How to properly use Almag for joint arthrosis, and does it help?

The Almag apparatus for joints was created not so long ago after it was proven that the electromagnetic field can have a positive effect on the condition of the human body. This is a physiotherapy device. Its emitters are capable of generating a pulsed magnetic field, which differs:

  • effective biological activity;
  • noticeable anti-edematous effect;
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

A huge number of reviews confirm that the device has a good effect on the affected areas and improves the health of patients.

Device structure

The Almag-01 device is easy to use, and its design is well thought out. That is why the device can be used both in the physiotherapy room of a medical institution and at home. The main indications for use are problems with the spine and joints, especially with arthrosis of the knee joint.

Treatment with this device is carried out from a regular outlet with a voltage of 220 V. The device includes:

  • an electronic unit that supplies current pulses;
  • 4 inductor coils for therapeutic effects on diseased areas of the body.

When the device is connected to the network, a special green indicator lights up. The coils must be applied with either side to the places that are bothering you. Treatment with Almag is carried out within 20 minutes. After this, the device turns off itself.

Thanks to the positive effects of the magnetic field, metabolic, immune and neurovegetative processes in the body are restored. As a result, the device is able to relieve inflammation in arthrosis of the knee joint and other affected areas. Blood circulation improves significantly, due to which the main organs begin to work actively. The magnetic field quickly heals wounds and has an analgesic effect.

The Almag device for arthritis and other diseases affects the entire body at the cellular level. Pulsed traveling waves penetrate the skin to a depth of about 6–8 cm and have a positive effect on all important organs. During this process, the tissues are restored, and the electrical balance returns to the desired state. After the first sessions, the treatment gives good results.

Physiotherapy methods for the treatment of gonarthrosis

Physiotherapy for arthrosis has an excellent positive effect. Physiotherapy sessions maintain and improve the mobility of the knee joints, while they strengthen the muscles and have an analgesic effect. The doctor prescribes physical therapy outside of exacerbation; in the acute stage, at the height of pain, it is advisable to abstain from physical therapy. For example, many patients with arthrosis like to warm up. However, with exacerbation of gonarthrosis, active heating may be unsafe. Therefore, all warming procedures performed at home should be discussed with the attending physician.

General contraindications to physiotherapy

  • fever;
  • decreased or absent skin sensitivity;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • purulent skin lesion;

In addition to general contraindications for each procedure, there may be certain restrictions, so only a specialist can prescribe the necessary type of physiotherapy.

The most common physiotherapeutic treatment for gonarthrosis

  1. Cold treatment

Patients with acute knee irritation or inflammation may benefit from cold therapy. At home, these are cold lotions; in hospital settings, it is the use of cryochambers.

  1. Electrotherapy

Electric currents prevent or slow down the transmission of pain signals, stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood circulation. One of the most famous procedures in this area is treatment using the unique German device “Zimmer” for electrical stimulation and ultrasound therapy. The doctor selects an individual regimen for each patient. The generated low-frequency currents are transmitted through electrode plates, which are glued with contact paste to the knee joint to the skin. Electrophoresis helps deliver the drug “targeted”, creating a drug depot in the joint tissues.

  1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can relieve pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis. In acupuncture treatment, which usually occurs while lying down, needles are inserted into the skin at specific points depending on the condition. Sterile disposable needles are specially ground, so the patient experiences minor, sometimes minimal, initial puncture pain. After some time, a dull feeling of heaviness or warmth may develop in the treated areas. The needles remain in the skin for 20-30 minutes. To achieve certain effects, special stimulation methods are used. That is, the needles can be further heated (cauterization) or moved up and down. There are other procedures that affect acupuncture points. During acupressure, the therapist massages acupuncture points with their fingers.

  1. Magnetic resonance therapy - MBST

MBST is effective for gonarthrosis. It can be used as a separate course of treatment or in combination with other techniques. Thanks to this innovative technology, many patients have avoided the surgeon’s scalpel. The effect of the procedure does not occur immediately (several sessions are required), but persists for several years.

  1. Laser therapy

Laser therapy for knee osteoarthritis may also be useful in combination with movement therapy. Thanks to the effect of the laser, healing processes occur in tissues - cell regeneration increases, inflammation is relieved. Laser can be prescribed even during an exacerbation, as it has an analgesic effect.

  1. Mud applications, ozokerite and paraffin

Therapeutic mud, black wax and paraffin have a whole range of beneficial biological effects - warming, compression, regenerating, pain relief. By wrapping the joints with chemically active substances, the underlying structures receive the necessary components and medicinal salts. In addition, such applications, due to the high thermal conductivity of the products used, are one of the options for thermal effects that enhance blood circulation in the pathological area. Shown every other day, without exacerbation. It is advisable to take the course 2 times a year.

  1. Plasma therapy

ArthrexACP System technology is autohemotherapy in a modified form. Plasma therapy is a safe procedure that has a local stimulating effect. After the sessions, pain and inflammation decrease.

  1. Ultrasound

Ultrasonic waves, penetrating to a depth of 6 cm, improve microcirculation, warm the joint, enhance metabolism, reduce swelling and improve the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

  1. Balneotherapy.

Therapeutic baths are widely used in the treatment of gonarthrosis. Particularly popular are iodine-bromine, salt, turpentine and pine baths. The bath time should not exceed 20 minutes. After the bath it is advisable to rest.

