Sciatica and Back Pain: 6 Ancient Indian Practices to Relieve Suffering

Sciatica and back pain are quite common problems in both older and younger people. For obvious symptoms of sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), it is recommended to massage biologically active points at least three times a day. Mudra for the back will help relieve pain and restore the balance of energy in the body. Rubbing a pain-relieving balm based on ghee and cayenne pepper will speed up the healing of your back, and a hot ginger bath will help significantly relieve joint pain. Pain reduction can be achieved by placing smoky quartz crystals on sore spots. It is impossible not to note the positive results of juice therapy using freshly squeezed juices. Find out everything in more detail in our article, and your back will get healthier!

Sciatica and back pain: the cause is energy imbalance

The mind and body are inextricably interconnected, so it is not surprising that suppressed negative emotions manifest themselves on the physical level of a person in the form of certain diseases. Your back is no exception!

Back pain and sciatica (sciatic neuralgia) can be acute or chronic, resulting from disturbances in a complex network of nerves, muscles, joints, tendons or intervertebral discs. These disorders cause a feeling of tension and discomfort in the upper, middle or lower spine, hips, legs, knees, ankles or feet.

Indian healers believe that the main physical cause of back pain is an energy imbalance in the adrenal glands. This condition affects blood flow and oxygen saturation, causing poor circulation. Which in turn provokes the accumulation of impurities (slags), stagnation and the appearance of excess moisture in organ tissues. As a result of such processes, inflammation and pain occur.

Indian healers also name the main psychological cause of back pain, which is the suppression of negative emotions associated with an unreasonable feeling of insecurity and uncertainty. Accordingly, Indian doctors have long known how to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve. We should learn from their wisdom too!

The following Indian health practices are aimed at effective back treatment. Perform the following 6 Indian wellness practices for back pain and sciatica every day for 6 weeks, and the result will not be long in coming. Sciatica will go away if inflammation of the sciatic nerve is treated correctly and comprehensively.

The spine as the main energy channel

The basis of human health is considered to be the good condition of the spine and adjacent areas. At the level of the subtle body, nadis (energy channels) run along the spine, through which prana (vital energy) moves. It’s not for nothing that all the chakras—energy centers responsible for human health and condition—are located along the spine.

The spine is the main energy channel

The spine is the basis of human health. If the Muladhara root chakra is blocked due to stress, the movement of all energy flows in the body is disrupted, and this immediately affects the physical areas located along the main nadis. This is why we so often suffer from pain in various areas of the back. It is important to be able to competently influence the main energy channel of the subtle body through mudras.

Sciatica and back treatment with massage of biologically active points (acupressure)

Massage normalizes and strengthens physical, mental and emotional energies in the body. Use each technique below for 2 minutes three times a day if you suffer from sciatica. Your back will be happy with this treatment!

Acupressure techniques for back pain:

  • To stimulate the adrenal glands, use strong finger pressure to massage the back area on either side of the spine, directly under the ribs. Sooner or later, the inflammation of the sciatic nerve will go away and the back will restore its health.
  • To soothe sciatica, nerves and relieve pain, massage lightly between your fingers and toes.
  • Massaging the tips of your fingers and toes will increase blood circulation and free the body from stagnation, accumulation of moisture and toxins.
  • Intense massage of the heels, ankles and Achilles tendons is effective in unblocking the pinched sciatic nerve and also helps strengthen the lumbosacral spine and hips.
  • To provide back healing and enhance energy along the entire spinal column, apply intermittent pressure to points on the back of your hand. Start massaging the area between your thumb and index finger, and work your way down the back of your hand. Finish the massage by applying pressure to points located on the back of the wrist.

Expected effects

While performing the mudra, in order to enhance the effect, you should visualize your own recovery and completely relax. The use of aromatic oils and incense is acceptable. In the absence of allergic reactions, special attention should be paid to lavender and fir.

An alternative technique will help restore joints and relieve pain, but it is important to remember that mudras act as a complement to the main treatment, and do not replace it. If you have osteochondrosis, you must first consult your doctor. Only an integrated approach, including medications, light physical activity and Indian gymnastics methods, can lead to a complete recovery.

