Orthopedic doctor about problems with posture in childhood and their solutions

Scoliosis is a common disease of the spinal column in which curvature of the spine occurs in a certain direction. Pathology can be either acquired or congenital. With normal development of the spinal column, no curvature is observed. Therefore, if one of the adults discovers scoliosis in a child, then they need to contact a specialist as quickly as possible.

Many parents are concerned about the question of which doctor treats scoliosis, since this pathology is most often diagnosed in adolescents and young children. There are many reasons for the appearance of this disease, therefore, in order to accurately find out the etiology, you should contact one of the specialists: a therapist, an orthopedist or a surgeon.

Causes and symptoms of scoliosis

In most cases, the doctor is unable to determine the cause of this pathology, but acquired scoliosis predominates. This may be preceded by individual predisposition, a sedentary lifestyle and a low level of activity. Scoliosis of the spine can be caused by the following reasons:

  • congenital curvature of the spinal column;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the back muscles;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity;
  • uneven growth of the lower extremities (one leg is longer than the other);
  • infectious diseases affecting the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorders in bone tissue;
  • microtraumas and cracks in the vertebrae;
  • postoperative complications.

The development of pathology is observed when the pressure inside the intervertebral disc increases. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight and the presence of degenerative back diseases can cause increased pressure on the vertebrae, which causes a curvature to the side.

Before contacting a doctor, the main signs of scoliosis are identified, which include:

  • visible back deformities;
  • the appearance of asymmetry in the limbs and other parts of the body (one arm becomes longer than the other, and the shoulders are at different levels);
  • the chest begins to bulge on one side;
  • the patient develops flat feet and disruption of normal gait;
  • problems appear with the internal organs of the chest.

With cervical scoliosis, the patient experiences constant headaches, impaired blood supply to the brain and dizziness. In advanced cases, the vertebrae begin to change their usual location, causing instability of the spine.

Types of Scoliosis

There are several types of scoliosis, classified by age of onset and/or cause. These include the following:

  • Congenital scoliosis is detected at birth and is caused by improper intrauterine formation of the vertebrae. Part of a vertebra may be missing or there may be a wedge deformity and/or abnormal bony bridges between two or more vertebrae.
  • Infantile scoliosis occurs in patients younger than 3 years of age. This type of scoliosis is more common in boys and may disappear spontaneously without treatment. Typically, this type of scoliosis has less of a rotational component than other types.
  • Juvenile scoliosis occurs in children aged 3-10 years. This type of scoliosis is more common in girls than boys and is the most at risk of progression of all types, especially girls.
  • Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis. This type of deformity is observed in children aged 11 to 16 years. This type is also more common in girls, and they are at higher risk of progression of the curvature. The term idiopathic refers to any health condition that occurs spontaneously, without a known cause.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by a number of pathological conditions that affect the nervous or muscular systems. These conditions may include: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, metabolic diseases, and connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome. The age of onset of scoliosis varies and depends on the pathological processes of the underlying disease.
  • Acquired scoliosis in adults is caused by degenerative changes and this type of scoliosis occurs in patients over 18 years of age.


Gymnastics for the back with scoliosis

If the parents of a child or an adult begin to wonder which doctor to see first, then experts recommend visiting a therapist. You can go to this doctor in any situation, since he is the one responsible for the preliminary examination, medical history and further diagnostics.

The specialist begins to find out all the symptoms of the pathology, collecting the patient’s complaints and general indicators of the body. After this, he proceeds to a detailed examination and palpation of the affected area. With the help of palpation, you can identify the focus of the inflammatory process if the deformities are not so pronounced.

If the therapist finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, he resorts to the following instrumental methods of analysis:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • radiography.

Using radiography of the spine, you can determine the extent of the lesion, the location of the deformity and foci of inflammation. X-rays use radioactive radiation, so pregnant women and young children cannot undergo this diagnosis.

For diseases caused by deformation of the spinal structures, the doctor prescribes radiography or MRI. It is these techniques that give a clear idea of ​​the anatomical changes in the bone structures of the spinal column. The three-dimensional image of bone tissue sections provides the medical professional with a complete picture of the disease, after which he can accurately name the diagnosis.

After the diagnosis is made, the patient's further actions are determined. For grade 1 scoliosis, when the angle of curvature does not reach 30 degrees, the therapist can prescribe a set of therapeutic physical exercises that will help restore the correct position of the spine. In this case, the patient will not have to visit other doctors.

If the deformations are significant and the angle of curvature exceeds 30 degrees, then the attending physician decides to refer the patient to a more qualified specialist: an orthopedist or neurologist. The determining factor is the severity of structural changes.