To achieve the best effect, the physiotherapist alternates these sessions. He sees the dynamics of the process and, if necessary, adjusts the treatment. Before sessions, possible contraindications are identified, so during a conversation with a doctor, the patient must talk about all concomitant diseases.


Physiotherapeutic treatment is considered one of the best in the treatment of gonarthrosis. It stimulates metabolic processes, restores local blood circulation, and causes local heating. Some types of physiotherapy can be used even during an exacerbation! Home physiotherapy can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, since heating the joints on your own can lead to a worsening of the situation and an exacerbation of the process.

Correct use of Almag

It is recommended to use the device only after a doctor’s prescription, having previously passed the necessary tests and been thoroughly examined. Before first use, you should carefully study the instructions.

Special coils can be applied directly to the skin. The course of treatment should be drawn up by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease. Typically, 10 to 20 sessions are required. The first procedures last 10 minutes, then gradually the time increases to 15–20 minutes. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be repeated after a month. Many patients are satisfied with treatment using the Almag device and leave grateful reviews. Sessions under the supervision of medical professionals are especially effective.

How to treat arthrosis with the ALMAG + device

Arthrosis is a chronic disease of middle-aged joints that requires constant attention and control. A home device with professional treatment capabilities is ideal for this. ALMAG+ takes into account all the features of the etiology and course of arthrosis. Let us remember that this degenerative disease is usually accompanied by inflammation, which triggers destruction. Negative processes in the joint lead to devastating consequences and are associated with age-related wear and tear of the body, slowdown of metabolism and blood circulation. Cartilage, suffering from poor nutrition and poor lubrication, “dries out,” becomes thinner, and literally crumbles. The destruction extends to the entire joint, bones and muscles. Naturally, everything that happens causes swelling and pain, dynamic function worsens, performance and vital activity decrease.

Arthrosis can now be treated with even greater convenience and efficiency using the ALMAG+ device. ALMAG+ is intended for physiotherapeutic treatment and recovery and rehabilitation measures in medical, medical and preventive institutions, as well as at home on the recommendation of a doctor. The operating factor of the device is a low-frequency, low-intensity traveling and stationary pulsed magnetic field (BLMF).

The new product is distinguished by the presence of three special exposure modes:

  1. analgesic with anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. classic (similar to the parameters of ALMAG-01);
  3. mode for pediatrics.

The modes were carefully developed by specialists of the ELAMED scientific and technical center with the assistance of leading scientists; they differ in the frequency and intensity of the BIMP. ALMAG+ is aimed at suppressing inflammation by stopping the production of cytokines - molecules that support the inflammatory process. This is an important condition for relieving inflammation. Thus, the analgesic effect during physiotherapy with the device is not associated with the muffling of the perception of pain, but with its extinction due to the removal of inflammation. The anesthesia regimen allows you to achieve quick results when you urgently need to get in shape; it helps you endure exacerbations easier and faster and achieve remission, thereby stopping the development of arthrosis.

The magnetic field of ALMAG+ is capable of influencing electrically charged blood particles, accelerating their movement. Accelerating particles (electrons and blood ions) means accelerating and increasing blood flow. An increase in blood flow during arthrosis makes it possible to normalize nutrition and oxygenation of the joint, surrounding muscles and tissues, promotes rapid delivery of drugs and detoxification of the organ. The classic ALMAG+ mode is designed to carry out in-depth treatment of the diseased organ and create a prolonged beneficial effect. All this is favorable for starting the recovery process and preventing joint replacement surgery.

ALMAG+ can help in the treatment of arthrosis:

  • strengthen the treatment complex;
  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • stop the progression of the disease;
  • improve performance, activity and quality of life.

The device is very easy to use, intuitive and does not require professional training.
This is why ALMAG+ is good for home self-treatment. The instructions describe standard methods for treating arthrosis, but the doctor has the right to adjust them to the individual characteristics of each patient. When treating arthrosis, inductor coils are placed on the site of the disease in the most appropriate way. The impact occurs not only directly on the diseased joint, but also on the surrounding tissues, which are also involved in the degenerative-inflammatory process. Clothes or a gauze bandage do not interfere with the penetration of ALMAG+ healing impulses. All methods involve exposure to the north pole of inductors (the side with the “N” sign is applied to the body). A special clamp has been developed to securely fasten the emitters, which increases ease of use.

Important! The magnetic field is a powerful healing factor, so the total duration of procedures should not exceed 40 minutes per day.

To obtain the best result, the patient is recommended to:

  • conduct a treatment session with ALMAG+ lying down, at rest;
  • during course therapy, it is desirable that the procedures were carried out at equal intervals, 1-2 times a day;
  • when conducting the first course, the first three days of the procedure last 10 minutes; on the 3-4th day, the exposure time decreases to 7 minutes, then it increases to 15-20 minutes;
  • after the first six days of treatment, a break of 1 day is needed, then treatment continues for another 6 days;
  • in case of damage to one joint, a line of four inductors is applied spirally, capturing nearby tissues; if arthrosis is diagnosed in two joints, they can be treated simultaneously by placing a pair of inductors on each.

Ease of use, improved treatment capabilities for several joints at once and deep effects make ALMAG+ an indispensable part of the treatment complex.

Who should use the device?

The Almag device can treat not only diseases associated with the spine, signs of arthrosis and gonarthrosis, but also other diseases. For example:

  • Almag treatment of joints with arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, gout, fractures and other joint pathologies
  • vascular and heart diseases (various degrees of hypertension);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • problems with the stomach and digestive tract;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  • bone injuries, bruises, burns, bruises, damaged ligaments and muscles, wounds that cannot heal for a long time;
  • discomfort of the hip joint.

