Gymnastics for knee joints by Dr. Bubnovsky

Exercises for knee joints by Bubnovsky allow you to quickly get rid of various pathologies of the knee apparatus.
The knee joint is a complex system that includes muscles, tendons, meniscus, ligaments, articular bones, and cartilage. If just one of the elements stops functioning, the entire system begins to work incorrectly.

Professor V. M. Bubnovsky treats joint pathologies using a unique technique.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for knee joints are very popular, because with the help of exercises, the process of rejuvenation of ligaments, joints and intervertebral joints is activated.

Features of Dr. Bubnovsky’s technique

S. M. Bubnovsky developed a unique method of treating the knee joint - kinesitherapy.

Thanks to the method, the likelihood of recovery significantly increases if the patient makes the necessary efforts to eliminate the disease.

The doctor claims that the method is based on willpower, with the help of which the patient counteracts and eliminates the manifestations of the disease.

His unique treatment methods are based on physical exercises for the knee joints. Medicines and compression garments are not used.

A little about the technique and its author:

  1. Dr. Bubnovsky has been engaged in medical research for a long time and concluded that the human body is capable of independently coping with any disease. You just need to be patient and have the will to recover, and then start doing simple physical exercises.
  2. Treatment according to Bubnovsky will be effective if only the patient sincerely believes in it and sets himself up for a positive result. Therapeutic exercises will help make the muscles more elastic, relieve tension and promote rapid recovery of the knee joint.
  3. You need to move more to get rid of pain. Daily exercise will help your muscles become stronger and reduce the stress on your joints.
  4. It should be remembered: before you start practicing according to Bubnovsky, you need to consult with your doctor before the first training session.
  5. The methods of the famous doctor S. M. Bubnovsky have proven themselves only on the positive side, helping to cope with arthrosis of the knee joint at home.

How to get rid of excruciating pain in the knees, stopping the development of arthritis, arthrosis and gonarthrosis?

It is worth regularly doing joint gymnastics by the doctor of alternative medicine Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, fulfilling all the necessary requirements.

When not to do exercise therapy

In most cases, therapeutic exercises do not cause noticeable harm, even if there are contraindications.

The exercise therapy complex developed by a certified specialist is not capable of leading to injury or decompensation, but can significantly aggravate the course of arthrosis in the treatment of patients for whom exercise is prohibited.

The use of Bubnovsky’s techniques is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • a complicated version of knee arthritis with severe pain;
  • the presence of purulent-inflammatory destruction in the synovium;
  • trauma, dislocation, damage to muscles and tendons of the lower limb;
  • synovitis - generalized inflammation of the joint along with nearby tissues;
  • ankylosis with the formation of persistent fusion of the articular bones.

There are clinical cases when surgical treatment is indispensable. After eliminating the pathological formations and completely getting rid of the purulent-inflammatory process, you can again resort to physical activity. A set of therapeutic exercises will help shorten the rehabilitation period and relieve joint pain.

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises?

To completely get rid of the disease, be persistent and patient - because the result is worth it.

  1. Bubnovsky’s unique technique involves both exercises and regular training on special simulators.
  2. Follow your training schedule to achieve the desired results.
  3. Do the exercises correctly: the main load should fall not on the joint or joint, but on the muscles.
  4. We recommend that you spend your first lessons with a professional trainer.
  5. Don't stop if the pain doesn't go away after the first few sessions.
  6. A visit to the bathhouse and subsequent swimming in the pool or under a cold shower will help eliminate pain.

Article on the topic: Adaptive and joint gymnastics by Bubnovsky - video for beginners

What to do before starting the exercises

The Bubnovsky method allows you to improve your knee joints, get rid of the disease at an early stage of development and stop taking medications.

Dr. Bubnovsky's exercises help restore the elasticity of tissues damaged as a result of injury or inflammation, and also activate the areas involved in the process, resulting in improved metabolism, accelerating recovery and relieving muscle tension.

If you decide to use the method of treating knee joints proposed by Bubnovsky, first do the following:

  • Visit your doctor.
  • Get a complete knee examination for the most accurate diagnosis. Most likely, the doctor will refer you for an x-ray, ultrasound, MRI or sonography.
  • During treatment using the Bubnovsky method, you will have to stop taking medications. Some patients are afraid of this because they fear severe knee pain.
  • If a patient is psychologically dependent on pills, even unconsciously, he should consult a psychologist before starting training.

Stages of the disease in detail

Experts say that the disease has 3 stages of development. At its mildest, the patient experiences minor discomfort during active movements and activities. Osteoarthritis in the knee is accompanied by the accumulation of synovial fluid, which, in turn, provokes the formation of a Baker's cyst. The bones themselves are not affected by the disease and are not deformed, but disturbances occur in the cartilaginous tissues. Doctors use radiography to make an accurate diagnosis. It is very difficult to determine the stages the first time, so secondary diagnosis will be required.

The second degree of pathology significantly damages the cartilage. The same radiography is used and a primary and secondary examination of the knee is performed. In this case, not only deformation of the internal tissues is noticed, but also a change in the bone structure. Pain occurs even when walking, but disappears in an instant when the person stops moving. The first signal indicating the presence of the disease is a loud cracking sound during flexion and extension of the limb.