What degree of scoliosis is a prerequisite for contacting specialists?

Often, occasional pain in any part of the spinal column, which tends to radiate to other parts of the back, can be confused with the presence of some disease in the body (for example, kidney disease is suspected in lumbar scoliosis).

In such cases, the first specialist to be consulted is a therapist . But when discussing with the patient the symptoms that bother him, as well as after a careful examination of the latter, a qualified doctor will make a diagnosis of scoliosis.

If scoliosis is at an early, first stage of development, then a therapist can treat it . However, before this, he is obliged to consult with a neurologist and orthopedist, after which treatment will be prescribed to the patient under the guidance of these specialized specialists.

If the curvature of the spine is complicated, it may be necessary to contact highly specialized doctors, such as a neurologist and a surgeon. Treatment of scoliosis by a neurologist is necessary in cases where, in addition to the primary signs of this disease, the patient also experiences a loss of sensitivity in some areas of the skin or other disorders relating, for example, to incorrect tendon reactions (often observed in grade II scoliosis); numbness of the limbs is also possible.

In this case, the neurologist, after a thorough examination, makes a conclusion about the neurological status of the patient who contacted him, and prescribes the necessary treatment not only for scoliosis, but also for the nervous system.

If the patient independently, based on the signs that appear in him, was able to understand that he has scoliosis, he has a direct path to an orthopedist. This specialist deals with defects in the development of the skeletal system.

However, it can only help with initial degrees of scoliosis. If the disease is stage III or IV, the orthopedist will refer the patient to a surgeon .

Surgeons specialize in complex scoliosis – grades III and IV. In the later stages of development, actively progressing scoliosis can threaten the normal functioning of all human organs. Therefore, scoliosis of degrees III and IV is mainly treated through surgery.

In the early stages of scoliosis, the patient can also be helped by a chiropractor . A specially designed set of exercises aimed at aligning the axis of the spinal column can quickly and effectively help the patient overcome scoliosis once and for all. But all exercises must be performed strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, it can only harm your health.

Chiropractors are usually one person and exercise therapy instructors . They are developing sets of exercises that can improve and speed up the process of restoring the health of a patient who has undergone treatment for scoliosis through surgery .

Video: “What you need to know about posture?


Since scoliosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedist helps to cure pathologies of this nature. In addition to curvature of the spinal column, this specialist treats flat feet and other diseases associated with deformation of bone structures. In this case, the orthopedist is the one who treats all these pathologies without surgical intervention.

It is this doctor who can determine the exact localization of structural changes, the degree of postural disturbance and the etiological factor. After which he will prescribe the correct treatment using physiotherapeutic procedures, physical education and orthopedic products.

Orthopedists are quite rare in regular clinics and hospitals, so if there is a need for effective treatment, the patient should look for this doctor in a specialized clinic. It is best to contact large medical centers, where this doctor can directly begin treating the patient.

Straighten your spine. How can adults treat scoliosis?

Is your shoulder or shoulder blade higher on one side than the other? Asymmetrical waist? Or does your back get tired quickly? These and some other symptoms that you will learn about below are a reason to see a doctor.

With the surgeon-doctor at the Expert Clinic Smolensk Asnin Efim Semyonovich we are talking about a common problem not only among children, but also among adults - scoliosis.

— Efim Semyonovich, what is scoliosis and how does it happen?

Scoliosis is a complex, permanent deformity of the spine. First of all, it is noted in the lateral projection, and later it becomes three-plane.

In addition to the spine, the chest with its ribs and other bones is also deformed. Since it contains important internal organs - the heart, lungs, intestines - as it bends, they also change their position.

The following types of scoliosis are distinguished. According to etiology (reason), they can be congenital or acquired. Separately, there is the so-called idiopathic scoliosis (its cause is still unknown).

What are the causes of congenital scoliosis? Congenital scoliosis is caused by a developmental anomaly or underdevelopment of the spine and ribs. Why does acquired occur? It is caused by illnesses and back injuries.

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Depending on the location, there are cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic, thoracolumbar, lumbar and lumbosacral scoliosis.

According to the form of deformation - “C”, “S” and “Z”-shaped scoliosis, as well as kyphoscoliosis (i.e., in addition to the lateral one, there is an anteroposterior deformity, in simple terms - stoop or hump).

An important point regarding thoracic scoliosis: right-sided scoliosis is considered more severe, since the heart and lungs suffer more. Fortunately, it is less common than left-sided.


There are four degrees of scoliosis. They are installed during examination of the patient and by radiography of the spine.

Read the material on the topic: Are x-rays dangerous?