Numerous reviews also talk about the effectiveness of the device for dermatological diseases, problems with the nervous system, complicated diabetes mellitus, headaches and dizziness, gynecological and urological diseases and prolonged depression.

Who should not use the device?

Doctors categorically prohibit treatment with Almag in the following cases:

  • the entire period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the body and purulent discharge;
  • recent heart attacks or strokes;
  • any cancer;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • severe hypotension;
  • various blood diseases.

Of particular importance is the contraindication to using the device in the presence of malignant tumors. In this case, there is a very high probability of rapid proliferation of cancer cells.


Treatment of the knee joint with Almag can be used for various disorders. It is indicated for the following diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • bursitis;
  • Reactive arthritis.

All these ailments are accompanied by severe pain.

Moreover, in all these cases, an acute inflammatory process occurs, provoking swelling of the tissues and damage to their healthy structure. The main goal of treatment for such joint diseases is to eliminate swelling, relieve pain and accelerate the regeneration of cartilage located in the knees. And the influence of the Almag device helps to cope with such ailments without any side effects.

Under the influence of magnetic impulses, blood circulation improves, which begins to supply important elements and oxygen to diseased cells. Due to this, the removal of harmful decay products is accelerated, the inflammatory process is reduced, swelling resolves, the affected tissue is restored, and gonarthrosis of the knee joint goes away.

Magnetic pulses accelerate blood circulation in the affected area

And this is not all the useful properties of the Almag device. Magnetic waves influence nerve endings, thereby dulling the transmission of the signal responsible for the appearance of painful spasms. Therefore, this device places the main emphasis on relieving discomfort and unpleasant symptoms. Thanks to its effects, you can forget about pain. At the same time, the condition of the knee joint improves, it becomes mobile again.

To ensure truly effective treatment, it is better to place the device’s coils around the affected area, as if wrapping it with magnetic inductors. If adjacent areas are affected, as, for example, when the meniscus becomes inflamed, then the coils should be placed along the affected area. The configuration of this device allows you to treat two joints at once in one course. If necessary, therapy can then be repeated, but only after a month.

Treatment of the spine and knee using the Almag device

Some diseases associated with the spine and joints are very difficult to treat with medications. These are arthrosis, arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, bursitis. These diseases cause severe pain to a person due to the fact that the inflammatory process begins, the tissues swell, and their structure is destroyed. Some medications and external ointments alleviate the condition, reduce pain and swelling, but the process may soon worsen.

For treatment to be effective, it must be approached comprehensively. To treat joints, you need to take medications and use magnetic therapy.

The Almag device for arthrosis enhances the positive effect achieved with drug therapy and eliminates the cause of the disease. Magnetic pulses help improve blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on plasma, proteins and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood.

As a result, breakdown products are eliminated from the body faster, which has a positive effect on the condition of the affected cells. Metabolism accelerates, inflammation goes away, swelling resolves, and the natural process of restoration of diseased tissue begins. The knee and spine begin to function as before.

Almag-02 device

Almag-02 is an improved device and has more advanced functions compared to Almag-01. This is a professional device for treating many diseases. A modern innovative device is capable of reducing pain, eliminating tumors and inflammatory processes in the body.

Almag-02 with advanced functions is successfully used in medical institutions and at home as prescribed by a doctor.

The device is presented in two types:

  • "Almag" for arthritis - clinical effectiveness, principle of action and positive effects
  1. Execution 1.
  2. Execution 2.

The device Version 2 has an additional emitter, which has a beneficial effect on internal organs for medicinal purposes. The additional emitter also works great for problems with the knee joint.

Each emitter has its own functions. The main one can be used to treat a significant area of ​​the body. With its help you can cover an entire limb.

There is also a special ruler that is needed to influence small areas. It is capable of penetrating with its radiation to a depth of approximately 15 cm. This helps to cure various diseases.

The Almag device does not take up much space and is a small-sized and convenient device. Many patients purchase it for personal use and are very pleased with the results.

Advantages of the Almag device

Modern devices Almag-01 and Almag-02 have helped a huge number of people get rid of ailments and significantly improve their condition. What are the main advantages of these devices? Their advantages:

  1. Allows you to avoid surgical intervention.
  2. Due to the positive and effective effects of the device, the patient can gradually reduce the number of medications taken, which have a negative effect on the body and often have side effects.
  3. They help people who cannot use other methods of treating joint disease.
  4. Using the device at home yourself saves time and money. The therapeutic effect is no less than when used in a medical institution.
  5. The device can be used with a medical bandage or plaster, since the magnetic pulses pass freely through the dense surface.

Numerous patient reviews have confirmed the reliability and effectiveness of Almag devices.

  1. Is it possible to treat arthrosis with the Almag device?
  2. What effect will this give? What types of arthrosis can be treated with Almag? Reviews from doctors about Almag-01 (video) Contraindications

How to use?

    Device cost

The Almag-01 device is used to treat a large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthrosis. But Almag should be used only as an auxiliary (physiotherapeutic) treatment.

The device does not treat arthrosis, but only improves the patient’s condition by relieving pain and inflammatory processes in cartilage tissues. The use of Almag is justified even in advanced arthrosis with advanced tissue destruction of the affected joint.