Mudra therapy for back pain

Regular practice of mudras speeds up the healing process and restores emotional balance. Mudra for the back is very effective when a person suffers from sciatica. It helps relieve tension and inflammation of the sciatic nerve and increases blood circulation. The back will fully restore its functionality as a result.

Mudra therapy technique for back pain due to sciatica:

  • Connect the thumb, middle finger and little finger of your right hand.
  • Relax and straighten your index and ring fingers.
  • On your left hand, cover your index fingernail with your thumb.
  • Relax and straighten your middle, ring and little fingers.
  • The mudra should be performed three times a day for 10 minutes.

Text of the book “365 golden recipes for ancient healing practices”

Mudra "Strengthening the nervous system"

Mudra establishes communication between the peripheral and central nervous systems.
It gives determination, self-confidence and increases self-esteem. Performance.

Turn around and face east. If you are not on the road or in a public place, light a purple candle; this color calms the nerves and relieves insomnia, or fill the room with the harmonizing scent of chrysanthemum. The mudra is performed with two hands located on the border of the chest and solar plexus. Cross your hands at the wrists, the right one is above the left. Cross the index and little fingers of both hands in pairs. Connect your middle and thumbs into a ring. Hold your ring fingers arbitrarily.

Mudra “Enhancing Energy Potential”

Mudra is able to activate the body's hidden reserves, helps in the treatment of anemia, blood diseases and colds, and on the emotional plane gives an impetus to become more tolerant, peaceful and receptive.


Turn around and face east. If you are not on the road or in a public place, light a red candle - it will provide an influx of vital energy. The mudra is performed with two hands located at chest level, palms facing each other. The hands are straight and the thumbs are perpendicular to the palms. Bring your palms together horizontally until your thumbs touch each other, and then slowly spread them apart. Soon you will feel a sensation of a warm elastic ball between your palms.

Mudra for treating colds

To energetically support the organs and systems of your body, let's start small - with getting rid of a cold.

The cold itself is not that dangerous, but it can cause serious complications. If you are cold and feel unwell, to prevent a runny nose, it is enough to ventilate the room and perform the following mudra within 15 minutes.


Turn around and face southeast. The mudra is performed simultaneously with both hands located at chest level. Press the thumb of your left hand against the middle phalanx of the thumb of your right hand. Cross the index fingers of both hands (the right one should be on top). Press the middle and ring fingers of both hands to the center of the palms. With the little finger of your right hand, clasp the little finger of your left hand (its tip should be hidden between the ring and middle fingers of your left hand).

Mudra for treating allergies

If a bouquet of flowers gives you a runny nose and a sore throat, or if you start sneezing in a dusty room, adopt the following mudra. It is performed with the left hand, located at the level of the solar plexus.


Turn the hand palm up and connect the tip of the thumb with the side surface of the nail bed of the middle finger, bend the index finger and press it to the skin fold between the thumb and index finger, straighten the remaining fingers. Of course, mudras are not able to heal you from illness in one go. Their one-time use has a short-term effect. Therefore, you should not expect an instant miracle from ancient healing gestures.

Mudra for strengthening the lungs and bronchi

This mudra strengthens the lungs and bronchi. It is performed for 5 minutes simultaneously with both hands located at chest level, palms open.


Press your little fingers to the base of your thumbs, place your ring fingers on the middle phalanges of your thumbs, and connect the pads of your middle fingers to the pads of your thumbs. Straighten the index fingers of both hands.

Mudra for the spine

To overcome manifestations of passivity and inertia, support the main core of life - the spine.


Stand straight with your feet together or slightly apart. Fold your loosely bent fingers so that their pads point toward your palms, and place your thumb inside, under the rest. Don't clench your palms into fists. Just keep them slightly bent and facing towards your face. Pay attention to straightening your back. Feel how your spine is stretched and the crown of your head is pulled up.

Mudra "Apan Vayu"

The “Apan Vayu” mudra will help you experience weakness, fatigue and nervous tension less often. This mudra also brings relief from myocardial infarction. It is at a critical moment that it has the strongest and most profound impact.


Turn around and face east. Imagine that you are inhaling the scent of a rose. Imagine that with each new breath the pink bud turns into a large, open flower. The mudra is performed with two hands folded at chest level. Bend the index fingers of both hands so that their pads touch the base of the thumbs. Then bring the pads of the thumbs, middle and ring fingers of both hands together. Leave your little fingers straight.