— Is scoliosis a disease of children and adolescents or can it develop in adults?

It can also develop in adulthood. The causes of scoliosis in such cases are spending many hours at the computer (long-term forced position), injuries to the spinal column and chest, different lengths of the lower extremities, flat feet, excessive or insufficient physical activity, radiculitis, unilateral paralysis, rickets, rheumatism, poliomyelitis, pleurisy.

Strabismus and myopia can contribute to the development of scoliosis. Because in this case, there may be a violation of the symmetry of vision and a more pronounced rotation of the body in one direction or another. Poor nutrition may play a role.

— By what symptoms in adults can one suspect the presence of spinal curvature?

There are several signs of progressive scoliosis. Among them:

- visible curvature of several segments of the spine;

- change in the normal shape of the chest (for example, bulging of the intercostal spaces on one side and recession on the other);

- rotation of the vertebrae around their axis;

- one shoulder, shoulder blade higher than the other (other);

- asymmetry of the waist area (smoothness on the right or left);

- interscapular, lumbar pain;

- tension of the paravertebral muscles;

- a feeling of discomfort from the internal organs.

There may be flat feet or club feet, and the gait may change. Dizziness and/or headache may occur when turning the head, changing body position, or taking an uncomfortable position.

— What specialty does a doctor treat scoliosis in adults?

Orthopedic traumatologist. But since scoliosis requires an integrated approach, such patients are also treated by a chiropractor, a physical therapist, and a physiotherapist.

You can make an appointment with an orthopedic traumatologist in your city here

Please note: the service is not available in all cities

— What diagnostics should a patient with suspected spinal curvature undergo?

A thorough examination of the entire body is required in a lying, sitting and standing position. The length of the arms and legs is measured; muscle tone, mobility of the spine and joints are determined.

Instrumental methods include radiography, three-dimensional ultrasound examination of the spinal column, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, as well as a number of other studies.

If the chest is deformed, spirometry is performed to assess respiratory function.

— Tell us about the dangers and consequences of scoliosis for adults. What happens if this disease is not treated?

Without treatment, scoliosis progresses. The functions of internal organs may deteriorate. Possible complications from the spinal cord and its roots, disability.

— Is it possible to correct spinal curvature in adults?

Yes. Treatment is always complex.

— What treatment methods are effective in the treatment of spinal curvature in adult patients?

This includes manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, and special massage. Of course, there should be no contraindications to these methods. Sometimes wearing corsets is used. An integrated approach to treatment is also possible in a sanatorium or resort.

Read the material on the topic: When is manual therapy prescribed?

Operations are performed for certain indications.

In case of violations of the internal organs, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the characteristics of scoliosis.

— Efim Semyonovich, what is the prevention of scoliosis? What can be done to prevent the development of this disease?

It is important to monitor the condition of the musculoskeletal system starting from childhood and regularly visit an orthopedic doctor. It is imperative to treat flat feet and eliminate any other factors that can cause the development of scoliosis.

Therapeutic exercises, massage, and swimming are recommended.

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For reference:

Asnin Efim Semenovich

Graduate of the medical faculty of the Smolensk State Medical Institute in 1972 (today - Smolensk State Medical University).

From 1972 to 1973 he studied as an internship majoring in Surgery.

He underwent advanced training in various areas of surgery and orthopedics.

Doctor of the highest category.

Currently he holds the position of a surgeon at the Expert Clinic Smolensk. Receives at the address: st. 8 March, no. 20.


It is recommended to consult a neurologist for scoliosis only when there is a serious lesion in which there is pinching of the nerve roots. The vertebrae begin to become severely deformed and change their usual angle of inclination, which causes pinching of the nervous tissue. Depending on the location of the pinching, the patient begins to experience constant back pain, which does not disappear even after taking strong painkillers.

This condition lasts until the person decides to go to the doctor. A neurologist examines the patient’s condition and prescribes medications that relieve severe pain, after which he prescribes a set of physical exercises to restore correct posture. It is an integrated approach that allows you to quickly improve the patient’s health condition and avoid subsequent relapses.

In advanced cases, when there is severe constant pain, the doctor may prescribe a spinal block, the essence of which is to inject the drug directly into the painful area. The drug is injected into the cavity where the pathological process occurs. This could be a joint, muscle or connective tissue.


When treating children with a curvature of up to 15 degrees, corsets and surgeries are not needed. Monitoring of the condition is required every six months and the use of exercises from a course of therapeutic exercises. In combination with exercise therapy, massage can be used to relax or stimulate muscles and enhance the effect of exercise.