Effect of magnetic field

Alternating and constant magnetic fields induced by physiotherapeutic devices can have both local and general effects on the body:

  • Pain relief;
  • Relieving swelling and inflammation;
  • Restoring vascular elasticity;
  • Normalization of cartilage and muscle functions;
  • Strengthening local blood circulation;
  • Acceleration of the production of collagen and elastin - fibrillar proteins that make up connective tissue.

Almag - use of a device for treating joints

The main principle of the magnetic field is to change the potential of cell membranes and enhance the activity of antioxidants in the blood, which promotes the restoration of damaged tissues. Regular physiotherapeutic procedures help normalize the nutrition of muscles and ligaments, thereby restoring mobility and strength of joints, increasing the amount of synovial fluid and the rate of elimination of toxins in case of infectious joint damage.

In case of fractures and severe damage to bones and bone joints, the magnetic field stimulates osteosynthesis, prevents the growth of osteophytes and the development of joint contracture, and significantly reduces the duration of the rehabilitation period.

Operating principle

After connecting the device to the network, current pulses are distributed over four coils, which convert them into magnetic induction pulses. As a result, a rhythmic non-uniform magnetic field arises. The device allows for deep penetration into human organs and tissues. The penetration depth is about 8 cm.

The principle of operation provides a number of medicinal properties that the device has. These include:

  1. Vascular effect. Almag expands those capillaries that are not functioning, restores metabolic processes in the body, and provides additional blood flow.
    All this creates favorable conditions for the restoration of cartilage and joints, provides additional nutrition and oxygenation, and removes toxins and metabolites. In addition, as a result of exposure to a magnetic field, the amount of lubrication in the joint increases and the muscle tone around the knee improves. REFERENCE. Improving blood supply to the joint area is the key to successful anti-inflammatory treatment. If this process is not established, taking medications may have little effect, since the required amount does not reach the site of inflammation with the blood.
  2. Analgesic effect. Almag blocks nerve impulses, thereby reducing tension and eliminating pain. In addition, there is an acidic environment in the sore spot, and with new blood it decreases and the unpleasant sensations disappear.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect. As a result of improved blood supply, a large number of macrophages - blood components that fight inflammatory mediators (cytokines) - enter the joint.
  4. Anti-edematous effect. The magnetic field of the drug reduces swelling of the tissue, removing excess fluid from it.

Types and design features of the device

The Almag device consists of a current pulse generator operating from a 220 V network and an emitter - several inductors connected to each other by elastic jumpers. The device is available in three models:

  • Almag 01 consists of four inductors that generate traveling pulsed magnetic radiation. The installation affects a depth of up to 7-8 cm. The average procedure time is about 20-22 minutes. The cost of the device is 8.5-9.0 thousand rubles, depending on the region;
  • Almag 02 acts with a traveling and stationary magnetic field to a depth of up to 20 cm. Now a device of this type is presented in a second version, distinguished by a large number of programs (79 pcs.) and two types of emitters (local magnet and a separate line of 6 inductors). The duration of exposure is about half an hour. The approximate installation price is 57 thousand rubles;
  • Diamag (Almag 03) – affects a low-frequency magnetic field of low intensity to a depth of up to 20 cm. The flexible “headband” emitter consists of two lines of 6 inductors each. Used to treat brain diseases and neurological disorders. The cost of the device is approximately 25 thousand rubles.

On a note!

For the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the Almag 01 device is most often used. For a large affected area, it is recommended to use Almag 02.

Types of devices and their features

Indications for use

The main indications for using the device are:

  • Injuries to joints and surrounding soft tissues (fractures, bruises, dislocations, ligament tears);
  • Previous joint surgeries, including endoprosthetics;
  • Osteoarthritis of joints and other degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue;
  • Arthritis of various etiologies, synovitis;
  • Diseases accompanied by salt deposition in joints;
  • Inflammation of muscles, ligaments and soft tissues surrounding the joint (myositis, tenosynovitis);
  • Benign neoplasms in joint tissues (hygroma, Baker's cyst);
  • Radicular syndromes (ischalgia, lumbodynia) and joint pain of unknown origin;
  • Spinal pathologies (spondylosis, osteochondrosis), postural disorders, flat feet.


Absolute contraindications to magnetic therapy are:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Acute purulent and infectious-inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (previous heart attack, unstable angina, cardiac conduction disorders);
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Severe endocrine disorders;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Presence of a pacemaker (when affecting the chest area).


Before using the Almag device, you must consult a specialist. All previous illnesses and surgeries, medications taken and family history should be reported.

Contraindications to the use of the Almag device

Almag 01 or Almag Plus: effective treatment at home

Magnetic therapy has long been introduced into medicine and is successfully used in medical institutions. For home use, the knowledge of scientists and researchers 15 years ago was embodied in a special Almag device, which allows you to effortlessly carry out therapeutic therapy at home. Many are already familiar with the Almag 01 device. In this article we will talk about its more advanced version - “Almag Plus”, compare both devices and reveal the secret of why it is worth purchasing.

What is “Almag”?
This is an easy-to-control and use device that emits magnetic waves of therapeutic frequencies due to the built-in electrical unit, and not due to magnets, as many may mistakenly think. These waves affect the problem area in the body at the molecular level and accelerate physical and chemical processes. Almag series devices are used in public and private medical institutions; they have passed clinical trials and certification. With an integrated approach, Almagi is recognized as an effective means of preventing and treating diseases such as:

  • Arthritis, arthrosis, spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, scoliosis
  • Osteoporosis, osteochondropathy, heel spur
  • Lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities, consequences of a stroke
  • Burns, cuts, injuries, fractures
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Diseases of the veins and lymphatic vessels (including varicose veins and its complications, lymphostasis)
  • Hypertension I, II degree
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Complications of diabetes mellitus type I and II
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Bronchitis

And a long list of other diseases. Indications for the use of both devices are well described in the instructions for use of both Almags and do not differ much from each other.