Mudra for the treatment of tracheitis

Are you tormented by a dry, hacking cough, without the slightest hint of phlegm? There is an opinion that tracheitis is difficult to treat. But, if you pull yourself together - in other words, perform the mudra, circumstances can develop in the most favorable way.


Turn around and face east. The mudra is performed simultaneously with both hands. The hands are positioned at the level of the solar plexus as follows: connect the tips of the thumb and index fingers of the left hand, connect the thumb of the right hand with the tip of the middle finger of the left hand, press the middle finger of the right hand to the base of the thumb of the right hand, clasp the index finger of the right hand with the ring finger of the left hand hands, clasp the little finger of your left hand with the little finger of your right hand.

Mudra for realizing hidden abilities

You and I initially have hidden abilities, but often we do not know how to discern and realize them. Mudras can also help with this.


Turn around and face east. Hands are placed at chest level, palms closed. Press your middle fingers to the center of your palms so that their nail phalanges touch. Straighten the remaining fingers and bend slightly.

If, while performing this mudra, you managed to hold your breath and freeze, it means that you have achieved a state of passive tension.

Try to remember your inner feelings, and the fruits of your creativity will definitely be successful.

Mudra that normalizes blood pressure surges

If you are a vegetatively unstable person, we can recommend mudra, which prevents surges in blood pressure and can relieve you of meteorological ailments and worsening mood.


Turn around and face east. The mudra is performed simultaneously with both hands. Hands are located at the level of the navel.

Interlace the little, ring and middle fingers of both hands with each other, while leaving the little finger of your right hand straight. Hide the thumb of your right hand between your palms, clasping it with the middle finger of your left hand.

Leave the index finger of your right hand and thumb of your left hand straight.

In order to maintain normal blood pressure, when making gestures, try to avoid the position of the hand when the thumb is pointed upward: in this case, the flow of vital energy rushes upward, increasing the blood pressure on the vessels.

Mudra that relieves fatigue


Raise your hands above your head and hold your breath for a few seconds, imagining that your fingers are rays of little suns. The pose allows us to best transmit information to every cell of our body and provide it with energy nutrition.

Mudra for harmonizing biorhythms

To normalize blood circulation in the thoracic spine, cleanse the lymphatic vessels of the chest and harmonize biorhythms, the following mudra is performed.


Turn around and face east. The arms are freely lowered down, the palms are open. Bring either your left or your right hand to your chest, imagining how energy strings stretch from your fingers to the Anahata chakra. Try not to touch your chest with your palms.

You will achieve much greater effect if you think about something joyful.

Mudra for sleep disorders

To anyone who has difficulty falling asleep, we can recommend an excellent remedy that will help overcome insomnia without drugs, unless, of course, it is caused by any disease - perform the “Knowledge” and “Strengthening the Nervous System” mudras.


There are “sleepy” points on the hands that will help you normalize sleep: symmetrical points in the corners of the nail bed of the little fingers, a point just below the corner of the nail bed of the middle fingers, a point on the back of the hand, in the skin fold between the thumb and index finger.

Mudra for activating the heart meridian


Turn around and face east. The mudra is performed with two hands folded at the level of the navel, while the legs should be bent. Connect the tips of the thumbs of both hands. Interlace the remaining fingers as follows: the index finger of the right hand is located between the index and middle fingers of the left hand, the middle finger of the right hand is under the ring finger of the left hand (its tip is located between the ring finger and the little finger of the left hand). Connect the tips of the little finger of your left hand and the ring finger of your right hand, and set the little finger of your right hand slightly to the side.

Mudra for menstrual cramps

Of course, if you feel discomfort in the chest or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, qualified consultation with a specialist is simply necessary. But you can achieve relief from menstrual cramps with the help of mudra.


Turn around and face east. Place your right palm exactly halfway between your pubis and your navel. The palm lies freely, without tension. And turn your left hand palm up at the level of the solar plexus. The position of the fingers is as follows: put four fingers together, and move the thumb to the side.

At the base of the female palm, where it smoothly flows into the wrist, is the ovarian zone. Keep in mind that long before the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms, it becomes painful for many women to prop their chin with the palm on the side of which inflammation begins.