A corset is needed for more serious levels of curvature of the thoracic region or another area of ​​the back. When the curvature passes the line of 40-45 degrees, it comes to surgery, as this condition will progress.

To prevent scoliosis, it is important to monitor your posture, avoid prolonged sedentary work, do simple exercises, and morning exercises. You can also perform exercise therapy exercises that will help strengthen your muscles and improve your posture.


A surgeon is a specialist who deals with radical treatment of pathologies (invasive and minimally invasive interventions). In cases where conservative treatment methods do not produce results, the attending physician decides to use the services of a surgeon. With scoliosis of 3rd and 4th degrees, when the angle of curvature is more than 50 degrees, deformation occurs, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs.

The person experiences severe pain, his gait changes and asymmetric curvature of the whole body occurs. In this case, the attending physician decides which method of surgical intervention will be performed: invasive or minimally invasive. With invasive intervention, the operation is performed directly on the spinal column, where the surgeon places metal plates. These plates correct the spine and restore normal posture.

The surgeon installs movable and fixed metal plates in those places where correction of the spinal column is necessary. This allows the patient to calmly move, bend and bend after the rehabilitation period

What is the danger of the disease

Since the spine is the basis for the functioning of the entire body, its curvature cannot but affect the patient’s condition. The more deformed the spine is, the more harm it can cause. Organs may be compressed and breathing may be limited due to deformation of the chest.

Also, scoliosis, or more precisely, its consequences, is an aesthetic problem. The development of a hump is likely in all advanced cases, so it is necessary to restore the normal position of the back as early as possible, when the first alarming symptoms appear. Without treatment, the patient risks developing:

  • Chronic back pain.
  • Moral discomfort due to body deformation.
  • Spondyloarthrosis.
  • Damage to the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other systems.


A chiropractor is consulted when the patient has a slight deformity of the spinal column. This specialist works on the muscular corset around the spine using deep manual work. Such procedures improve blood flow to the internal organs and back muscles, activate the regeneration of the connective tissue of the spine and speed up metabolism.

As a result of such processes, bone tissue receives the nutrients necessary for normal functioning. Regular procedures with a chiropractor show good results, which is why the technique is popular with patients.

Establishing diagnosis

Scoliosis is most often detected during routine examinations in schools and universities. To clarify the diagnosis, the specialist collects anamnesis, conducts a diagnostic examination, identifies symptoms, and may refer for X-rays, MRIs and other studies. This may be necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the extent and nature of the curvature. If monitoring the condition of the spinal column will be carried out frequently to track dynamics, it is best to give preference to the least harmful methods (non-radiation).

The doctor can also measure height in a sitting and standing position and ask the patient to lean forward with his arms down.

Doctors' recommendations

Conservative treatment of scoliosis includes physiotherapeutic procedures, physical education, the use of orthopedic products and medication. Together, these components help cope with the disease and avoid further relapses.

Physiotherapeutic procedures include:

  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis.

Each procedure is carried out under the supervision of a medical professional who constantly monitors the patient’s condition and monitors the correctness of the exercises. Orthopedic products include special corsets with inserted metal plates that correct posture. Corsets can be selected at an orthopedic salon or pharmacy, having previously measured all the necessary distances. The duration of wearing posture correctors is determined by an orthopedist or other specialist.

Currently, scoliosis is treated in many highly specialized clinics and medical centers that help cure the pathology without surgical intervention. One of such medical centers is the center of Dr. Bubnovsky. This specialist has been treating seriously ill patients with serious deformities of the spinal column for a long time.

Back diseases with similar symptoms

Back pain can be caused not only by scoliosis. This symptom combines several pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and is called dorsopathy. The nature and intensity of pain varies from constant and aching to sudden and acute. The pain syndrome can bother you constantly or overtake you at the most unexpected moment. Sometimes a painful attack literally does not allow you to straighten up, reverberating in the body with unbearable pain. The cause may be either spinal column injuries, including chronic ones, or a number of inflammatory and degenerative diseases:

  • osteochondrosis and its complications – intervertebral hernias;
  • osteoporosis with decreased bone density;
  • radiculitis and radicular syndromes;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • kyphosis, hyperlordosis;
  • spinal tuberculosis;
  • spinal canal stenosis.

Scoliosis is often diagnosed simultaneously with other back diseases.

Causes of spinal curvature

Spinal scoliosis can be caused by: lack of physical fitness, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, previous trauma, calcium deficiency, excess weight, heredity, congenital pathologies, etc.

Symptoms of scoliosis:

  • one shoulder is located lower than the other;
  • the corner of one of the shoulder blades protrudes;
  • When bending forward, the curvature of the spine is noticeable.

The presence of at least one symptom is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

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