Why are Almagi so effective?

A little physics and chemistry. When creating this device, the developers noticed that in areas of the disease, when inflammation develops, compounds with high acidity accumulate. When problem areas are treated with a magnetic field, it stimulates blood flow to the affected area and restores normal circulation. So, when blood in sufficient quantities reaches the site of the disease, the environment changes from acidic to alkaline. This starts the self-healing process.

What is the difference between “Almag 01” and “Almag Plus”?

Both Almags have basically the same principle - magnetic radiation. Despite the presence of more improved versions, the first Almag also copes well with healing tasks for the body.

Main characteristics of the device “Almag 01”:

has one therapeutic radiation mode

Suitable for adults of all ages

The device is secured with an elastic bandage

no control panel

2 types of effects on the body: magnetic and light

Main characteristics of the Almag Plus device:

additional pain relief regimen,

suitable for children from 2 years old,

additional fastenings for more convenient fixation of the device,

in addition to the traveling magnetic field, one more type has been added - stationary,

due to its design, it can affect paired organs

3 types of effects on the body: magnetic, light and sound

has a memory function - remembers the last treatment mode you chose

You just have to decide for yourself for what purpose you are buying Almag and choose the model that is most suitable for you in terms of technical characteristics and effect. But before you decide to buy, you should pay attention to the contraindications that both Almag devices have.

Contraindications to the use of Almags

Both Almag 01 and its older brother Almag Plus have main contraindications: pregnancy, systemic blood diseases, malignant neoplasms, thyrotoxicosis, alcohol intoxication, the presence of an implantable pacemaker in the affected area, acute purulent inflammation.

But we note that, unlike the Almag 01 device, Almag Plus has no contraindications for atrial fibrillation and aortic aneurysm. In any case, before using Almag devices, it is better to consult a specialist.

Operation of devices

  • Before use, carefully read the attached instructions.
  • Connect Almag to the network and make sure that the device is working: alternately apply the magnetic field indicator (included with both devices) to each coil.
  • If everything is in order with the previous point, secure the device to the affected area.
  • Avoid impacts, falls and getting the device wet.
  • The first session - no more than 10 minutes, when affecting two zones - no more than 30 minutes.
  • Almag must be used daily, 2 times a day.
  • The duration of treatment is 10-20 days. It is permissible to repeat the course no earlier than a month later.
  • It is acceptable to use Almag on a body surface covered with light clothing or fabric.
  • During the first procedure, you may feel slight discomfort, which goes away on its own.
  • You should not drink alcohol during the course of treatment.
  • Almag is not addictive and has a dependence effect.
  • Does not require special skills or abilities.


“We gave Almag to my grandfather for his birthday more than a year ago. It was Almag 01. Grandfather suffered from pain in his elbow joints for a long time. He went to the clinic for physiotherapy, took medications, but it did not give normal results and after 2-3 months it all happened again. We learned about Almag from our dacha neighbors, we consulted doctors, read information about it and decided to buy it for my grandfather. Grandfather has not complained about health problems for a long time. Sometimes my husband and I take Almag from him for ourselves, but we are thinking about buying our own, especially since there is already a new version.”

Anastasia, Angarsk, 13 microdistrict.

“I knew about the existence of Almag for a very long time, but I never would have thought that I would use it. True, they say never say “never”. I slipped in the pool where I always went and seriously bruised my tailbone. I couldn’t walk or sit normally, I was sick for a very long time. And I took pictures and went to a traumatologist and applied all sorts of Chinese remedies on the advice of friends - it was useless! Then I saw Almag again in the pharmacy, asked for instructions, read it, read reviews and recommendations on the Internet and bought it. We have a big family, so now everyone can use it. And if something happens, you won’t have to endure wild queues at clinics.”

Antonina Vsevolodovna, Angarsk, 177th quarter

“I bought Almag+ because I have been suffering from a herniated disc for many years. Chiropractors and treatment are constantly required, but one course is very expensive. Almag, in addition to helping to alleviate the condition, is a good pain reliever, also saves the family budget. I began to feel much better and I’m no longer afraid that at some inopportune moment an attack of unbearable pain will occur.”

Igor Ivanovich, Irkutsk, microdistrict. Anniversary

Treatment regimen

According to the instructions for use, before first use, it is necessary to keep the device at room temperature for at least 3-4 hours and disinfect its surface with a solution of medical alcohol with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. When connecting to the network, you should check the operation of the indicator lights: green confirms the presence of power, yellow indicates the formation of a magnetic field. After the procedure is completed, the yellow indicator goes out; You can continue therapy by disconnecting and reconnecting the device to the network.

No more than two joints can be treated at the same time. The total duration of exposure to the magnetic field should not exceed 40 minutes per day. In the standard case, to achieve a lasting effect, at least 10-15 sessions of magnetic therapy should be performed at equal intervals. After 2-3 weeks it is recommended to repeat the course of therapy. The exact number and nature of the procedures is determined by the attending physician.