Mudra for stomach diseases


Lower your left hand and place your right hand exactly at the level of your navel. The fingers should take the following position: bend the middle, ring and little fingers and press them against the palm, straighten the index finger and extend them forward, place the thumb so that it touches the nail of the ring finger. Treat your stomach with respect by performing this mudra and massaging the area on the wrist fold of the hand - then you will not have to look for a way out of difficult situations.

Mudra for concentration


Turn around and face east. Place your hands at chest level and turn them with your palms facing outward. Keep your fingers loose, but connect them tightly together, without gaps, while bending your fingers slightly. Concentrate all your attention on the mudra, the strength of your palms and the sensation in your chest.

Mudra that protects against negative energy flows

Release the grip of negative energy flows.


Press the ring and middle fingers into the palm, leave the index and little fingers straight. Hold the fingers pressed to the palm from above firmly with your thumb.

This gesture of strength will help you face any difficulties with courage.

Mudra for difficulty breathing

Mudra, which is usually used when breathing is difficult, will definitely help you.


Turn around to face north. The mudra is performed simultaneously with both hands. The hands are positioned at the level of the solar plexus so that the back of the right hand touches the palm of the left. Place the thumb of your left hand between the ring finger and little finger of your right hand, and the middle and ring fingers of your right hand between the thumb and index fingers of your left hand. Wrap the index finger of your left hand with your right thumb. Place the index finger of your right hand under the ring finger and little finger of your left hand so that the tips of the little finger of your left hand and the index finger of your right hand touch.

Mudra that relieves fears

This mudra will help you deal with internal fears: fear of being yourself, fear of loneliness, fear of the unknown, fear of change. Rub the centers of your palms and try to transform disappointments and critical attitudes towards the world into beliefs that are more beneficial for your health. After all, overcoming an anxious state means winning, gaining some control over yourself and your life.


Clench your hands into fists (thumb inside, under the other fingers) and cross them at chest level. Concentrate and think that no one can scare you, that you do all your actions of your own free will, that you make your choice consciously and freely.

Mudra for maintaining balance in the energy system

This mudra will help maintain balance in our energy system.


Lower your left hand freely and raise your right hand to approximately eye level, to the bridge of your nose. At the same time, turn your palm outward, straighten your hand and press your fingers tightly together. Stay in this position until you feel that your breathing and heartbeat have returned to normal.

Mudra "Palace of Communication"


Lower your left hand freely down and raise your right hand to the larynx. At the same time, turn the palm outward, and bend the little finger, ring and middle fingers and press them against the palm. On the contrary, straighten the index and thumb and keep them extended together, tightly pressed against each other.

Mudra that strengthens the energy field

Your energy field is likely to be strengthened by the following mudra.


Turn around and face east. The mudra is performed with two hands located at the level of the navel, palms inward. Connect the tips of the ring finger and thumb of your left hand. Connect the tips of the middle and thumb of your right hand. Cross the little fingers of both hands so that the right one is on top. Connect the tips of the middle finger of your left hand and the ring finger of your right hand. Straighten the index fingers of both hands.

Mudra that develops correct breathing

Breathing correctly is an art. This is a very important point not only when performing mudras, but also in everyday life. Energy flows pass through the middle of the palms. By performing mudra, you will be able to “breathe” through these points and absorb the energy of the Cosmos.


Your hands are at the level of the solar plexus. Take a breath and clench your hands into fists as tightly as possible. Try to exhale through your fingers - your hands are relaxed, your arms hang like whips. Repeat the mudra again: inhale, clench your fists, exhale - release the air through your fingers.

"Trishula Mudra"

The three fingers of the right hand raised upward - the sacred movement of Shiva (“Trishula Mudra”) - mean the three main possibilities of thinking and action: passivity, inertia, activity. Activity - energetic, purposeful action, knowledge of the true essence of the world - is reflected in the middle finger. The three fingers facing the sky can also be understood as the trinity of time.


The mudra is performed with the right hand, palm facing away from you. The index, middle and ring fingers are positioned strictly vertically. The thumb and little finger are pressed against the palm.

