Adductor spasm is a persistent tension in the thigh muscles that carry out the function of bringing the leg to the midline of the body. More often, such tension is a symptom of some childhood (or adult) disease, for example, hip dysplasia, as well as its dislocation or subluxation, cerebral palsy, and in adults the consequences of a stroke. With adductor spasm, it is impossible to move the leg to the side, i.e. The hips are always located close to each other and there is no freedom of movement in the lower limbs. Adductor spasm of the hips in newborns can prevent them from mastering the skills of crawling and later walking. Tension of the adductor muscles in infants indicates the risk of dislocation or subluxation of the hip joint. It is also necessary to check the newborn for hip dysplasia, because this symptom is one of the leading symptoms of this disease.

Adductor muscles (longus, brevis and adductor magnus muscles)[edit | edit code]

Adductor muscles (longus, brevis and adductor magnus)

Home[edit | edit code]

  • Adductor longus
    : superior ramus of the pubis
  • Adductor brevis
    : inferior ramus of the pubis
  • Adductor magnus
    : inferior ramus of the pubis, ramus of the ischium to the ischial tuberosity

Attachment[edit | edit code]

  • Adductor longus
    : middle third of the medial labrum of the linea aspera of the femur
  • Adductor brevis
    : upper third of the medial labrum of the linea aspera of the femur
  • Adductor magnus
    : medial labrum of the linea aspera of the femur, on the medial epicondyle of the femur

Innervation[edit | edit code]

  • Obturator nerve L2-L4

Features of adductor training

We offer recommendations that will help increase the effectiveness of adductor muscle training:

  • Work your adductors on the same day as your glutes workout. This will avoid shortening the adductors;
  • After your workout, do some light stretching. This will also help avoid shortening and improve the ductility of the fibers;
  • To pump up the hip adductors, use high weights and low repetitions (for men);
  • To strengthen the adductors and get rid of cellulite , work with light weights for a large number of repetitions (for women);
  • Women are allowed to do stretching, yoga, and Pilates on their free days to improve the flexibility of the adductors.

Participation in sports[edit | edit code]

As hip adductors, the adductors perform dynamic work in sports such as water polo, speed skating, and all team sports (acceleration when changing direction) and static work in luge, triple jumps and fencing. These muscles perform dynamic and static work in all running and walking disciplines, equestrian sports, alpine skiing and artistic gymnastics. As external rotators, they are involved in the execution of movements in figure skating, gymnastics, discus throwing and contact sports. The adductor longus and brevis muscles are involved in hip flexion during walking and running on the side of the carried leg, and the adductor magnus muscle participates in the work of the gluteus maximus muscle during extension in the stance phase.

Kind of sport Movement/hold Function Load Types of abbreviations
Water polo Walking in water Hip adduction Strength endurance Dynamic


Team sports Acceleration when changing direction Hip adduction Fast, explosive Dynamic


Triple jumps Hip stabilization during landing Hip adduction Fast, explosive Static
Fencing Leg stabilization during attack Hip adduction Fast, explosive Static
Walking and running Support phase Stabilization of the pelvis in the frontal plane Fast, explosive, strength endurance Static
Horseback Riding Pressing your legs against the horse's side Hip adduction Strength endurance Dynamic concentric and static
Skiing Maneuvering on skis, taking off and putting on skis Hip adduction Fast, explosive, strength endurance Dynamic concentric and static


Stabilization of the supporting leg when standing on one leg, for example, when performing the “swallow”, floor exercises, on the balance beam; bringing your legs together during a handstand Hip adduction Strength endurance Dynamic concentric and static
Side leg kick Hip adduction Strength endurance Dynamic


Exercises to relax spasm of the hip adductors in infants:

1. “Frog” - the child lies on his stomach, with one hand we fix the pelvis, with the other, we bend the child’s leg at the knee and hip joint, the leg moves along the plane of the table to an angle of 90 degrees between the thigh and torso. This exercise is very famous and the video can be easily found on the Internet. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times, 2-3 sessions per day. You need to make sure that the child’s pelvis does not rise from the table, but if the baby is in pain, you can loosen the fixation a little. 2. Raising the hips with shaking - the child is on his back, we spread the legs, as in the diagnosis (see above), but here you can add more shaking (trembling) at the moment when muscle resistance begins. With each repetition you can increase the dilution slightly. Normally, hip abduction is considered to be at an angle of 75-90 degrees between the vertical axis and the table. You can start abduction one leg at a time, then move on to two. The main thing is that the child is not in pain, otherwise he will be afraid and reflexively tense his muscles. 3. Circular rotation of the hips also gradually releases tone, can also be used. 4. The child is on his stomach, we make a frog on both legs, take the baby by both knees and, lifting him from the table, lightly shake him so that the pelvis moves along the vertical axis. Of course, the movements are minimal and painless. If your child has been diagnosed with adductor spasm of the hips and you have the opportunity to find a professional pediatric massage therapist, then it would be best to use his services. This will have a positive effect on treatment. For questions about selecting a massage therapist for your child, call 84993941711 or 89266057470. Children's massage center “Happy Baby”.

Author: massage therapist Alexey Vladimirovich Matrosov.