During treatment, alcohol consumption and excessive physical and mental stress should be avoided. It is prohibited to carry out procedures on an empty stomach, in case of any ailments or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Application of the device

Almag provides a deeply penetrating pulsed magnetic field into the joint area.

Important! The sooner the use of magnetic therapy is started, the greater the chances of a complete recovery.

A treatment regimen has been developed for each joint, which takes into account the location of the coils, duration and frequency of exposure, as well as the effect on neighboring tissues and organs.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, inductors should be placed around the joint. If two joints are damaged at once, it is possible to treat them alternately. Each joint should be exposed to a magnetic field for 20 minutes. It is important to remember that the total duration of the procedure should not exceed 40 minutes. After this time, the manufacturer has provided for automatic shutdown of the device.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime, since after this you should not put stress on the joints.

REFERENCE. In the first 2-3 days of treatment for arthrosis, an exacerbation of pain may occur, which then subsides and disappears.

Chronic and severe forms of the disease require repeated courses. The intervals between them should be at least 30-40 days. It is important to remember that at least four courses must be completed per year.

Rules for applying inductors

During the procedure, the emitter should be placed in direct contact with the skin. Due to the deep effect of Almag on the joints, it is possible to place the installation on top of clothing.

Both sides of the inductors are working. However, for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to place the coils with the north pole (marked with the “N” sign) towards the body. To fix the device, you must use the elastic bandage included in the delivery set. Let's look at how to correctly apply Almag to large joints of the lower extremities:

  • Hip joint. When using the Almag device for coxarthrosis or injuries of the hip joint, it is necessary to position the emitter so that the outer coils are on the buttock and the front surface of the thigh, and the middle ones on the sides of the acetabulum;
  • Knee-joint. It is allowed to wrap the device around the knee or place it along the leg so that one extreme coil is located on the thigh and the other on the tibia. For knee pain caused by gonarthrosis, arthritis or increased physical activity, it is recommended to fix the emitter ruler just above or below the knee;
  • Ankle joint and small joints of the foot. Depending on the location of the pathological process, the device should be placed along the ankle or wrapped around the foot so that the outermost induction coils are on the sole and dorsum of the foot. For Achilles bursitis, the working part of the device is placed on the heel side. For dislocations and soft tissue injuries, it is recommended to place the emitter around the ankle. In case of damage to the big toe due to gout, Almag is placed on the inner lateral surface of the foot. The middle coils should be located strictly at the site of the inflamed joint.

Expert opinion

Medical research conducted over the past 15 years confirms the high effectiveness of magnetic radiation treatment. In combination with adequate drug therapy, the use of the Almag device can speed up recovery and reduce the risk of complications by 15-20%.

Methods for applying inductors of the Almag apparatus

Features of the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system

The procedure for using the Almag device for joint pain may differ depending on the nature of the pathological process.

Mechanical damage to the joint and soft tissues

For bruises, dislocations, sprains and ruptures of joint ligaments, therapy should begin 12 hours after the injury. Before starting treatment, the injured part of the body must be immobilized and swelling should be relieved using cold compresses. Sessions are carried out once or twice a day, the duration of treatment is 6-12 days, depending on the area of ​​the lesion.

Fractures and cracks of bones

Treatment with Almag for fractures is recommended to begin 3-5 days after applying the plaster. During the procedure, inductors can be placed on top of a plaster cast up to 1-1.5 cm thick. In case of extensive damage, the device should be applied alternately in different directions. The procedures are carried out once a day, the duration and number of courses of treatment are determined individually.

I used Almag after a hip fracture. Treatment was carried out in courses of 10-14 days over several months. Regular procedures made it possible to speed up the rehabilitation period and maintain limb mobility.

Maria Mikhailovna, 67 years old, Omsk.

Arthritis, arthrosis and other inflammatory pathologies

Induction treatment of bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis and other inflammatory pathologies of periarticular tissues is carried out after relief of acute symptoms. Therapy should be combined with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When treating arthritis with Almag, the emitters of the device should be applied along the affected joint, trying to capture the surrounding soft tissue. Every day it is recommended to carry out two procedures for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of exposure to 20-30 minutes. The course of therapy is 16-18 days.

Therapy for deforming arthrosis is carried out in a similar way. The duration of treatment is on average 10 days; if necessary, a second course is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

Pathologies of joints that are treated with the Almag device

For symmetrical lesions, magnetic therapy is carried out alternately. So, when using Almag for arthrosis of the knee joints, procedures are carried out in the morning and evening for different limbs. The total duration of therapy increases to 18-20 days. In the chronic course of the disease, treatment of knees with Almag must be combined with other physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy.

The doctor recommended using Almag for the treatment and prevention of arthrosis of the knee joints. Exposure to a magnetic field slowed down the progression of cartilage tissue destruction and helped partially restore the lost mobility of the limbs.

Oksana, 44 years old, Moscow.

Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of ALMAG+ in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joints

Study design:

prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded (for patients).

Duration of the study:

02.06.18. – 15.10.18.

Number of subjects (patients)

– 40 people (20 people in the main group receiving procedures with the ALMAG+ device and 20 people in the control group receiving procedures with a placebo device).

Purpose of the study:

to study the effectiveness and safety of using the ALMAG+ device in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joints by conducting a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, blind study.

Clinical base for conducting scientific and clinical research:

Name of the organization: clinical hospital of the Federal Medical Institution "Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ryazan Region." Address: Ryazan, st. Lomonosova, 44. License for medical activities: No. FS-62-01-000680 dated May 25, 2018.