Healing mudra for the throat


Turn around and face east. The mudra is performed simultaneously with both hands. The hands are located just above the navel. Turn your left hand palm up, and cover it with your right hand, interlocking your fingers as follows: place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb of your left hand, straighten the index finger of your right hand, place the index finger of your left hand on the middle phalanx of the middle finger of your right hand, place the thumb of your right hand Place your hands between the middle and ring fingers of your left hand, and the little finger of your right hand between the ring finger and little finger of your right hand.

Mudra for calming down

Try to be sincere with yourself and with others, do not hesitate to openly express your feelings. A mudra that repeats the position of Buddha Shakyamuni’s hands will help with this.


Place your hands at heart level. Straighten the index fingers of both hands and join them together. Interlace the remaining fingers together.

With external relaxation, have you managed to achieve inner peace? Has fatigue gone away, and a feeling of vivacity and a surge of strength arise? So you did everything right!

Mudra "Concentration"

Performing mudra promotes coordination of the cardiovascular system and is recommended for asthenia and nervous exhaustion.


Turn around and face east. If you are not on the road or in a public place, light an orange candle (this is a symbol of calm and friendliness). The mudra is performed with both hands located at chest level. Connect the ends of your thumbs. Interlace your fingers loosely in the following sequence. The index finger of the right hand lies on the index finger of the left hand, on the index finger of the right hand - the middle finger of the left hand, on the middle finger of the left hand - the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, on them - the ring finger of the left hand, the tips of the middle and ring fingers of the right hand lie, in turn, on the little finger of the left hand. The little finger of the right hand is straight and free.

Mudra "Castle"

Mudra helps to erase the residue from heavy thoughts and intense mental work. Inspires to carry out good deeds and creates a feeling of unity with the Cosmos, directs our actions towards the path of knowledge and honoring the Higher Mind.


Turn around and face east. If you are not on the road or in a public place, light a turquoise candle (its flickering awakens new desires), and fumigate the room with rosemary, which protects against bad vibrations. The mudra is performed with both hands at the same time. Connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand with the same fingers of the other, and close the remaining fingers or overlap each other.

Harmonization of Svadhisthana chakra

This chakra is located in the sacral spine. It is she who gives hope and optimism, makes us hope for the best even in the most difficult situation. In addition, the chakra is responsible for such a subtle area as taste - artistic taste, taste in clothing, taste in life. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “the place where life lives.”


To harmonize the work of the Svadhisthana chakra, turn around to face the east. The mudra is performed with two hands located just below the navel. The palm of the left hand is open. Press your little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger together, move your thumb to the side. Place your right hand on your lower abdomen (this position, when the open left hand is placed above the right, is called “butterfly behavior”).

Harmonization of Manipura Chakra

This chakra is located in the solar plexus area. It is this chakra that gives a person a sense of self-esteem, self-respect and satisfaction with his actions. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “jewel of the navel.” Performance.

In order for the Manipura chakra to release and concentrate vital forces, turn around to face the east. The mudra is performed with the right hand, located in the solar plexus area, which is otherwise called the “Palace of Digestion”. Press the little finger, ring and middle fingers to the center of the palm. Connect the pads of your thumb and middle finger. Straighten your index finger and point it forward (this position of the hand is called “cobra behavior”).

Harmonization of the Anahata chakra

This chakra is located in the heart area, in the center of the chest. Its main task is the harmonization of relationships and sensory perception of the world. If the name of the chakra is translated from Sanskrit, it will literally mean “invincible.” Any information and energy connection (telepathic, intuitive or simply confidential) is under the power of this chakra.


To energetically support the Anahata chakra, turn around and face east. The mudra is performed with two hands placed opposite each other at the level of the heart. Press all your fingers together. Open your palms as if you were preparing them for a friendly hug (this hand position is called “antelope behavior”).

By performing mudra, you will become more sociable and will always be friendly to other people.

Natural Remedies for Back Pain Relief

Recipe for an anesthetic balm that soothes sciatica:

  • Melt 100 g of ghee over low heat.
  • Add one tablespoon of cayenne pepper to it.
  • Place the still warm mixture into a clean jar. Do not freeze.

