] The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The acute course is characterized by redness of the skin and the appearance of itchy blisters. The chronic form is accompanied by dryness and flaking of the skin, increased skin pattern.
  4. Eczema is an acute and chronic inflammatory disease that affects both the upper and lower extremities. It may also affect various parts of the body. As a rule, eczema rashes are symmetrical, accompanied by redness and limited swelling of the skin. Small blisters filled with clear liquid often appear on affected surfaces.[6]

What can dry skin on your elbows mean?

What to do ? And when should you see a doctor?

Typically, the skin condition worsens during the cold season due to temperature changes, dry indoor air, and wearing synthetic clothing that irritates the skin. The skin on the elbows is usually not the same as on other parts of the body, since there are almost no sebaceous glands, the secretion of which creates a water-lipid mantle. For this reason, the epidermis is practically not protected from moisture loss. Without this natural protection, the skin on the elbows begins to peel and crack. Bacteria and viruses can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin through skin breaks (cracks) and cause serious problems.

The main causes of dry elbow skin are:

  • aggressive cleansers that cause dry skin
  • Frequent visits to the bathhouse, sauna. At high temperatures, the body loses moisture and dehydration is primarily noticeable in the more sensitive areas of the skin.
  • Chlorinated pool water. On the vulnerable skin of the elbows, allergies to chemicals are especially common.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements that stimulate skin renewal. These are vitamins A, C, E, group B, Zn, Se, biotin.

How to help your skin?

  • Older people spend less time in hot and chlorinated water.
  • Do not use soaps with sulfur and triclosan. Replace alkaline soap with more gentle products with neutral pH (foaming milk)
  • After water procedures, always moisturize the skin, thus restoring the lipid layer. Use emollients!
  • Include foods containing unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants in your diet: vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, fatty fish, olive and other oils.
  • Dress according to the weather, protect your skin from wind, cold, and sun. Use sunscreen.
  • Do a light massage with a brush and gentle peeling of the skin of your elbows (but not more than once a week).

When should you see a doctor?

It’s worth considering if, despite care, the skin on your elbows peels, cracks and sores appear. Dry skin on the elbows may indicate a malfunction of internal organs. This can be due to hormonal disorders (age-related changes, menopause, diabetes). Most often, excessive dryness and flaking of the skin on the elbows is a sign of various dermatological diseases. Thus, psoriasis may be accompanied by a scaly rash. And cracks and non-healing ulcers are characteristic of elbow eczema. If the dryness is very severe, with peeling, itching and redness, the skin is uneven and covered with cracks and scales, then this may indicate symptoms of ichthyosis. Your skin may exhibit atopic dermatitis, food allergies, vasomotor rhinitis, and anemia. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist to identify the cause of dryness, redness, peeling, and ulceration of the skin on the elbows and prescribe treatment in a timely manner. One of the reasons for dry elbow skin and discoloration is a decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin. This can be due to diabetes! In this case, it is necessary to consult both a dermatologist and an endocrinologist.

We see that the causes of dry skin on the elbows can be different - from dry air to serious diseases! Contact a medical doctor for an appointment with a dermatologist and an appointment with an endocrinologist.

We wish you good health!

Causes of allergic reactions on hands

The main triggering factor for the development of allergic dermatoses is single or regular contact with the pathogen. In this case, treatment is aimed at completely eliminating the allergen to which the body is hypersensitive. It is quite difficult to determine, but among the most common causes of hypersensitivity are antigens from plants, animals, fungi, insects, foods, chemical compounds and drugs.

Also, allergic reactions on the fingers and other parts of the upper extremities occur due to:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases. Diseases such as biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastritis and pancreatic dysfunction can trigger the development of allergic dermatitis and contribute to its transition to a chronic form.[3]
  2. Violation of the barrier function of the skin under the influence of mechanical, chemical and infectious agents. A broken epidermal barrier facilitates the penetration of allergens through the skin, the development of infection, and causes mild skin irritation.[7]
  3. Unfavorable environmental conditions. High levels of environmental pollution lead to an increased susceptibility of the population to allergic dermatoses.[8]
  4. Genetically determined factors. If both parents are prone to allergic diseases, the likelihood of developing neurodermatitis and other allergic dermatoses in the child is 70%.[9]

Pathological causes of redness

Lichen Squamosus
additional symptoms are almost always present . The most common reasons include:

  • Lichen squamosus . A chronic disease that cannot be completely cured. Its appearance can be triggered by severe stress, household chemicals, medications, poor diet and cold. Initially, lichen develops in response to disruptions in the immune system. Often debuts at an early age. Characterized by the appearance of plaques.
  • Allergic reaction . If the patient has a history of allergies to anything, there is a high chance that the spots are a symptom of it. Red sores in this case often swell and itch. Spots can appear on the outside and inside.
  • Hypothyroidism . The disease is accompanied by darkening of the skin. It occurs as a result of insufficient activity of the thyroid gland, leading to poor circulation.
  • Diabetes . Another pathology of the endocrine system that affects metabolism and blood circulation. The spots may be small and dark.
  • Atopic dermatitis . Accompanied by burning, itching sensations. It is considered a form of allergic reaction to bites, fabrics, and mold. Allergy Atopic dermatitis
  • Eczema . A disease with redness, peeling and sores on the elbows. It is from this area that it begins, gradually growing to other areas. Eczema occurs in people with weakened immune systems and a tendency to allergies.
  • Dysbacteriosis . A severe disturbance of the intestinal microflora can affect the condition of the skin. With dysbacteriosis, dehydration and intoxication occur, which leads to the appearance of red spots on the bends of the elbows.
  • Joint diseases . If redness in the area of ​​the elbow joint is accompanied by pain, you can suspect actively developing inflammatory processes in the joint capsule. These primarily include bursitis, reactive arthritis, arthrosis, and injuries. With all these disorders, limited mobility and unilateral limb damage are often observed.



A parasitic disease, , can cause the problem much less frequently . It occurs as a result of infection with the scabies subcutaneous mite, the activity of which is especially noticeable at night. When examining the red spots, paired entrances are noticeable. Lack of treatment leads to the formation of extensive lesions.

A similar disease is mycosis caused by fungi. Spores from small parasites cause redness, dark spots and flaking. Sometimes the fungus causes itching.

In children under 3-5 years of age, the appearance of redness indicates insufficient hygiene . However, in some cases, the symptom indicates the development of one of the described pathologies.

Features of treatment

Treatment of skin diseases of an allergic nature requires an integrated approach. First of all, therapy should be aimed at the absolute exclusion of harmful pathogens, as well as at improving symptoms. Itching, swelling and redness cause patients severe discomfort, both physiological and emotional. Itchy spots make it difficult to sleep and work fully. In addition, the affected areas disrupt the aesthetics of the skin, so patients often hide them under clothing, which can only aggravate the situation. In addition, allergic reactions on the skin cannot be wetted, so patients are deprived of the opportunity to take a bath, visit the pool or sauna.

To eliminate a rash on the hands, it is necessary to use topical external agents in the form of ointments or creams. In the treatment of allergic dermatoses, drugs based on topical glucocorticosteroids have proven themselves to be effective.[10] Such products have wide application possibilities, since they have several effects on the inflammatory focus:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antiallergic effect;
  • vasoconstrictor properties;
  • antipruritic effect.

One of the representatives of local glucocorticosteroids prescribed for the treatment of allergic dermatoses are the drugs "Akriderm GK".

Akriderm GK preparations for hand allergies

Depending on the form of the disease and the severity of the course, both ointment and Akriderm GK cream are used. They have a similar composition; the main difference is that the cream has a softer texture, so it is absorbed faster by the skin. It is more appropriate to use it for the treatment of acute and subacute conditions, as well as for weeping and thin areas of the skin. In turn, the ointment stays on the skin longer and has a high penetrating ability, therefore it is suitable for chronic inflammation accompanied by severe dryness and flaking.[10]

When Akriderm GK is applied to damaged skin, the preparations soften and cool the affected area, relieving itching and redness. The active substances not only improve symptoms, but also help eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to the combined composition, which includes several active substances and auxiliary components, the treatment brings a noticeable and long-lasting effect.[11]

What to do if your elbows are cracking and peeling

The first thing to do if the skin on your elbows is peeling is to visit a doctor. A comprehensive analysis of hormones and the presence of concomitant diseases will not be superfluous.

Reconsider your attitude to nutrition and change your daily menu. You need to balance the menu not only when your elbows start scratching the top of the dinner table, but preferably even at the first symptoms of a change in skin condition. Excessive indulgence in foods that are too fatty or, conversely, avoidance of animal products will inevitably lead to skin problems. For greater confidence, it is recommended to drink a multivitamin complex containing vitamins A, B, E twice a year.

In addition to the internal attribute of vitamins necessary for the body, you should introduce into your arsenal special, effective means to solve problems with darkening, dryness and roughening of the skin on the elbows.

You can try to solve the reason why women's elbows are peeling by using the services of a good cosmetologist. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot remove dead epidermal cells using rough peeling. The skin will probably respond to such a harsh impact with even more intense keratinization. Weekly soft scrubs and gommage will help deal with the problem as delicately as possible.

It’s better not to fill your closet with a bunch of jars and tubes, but to use a universal and dermatologist-tested cosmetic product for special skin. The EVO elbow and knee cream contains an optimal concentration of Vitamin B3 (5%), which helps quickly restore healthy skin color and protect it from negative external influences. To enhance the softening properties of the cream, carbamide (urea) is added to its composition. It perfectly softens and moisturizes dry, rough and cracked skin, and also promotes its renewal. If you apply this cream regularly, then after 7 days of use the skin on your elbows will noticeably improve, and after a month it will be completely restored and will make you happy with a healthy appearance.

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