The third stage is considered gonarthrosis, it is final. The final deformation of bones and cartilage occurs, their structure completely changes. Changes can be seen not only on an x-ray, but also externally. The pain syndrome does not relieve the patient even when he does not move at all.

Indications and contraindications for performing exercises

Bubnovsky’s exercises for knee joints have contraindications that must be taken into account before starting treatment.

Dr. Bubnovsky insists that the correctly chosen method plays a decisive role. Only then will the effectiveness of treatment increase and the condition of the knee joint return to normal.

A positive result is possible only when the patient does not experience irreversible pathological changes.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s set of exercises is ideal for patients at the initial stage of the disease.

Exercises should not be performed in acute forms of arthritis, arthrosis or gonarthrosis, since at the peak of development the load will worsen the condition of the knee joint.

Correct performance of Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics helps reduce the load on joints affected by the pathological process.

Movements become free, enhancing the therapeutic effect. The method also helps with knee pain, since activating movement is the main goal of the technique.

The use of S. M. Bubnovsky’s technique is shown in the following situations:

  • During the rehabilitation period;
  • If the mobility of the diseased joint is impaired;
  • When symptoms of the disease begin;
  • After the injuries.

Description of the pathology

Before starting treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the disease. With arthrosis, the knee joint undergoes deformation, and the cartilage becomes thinner. That is, a suffering person with this disease will find it more and more difficult to move, and at the final stage of gonarthrosis he will not be able to move at all. The functionality of the limbs decreases and gait worsens.

The pathology mainly affects people over 50 years of age. The disease process occurs unilaterally or bilaterally. This is caused by damage to both or one limb. Often young people acquire such diseases due to injury received during physical exercise. Other factors causing this pathology:

  • parallel diseases inside the knee;
  • the appearance of excess body weight;
  • meniscus formation;
  • poor nutrition, which provokes metabolic disorders in the body.

Some experts say that gonarthrosis in the joint occurs during prolonged stress. In this case, both elderly and young people suffer from the disease.

Rules for conducting classes

For numerous beneficial effects, the method has simple rules.

Each exercise is repeated 10 times. To complicate gymnastic exercises and eliminate symptoms of the disease, the number of approaches is gradually increased.

It is important to do the exercises correctly: control your breathing, maintaining the correct rhythm. The exercises should be performed at a low speed, but the patient should listen to the sensations in the knee joint.

Exercises for knee joints according to Bubnovsky

Lying on your back

Take the starting position: lie on your back with your legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend each leg in turn at the knee joint.

Article on the topic: Adaptive and joint gymnastics by Bubnovsky - exercises and videos

Move your heel toward your buttocks, sliding along the floor without lifting your feet off the surface.

If you feel an insurmountable obstacle in your knee joint, help yourself by gently pulling one leg towards your buttock. Lock in this position for a few seconds.

If severe pain occurs, stop performing the exercise.

On all fours

The next exercise is performed while kneeling. Crawl in this position, taking long steps and stretching your arms forward.

Duration of execution – 20 minutes. At the initial stage, use a chair as support. The exercise can be gradually made more difficult.

Lying on your stomach

Lie on your stomach with your torso extended. Make scissor-like movements with your legs.

Watch the amplitude of the swings - it should not be large, especially at the initial stage of knee treatment.


This exercise is recommended to complete the complex for the treatment of knee joints. Starting position: sitting on the floor, pull your foot towards you.

Do the same action with the other foot. Gradually increase stretching forces - this is the most important condition for recovery from arthrosis.

Positive and negative aspects of Bubnovsky’s technique

Physical therapy according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s system is not suitable for everyone, since final recovery requires willpower and daily work.

Advantages of the technique:

  • There is no need to take medications that disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.
  • Improving the general condition of the body.
  • With regular exercise, degenerative changes in the knee joint disappear, and the need for surgery disappears.
  • Gymnastics is also used as a preventive measure against joint diseases.

The disadvantages of gymnastics include the peculiarities of its implementation, so if you want to succeed and recover faster, be prepared to comply with the following points:

  • You will have to do the exercises every day for a long time.
  • Strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor and personal instructor.
  • You will have to overcome the pain, following Bubnovsky's rules of movement.

Patients suffering from constant pain in the back or joints know firsthand what it is:

  1. Regular aching and sharp pains;
  2. Inability to move easily;
  3. Back muscle tension;
  4. Sharp crunching and clicking in joints;
  5. Unpleasant shooting in the spine;
  6. Unreasonable joint pain;
  7. Inability to sit in one position for a long time.

It’s unlikely that anyone is happy with this state of affairs, so quickly familiarize yourself with the irreplaceable technique by watching recordings on YouTube or by personally seeking a consultation at Dr. Bubnovsky’s clinic.

Patient reviews

“I have been suffering from gonarthrosis for more than 10 years. Doctors only know how to nod their heads and prescribe their favorite pills. Completely disillusioned with modern medicine, I began to look for traditional methods. Only after contacting a specialized center, the necessary types of physical activity were selected for me. The doctor highly praised Bubnovsky’s technique, so I decided to try it. It became much better, I threw away almost all the pills.” (Galina, 48 years old).

“I am a sports coach by training. For many years I tried to cure myself of arthrosis with regular gymnastics. It was possible to stop the course of the disease a little, but not to be cured. Having learned the Bubnovsky complex, I not only helped myself, but also began to give advice to other people.” (Alexey, 35 years old).

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