It is recommended to apply the product liberally to sore areas: back, thighs, buttocks and legs. The balm helps to increase blood circulation and remove toxins and excess moisture from the body, and as a result, relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Do not apply to damaged skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Back treatment can also be supplemented with ginger baths.

Ginger bath to relieve pain in muscles and joints:

  • Simmer two tablespoons of grated fresh ginger root in a liter of water for ten minutes.
  • Strain and add ginger infusion to the bath.
  • Take a bath for about twenty minutes.
  • After the procedure, it is advisable to drink two cups of warm ginger tea made from fresh ginger root to remove toxins, and lie down under a warm blanket. The back will calm down.

Mudra of Energy

You can resort to this technique for various pathological conditions of the spine, in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, and also for the purpose of removing toxins from the body.

This mudra is designed to harmonize and enhance energy flows

The technique is performed by placing the hands in the solar plexus area, while the face is turned to the east. When performing the technique, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. It is recommended to look at the green color and inhale the aroma of geranium.

Execution technique: you need to connect the tips of the ring, middle and thumbs together. The index and little fingers should be straightened. The technique requires simultaneous execution with both hands.

Back exercise to relieve sciatica

Exercises for sciatica will help unblock the pinched sciatic nerve and relieve pain in the lumbosacral back. Try one of these to speed up your back healing.

How to do a back exercise for sciatica:

  • Lie on your stomach with your hands on your thighs. The back is relaxed.
  • Then bend your left leg at the knee and pull it behind your ankle with your hand, trying to touch your buttocks with your heel.
  • Hold the pose for five seconds. Make sure your thigh doesn't leave the floor.
  • Repeat the movement with your right leg. Do two more times with each leg.
  • Next, pull both legs towards your buttocks, trying to touch your buttocks with your heels.
  • Hold the position for five seconds.
  • Don't force the movement. Exercise daily to improve your flexibility.

This back exercise can be painful, but it is still very effective for pinched sciatic nerves and displaced intervertebral discs. But your back will notice the results very quickly!

A few recommendations

You can also read:

Does yoga help with scoliosis?

For various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you can resort to some recommendations that will alleviate the condition:

  • In case of “stiffening” of the joints, caused by prolonged sitting, you can prevent the pain that usually accompanies this condition by slowly rising, while resting on the armrest of a chair or on your thigh.
  • During the period of remission of spinal diseases, it is advisable to wear a soft fixation orthopedic corset that supports posture. During periods of exacerbation, preference should be given to rigid devices.
  • It is advisable to sleep on a hard bed and a low pillow, this ensures the normal position of the spine and neck during sleep, which can reduce the risk of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spinal column.

You can also enhance the effect of mudras by resorting to other healing techniques. For example, meditation and auto-training sessions have a good therapeutic effect (not only for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system).

Back, sciatica and crystal healing

Natural stones help relieve physical pain and balance the emotional state. Applying crystals to sore spots helps restore the flow of positive physical and emotional energy and removes inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Treatment of back and sciatica with stones:

  • Smoky quartz is a healing stone that cleanses the emotional and physical spheres of a person. Quartz simultaneously relieves sciatic nerve inflammation and pain, and provides back treatment.
  • Malachite is a mineral with healing powers. It relieves muscle tension and speeds up the healing process.
  • Copper restores balance and regulates energy flows through the chakras, cools and relieves inflammation.
  • Blue agate produces a cooling effect, helps fight stress and relieves inflammation.
  • Apatite is a mineral with amazing healing properties, promotes cell regeneration, restores cartilage tissue. As a result, the back is restored.
  • Hematite is a stabilizing stone, improves blood supply to the spine and lower extremities, and is effective in treating an inflamed sciatic nerve.

Wind Mudra

This mudra is used in the presence of rheumatism, radiculitis, and also if frequent cramps of the lower extremities, head and neck are bothering you.

You can perform healing mudras at any time and anywhere

The mudra can be performed either with one hand or with two at once; they should be located at the level of the solar plexus; when performing the technique, the face should be turned strictly to the north, and while doing so you should look at the color blue. The smell of geranium will enhance the effect of the technique.

Technique: The tip of the index finger should be placed so that it touches the base of the thumb. Straighten the remaining fingers, but they should not be tense.