Research methodology

The subjects of the study were 40 patients with grade I or II osteoarthritis of the knee joints. The selection of patients took place in May-September 2018 at the clinical hospital of the Federal Clinical Institution “Medical and Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ryazan Region”, who were undergoing planned inpatient treatment.

A screening study was conducted in which 20 patients were examined, males aged from 23 to 53 years and females aged from 33 to 59 years with grade I or II gonarthrosis, and their outpatient records and other medical records were analyzed. documentation.

All patients were divided into 2 groups:

— Group 1 consisted of 20 patients suffering from osteoarthritis, receiving a course of treatment with the magnetotherapeutic device “ALMAG+”, of which 69.6% of the total number of patients were male and 30.1% of the total number of patients were female.

— the 2nd group included 20 patients suffering from osteoarthritis, receiving treatment with a placebo device, externally identical to the magnetotherapeutic device “ALMAG+”, but not generating a magnetic field, of which 58.3% of the total number of patients were male and female – 41.7% of the total number of patients. According to the main demographic and clinical characteristics, the patient groups were comparable (Table 1). In both groups, patients with radiographic stage II of knee OA predominated.

Table 1: Clinical characteristics of patients

IndicatorsPatient groups
First groupSecond group
Age (years)53,16±8,4453,23±8,45
X-ray stage of OA according to the Kellgren and Lowrense classification, n (%):I34
Duration of illness (years)8,75±3,158,21±3,44
Total Leuken index before the start of therapy10,09±1,5813,40±1,98
Pain according to the VAS scale at rest before the start of therapy38,3±7,6946,48±9,34
Pain on the VAS scale when walking before the start of therapy75,1±9,3270,38±8,35

All examined patients underwent a comprehensive examination and some patients received drug treatment for the main and concomitant pathology. Patients of the first and second groups for the main pathology received Meloxicam at a dose of 15 mg/day, therapeutic exercises (dynamic exercises with load, static exercises for the extensor and abductor muscles of the hip - gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, gluteus medius and minimus, muscle , straining the fascia lata of the thigh) until a feeling of slight fatigue appears in the muscles. During this study, each patient underwent 18 procedures using the ALMAG+ device or a placebo device over a period of 3 weeks. Procedures during the course are carried out once a day, with a break of 1 day after 6 and 12 procedures.

Registration, assignment of a serial participant ID number and randomization of study subjects of patients in this study were carried out on the day of obtaining informed voluntary consent to participate in the study and was considered the moment the subject was included in the study.

Research methodology

The collection of complaints and physical examination of the patient, determination of somatic status, interviews and questionnaires were carried out. The following questionnaires were used:

  • Visual analogue pain scale (VAS).
  • Leuken index.
  • EQ-5D questionnaire to assess the patient's quality of life.

Additional research methods:

  • ultrasound examination of the knee joints;
  • laboratory examination (clinical blood test with leukoformula and ESR, general urine test, biochemical blood test (creatinine, uric acid, bilirubin, glucose, total cholesterol, total protein, ALT, AST, ALP, CRP), serological blood test (rheumatoid factor), coagulogram (prothrombin time, thrombin time, PTI, fibrinogen, antithrombin III).

Based on the data obtained at the stage of primary collection of information about patients, a primary mathematical and statistical analysis of the data obtained was carried out using the statistical software package STATISTICA`6, SPSS for Windows – version 12.


A clinical study on the use of the “ALMAG+” magnetic therapy device in the treatment of patients with degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the knee joints showed that when assessing the manifestations of symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joints, a more pronounced effect from pulsed magnetic influence was noted than from the use of a placebo device (Diagram 1 ).

The diagram shows that almost all the assessed symptoms (with the exception of redness of the skin over the joint) after a course of magnetic exposure had a more pronounced positive effect.

Designation of symptoms: 1 – stiffness in the knee joints in the morning; 2 – difficulty moving in the knee joint; 3 – pain in the knee joint when walking on a flat surface; 4 – pain in the knee joint when climbing stairs; 5 – pain in the knee joint when going down the stairs; 6 – pain in the knee joint at rest; 7 – an increase in the intensity of pain in the knee joint during movement and a decrease in its intensity at rest; 8 – sensation of “crunching”, “creaking” in the joint; 9 – swelling of the joint; 10 – redness of the skin over the joint

Diagram 2 presents the results obtained as percentages.

Note: 1 – active flexion; 2 – passive flexion; 3 – active extension; 4 – passive extension.

The results confirming the positive effect of the use of the “ALMAG+” magneto-torapeutic device in addition to other treatment methods are given in Tables 2-4 and were obtained when patients used rating scales for the intensity of pain in the joint (visual analogue pain scale - VAS), the severity of gonarthrosis (Leuken index) and quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D).

Tables 6 and 7 present the results of changes in the range of active and passive movements in the knee joints.

Table 2: Results of patients’ scoring of joint pain intensity using a visual analogue pain scale (VAS)

Clinical conditionsPrimary assessment, pointsFinal grade, pointsDifference, points∆, %
Application of the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device6,172,044,1366,9
Using the placebo effect of the use of the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device6,725,361,3620,2

Note: ∆ – the difference (in percentage) in the intensity of pain during the initial and final assessment of the patient in relation to the primary (2nd first – 2nd round)/2nd first.

As a result of using the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device, patients note a significant decrease in the intensity of pain in the joint (by 66.9%) than with traditionally used treatment methods - by only 20.2%.