Read also[edit | edit code]

  • Muscles - anatomy and functions
  • Leg muscles
  • Hamstring muscles
  • Legs - exercises and training features

Muscles around the hip joint

  • Gluteus maximus muscle
  • Sartorius
  • Iliopsoas muscle
  • Gluteus medius muscle
  • Gluteus minimus
  • Tensor fascia lata
  • Pectineus muscle
  • Adductor longus muscle
  • Adductor brevis muscle
  • Adductor magnus muscle
  • Gracilis muscle
  • Superior gemellus
  • Gemini inferior muscle
  • Obturator internus muscle
  • Obturator externus muscle
  • Quadratus femoris
  • Piriformis muscle

Causes of adductor spasm

Spasm of the hip adductors in an infant is congenital, i.e. is formed in utero. Acquired tension of the adductor muscles is rare, and can be a consequence of injury, or any neuromuscular or orthopedic problems.

Why is adductor spasm of the hips dangerous in newborns? Spasm of the hip adductors in an infant can cause dislocation or subluxation of the hip joint. The presence of tone in the adductor muscles of the thighs is especially dangerous for newborns. This is due to the fact that their hip joint elements are still poorly developed. If tense adductors constantly pull the hip inward, a situation is created where the head of the femur tends to come out or even comes out of the acetabulum. The cartilaginous lip along the edges of the cavity, which should fix the femoral head in the joint cavity and prevent it from leaving the cavity, is not formed or is small. The article was written for the website, children's massage center Happy Baby, copying the article is prohibited!

Treatment of thigh muscle strain

Next begins the most important stage – treatment. Usually everything happens according to the same scheme, which the doctor must tell. This is a treatment for muscle strains of the 1st and 2nd degree:

1. Maintain complete rest. It is indicated because the sore muscle cannot be loaded for any time. If the doctor, after examining the patient, deems it necessary, he may prescribe the patient bed rest, or recommend the use of crutches or a cane when moving (walking);

2. Ice wrapped in a soft towel should be applied to the area of ​​the tear several times a day. Keep ice on the injury site for no longer than 20 minutes;

3. You should either put a special stocking on the damaged thigh or bandage it with a special bandage. This is done so that bleeding does not start under the skin, and swelling does not appear;

4. Often the injured hip should be placed at a height at the level of the patient's heart. This helps reduce or completely eliminate swelling; If the patient experiences very severe pain, the doctor will definitely prescribe him a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes the doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient. After the swelling goes away from the hip and the patient stops feeling pain, he will need to restore the damaged muscle. For this purpose, the patient will have to engage in physical exercise of a therapeutic nature, and will also have to attend physiotherapy procedures. These actions will help restore all physical activity of the muscle in the shortest possible time. {banner_st-d-2}

Massage after hip replacement

Severe arthrosis sooner or later ends in complete destruction of the joint, the formation of ankylosis (its immobility). Due to disability and chronic pain, it is necessary to resort to radical surgery: joint replacement.

During the recovery phase, massage can be used. It begins within a few days after surgery. But massage plays a much larger role in the rehabilitation process 3 weeks after surgery. It is continued for 1-1.5 months along with other procedures and gymnastics.

The period from 21 to 60 days of rehabilitation is called the restructuring phase. At this time, the task of the rehabilitation measures being carried out is as follows:


Diagnosis begins with a medical history and physical examination by a physician. The doctor needs to find out the symptoms, what causes changes in the pain syndrome (load, body position). In addition, a history of trauma and concomitant pathology (for example, arthritis) is important. The doctor will then check your posture, gait, and location of pain. Sensitivity and reflex activity will be checked because sometimes it is difficult to differentiate pain coming from the iliosacral joint from pain of vertebral origin. If an infection or joint disease is suspected, laboratory tests of blood and urine may be prescribed.

X-ray – allows you to determine the degree of degenerative changes in the iliosacral joints and in the spine.

MRI allows more detailed visualization of morphological changes in the pelvis and spine. There is also a special research method called neurography, which allows you to visualize the nerves. This becomes possible with special programs on MRI computers and allows you to see areas of irritation along the nerve.

Radioisotope scanning is necessary in cases of suspected infectious or oncological disease. The most reliable way to diagnose piriformis muscle syndrome is a diagnostic injection of an anesthetic into the muscle. The introduction is best done under X-ray or X-ray control. The disappearance of pain after injection of local anesthetic into the muscle confirms the diagnosis of piriformis muscle syndrome.

Massage after hip replacement

Massage after hip replacement

  • improve the strength qualities of the operated limb;
  • increase range of motion in the joint;
  • improve blood supply to tissues.

Massage is carried out every day or every other day. It helps improve blood flow to muscles and accelerate their development. Combined with physical therapy, it increases muscle volume and strength, allowing a person to fully realize their physical capabilities after surgery. With massage and gymnastics, ability to work returns much faster.

Massage is also used in the organizing phase. It lasts up to 1 year after installation of the endoprosthesis. By this time, the range of motion in the operated joint is completely restored. But the muscle mass of the limb is still growing.

Massage for hip dysplasia

Massage for hip dysplasia
In the first months of a child’s life, conservative treatment of hip dysplasia is possible. Massage is only an auxiliary technique. The main role in the process of restoring the normal anatomical structure of the joint is played by splints, abduction pillows, plaster casts, and traction.

Closed reduction of a dislocated hip is often performed. It is preceded by pre-repositional preparation. It lasts 2-3 weeks. During this time, kinesitherapy, Freik's pillow, physiotherapy, as well as massage of the hip joint and gluteal region are used. The main purpose of this procedure is to relax the adductor muscles.

Massage is also used after the limb has been realigned, followed by its fixation on a splint. This is one of the stages of rehabilitation. The massage is done after paraffin or ozokerite applications, which provide a thermal effect. It's not just the thigh that is massaged. A massage of the back and buttocks is also used to relax the muscles.

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