Juice therapy for sciatica and back treatment

Usually, fasting is recommended to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, restore emotional balance, and in order to activate the body’s internal reserves to fight the disease. Although you can cure inflammation of the sciatic nerve with freshly squeezed juices just as effectively.

If you have severe back pain and obvious symptoms of sciatica, you should drink eight to twelve glasses of freshly squeezed juice a day for three days in a row. The following juices and recommendations will help you achieve a positive effect in one case or another.

Rules for performing exercises and recommendations

To achieve the expected result in the treatment of back, lower back and neck pain, it is important not only to correctly position the fingers and palms. It is necessary to take into account the influence of the environment at the training site. It is equally important to choose the optimal asana, choose a comfortable duration and frequency of exercises.

All rules for performing wise.

Study space

For people with experience in performing practices, there are no strict requirements for the place where the exercises are performed. They can do mudras on a bus, in a crowded and noisy room, or on the street. The key is attitude and the ability to manage your thinking.

For beginning practitioners, who find it difficult to tune in, there are rules for choosing a place to practice.

Performing mudras in a group


  • the place should be quiet;
  • there should be enough space for free movement, the room should not put pressure on a person;
  • there should be nothing that contributes to distraction - sounds, objects, people;
  • the room is well ventilated, but without drafts;
  • outdoors, avoid places exposed to direct sunlight and strong wind;
  • the surface must be smooth, horizontal and hard;
  • A bedding made of hard, non-elastic fabric is placed on the floor.

Thinking has a great influence on the effectiveness of practice. When doing the exercises, you need to imagine that you are in a place that you really like, it has a calming effect. Mentally enjoy the presented place. Think that you are protected, safe, and your back and spine are strong.

If you can’t concentrate on pleasant things, your head is filled with disturbing thoughts, you should focus on your breathing.

Proper breathing is key to the correct performance of any mudras. During practice aimed at eliminating back and joint pain, it is recommended to follow certain breathing cycles.

Rules for performing breathing cycles during mudras:

  • take a deep breath, easily throwing your head back and arching your back;
  • on a deep exhalation, we lower our head, arching our back upward and strongly drawing in the abdominal walls;
  • perform 10-15 repetitions, gradually calming your breathing, making it even and smooth.

Best pose

The maximum effect when performing finger yoga is achieved in combination with a well-chosen pose. The best asana to practice is Padmasana (lotus pose). But there are no strict requirements regarding the choice of poses. The main requirement is comfort and convenience, promoting relaxation and concentration.

Optimal posture for performing Prati Mudra:

  1. We lie down on the floor.
  2. We raise our legs onto a chair - the hips are vertical, the knees are bent, the lower leg lies horizontally on the chair.
  3. We hold our hands at stomach level, palms facing the head.
  4. Tighten the chin towards the legs. This allows you to stretch the entire spine, from the base of the skull to the tailbone.

In combination with this lying pose, Prati relieves the spine as much as possible and relaxes the back area.

Asana Utkatasana for performing Surabhi mudra

For Surabhi Mudra, the optimal asana is Utkatasana. If this pose causes discomfort, simpler relaxing asanas are suitable - Vajrasana and Sukhasana. The best pose for performing Merudanda Mudra is Sukhasana.

The best asanas for performing mudras

If a person is sick and lies down and cannot sit, mudras can be done in any acceptable position. The main condition is that the person should be relaxed and concentrated, and the exercises should not cause pain or discomfort.

Time and regularity

Typically classes last about 45 minutes. But if a person is not physically ready, a single period is divided into several approaches - during the day the mudras are performed 3 times for 15 minutes.

The duration and number of repetitions depend on the goals and physical condition of the person. The main requirement for performing mudras is that a person should feel comfortable and comfortable. If the exercise begins to cause pain or discomfort, it should be stopped immediately.

Beginning practitioners approach the optimal time and regularity gradually. At first, the duration of the practice is minimal, but as you get used to it and master it, the duration of the classes is brought to the required time frame.

You should not perform mudras immediately after eating. Depending on the nature of lunch, dinner or breakfast, 1-4 hours should pass. The best option is to exercise on an empty stomach. After practice, at least one hour must pass before eating.

When performing Vayu practice, it is recommended to alternate it with Prana mudra. The exercise is stopped after you feel better and signs of the disease disappear.

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