Table 3: Data from the Leiken gonarthrosis severity index (M. Lequene)

Clinical conditionsLeuken index criteriaPrimary assessment, pointsFinal grade, pointsDifference, points∆, %
Application of the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device13,872,001,8748,3
Leuken index10,095,045,0550,0
Using the placebo effect of the use of the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device14,643,181,4631,5
Leuken index13,409,913,4926,0

Note: 1 – pain; 2 – maximum distance when walking without pain; 3 – presence of difficulties in everyday life; ∆ – difference (in percentage) of pain intensity during the initial and final assessment by the patient in relation to the primary (2nd – 2total)/2first.

When determining the Leiken gonarthrosis severity index, it was revealed that when using the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device, the positive effect of treatment is more pronounced (50.0%) than with placebo exposure (26.0%). It should be noted that the components of the Leiken gonarthrosis severity index in the group with magnetotherapy exposure had more pronounced positive changes: pain decreased by 48.3% (in the control group - by 31.5%); the maximum distance when walking without pain, according to scores, increased by 47.2% (in the control group - by 24.5%). When patients assessed the presence of difficulties in everyday life, an improvement in their condition was noted by 55.0% (in the control group - by 21.0%).

Table 4: Quality of Life Questionnaire (EQ-5D) results

Clinical conditionsPrimary assessment, pointsFinal grade, pointsDifference, points∆, %
Application of the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device9,377,521,7819,1
Using the placebo effect of the use of the “ALMAG+” magnetotherapeutic device8,78,000,708,05

Note: ∆ – difference (in percentage) in the quality of life during the initial and final assessment of the patient in relation to the primary (2nd-2nd round)/2first.

When patients answered the questions of the quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D), a positive dynamics of improvement was also revealed - by 19.1% in the group using the “ALMAG+” magnetic therapy device (in the control group – by 8.05%).

It should be noted that there is no negative dynamics in ultrasound examination of knee joints with osteoarthritis, which indicates the absence of disease progression during therapy, which is also a positive point.

During the final analysis, the following conclusions were drawn from the results obtained:

1. The expected therapeutic effect from the use of the magnetotherapeutic device “ALMAG+” was achieved in the main group of patients (73.9%) - there was an improvement in subjective and objective indicators as a percentage of the total number of group participants in comparison with patients in the control group who received placebo procedures -device (44.3%).

2. The positive effect of treatment was manifested in a decrease in the inflammatory process (pain, laboratory markers of inflammation). The limitation of movements in the joints and motor activity in general did not change significantly, perhaps due to the short-term effect of the magnetotherapeutic device “ALMAG+”. An improvement in the quality of life of patients was clearly identified (91.3%).

3. Drug analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy (drugs of the NSAID group, glucocorticosteroids), which could affect the results of this study in the main group, was received by 40% of patients, as a percentage of the total number of participants in the main group. At the same time, the positive effect of using the ALMAG+ device in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joints was detected in 82.3% of patients.

4. Patients in the main group showed improvement based on various indicators:

  • a decrease in the manifestations of the inflammatory process (swelling, pain, laboratory markers of inflammation) was recorded in 50.3% of patients;
  • increased range of motion in joints and increased motor activity in 14.8% of patients;
  • an improvement in the quality of life of patients was noted in 82.6% of patients and was most pronounced in 20.9% (there was no deterioration); in the control group, an improvement in the quality of life of patients was noted in 41.7% of patients (deterioration in 8.3%) and was most pronounced at 15.6%;
  • In 31% of patients, according to the results of a repeated blood test, an improvement in the rheological properties of the blood was noted.

5. The percentage of the positive therapeutic effect according to objective indicators in the group receiving treatment with the ALMAG+ device in relation to the group receiving procedures with placebo devices was 80.9% to 44.4%, according to the rating scales - 47.8% to 23.7%.

6. During the study period, no adverse events were observed in patients of the main group (any adverse medical events, unpredictable illness or injury, or any adverse clinical symptoms (including deterioration of laboratory parameters).

7. The treatment effect was more pronounced and occurred much faster in patients with stage I osteoarthritis. with clinical manifestations on one knee joint than in patients with grade I-II osteoarthritis. both knee joints.

Based on the results of the analysis of the results obtained, the following was obtained:

1. The use of the ALMAG+ device in combination with traditional medicinal and non-medicinal treatment methods is safe for patients and does not cause negative local changes or adverse events and contributes to a more pronounced reduction in the manifestations of symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joints, including:

  • reducing the manifestations of the inflammatory process (swelling, pain, laboratory markers of inflammation);
  • reducing the limitation of the range of active and passive movements in the joints and increasing motor activity in general;

2. The use of the ALMAG+ device in the phase of exacerbation of osteoarthritis of the knee joints promotes a more rapid regression of the inflammatory process and a decrease in pain in patients.

3. The use of the ALMAG+ device contributes to a more pronounced and faster improvement in the quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joints.


The results of the study show that the use of the “ALMAG+” magnetic therapy device is safe for the patient, helps reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joints and reduces pain in the joint, relieves the inflammatory process, reduces the severity of gonarthrosis and the duration of the exacerbation period, and promotes a more pronounced increase in volume active and passive movements in the joint, increases the efficiency and quality of treatment of patients with degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the knee joints, and, accordingly, improves the patient’s quality of life. Thus, a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, blind study showed the effectiveness and safety of using the ALMAG+ device in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joints.

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